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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30 Thirty

Sheila's point of view

I was strolling down the castle grounds, loving the feel of the cool evening breeze against my skin. I

was just returning from Killian's office. I had spent all day there, enclosed in the same space as my

mate. Even though we were literally at both ends of his large office, what mattered more was that I was

slowly getting involved in the matters of the pack. Even when Morgan, Mason, Allen, and a few other

ranked warriors had returned for the meeting, I remained in the office. He briefed them on what

transpired at the council's meeting and also told them about the ritual the witches were going to

conduct to find some magical stone.

A greater part of my attention was on the books and journals I was reading through that contained

everything about the pack, down to its history. Even though it was all pack business, I couldn't deny the

truth that, like an idiot, I loved being near him. His presence and scent always seem to calm me.

I released an inward smile, roving towards Valerie's bedroom. I closed my eyes, focusing on the

presence at the back of my head. "Adie?" I called, concentrating hard to connect with my wolf.

Her sudden presence surprised me last night. Usually, young wolves get their wolf counterpart when

they turn sixteen, but mine never came. I had no idea why, and my father never cared to seek help

from the pack healers. When I turned eighteen and still had no wolf, I gave up on the possibility of

having one. I considered it some kind of punishment from the goddess.

Valerie was right; the constant ache was a result of Adie. She was trying to reach out to me. To connect

with me and now that I know there's a possibility that I can have my wolf counterpart, I'm determined to

do whatever it takes.

I called out to her again, I could hear faint whispers, but couldn't make out what she was saying. It was

enough for me to know she was somewhere in there.

I reached Valerie's spell room, knocking at the door.

Instantly, it opened for me. I walked in. I glanced around the room until my eyes landed on Valerie. She

glanced my way from the far end of the room. Her bright purple eyes twitched brightly. "Come in. I was

expecting you. I heard you were looking for me."

I moved closer to where she was.

"Yes, I did." I examined everything that stood on the table in front of her, as she kept watching me.

"Last night I was able to communicate with my wolf," I said, "more like I was finally able to hear her."

"But I was told you weren't with one."

"That's what I thought as well, but it turns out I had one after all. I can feel her presence, but I want to

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be able to access my wolf."

Valerie's purple eyes examined me. "I can surely help with that, Luna."

Her words made my heart beat ecstatically. I pressed my lips in a smile, "Thank you really," My gaze

fell on the table, and then back to her. "Did you manage to get anything from Rowan's corpse?"

"Regrettably, we weren't able to get anything, other than the obvious fact that he was murdered by a

witch," she responded, crossing to the other end of the room, grabbing some witch's ingredients from

the shelf.

I watched her closely. "Is that for the spell to find the stone?"

Her gaze shot to mine. "A part of it, but a lot more will be needed to find that stone before the Dark

Circle does."

I heard Killian speaking about the Dark Circle during the meeting. I didn't know much about them, but I

heard some stories about them from the servants back at the Silver Mist Pack. They spoke a lot about

them and the Council, even though my father, Alpha Lucius, belonged neither to the Council nor was

he a part of the Dark Circle.

I spent some time in Valerie's spell room before retreating to my chamber. As exhausted as I was, I

retired for the night.


My eyes squeaked open in shock at the heavy pounding on my door. I jerked up on my bed, my eyes

scanning my room. The heavy knock came again. I peered through the draperies covering the window.

It wasn't morning yet, almost at the peak of midnight.

I pulled out from the warm covers, shuddering at the chilly air that feasted on my skin. The nights were

getting colder as winter slowly crept in.

I strutted to the door. Unlocking it, I found Ria just outside the door about to knock on it again.

"Ria," I was shocked. I looked around the lonely corridor, but there was no one else. "Did something


"I apologize for disturbing your sleep, but Alpha Killian requested that I fetch you from your chamber."

My long lashes fluttered against each other. "It's midnight. Why on earth would he ask for me?"

Ria shook her head, not knowing.

I shut my door shut, following Ria. Instead of heading to Killian's office, she led me out the castle doors

into the cold night.

