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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 Fifty-One

Sheila's point of view

Finally, we made it back home, to our territory. I could feel the tension ease up around us as everyone

sighed in relief.

We approached the castle. Many of the pack members and warriors crowded around. Their eyes held

relief to have everyone back safely.

Kaleb, Jax, Nate, and some warriors rushed closer to us, embracing Killian.

Ria rushed to me, embracing me while some warriors and members surrounded me. It really touched

me to know they were worried about me. I noticed some of them were truly relieved to have me back,

but they kept a safe distance from me, especially the males, probably because of Killian, who glued

himself next to me.

Suddenly, a high-pitched scream sounded from the castle doors, gaining everyone's attention.


I turned just in time to see Thea rush out staring at Killian as if she didn't believe he was right there

before her eyes. I don't know why, but her expression seemed all fake, as though she had rehearsed it

multiple times before stepping out.

I felt my spine stiffen as she ran straight into Killian's arms, holding him tightly like I wasn't even next to


I completely lost it. Adie was growling angrily in my head, clawing her way out; if only she'd just come

out, and we would give Thea exactly what she deserved.

"I was so worried about you," Thea said.

I felt angrier than I ever have. Usually, whenever Thea was with Killian, I always tried to bear the pain

and look away, but today, I felt rage and a certain possessiveness that was a second away from rising

to the surface.

I felt everyone's eyes on me. They all wanted to see my reaction to Thea in Killian's arms, but through it

all, my eyes remained on Killian, as his deep amber eyes turned on me.

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Killian cleared his throat abruptly.

His hands that were at his sides pulled up to Thea, but instead of wrapping his hands around her like

he normally does, he gently pulled her away, making me smile. His eyes were now on her.

"I am fine. There's no need to worry." Killian removed his hands from her body, his eyes flashing on

mine briefly, before moving to the warriors. "We should all wash up and rest. The last few hours have

been exhausting." He said, instructing Ria to escort me in while he left with Morgan, Allen, and Mason.

I was about to leave with Ria, but I found Thea's heated eyes on me. I glanced her way, and she was

staring at me intensely.

"Everyone has been worried about Killian." She blocked my path. "He almost lost his life because of

you. Do you know what that means for the pack? If something had happened to him, everyone would

suffer the same fate as well."

I sighed, shaking my head. "I could explain this to you, but there's no way you'll ever be able to

understand the bond Killian and I share. He came after me because I am his mate, the only one that

has his heart." I paused, taking in Thea's surprised stare. She probably didn't expect me to talk back to


Her brown eyes sparkled with rage and a little confusion as if something was utterly surprising. Well,

that wasn't far-fetched from the truth. Something indeed has changed. I had. I had finally come to my

senses. It was time to draw a clear line between Thea and me. She had deluded herself for far too

long, and I will ensure she's aware of exactly why she's here and what she meant to Killian and the

pack. She's here only for the curse and nothing more.

"Listen to me, slut. Don't fool yourself into thinking Killian cares about you." Thea began, but I cut her

off with a laugh.

Her brow furrowed as she pondered what I found amusing and hilarious.

"You know what, I think you've been deluding yourself, thinking you have a place in Killian's heart and

in this pack." I smiled. "You are only here because of the curse, Thea. And that's it. As soon as your

purpose here is fulfilled, I swear to the goddess, you will be out of this pack and out of Killian's life." I

held a smile for her, side-stepping her as Ria and I walked through the castle doors, heading for my


"Oh, my goddess, Sheila I have never seen you that furious, especially with Thea." Ria rushed in-

between with a laugh, her hands linking with my arm.

I simply smiled. "I only told her what she needed to hear," I said to Ria, swerving to her. "Did anything

happen while we were away?" I queried, as we took a turn into the hallway, heading to my chamber.

"Not at all. Everyone was busy worrying about you and Alpha Killian." Ria chimed sharply before

snapping her fingers as if suddenly remembering something.

"What is it?" I spoke quickly, my eyes were on her.

"Shoot! I almost forgot. When patrolling last night, Jax and some warriors caught a spy within our

territory." She informed me

My brows furrowed. "A rogue?"

Ria shook her head. "No. But I have no idea which pack he belongs to. The warriors locked him up in

the dungeons and have been torturing him since last night." She paused, her eyes suddenly holding

fear. "Everyone is worried though. The warriors think the spy has been hiding in the mountains within

our territory for a long time."

"What?" I was left speechless. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I guess he was pretty silent. But that's not even what's worse; it seems during the time

he's been hiding in the mountains he found out about the curse."

"How can that be?"

"Most probably the time when the Alpha went on a rampage, if he had been in our territory then, there's

absolutely no way he wouldn't have noticed anything."

I placed a hand over my lips. This was bad. The truth about Killian's curse has been hidden from the

world. If this spy knows about the curse, that means whoever sent him may know about it as well.

As we reached my chamber, the first thing I went for was a relaxing shower. After that, Ria was sweet

enough to bring some food over for me.

We chatted as I ate through my food. When I was done, I fell asleep from exhaustion.

By the time I woke up, it was already nightfall. I got out of bed and looked around the castle for Killian.

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But I couldn't find him. The helpers informed me he was in his office.

I made my way straight to Killian's office. I reached for the door as soon as I was there. I pulled it open,

finding Killian in the office. He was with Jax and Allen. They just concluded a meeting. Jax and Allen

lowered their heads at me before exiting through the door.

I shut it tightly, my blue eyes falling on Killian. He looked terrible, still wearing clothes from our journey.

It seemed like he hadn't even been to his chamber or taken a rest yet. I walked closer to his table,

noticing his pale face and worried eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, moving around his table to his chair. I could see the fear and worry all over


As soon as I stopped before him, Killian pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist with his

head resting on my stomach.

I placed my hand on his silken blonde hair. "What happened?" I asked again.

"Nothing. It's just—" He stopped talking, inhaling my scent. "A spy was caught in our territory, and it

seems like he knows a lot about us." Killian dug me deeper into him.

"About the curse?" I muttered. He pulled away a little, his deep amber eyes peering up at me.

"Yeah, though he still remains adamant in admitting anything yet."

"Do you know which pack he belongs to?" I asked.

Killian shook his head. "No. It seems he just went rogue. He doesn't have the scent of any pack or the

stench of a rogue yet. So, it's difficult to know exactly where he came from. But we will find out. What

worries me more is knowing that someone out there knows about the curse. That isn't good. And it will

put everyone in the pack in danger."

I held him tightly. I could feel his pain. Killian looked so worried. I placed a hand on his cheek,

caressing it gently.

He leaned into my touch, and I lowered myself into his arms, pressing my lips to his.

Killian's arms covered me completely, kissing me back.

I pulled away to meet his gaze. "Don't worry, we will figure it out," I said assuring. I had no idea how

things would work out, but I was sure as hell willing to help out. The only question that seemed to bug

me was who could have sent that spy here into Killian's territory?