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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 78
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78. Under The Stars MORGANA The night had been magical. Not once did Kian leave my side; his hands constantly touching me, caressing my waist, brushing his knuckles down my bare arms and back, or resting on my behind. Kissing my shoulder, back, neck and lips.

His compliments didn’t fail, his eyes onandalone. Even when other single females approached to ‘congratulate’ us, it was clear their eyes were on MY mate. But even then, Kian only bothered with me, and | knew sof these may have been women he had slept with, but it was i n the past. He was mine now.

The room was decorated in gold and red, with the Clair De Lune roaring wolf on the black and gold banners hanging above. The large chandeliers glittered brightly, whilst candles and flowers decorated the entire hall.

Food had been served in a luxurious seven-course meal, and alongside it, there was a bottle of blood that | knew was from Kian the moment | tasted it.

A few Vampires were in attendance, and a few Elves, but Orrian did not come. | knew that, although he said he was busy, seeing us together was hard for him. | understood that but we were the past. Anastasia had come, along with my beautiful nephew. Everyone was very welcoming of them, and blood had been served to them too.

“I don’t know how the fuck you managed to dance in that thing.” Kian said when he ledoff the dance floor, his hand on my waist as | tilted my head.

“With ease, as you saw my king.” | teased.

It was what | had called him all night.

With that crown on that | knew he didn’t like wearing, it was fun to tease him, | had adjusted it on purpose several times. He didn’t complain, getting an eyeful of my breasts each time.

“Yeah, you're pretty incredible when it comes to moving, regardless of the way.” He said, his eyes running over my body. “Remindagain why the fuck we're still here?” “Because Alpha King Kian, we all wish to meet our beautiful queen too.” | turned, looking at one of the elder Vampire who had accompanied Anastasia and Remiel. Also, the royal advisor that was appointed to guide Anastasia. Azrael had fired him from his spot as co advisor when he had becking and | wondered if it was Uncle Malachi’s doing or Azrael’s own. Either way, we had decided he would be the ideal choice for royal advisor. Anastasia left a lot of decisions to me, and | did what | thought was best.

“Lord Mikael.” | held my hand out to him and he kissed it.

“You look beautiful. | just want to say we are grateful for the remarkable hospitality you have shown us Alpha Kian.” Mikael said, smiling at us both.

“It's a pleasure to host our neighbours, and Morgana’s hkingdom. You are always welchere, I'm sure our treaty will be profitable for both of our kingdoms to flourish and grow.” Kian said, his voice as strong and cold as ever, yet | could see beyond that, to the man that my king was.

“Thank you, your majesty. We are already shocked at the level of produce that has been sent to our kingdom, without ever asking for payment...” He seemed hesitant as he said this, clearly shocked a s to why.

“I never gave any dowry, or anything in return for taking the most prized possession of the Sanguine Empire.

Consider it a late wedding gift.” He looked atand | smiled slightly.

“Ah, but we all know our princess was always meant to be the Alpha King’s Possession.” Mikael replied with a nod and a small smile.

“I would say she was far more than that, but yes... it all started there...” Kian said, taking hold of my chin. “No matter what you do, a queen will never be anything less than her birth-right and destiny, she would even rise from the ashes of the very fire that tries to destroy her.” | raised an eyebrow, smiling faintly at the compliment that made my stomach flutter. Once Mikael moved away, | nudged Kian.

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“I couldn't agree more. | am Morgana Aragiel, Queen and Luna of Clair De Lune, and | would settle for nothing less.” | teased, making Kian chuckle and pullingagainst his hard, firm chest. | gasped, my heart skipping a beat thanks to his sexy chuckle that even made a few who stood around stare in our direction. | didn’t blthem, our king never laughed, well in public anyway.

“I never get bored of that line... although I like it a lot more now.” He murmured.

| raised an eyebrow.

“Oh? Since perhaps, | don’t know, my nchanged?” | asked.

“Yes, obviously that.” He said, makingthink back to my Luna ceremony, which was like a marriage. We had signed our marriage papers that night.

“I agree... love it too.” | whispered, placing my head on his shoulder. His arms tightened around m e and | closed my eyes, inhaling his seductive scent.

This was where | belonged... Where my hwas, right here in his arms...

The party was finally dying down, the number of people | had greeted and talked to was countless. By the end of the night, it was all a big blur. Now we were full of drinks and food, feeling giddy and light. The warmth of the inside of the venue had been a lot and so Kian, Kai, Ajax, as well as Reuban and Oliver, both of whom had their mates by their sides, stepped outside.

They were both nice, although they were still rather wary of me, they stayed cordial and polite. I'm sure with tthey'll open up.