I felt my skin vibrate from the cold air lashing. We walked into the woods, a faint outline of the moon

accompanying our every step. Soon, Ria and I burst out into a wide field. Up ahead was a shirtless

Killian. He had his back on us. As if sensing our presence, he whipped his neck in our direction.

"Thank you, Ria," he said, his throaty voice blending into the moonlight haze.

Ria bowed her head to him, turning to face me. She sent a worried look my way before retreating

through the path we emerged from.

After watching her back fade into the woods, I turned my gaze on Killian. He had his eyes on the

weapons that were lined up in front of him.

I couldn't deny I felt my heart double-beat. Strangely, a little fear crept into my chest. I glanced

suspiciously at my surroundings. We were in the middle of the woods, and only the light from the moon

did well to illuminate the surroundings.

What the hell were we doing here?

My hands wrapped around my body, trying to provide whatever warmth they could, at the same time

trying to quell the subtle trembling that had me. Even though Killian detested me, he couldn't possibly

be capable of murdering me, right?

I couldn't halt the bizarre thoughts that rose in my mind.

Killian turned to me. I couldn't see his eyes clearly; they were completely dark from the darkness. He

was staring right back at me.

Slowly, he gripped the half-length sword in front of him and began moving toward me. His hold on the

sword was firm and frightening. In a flash, he swallowed the distance between us, taking a step closer

to me. Without thinking, I took several steps backward in fear. My legs were trembling harder while my

fear grew.

Killian bridged the gap between us, and before I could move again, his large hand gripped my wrist,

pulling me closer to him.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're having stupid thoughts like me calling you out here to murder you."

His voice was smooth and teasing.

But my drumming heartbeat didn't slow down. "W-why am I here then?"

He sighed. I couldn't see his face clearly, but something told me he was smirking as well.

He led me back to where the weapons were meticulously arranged.

"I told you I would be the one training you instead."

His words made my eyes shoot up. "Wait, you called me here for —"

"To begin your training," he completed, sounding serious.

I looked around at the darkness surrounding us. "Are you serious, Killian? It's fucking midnight."

"And the perfect time to train," he muttered, his eyes gliding from my head to my toes.

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"Are you going to train in those?"

"Well, if I had known I was coming to train, I would have worn something different."

"That's fine. You could wear something else next time," he said, crossing his hands on his bare chest.

His actions drew my attention to his naked upper half.

I bit my lower lip to prevent any noise from escaping. Killian was the epitome of God's perfect

masterpiece. He was a man made by the gods in their image. My eyes trailed from his neck, which

stood on the broadest shoulders I've seen down to his chest and his abs.

I found an internal warmth spreading through my body, touching me in places. My breathing became


"My eyes are up here," Killian's voice broke into my thoughts. Instantly, my eyes shot up to meet him. I

averted his gaze sharply, feeling my cheeks hot.

"Let's just begin," I said.

"First I need to know how much you've learned," He threw the short-length sword at me. I managed to

catch it before it kissed the earth.

I blinked from the sword to him.

"You don't exactly have your wolf, so you must find something else to protect yourself. Something that

can aim as well as kill," He pointed at the sword, sounding as though he was training me for war


"Shouldn't we at least begin with a crafted sword instead?"

"No," he sounded firm. "That's just fine, now show me what you've got."

I wielded the sword in my hands. Killian gestured at me to strike and I did. In a swift motion, he hit the

sword from my grasp, his hand clutching my neck, slamming me against the tree.

"You are not fighting against a human, Sheila. You may be up against a wolf, a vampire, or any other

kind of creature. Your grip should be firm," He was speaking, but I swear I stopped listening to him a

long time ago. My traitorous heart had picked up a race, and my body was a second away from melting

in Killian's arms.

His scorching breath on me wasn't helping my case, as my body had a mind of its own. I placed a hand

on Killian's chest, and at my action he stopped moving, his hold on my neck softening, and his body

pressing hard against my own. His hand on my neck slowly moved up to my face, then got lost in my


He leaned closer to me, and my hand walked up to his neck when it felt a certain roughness in his skin.

My eyes darted to the spot, and my eyes widened. "What happened to you, Killian?"

I looked up to meet his gaze, turning dark and furious.