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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

The young man looked at Dar

ung man looked at Darius for a brief second before bursting out into laughter. Darius stood still and

watched the man laugh for a few seconds. When the man was done laughing, he wiped a fake tear from

the corner of his eye before speaking.

“What? You want to pay for the shoes?” The young man asked.

Darius remained silent and only stared at the young man, showing how dead serious he was.

“You can‘t be serious. How do you even want to pay for the shoes when you can‘t even afford a decent

pair of shoes?” The young man asked in a mocking tone.

Everyone immediately moved their eyes to Darius‘ shoes. When they saw the worn out shoes he was

wearing, another round of whispering and gossip broke out. “He‘s asking the price for the limited edition

collection shoes while he can‘t even afford a nice pair of shoes?” “I can‘t believe my eyes. What sort of

vanity is that?” “He must be probably trying to impress the lady. After all look at his outfit, plain ordinary.”

The lady who stepped on the young man‘s shoes felt her heart leap to her throat. She didn‘t pay

attention her defender‘s outfit, but when she did the tiniest bit of hope she had about him being able to

pay for the shoes flew out the window.

Although his outfit was very neat and presentable, he didn‘t look like someone who could afford to pay

for the shoes, especially not after she took a look at his worn out shoes.

The young man smirked before speaking. “Sure. I‘ll tell you. This pair of shoes cost 1 million dollars.” The

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young man replied in a haughty tone. Everyone sucked in a deep breath when they heard the price for

the shoes..

1 million dollars?

That was absolutely ludicrous!

There was no way that a pair of shoes would cost 1 million dollars. It was completely unbelievable!

The lady felt tears welling up in her eyes. Now she had really done it this time. She had never seen that

amount of money before in her life, so how would she be able to pay it? Even the young man who was

standing up for her would not be able to pay such a huge sum for the shoes.

The young man smirked as he watched Darius face closely for any change in his expression. Once again

he had made up a lie regarding the price of the shoes. He had made up another falsehood about the

price of the shoes. They didn‘t cost more than $10,000, but he had increased the price by a factor of 100

to entice Darius to go. He assumed that even if Darius had any cash on him, he would not pay such an

outrageous price for a pair of shoes. He didn‘t care

about getting paid for the shoes in the first place. He merely desired to put Darius in his proper place

Darius smirked as he looked at the young man. He wasn‘t a fool. He knew that the other party was

underestimating him and didn‘t believe that he could actually pay 1 million dollars for the shoes, so he

was going to use that to his advantage

“Sure. I‘ll pay the money to you. You must, however, pledge to apologize to the lady appropriately until

she accepts the apology. Deal?” Darius stated, his eyes glimmering with mischief. He was trying to

persuade the young man to accept the deal.

The young smirked before replying to Darius

“I‘ll accept your deal under one condition.” The young man said. He couldn‘t accept a deal where he‘ll be

the only one who would face a penalty.

“You‘ll kneel down and beg for my forgiveness if you don‘t pay the money in five minutes.” the young

man said in a scornful tone.

“Deal.” He didn‘t believe that the young man could actually afford to pay such an amount of money and

was trying to bluff him into accepting the deal.

Darius didn‘t say anything more and brought out his phone. He collected the man bank details and typed

away on his phone.

Everyone watched the scene with rapt attention. They wanted to see the outcome of the drama and not

miss any tiny detail.

Darius raised his head from his phone and smirked.

“It‘s done.” He said confidently.

“It‘s done? What do you mean–?” The young man started, but was cut short by the buzz in his phone. He

brought the phone and looked at it. However, his expression changed from that of pride to one of


<Your bank account xxx have just been credited with a sum of 1 million dollars.>

The young man couldn‘t believe his eyes. The man in front of him could really pay 1 million dollars for a

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pair of shoes?!

His heart began to pound erratically. Anyone who could afford such a large sum of money was not your

average Joe. His parents‘ net worth is unlikely to exceed $5 million. From what he

could see, this person was worth a lot more than his entire family!

“Apologize to her now.” Darius stated coldly. While 1 million dollars would seem extravagant in their

eyes, it was nothing worth mentioning to him. He was going to put this arrogant scumbag in his place

today. The young man scowled when he heard Darius domineering tone. He looked around and saw

many people looking at him intently like he was an animal in a zoo. It was very embarrassing

to see, but then again he had made a deal with Darius. He couldn‘t go back on the deal now.

“I‘m sorry for my behavior earlier. Please accept my apology.” The young man said, bowing lightly to the

lady he slapped several times just a few minutes ago.

What had happened surprised the lady in question. To her, everything seemed like a dream. She was

stunned to learn that her benefactor had a million dollars on his person, and she was even more stunned

to learn that he had spent it on her behalf, on a stranger she had only met today!

The young man‘s head remained bowing for a few minutes, before the lady believed that he was actually

apologizing to her. Not wanting to take the case any further, she quickly accepted his apology.

The young man raised his head up and looked at Darius briefly. Darius remained where he stood with a

smirk on his face. The young man felt his heart squeezing. His pride had been dealt a huge blow today.

He quickly turned back and made his way out of the store.

Several individuals dispersed as soon as he left, but not before casting several glances at Darius. The

drama had come to an end. Unfortunately, the person they had all looked down on had won this fight. It

was completely unexpected.