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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 Sixty-Nine

Killian's point of view

I had left my office, already making my way to Sheila's chamber when I was mind-linked by Jax and

Allen in a hurry. Their voices were in a frenzy. The only thing I registered was that Thea was in danger.

Fuck. I couldn't think straight. I swerved from Sheila's chamber and moved hastily to Thea's chamber

which was at another end of the castle.

It was from a near distance away I could smell and see the smoke that escaped from the hallways. My

heart jammed with an unfamiliar wave of fearful emotions as my legs hastened closer, Morgan and

Mason were already there, trying to put the fire out. I rushed into her wide chamber, everything had

almost been consumed by the fire, my heart rose in panic within my chest, as my eyes scanned around

for Thea. I found her, she was lying motionlessly in the middle of the room. My legs hurried to her as

the fire around was still blazing harder even with the warriors' attempt to put it off.

"Thea," I pulled her face into my palm, but she didn't respond to my call, her body was already

smeared with black dirt, there were even some burns on her skin. Fear nipped at me, and without

hesitating, I chuckled Thea's almost still, and petite body into my arms, rushing her out of the fire. I

motioned quickly to the spare chamber closest to her, I dropped her petite body on the bed.

"Thea," I tried getting her to wake up but she was not responding. It terrified me. Quickly, I sent for the

Pack's physician at once. In less than a minute, Maggie rushed in with one of her assistants in the

pack. She gaited to the bed where Thea was in my arms. She didn't even waste any time or ask any

questions before she started inspecting Thea. And soon, I was asked to leave the room so they would

tend to her better. A deep hiss left my lips, as I shut the door behind me, leaving Thea in the hands of

the Pack's doctor and her assistants.

I couldn't help but blame myself. This was all my fault. It was my fault that Thea was in that state

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because of me. I collapsed on the floor, burying my face in my palm. I felt my brother Morgan walk

slowly toward me.

"What happened?" I asked him. "How did a fire break out in Thea's chamber?" It just didn't make any

sense. The only explanation was maybe someone started the fire deliberately. But why? For what

exactly? Thea was valuable to the pack and me, losing her would only mean we will be stuck with this

curse forever.

"I am not sure what you are thinking, brother," Morgan started, his voice forcing me to stare at him. "But

I doubt someone tried to murder her."

"So, the fire started by itself then?" I asked back, and Morgan sighed, leaning against the wall.

"Possibly, because there is no sign of forced entry. And besides, who will want to murder Thea?"

Morgan spoke calmly, almost in an exhausted or bored tone.

I looked away from him. No one in the pack would want to murder her, she was the only way we can

break the crescent curse on us. She was truly one of the nicest, and sweetest females I knew. The only

person who could want her dead was the monster who murdered her family and almost killed her as


I first met Thea in the woods, a near distance from my pack. She was bleeding profusely, and her life

was in danger. We managed to get her to the pack physician just in time. That day, I never knew the

young female I saved was the one gifted by the goddess, the very soul who could free me from the

curse and had always appeared in my dreams for the longest.

I was only fourteen when I was cursed by my father, fourteen-odd years ago, and shortly after, the

dreams started. It was very unusual. At first, I didn't understand the dream, it was more like a sexual

dream where I always found myself making love to someone, a female. She didn't belong to my pack,

her scent was so unique and different, like nothing I have ever smelled before. It had me intoxicated,

and weak to my knees that the only thing I wanted was to pleasure her. To make love to her in the best

possible way. But in every dream, I didn't see her face. Her soft natural curls always covered her face,

and whenever I tried to sweep it back to gaze at the face of the woman that made me feel things, I

ended up waking abruptly from my dream. Every fucking time.

But the dreams stopped the day I found Thea bleeding in the woods. And for the first time that night, I

saw the face of the woman who had always invaded my dreams, whose god-like body always made

me want to worship her, whose moans were like music to my soul and her soft gasps did more wonders

to me than I could ever explain. That woman was Thea, and fate would have it, she walked right into

my path at the time I needed her the most.

Oh, Goddess. Thinking about Thea and my past made me more guilty than I was. She didn't deserve

all this. She deserved better. She deserved all the love she could get. It was not easy for her to lose her

family all in one day. I could still remember the day she told me about her past. I could see nothing but

pain in those brown depths of hers.

Her entire family was murdered by an Alpha. She said it was from her previous pack. That asshole

killed her entire family and was still after her life. But thankfully she escaped. I wanted so badly to find

that imbecile and murder him with my bare hands, but she wouldn't give me his name, nor the name of

her previous pack. She said she wanted to forget it all, her past and her sadness. And for a short while,

she did, but lately, that familiar sadness had taken dominance in her brown gaze, and it was all my


I did this to her. I brought nothing but pain and sadness to her life. I really didn't want to hurt her. But

the sad truth was, I didn't feel anything for her. I sighed in frustration. Everything was so fucking

complicated. My life was utterly complicated. I had two women in my life, both of which I didn't want to

hurt. One was my mate, whom I loved so much, and the other was the one gifted by the goddess, the

one I needed. This was frustrating.

I felt Morgan's hand on me, but before I could look his way, the door to where Thea was, pushed open

and Maggie stepped out with her assistants.

I was up on my feet. "How is she?" I asked, I didn't have the strength to bear any negative news.

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"Thankfully, the fire didn't do much damage to her. She just needs rest. In no time, she will be back to

herself." Maggie explained gently.

"Thank you," I said when Maggie was done. "Can I see her now?"

She nodded in response. I turned to glance at Morgan, whose gaze was on me, it seemed like he had

something to say, but I couldn't listen to anything right now. I just wanted to make sure that Thea was

alright and out of danger.

I left Maggie, and Morgan together, strutting into the chamber where Thea was. She looked so peaceful

on the bed, curled up under the covers. I could see some of the burnt wounds on her skin, but

thankfully, she'll heal in no time.

I plopped on the bed, positioning myself next to her sleeping figure. The skin around her eyes was

strained and tired from crying too much. My large hand moved to her face and I began to stroke it


To my surprise, she stirred slowly on the bed, groaning from too much pain. A painful cry left her lips,

but I held her firmly in my arms.

"Shhh. Do not move too much," I told her quietly. Thea's big, and rounded eyes pulled open and her

brown irises were on me.

"Killian," She choked a sob, and I pushed back some locks of her brown hair that covered her face. I

forced a smile, hiding the pain I felt seeing her in this state.

She tried to look around the chamber, but instead, groaned in pain. She held onto my shirt tightly, and I

wrapped my large arms around her.

"Killian, I really thought I would die." She said, sobbing into my chest.

"Do not say that, Thea." I pulled away a little, bringing my finger to her chin. I raised it gently, so I could

stare at her perfectly. "Tell me, what happened? Who started the fire, Thea?" I queried.

Thea's gaze became softer, and her eyes welled more in tears. "I will tell you, Killian," She muttered

counting each word. Strangely, I felt my heart hammer against my chest at the words that were about

to leave her lips.