Liana remained in her room, although | made the effort to visit her daily, she was but a shell and had stopped talking or noticing anyone who cin. It hurt knowing Luca and Corbin were gone from our little group. But perhaps one day we will reunite in the afterlife...

“Ah, | think | drank too much.” Oliver said patting his stomach.

“You did baby.” His mate whispered, stroking his abs.

“It’s been a good night.” Ajax remarked.

“I couldn't agree more.” Reuban said, staring up at the starry sky.

The full moon shone down upon us, the sky clear of any clouds.

“The weather is beautiful tonight.” | whispered, my hand in Kian’s as we walked side by side.

“It is, but nothing compared to you.” He said, quietly removing his crown as we cto an open area in one of the gardens, two water fountains were gushing soothingly and Kian was the first to drop onto the grass. Tuggingonto his lap, | curled into him, my huge dress splayed around me, as | locked my arms around his neck, kissing him.

The rest sat down too, sof them laying back as they stared at the sky.

Kian took his jacket off, tossing it down along with his crown, unbuttoning his shirt cuffs and pushing his sleeves up before taking his bow tie off and loosening his shirt buttons.

“I fucking hate smart wear.” Kian growled.

“It looks good on you.” Kai added.

“I agree, you looked incredibly handsome.” | said biting my lip.

“Yeah? Well, I'm glad it’s fucking over.” Kian added, kissing my neck.

A comfortable silence fell over us as we enjoyed the pleasant night.

“I've never felt so at peace.” Oliver murmured.

“I couldn't agree more, Clair De Lune is safe.” Kai said with barely masked pride and happiness in his voice as he lay back on the grass tuggingdown on top of him. 2 The smell of fresh earth and flowers filled my nose as Kian snaked his arms tightly around my waist and began peppering kisses over my collarbones and breast. My heart thrummed, very aware that we weren't alone, yet it was clear no one cared.

He froze, mid-kiss and moved back frowning.

“What is it, are you ok?” | asked, concerned.

He nodded, sitting up before pullingup onto my knees, to my surprise he placed his face next t o my stomach.

“Kian...” He suddenly jerked back, his heart thudding as he stared up atshocked.

“You're scaring me...” | said, my own heart pounding.

Knowing that all eyes were on me.

“You're pregnant.” He said, sounding awed and confused at the stime.

My heart seemed to jump into my throat. | couldn't speak, my heart pounding wildly, my stomach fluttering nervously as | stared at Kian whose hands were stuck on my hips. His words resonated i n my head Pregnant.

God, was | pregnant?! “Fuck....” He murmured. “You're pregnant...” “A pup, really?” Ajax asked shocked.

“I don’t get it, we were safe...” Kian said, staring at my stomach clearly, seeming to not care that we had an audience.

I rolled my eyes, laughing breathlessly.

It didn’t feel real.

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“Seriously? Since when has pulling out been one hundred percent effective?” | joked.

The rest chuckled and | smiled at Kian, but | needed to see his reaction.

“Ready to beca father then?” | asked softly, staring into those hazel eyes of his.

His heart was racing, as was my own.

“Congrats guys, happy for you...” Someone murmured before | vaguely saw them all slowly get up and leave, but I was far too concerned about Kian’s reaction.

He ran his fingers over his head, slowly looking up into my eyes.

“Ready as I'll ever be... Are you happy?” He asked quietly.

| smiled, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach, nodding.

“As happy as I'll ever be.” | whispered.

“Then I'm fucking glad,” He said, his heart thudding as our eyes met, his hand still on my stomach.

I leant down, claiming his lips in a passionate kiss before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulleddown on top of him as he let his back hit the ground.

“That thing won't fucking fall off, will it?” He asked, glancing up at my crown.

“No, it’s pinned in place.” | laughed, staring into his eyes.

“Good, | don't need it poking a fucking eye out.” He said rolling us, so I lay on the grass and he was above me, bracing his weight on his hands.

“You really aren't a crown person.” | said.

“Definitely not... Do you think it'll be a girl or boy?” “I don’t know... | don’t care either way, as long as it’s healthy.” | said, my heart fluttering at the thought of our baby.

“I fucking agree with that... but... | don’t know. I'd love a little Morgana.” He said, so quietly that | almost didn’t hear.

Smiling, | tugged him down and claimed his lips in another passionate kiss.

This was my life, one I loved with every ounce of my being...

That night, we lay under the stars, staring up at the beauty of the night and allowing sleep to overcus, Kian’s hand never leaving my stomach. Promisingthat we would always be there for one another, and | knew we would be, because although we are from two different kingdoms, two different races, and two very different individuals, we were one.