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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 211
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Chapter 61
There is a bit of a chill in the air for it being a midsummer morning but that may just be the tension that surrounds us. Holden’s
voice rings in my ear continuously, “It’s about to begin.” It has a creepy vibe to it and even though the Moon. Goddess says that
all will be well, I can’t help the nervousness that runs through me.
Talking about it and practicing it are completely different than the actual moment when shit hits the fan. All of our warriors from all
three territories are surrounding the borders, lying in wait, not knowing where they are going to show up. Of course, Alpha
Easton has his warriors on their way already, as well as our other allies, just in case they are needed. Our numbers far
supersede the Shikari’s numbers last I knew, but we already know that they aren’t above seeking help from rogues, and those
fuckers can be evil.
I watch as all five of our parents surround us, as well as our Beta’s and Gamma’s, formers ones included. My aunts are here as
well and believe it or not Bea shows up alongside my uncle Brent. A broad grin graces her face as she winks at me and a giggle
bubbles up at the sight. Everyone surrounding the four of us will be our protection as we chant and offer the earth our blood
sacrifice, but we can’t start it until we know for sure that the council is within our territory. That’s where Bea comes in. Only she
and my dad know who the council are and my father refuses to leave my side, so Bea has volunteered to keep watch while
keeping a low profile,
meaning cloaking herself from all.
“Are you sure they are coming?” My uncle Carter asks as he watches the tree line carefully.
“Yes,” Holden responds from right beside me, “My visions
never give me an exact time but it’s a feeling that
accompanies the vision that tells me. I can’t really explain it; you will just have to trust me.”
“Of course, Alpha.” The former Beta replies.
Decker squeezes my hand from the other side of me, “Are you doing okay?” His eyes move to my stomach briefly before
returning to my own eyes and I smile.

“Yes, I’m good and as far as I know, so is pup.”
He cups my face and brings his lips to mine for a brief kiss, “I love you, Emery.” He states as he pulls away.
“I love you too, Decker,” I look past him at Asher, “And I love you, and you too, Holden.” I say when I swing my head in the other
They both respond back with their own I love yous, but then Holden’s eyes go blank, “Something isn’t right.”
We all look his way, and a sense of foreboding suddenly comes over me, “What is it?”

“My vision, it’s changing...”
“What do you mean, it’s changing?” Decker’s concern is clear in his voice as he pulls me in close.
“I’m not sure, I’m now seeing bodies scattered all around.
Someone jumps the gun and starts the fight, a rogue from their side. Chaos erupts and that’s when the fighting starts.”
“But the chants, don’t they weaken them? What happened with the last vision?” I ask as I place a hand on his arm, and suddenly,
I’m drawn into his vision as well. The blood and scattered body parts from both sides cause my stomach to churn and I drop to
my knees, “Dear’s a
massacre!” I whisper.
“There were no rogues in my last vision,” he explains, “This was decided just recently, it was planned this way so I wouldn’ t see
it until last minute. They wanted to throw us off.”
A voice whispers in my head, ‘Remember the number three. Look around you, what do you see?’
‘Kiki, do you hear that?’ I ask my wolf.
‘Of course, it’s our Goddess. Do you not know her voice by
now?’ She chuckles.
‘What does she mean by remember the number three?’ I ask her, confused.
‘Em, listen to instructions, look around you. What is it that you see that comes in three?’ Kiki pushes me to do as I’m told.

‘I don’t know, I see my three mates,” I glance around some more, ‘Our three Betas, our three dads...I don’ three
‘Good, there is one more thing that you haven’t mentioned.” Kiki informs me.
Try as I may, I just don’t know. I finger my amulet like I do
whenever I can’t figure something out. I like to think it helps to give me the answer but it’s really just a security blanket. I’m
starting to become frustrated because I know we are running out of time.
‘Think, Em, think hard!’ I can hear the irritation in my own wolf’
s voice now.
I fist my amulet and that’s when I feel it’s warmth and suddenly, it comes to me, ‘The amulets that my mates wear!’
‘Good Goddess, remind me never to play trivia with you!’ Kiki chuckles.
‘But, what about the amulets?’ I ask, still a little confused by it
Kiki rolls her eyes, ‘The power within them is your power, the strongest power we have. Use it, let others use it when you can’t.
That’s all I can tell you, human, but know this, our pup is also a powerful force, remember that.’
I’m pulled back to attention when my mates call out to me. Climbing back to my feet with the help of Decker and Asher, both
looking concerned for me, I give them both a smile for

“We need to stop the rogue from starting the fight...”
“How are we supposed to do that?” Aunt Quinn asks as all three of my mates smile because they already know what I’m
“We put up a wall just like Colin did.” Decker states and I nod.
“That takes a lot of power, sweetheart.” My father states, I.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Book 3-Chapter 61
288 Vouchers
know you’re powerful, but you can’t hold the wall and do the chant all at once.”
“No, but my aunts can.” I smile at all three and in unison they all point at themselves, it’s quite comical.
“Sweetheart, they are powerful but not that powerful. The Shikari will be trying to take it down, they won’t stand a chance.” Dad
All three of my Alphas take off their bracelets and hand them to me, “They are if they are using my power.”
Our parents gasp, “No, you need the extra power!” Mom says as she tries shoving the bracelets back at me.
“No, what we need are witches to use my power to form and hold that wall. We have the Power of Four running through
“But what if that isn’t enough?”
Before I can answer, the patrol links us, ‘They are here!’
Shit we are out of time! I quickly hand the bracelets to my sisters, “Put them on now! It’s only a matter of time before the they call
for the council. Wait for the council to appear and throw the wall up right before they break the wards.” I instruct but they are still
looking at me worriedly. I roll my eyes, “Put them on, now!” I let my aura roll out just a little, so they know I’ m serious and they
scramble to put them on.
“They are trying to break the wards; I can feel it.” My father
“Me too, but they won’t come down, not until the council
comes.” I reassure everyone.
“Emery, come here.” Decker calls me back to his side, “We need to be ready.”

I take my place between him and Holden, while Asher waits
until our hands are sliced before he closes the circle. Mom
and Dad, along with the Queen and King stand in front of us each holding a spelled dagger. They will slice our hands for us, so
we don’t waste time doing it ourselves.
My heart is beating a mile a minute as we wait and both Holden and Decker gently rub my back, helping to calm me with their
mate’s touch. My mom stands in front of me smili as her eyes glisten with unshed tears.
“I hope you know what you’re doing by giving the amulets u Pray you don’t need the extra power.”
“Mom, listen to me, we have all the power that we need with the four of us, and if for some reason we do need more. The is one
more with enough power to tap into.” I place my hand over my stomach and smile.
Thank you so much for reading! Be sure to come back tomorrow to see how it all plays out! =)