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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 96
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"What the fuck was that?" Gavin asks as both he and Declan stare at me as though I've grown two heads.
"What was what?" I'm confused as to why everybody is acting as though none of them have ever ripped the heart of another wolf
"What you did to Tiffany..." It's Declan's turn to speak up.
Placing my hands on my hips, I look back to where they are wrapping the dead she-wolf's body up so they can take her to the
border. Declan had contacted Alpha Tate this morning to have him. send any kin of Tiffany's to pick up her body. Apparently, she
only had an aunt, uncle and two male cousins as family, so Alpha Tate is sending the two cousins to pick her body up at the
border, so they can have their own burial for her.
"I don't understand what the issue is. Did I do something wrong?" I ask looking back and forth between the two of them.
"You're telling us that you have absolutely no idea what you did?" Gavin's expression is incredulous. I shake my head as a
response, "Quinn, we barely even saw you turn around, let alone see Tala's paw shoot out!"
I laugh, "What are you saying?"
"What Gavin is saying, Quinn, is that you moved with lightning. speed. I've never seen that happen before." Declan grins widely,
"It was truly unbelievable!"
Gavin scowls at his cousin. "Yeah, and truly irresponsible! What if the wrong person saw that happen? I don't know how it was
possible and maybe it was just a fluke, but you need to watch. yourself, Quinn. Not everyone will be understanding."
"So, I'm fast, I don't see the issue..." I trail off as I watch Gavin's expression turn to a concerned one. He truly looks scared about
this, "Okay, I will be more careful." I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him to me until I feel his arms come around me.
He kisses the top of my head, "I love you Quinn, and I can't have anything happening to you, ever again."
"I promise, Gavin, I will not let that happen again, at least not on purpose. I hadn't realized that I did it this time. It must have just
been an adrenaline rush. You know like those humans who can lift really heavy stuff when something bad happens; it has to be
"Yeah, maybe you're right." He murmurs against my head, "How about we head home, we have a long day tomorrow."

"Hm, sounds good."
Gavin and I spend the rest of the day with Asher. We figure since we will be pretty busy tomorrow, and not get much time in with.
him, we might as well do it today. We spend our time taking a walk. and just spending some quality time in the Alpha suites
together. Laying on the bed and talking baby gibberish to a week-old pup doesn't seem like much fun, but it's amusing seeing
him look. around when each of us talk. He's learning our voices and turning his head already when he hears one of us talking.
He's a very smart pup already.
When Ash starts to fuss for his feeding, I get him to latch on to one breast while Gavin hooks up the pump to the other, trying to
stock up on extra for emergencies. He always loves to fondle my breast before applying the pump, making me chuckle and
shake. my head each time as he grins. He's so devilishly handsome, especially when he grins, and he knows that the look he's
giving me right now is the same one that's going to get him laid just as soon as Ash is done feeding and is sleeping.
My future mate doesn't miss a step, and as soon as Ash is out, Gavin carefully takes him from my breast while I detach the
pump. I don't bother closing my shirt because he's only going to open it back up anyway. At least this way he doesn't have to rip
Gavin comes back into the room after taking Ash to his crib, "Are you ready to practice for tomorrow night?" He slides himself
onto the bed and latches onto my breast just like his son had, except he's not trying to get milk.
"Mm, do you think we need the practice? I thought it was already perfect." I moan as his hand finds its way into my leggings.
"Yes, but it won't hurt to strive for better." He mumbles against my chest.
I laugh out loud, "Where do you come up with some of this stuff?"
"What? As an Alpha you should always be putting in that extra mile, don't you think?" He moves to my other breast.
"Uh huh, if you say so Alpha."
"Oh, I do! Do you want to know what else I say?"
"If you don't have these pants off in the next ten seconds, I'm going to rip them off you."
"Rip away tiger..."

"Wrong species, sweet cheeks. Call me a pussy again and see where that gets you." He begins to kiss down my stomach as we
banter back and forth.

"Mm, is that a threat or a promise?" I bite my bottom lip as he gets. to the waistline of my leggings.
"Whatever you want it to be, baby." Having said that, he yanks at the material, tearing them down until he can get to my crotch,
but he isn't satisfied because my panties are still in the way. Making quick work, he relieves me of any clothing from the waist
down, "There, much better."
I rake my eyes over his still fully clothed form and raise a brow, "Um, you want to explain to me how we are going to rock out
without your cock out?"
His shit-eating grin appears, and he quickly pulls his shirt off, before pulling his jeans off, "Have I ever told you how much I love.
your dirty talk? It's so sassy and raw; it makes this guy throb like never before." He strokes his cock as he kneels on the bed.
I crawl over to him, taking him into my mouth like a starved woman. Grabbing hold of his ass cheeks, I bob my head as fast as I
can taking him in deeper and deeper. He grunts and his fingers. tangle in my hair, but he doesn't force my head, he never forces
it. I can feel his cock start to swell, and I want to taste him so badly, but he pulls me off him as he pants really hard.
"Naughty girl, I didn't say I wanted to come in your mouth. No this is reserved for that gorgeous cunt of yours."
"Well, what are you waiting for then? I'm not getting any younger you know." I smirk up at him as he growls and then before I
know it, I'm on all fours and he's thrusting into me.
"Better? Is this the way my Luna wants to be fucked?" His dirty words go straight to my core, and I start coming already, "Oh,
that must be a yes, then." He takes hold of the hair at my nape and pounds into me even harder.
"Fuck Gavin...yes! Deeper..."
Pushing my head into the mattress, so my ass is a bit higher, it's just the right position that he needs to get deeper, and boy does
he get deep, "Fuck..." he growls as he hammers into me from behind, "You feel so fucking good, Quinn."
I can't even talk right now. He is so deep and he's hitting it so hard. that I'm doing everything I can not to cry out and let myself
go. I can already tell how this is going to end. The moment he reaches. around, though, and starts rubbing my clit, I lose it all and
let myself go, squirting all over, "Ohhh....ARGH!!"

"That's what I'm talking about, fuck yes!" A few more deep thrusts and he holds himself deep inside, his release painting my
insides with his seed.
We both drop down to the mattress, breathing really hard. Turning our heads, we stare at one another and start laughing and
panting at the same time.
"Wow, that was amazing!" I turn my eyes back to the ceiling.
"Sex with you always is." Gavin chuckles and then takes a few more deep breaths, "Let me know when you're ready for round
Hello peeps! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for continuing to read Quinn's story...hang on though because it's going
to get bumpy real soon! =)