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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 Sixteen

Killian's Point Of View

Sheila had been missing for hours, and no one had seen her leave the castle, but that was all over

when Allen mind-linked me, informing me that my mate, Sheila, had been found.

"Mate has returned," Ryker said. I could feel him growl in excitement. It was a great relief that she was

found. I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been found, or worse, if something bad had

happened to her. I immediately rushed to meet her.

There she stood. She looked really tired and her brown hair was a mess, but she looked pretty. I felt

the urge to pull her in for a long hug, but those thoughts completely went up in flames as soon as I saw

who her companion was. It was Morgan. My little brother

He has returned, but why? And most importantly, what in hell was he doing with my mate? A surge of

anger took over me as I walked towards both of them, my gaze unmoved from Morgan.

"Hello brother, miss me?" He spoke with a smirk plastered on his face. For reasons I really wish I could

forget, we haven't seen each other in a long time. We needed to talk, alone with no interruptions. My

gaze fell on Sheila who looked surprised to find out Morgan and I were brothers.

"Brielle!" I called out, and she answered almost instantly. "Escort Sheila back to her chamber and make

sure she remains there. Is that clear? " I ordered, while Brielle nodded, taking Sheila away. We all

returned back to the castle, and now it was only me and Morgan that remained.

"Why are you back?" I asked, cutting the bull shit and getting straight to the point. He must have

returned for a reason.

"Killian, your brother finally returned, and the first thing you ask is, 'Why am I back?' Don't be so cruel,"

he said, with a smile.

"That wasn't answering my question, Morgan," I sounded, getting annoyed with his response.

"I came back to be around my brother. Why? Am I not allowed to do that anymore? " He laughed, but I

found it hard to believe he just came back after all this time just to see me. There was something else

he had in mind, as there always was. I still can't forget all that happened the last time he was here.

"What were you doing with my mate?" I asked, wondering why the hell he was around her.

"Your mate? That is quite different from what she told me," He had an amusing smirk on. It was

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irritating. But I couldn't help but wonder what Sheila must have said about me. I sighed, knowing it will

be all, but good.

"I ran into her in the forest, and then we were attacked by a bunch of vicious rogue wolves. She is

really too kind but very angry at you. What did you do to her to cause her to run away from you the first

chance she got? " Morgan said with a laugh. He sure was having fun.

"That's nothing you should be worried about. Just stay away from her. Is that clear?" I said, not wanting

to discuss my mate with him, but, for what it is worth, I was thankful for him being around to protect her.

"Sure, whatever you say, brother," he said, "I'm really tired from my travels. I need time to rest now."

"I mean it, Morgan." I warned him.

"Yeah, whatever" Morgan said, leaving my office. I took a deep breath, heading to Sheila's chamber.


Sheila's point of view

I was alone in my room, fixated on the edge of the bed. I still haven't recovered from the shock that

Morgan was Killian's brother.

I knew it was only a matter of time before Killian came charging through the door. Oh my God! He will

never forgive me for trying to escape. I felt my pulse plummeting, my heart striking so fast that it

caused me to breathe heavily.

I vibrated in fear at the rough manner in which the door burst open. But I forced my body to stop

trembling, my eyes slowly moving to Killian. I pressed my lips tightly together to stop the whimpers that

wanted to be heard while under his dark, menacing glare.

Killian stalked towards me, each heavy step of his leaving a hard thud in my chest. I felt my headaches

intensify. He was before me, glaring hard, his breathing labored. In a flash, he reached for me, pinning

me in his arms, shooting cold glares at me.

"How dare you?" were his words. They held an unmistakable rage. His veins were out.

I couldn't speak; I didn't know exactly what to say. His grip on me tightened, and swiftly I felt my back

against the cold, unfeeling wall, but Killian's hold on me was anything but rough.

"Answer me, Sheila." He growled, frustratingly, his eyes sinking into my soul. Aside from being angry,

he was frustrated and in pain. But why?

