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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295

Calypso lay with her chest on the ground, her eyes widening as she tried to turn her head, wanting to

frown bitterly at Darius but failing; it strained her neck too much to look at Darius. That, however, did

not stop a boiling fury from surging inside her.

The Anderson family suddenly kicked a loud fuss as Darius was about to enter the villa.

He had not dealt with such disarray in a while, so it made him stop, shove his fingers into his ears, and

sigh. Disdain swept past his now steely eyes as he growled, "Although Calypso can no longer speak on

behalf of you, I can't help wondering if she's always been your leader in these past few years."

Darkness shrouded the Anderson family members' faces just then. They could not confirm Darius'

assumption as it was not the truth.

Seeing how everyone fell silent, Benji spoke up. "We haven't kept in touch with them in the many years

that passed. Still, from what we know, not much should've happened on their end."

Lips curling into a smirk, Darius remained unmoving and exclaimed with the utmost seriousness, "Oh...

I see. So, your extended family has existed like tiny and insignificant grains of sand this past decade."

That only darkened the Anderson family members' faces more. Sheer hatred brimmed in their gazes,

plunging into Benji as though they were blades.

However, this time, Benji did not flinch or cower; he merely held his ground and allowed them to

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scrutinize him as much as they wanted. Uninterested in them, Benji met Darius’ gaze with sincerity

while nodding.

"Indeed. They've been just that-sand. That's why I was also taken aback by their sudden appearance

outside Remnard Estate."

Benji also pursed his lips bitterly, thinking he was the biggest fool at that instant because, up until his

family member's intentions got revealed by Darius, Benji had always assumed they were genuinely

here to help Kate out.

He smiled and was friendly, even toward the family members that made things difficult for him in the

past, on the journey here. Alas, they knew about Calypso's plan but did not inform him. The thought of

that alone made Benji clench his jaw.

Among the Anderson family members in the yard was a much older man whose brows drew close as

he marched toward Benji. He took wobbly steps with the aid of his walking stick.

Yet, once he stopped before Benji, he was so enraged that he no longer needed the stick to stand

upright. His features hardened, and he slammed one end of his walking stick against the ground while

yelling at the latter without thinking twice,

"I'm very disappointed in you, Benji! You’ll never rise to your older brother's greatness! Your brother

always put the company first when he was the Anderson Group's chairman! The family’s needs-

whatever they may be- would never hinder him!"

With furrowed brows and curled lips, Benji sneered at the older man’s remarks.

That was the first time Darius saw such an expression coming from Benji. It did not even happen

before when he had irritated the latter. Hence, it fascinated him.

Meanwhile, the man, also the oldest member of the Anderson family, was shocked. He could not

believe Benji would dare sneer at him. Flustered, his cheeks became red as beets while he hit his stick

against the ground again.

"How dare you look at me like that? I’m your elder, which means you should treat me with more


Courage shot throughout Benji's veins at that moment. He boldly met the old man's gaze and replied, "I

wouldn't say such things here if I were you because everyone here can tell I’ve grown tired of your


Furthermore, they know how I'm about to treat you."

He rolled up his sleeve after saying that.

Kate stood aside the entire time. The corners of her lips quirked upward right then, and no matter how

hard she tried, she could not conceal her grin.

That caught the attention of Darius, who could tell Kate was smiling.

Although it intrigued him, he did not want to waste any more time on the Anderson family, so he turned

the other way.

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"Perhaps you guys should discuss how to exact revenge on me first.

Anyway, I have other things to deal with, so I wish you guys the best of luck in your planning," he

cheerily said as though he were commenting on the weather.

The Anderson family members grew tense upon hearing that. They then glowered at Benji in unison,

thundering, "It's all your fault! Why did you stop Calypso from dealing with Darius? If it weren’t for him,

none of US would've come here, and things wouldn't have gotten this bad!"

Benji was baffled, not expecting to be the target of everyone’s anger. He felt like an outcast,

surrounded by his fuming relatives. Still, he firmly believed no one wished they could vanish from this

world more than them.

Only then did Calypso clamber onto her feet and emerge from behind the group. She sustained a

severe wound from getting kicked by Bridget earlier, but she knew this was her best chance at fixing


Thus, she mustered every last bit of strength she had to stand even if her back ached, and she felt like

her lungs had collapsed entirely.

In the meantime, Darius had already begun reviewing the contract in the villa. Opposite him was

Wilson, who kept staring at him with raised brows.

Wilson found everything about Darius was different from the background check he received about the

latter. He parted his lips, wanting to ask Darius what was happening but ultimately decided not to.

On the flip side, Darius had noticed Wilson’s lips opening and closing but did not pay it any mind.

Instead, he speedily flipped through the document on the desk.

While Darius and Wilson finally signed the share transfer agreement, Edward and Erin raced out of a

coffee shop by a random roadside.