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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 44
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How in the hell did they find them so fast? I ask myself this as I move into motion and continue my

orders, ‘Okay, stall them, but don’t engage. I will send more men your way and will be there as soon as

I can.’

“Okay, we will try.

‘That’s all I ask.’

I look at the group. “Okay, listen up, Blue River wolves have been spotted coming our way, so we don’t

have time to wait for my men to pick you up. I want you to throw your bags into my trunk and then the

pups will get in with me, while the rest of you turn to your wolves and follow me. You should be safe

enough once you’re over my border but i’m not wanting to take any chances.”

That bastard dares to send warriors to my pack when we are supposed to be allies? I’m in my right to

offer protection to wolves who are seeking it. It’s Alpha Daniel who is in the wrong and you better

believe that I will be calling a meeting about all these accusations. In the meantime, I need to swear

this group in faster than I ever have, so I can return to talk with the wolves who are searching for them.

Grabbing my phone once again, I send Gavin another text, asking him to come over right away, instead

of waiting until after lunch. He responds back that he is on his way. If everything goes the way I want it

to, I should be done swearing in this group and be back here to greet him.

We hustle with loading the bags in my trunk. Good thing they packed lightly when they left, carrying

only one backpack per person. Since the pups were all between the ages of three and eight, they are

all small enough to squeeze into the backseat.

“I will take one female with me since the pups don’t know me and I don’t want to scare them.” It’s the

youngest of the females that climbs into the passenger seat. We nod at each other and then I gun it

once I know the kids are buckled in safely.

On my way back, I link my Beta, letting him know of the situation. He has clothing waiting for each of

the wolves when we arrive, and we usher them all into the packhouse. Normally, I will do groups

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outside, but again, I’m not taking any chances. I don’t trust Alpha Daniel.

As soon as all twelve people are in my office, I start swearing them in. I’m even swearing the pups in

because I’m not taking any chances. I have to cut open my hand multiple times due to our fast healing,

but it’s all worth it in the end each time I feel a new bond snap into place.

I ask Cici to show the new members to some rooms for now, and we will figure out living arrangements

later. After mind linking Cam to let him know that he is in charge until I get back, I take my Beta with

me, and race back to the border. When we get there, I link the warrior who first warned me about the

Blue River wolves, asking him for an update.

‘They’re not doing anything, Alpha. It’s like they are just here, guarding the area or waiting for


“Okay. I will let you know what I decide to do, just stay where you are.’

‘Ten-four, Alpha.’

Gavin pulls up a few minutes later, and I turn to Spencer, “Go on and meet with the others to see what

you can make of the group of wolves. I’m going to fill Gavin in and then we will meet you there.”

“Are you sure you are safe?” He looks to Gavin as he gets out of his vehicle and then back at me.

Smiling, I place my hand on his arm, “Yes, I’m perfectly safe, Spence. Thank you.”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon then.” He pulls the shorts off that we found behind a tree when we got here and

tosses them back to the same spot.

I’m still in the over-sized t-shirt, “Hey Gavin, thank you for getting here so fast.” I pull him in for a hug.

“What’s going on? You sound a little off.” He furrows his brows as he holds me at the waist.

I bite my lower lip. Now that he’s in front of me, I’m not sure how to tell him everything that I’ve found

out. Will he be hurt? Will he be upset at me because I swore in new members that used to belong to his

pack? I’m now second-guessing everything.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes as he cups one of my cheeks, “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

I hesitate a little longer and I just start at the beginning, about the group of rogues who approached my

territory. By the time I finish telling him everything, his hands are tightly fisted and he’s pacing back and

forth in front of me.

I’m thinking he’s mad at me, so I go on the defense, “I’m sorry, Gavin, but I have to help those who

come to me seeking shelter and protection. What kind of person would I be if I turn them away to be

slaughtered for wanting a better life?”

He finally stops his pacing and gawks at me, “You think I’m upset with you?” He comes over to me and

pulls me back into his arms, “No,



Quinn. You did the right thing. I felt the bonds break on my way here and wondered what was going

on.” He pulls slightly away, “Both Connor and Walker are good men–honest men. If they told you these

events happened, then they happened.” Grabbing both sides of my face, he kisses me deeply before

letting me go, “Let me pull my vehicle to the side of the road and then we can go meet the others.”

After getting a progress report from Spencer, which is the same from when my other warrior reported

in, my Beta and other men keep watch as me and Gavin step out and approach Gavin’s pack warriors.

We bring a pair of shorts with us, and Gavin orders the head of the scouting group to change, tossing

him the shorts once he does.

“What is the meaning of this?” Gavin demands an answer.

*The Alpha sent us out to bring back deserters. All leads brought us to Alpha Quinn’s territory.” The

warrior states.

*And you didn’t think to approach the Alpha about any of this? Instead, you prowl her border, waiting?”

Gavin places his hands on his hips,

And what’s this about deserters? Since when do people not have the freedom to leave if they choose?”

“With all due respect, Gavin, you are not our Alpha yet, so we have to do what our present Alpha


I can see the tick in Gavin’s jaw when the warrior states this, “Well, you’re wasting time just standing

around here, and I will personally report this to my father. As you can see, I’m right here, and the only

pack members that I’ve seen here are you and your team. I’ve been with Alpha Quinn since I got here

and haven’t seen anybody else.” Of course, they don’t know that he just literally got here, but he hasn’t

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told them one lie, he hasn’t seen any more of his pack members, and he won’t because they are now

my pack members.

I watch as Gavin steps away to mind link his father. It looks like they are having words by the way

Gavin scowls and kicks the dirt every once in a while. He rubs his temples and then curses one last

time before moving back to us.

“You may leave Alpha Quinn’s territory, and if you don’t believe me then ask your Alpha for fucks sake

but get the fuck out of here. Her men have better things to do than to sit around babysitting you

asshats! Besides, this is no way to treat one of our allies. You are damn lucky that Alpha Quinn and I

are close.” He growls.

I notice how the head scout goes silent for a bit, and I know that he is contacting Alpha Daniel to

confirm. There is something more going on with that Alpha, I’m sure of it. Why else has he not passed

the title to his only heir. Most Alphas pass it down by the time their heir turns twenty-one, and Gavin is

a few years past that.

Just as we are about to shift back to our wolves and head back, the head scout addresses us, “Alpha

Daniel has changed his mind. He would like for us to wait for him, because he would like to meet with

Alpha Quinn personally and we are to escort him to your pack house upon his immediate arrival.”

I don’t miss a beat. Nodding my head, “Very well, I will see you all when you arrive then.” I need to get

back to the pack house and hide our newcomers; we also need to get Gavin’s vehicle over to the pack

house as well, so it looks as though he has been here for a bit. I go to turn to leave once more, but the

warriors next words stop me in my tracks.

“Alpha Daniel would like for both you and Gavin to wait here until he arrives.”

That’s it for now! Come back tomorrow for a little more! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the

comments section. I love hearing everyone’s thoughts on Quinn’s journey. =)


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