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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 16
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Chapter 0016

“Calling now to double check and confirm delivery will be during lunch.” | smile as | pull the phone up to my ear.

“I'll drive and you can make sure all the arrangements are made.”


1 confirm my flowers will be delivered during lunch today along with my I'm hoping the secret admirer thing isn’t

too cliche, but | also want to make sure that she knows it’s not from Alpha Liam.

The day goes by slowly approaching lunch time. When the bell rings for lunch, I bolt to the lunchroom. | want a

front row seat. | need to know how she reacts in order to make sure the plans | have for the rest of the week will

work. Otherwise, Ill have to rethink thi

week. | don’t currently have any back up plans, so I'd have to rework and cup with something new if she

hates this and throws my flowers away.

Chase goes to grab lunch for both of us as I sit at my usual spot. | watch as she comes in and sits with Lacey and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jason. My stomach has gone queasy waiting to see how this will go. I've never done anything like this before and

| really want it to work. I'm barely paying attention to the conversation aroundand thankfully, Chase is

carrying the conversation for both of us, when a hush falls in the cafeteria. I look up to see the delivery guy

looking around at the large number of individuals in the cafeteria. | gave a description of her, but there must be

200 shifters in this room right now.

| look back at Cara and see a soft smile grace her face. BINGO!

| watch as the delivery guy approaches her and after ensuring she is Cara Nelson, he hands her the vase filled

with flowers. | watch as her smile turns to a frown of confusion. She asks the guy who it’s from and he says

exactly what | told him to say, that there's a card. | paid extra to make sure everything was exactly as |

requested. I'll call the florist, who is a friend of my mom's, and let her know it was perfect.

| see Jason nudge her to open the card. As she does, the confusion on her face remains, and | can’t help the

smile that starts pulling at my face.

Completely unexpected? Check

Making your girl feel special? Check.

Letting everyone in the room know that someone is actively and intently pursuing her? Double check!


Lacey gives the expected female swoon. | see her asking if they know who it is. Of course they don’t. Only Chase

and | know that | sent them. Chase nudgeswith his elbow discreetly and givesa thumbs up under the

table so no one else can


| watch as she looks around the cafeteria trying to figure out who it is until her eyes meet mine. ‘Oh baby, you

ain’t seen nothin’ yet’ | think as | watch a slight pink tinge rise on her cheeks. It sends a direct line of fire to my

cock which goes rock hard. | wonder what other ways | could make her cheeks go pink.

I shift in my seat uncomfortably, trying to ease the ache in my jeans which suddenly feel much too tight.

| follow her as she gathers her belongings, including the flowers and heads to the door. I'm about to go back to

eating, when | hear her parting comment. Gon baby!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After school, | head over to the finest restaurant in three towns where | meet with the owner and set up my next

request. When all those arrangements are made. and | have ensured that it will be done exactly as | have

requested, | head home.

Chase is picking up the slack this week for training, but I run upstairs to my room and change quickly before

joining in the last hour. I'll need to increase my workouts since I'll be missing training a lot this week, but I'll

figure it out. | only have one week to make my intentions known so I'm going to take full advantage.

After checking in with mom that she will fulfill her part tomorrow, | head to bed. | fall asleep late at night,

thinking of the smile | put on my girl's face today.

Cooper Author

| would love to know if your impression of Rik is changing or if it’s staying the same. Leave a comment and let



Chapter 0017