Shouldn't he be happy that I helped him get rid of me?

But I didn't voice my sentiments.

I gasped. As his lips hovered on mine, I could feel his heated breath, his scent possessing me while his

body pressed hard on mine. His eyes darkened with lust and need. I felt a similar emotion shoot

through my blood. The air around us was charged with an unfamiliar electricity.

"How dare you try to escape from me!"

"Why do you care?" I managed to bite out, trying to hold on to my fading sanity. I didn't want to give in;

it always ended up with me being miserable and in tears. "I don't belong to you, Killian. I curse the

moon goddess for binding me to you."

His eyes flashed red. Suddenly, he smirked. "You are wrong, mate." He drew closer, his gorgeous

smirk deepening, but I fought myself from giving in. "You do belong to me." Killian's finger trailed my

round face. I snatched my face from his burning touch.

He forcefully grabbed my face, but his hold was light and somewhat gentle in contrast to his glares.

Killian leaned closer, and his lips brushed mine slowly. It caused a gasp to leave my lips. "Your soul

and your body are all mine."

His words sent anger into my bones. "Never, Killian, as long as you have a lover, I'll never be yours,

and I won't stop trying till I'm finally out of this hellhole you've trapped me in."

The look in his eyes gave me great satisfaction. I saw a flicker of hurt. I tried sidestepping him, but he

gripped me, pushing me onto the bed. He was on top of me.

Swiftly, Killian kissed me, possessively. His tongue was tasting my mouth and his lips were assaulting


I was barely able to keep up with him. The feeling of pleasure exploded within me. I wanted to have my

hands on his body, but my logical reasoning was kicking against it.

I forced myself out of this madness. I couldn't just keep kissing him when he clearly didn't want me. I

wouldn't stoop that low. I shouldn't.

I placed a hand on his chest to try and push him away, but he only firmed his kisses. My body was

becoming too hot, and it was getting difficult to breathe.

My stomach stirred with a fluttering feeling, and suddenly, somewhere between my legs demanded

attention, Killian's attention.

I tried to close my legs, but Killian noticed my action. He positioned his legs between mine, his lips

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never breaking from mine.

He began to move on me, sensually grinding his hips to mine, his hard member rubbing my clit.

Fuck, I lost it. I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my lips, and I found myself subconsciously

responding to his stimulation, grinding my hips to his.

"Ah, Killian." Another moan left my lips, and I gripped onto Killian's shirt.

He finally released my lips but kept rubbing his hard member on my treasured place.

I hated the slow rhythm we were moving at. I wanted all of him inside me.

"Killian, please, don't stop." I clutched onto his neck like my life depended on it.

His lips feasted on my neck, then on my ears. "You belong to me, Sheila. I alone am capable of making

you feel this way. Your moans and body belong to me."

I nodded hastily.

His rhythm picked up at an insane speed that caused my legs to tremble, and the area between my

legs turned moist.

"That's right, baby. You're all mine." Killian was out of breath as well. He whispered in my ears, pleasing

my body.

I felt my nails dive into his flesh as I felt myself explode.

I was breathing hard, my body in a frenzy, my legs shaking. I felt the wetness that flowed down my legs

as his movement on me came to a halt. Killian was unmoving, still on me. He pulled his head to mine,

allowing me to gaze into his eyes. They were beautiful, and they seemed to want me as much as I

wanted him.

Immediately, his lips broke into a smirk, pecking my lips. His haughtiness reminded my soul of my rage.

"Get off of me." My mind was clearer now. I mustered the courage and pushed the idiot off of me.

He pulled away. "Whatever you say, mate." He was still smirking, infuriating me greatly. "And next time

you get some crazy idea of escaping, think twice about it."

He scanned my body once more, before he stormed out of my chamber. I sighed, falling onto the bed. I

couldn't believe what just happened between Killian and I. My body was still in a frenzy. I hated Killian

the more for being able to make me feel this way.

"I hate you, Killian Reid," I whispered to myself, deep down doubting my own words.