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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 116
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Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Being the only female in an all-male Alpha meeting is intimidating, but they are all respectful to me. I'm not only a female, but I'm
the youngest as well, so when they consider any and all of my suggestions, I can't help but feel as accomplished as the rest of
the Alpha's are. Declan has always been one of my biggest fans, for reasons that we already know, but for Alpha Deke, Alpha
Carson, and many of the others to praise me, it gives me a warm tingly feeling.
Once we come up with a game plan, one that I'm not all too happy about because none of it includes me going into battle, the
Alphas and their Betas and Gammas begin to disperse. When I gather my things and head for the door, Declan calls out to me.
"I was hoping that I could give you a ride because there is something important that I need to talk to you about." He looks
serious, so I hand my keys over to Spencer.
"There better not be a scratch on her." I raise my brow.
My Beta chuckles, "I promise not to hurt your baby, Luna."
All the males chuckle but I continue my glare at him even though it doesn't faze him one bit. When they start walking out, I hear
my Gamma's next words, "I wonder how fast she can go."
"You better not find out!" I holler back, but then return my attention back to Declan, "If they hurt her, you're buying me a brand
new one!"
"I promise I will buy you a new one, but I doubt Spence will let anything happen to it." He chuckles.
to talk to me about, better be worth the worry." I can't help the grin that appears on my face when I'm trying to be serious.
He sweeps his hand in front of himself, "After you, Luna."
I love his Tesla. He doesn't drive it much anymore because he has the Jeep for when he has Holden, but when he does drive
this car, I'll admit, he looks hot. I run my had over the sleek black hood as I walk around to the passenger side; Declan is already
at the door holding it open for me.
"Careful now, you wouldn't want to leave a scratch on it." He says sarcastically and then winks at me just before I get in,

"So, did you really want to discuss something with me or was that just an excuse to tease me with your car?" I muse. We have
already been on the road for five minutes and he's yet to say anything so far.
"Yeah, about that. I'm not quite sure how to approach it with you yet." He give a nervous chuckle.
"Just spit it out. It's me Declan, you can talk to me about anything."
"Oh-kay, well... I think you need to read your mother's last letter to you sooner rather than later." His words almost run together
as he says them so fast.

"Why do you think that, and how much sooner are you thinking?" I scrunch my brows together.
He sighs, "Deke and I both think that there is something in that letter that has to do with these attacks, and I think you should
open it soon... like tonight."
"I know, I know, believe me, I wouldn't be saying anything or even bringing it up if I honestly didn't think that there is a
connection. I understand why your mother left you the letter, I really do, but how could she have known what the future would
hold for you." He reaches over and takes my hand, "I know how much this means to you, but I really think that whatever is in that
letter would have already surfaced if your parents were still here."
I just stare at him for a moment, studying his features and what could possibly be going on in that brain of his, "It almost sounds
like you know what's in the letter."
"It's nothing like that, I swear, Quinn. If mine and Deke's hunch is right, though, you need to know what it is that your mother left
you. In fact, you are going to need that information because it may be what helps save your life."
It's my turn to chuckle nervously, "You're kind of scaring me, Declan."
"I'm sorry, that's not my intention, but with everything going on, don't you think we should know everything that we possibly can?”
He squeezes my hand before letting it go, and I miss the warmth of it right away.
We remain silent for the rest of the car ride, and once he puts the car in park, I jump out before he has the chance to do so
himself and open my door. It doesn't stop him from getting out of the car though.
"Quinn, please don't be upset with me." He pleads.

I turn back to face him and give him a small smile, "I'm not mad at
Dividing into pages now you Declan, I'm just thoughtful. You have given me a lot to think about and consider."
He walks over to me, cautiously, and then stops so close that I have to tilt my head up to look him in the eye, "Promise that
you're not mad? I can't stand it when you're upset with me."
"I promise that I'm not mad at you, Declan." I step just a little closer and wrap my arms around his waist, "Thank you for the
ride... and the talk. I will think it over and call you tomorrow."
"Okay, and if you decide not to read the letter, I will respect your decision. I just wanted you to know where I stand on this
subject." He wraps me in one of his own hugs as well.
"Can I ask you something?"
"What is it you and Deke think is in the letter?" I ask.
"I won't tell you just yet. I want you to find it on your own." He pulls away and my wolf growls softly but I ignore her.
I roll my eyes, "Fine, be that way then." I smirk and then turn toward the steps.
"Hey, Quinn!" Declan calls out.

I turn hallway but don't say anything.
"Sweet dreams." He shows me his pearly whites.
I smile back, "Thank you, same to you!"
It's after ten at night and I'm sitting here in my office just staring at
Dividing into pages now
the envelope with my mother's handwriting. It is like déjà vu all over again, only I was sitting under the desk last time. Maybe by
staying in the chair, I will have enough nerve to open the letter, unlike last time.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

What if what Declan and Deke think is true, and whatever is in this envelope has something to do with the attacks going on? I'm
not really sure how it would, but seriously, I will be twenty in about a month and a half, so it's not like it's a whole year before.
I bring the now aging envelope up to my nose and inhale deeply. The years have taken her scent away but if I close my eyes, I
can still imagine the scent of her floral body wash. It's funny how you can remember certain things but then there are things that
you can't remember well at all. It's sad really. When you live with someone for so many years, you should remember every single
detail about them, but you never realize that all too soon, they may be gone for good, and you won't remember half the stuff that
you took for granted.
Take Gavin for instance, I can remember everything about him, all the way down to the tiniest and insignificant thing, because
I've learned to take in every detail of my loved ones after I lost my family. I cherish every memory of my mate, and I can smile
even at the littlest things that he did, because it was him doing it.
I'm getting off the task at hand, though. So, without thinking about it any longer, I tear open the envelope, making sure I don't ruin
it in the process, and pull out the single sheet of paper. Unfolding it, I'm a bit disappointed because it's nowhere near as long as
the one I received on my eighteenth birthday.
My Dearest Quinn,
Happy Birthday, baby! I wish I could be there to see you turning into the wonderful woman that I know you are, but like the last
letter, if you are reading this then I am now with the Goddess Selene, watching over you always.
With your twentieth birthday being tomorrow, there is a very important detail that you should know. I've kept it secret in order to
protect you from those who would wish to do you harm. I will not go into it in this letter in case it falls into the wrong hands, so
instead, I've left you my key. Use the key to open the most treasured place that I've had, you know the place.
Please understand that I didn't hide it from you out of spite, and I hope once you see what is inside, you will understand why I did
it. There will be people you can trust, and you will know who they are, but for the most part, keep this information close to your
heart. You will know what to do with it.
Always remember that your father and I love you! Please stay safe and I pray that you live a long and happy life with your fated
mate, which by the way should be coming around sometime soon.
Love Always, Mom

Why would she mention my mate coming along soon? I think she mixed up which letter she was writing in. I chuckle and think of
how wrong she was to think that. I then finger the key that is hanging around my neck, and look up to the ceiling. Her most
treasured place is where my little treasure is sleeping at the moment.
Thank you for reading...I hope you enjoyed this chapter! =)