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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply by Demiah13

Chapter 10
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Aurora’s pov

His commanding tone brought on a wave of lear, yet something else stirred. I wasn’t sure.

His voice was grufs, masculine, like it had gone through so much during his tinie on earth. And as my

eyes lift, they fell into pools of amber. I wasn’t sure if it was fright that caused my intake of a sharp breath

or if it was the sharpness of his jawline and the plump lips that lined into a frown. He was very tall too, I

had to cranc my neck to look at his face properly. His aura screamed what everyone talked about, deadly

and calculating. But what they failed to have mentioned was how devastatingly handsome he was for a

cold-blooded murderer. They also had failed to mention how young he looked too. He didn’t seem to be

older than the age o


He took a strong step towards me, his dark midnight hair weighing down by the rain. I slinched, not able

to keep the fear off my face any longer. I was now facing the infamous dangerous Alpha of the Crimson

Moon pack. There was no way, I could force down my fear any longer.

“Alpha, we found these two stumbling into the territory late last night. This one seemed to be after

something.” It was Eli who spoke, pushing the rogue lightly to draw the Alpha’s attention.

When his eyes are finally off of me, I could feel the air drawing back to my lungs. But I spoke too soon

because as soon as his eyes flit from mine, they draw back as quickly. “And what of this one?” He

nudges his head towards me. I couldn’t get past through his eyes t o see his true emotions. He was

locking them away pretty skillsully, and for an Alpha, I didn’t expect anything less.

“We’re not sure Alpha. But Beta Samuel suggested that she was a spy seeing that her scent gave off a

familiar pack.” Eli answered.

Alpha Xavier’s eyes turned foggy. He was mind linking someone. Seconds later, the Beta arrives, looking

disgruntled that he was getting drenched by the rain.

“Alpha.” He bowed a little when he stops beside Alpha Xavier. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on the

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Alpha Still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that his face was clearly treasured and carved by the


I have seen many handsome wolves before, that was something wolves never lacked. They were born to

look like God’s. Yet the one standing before me with his arms crossed and feet apart in a powerful stance

made my mouth water for the first time.

“What is she, Beta Samuel?” He removes his amber eyes away from me to regard his Beta who looked

as confused as him. It was not every day one would see someone who had features like mine. It was a

curse to look this way. Drew too much attention. The bad ones.

“Not sure Alpha Xavier. But she isn’t of wolf lineage nor human by her odd features. When I neared her

last night, she smelled familiar. I am sure she was sent here as a spy, maybe the cause of the recently

spotted killings at the end of the border.” Samuel grunts, looking at me.

Alpha Xavier hums and my heart sped up. “What pack are you from?”

I shook ruy head. I wasn’t part of the Crystal River pack since Alpha Raphael refused to strept in as one

of their own But I couldn’t coniess to being there, then they’ll surely kill me thinking I was indera y sent by

Rahaditolakerne on his turdered first Lun.

“I’m not from a pack You have this all wrong, I was fleeing

“Lies!” Bela Samuel cut me ofl. i shrank under his accusing faze “I know what I smelled last

Alpha Xavier lified liis hand to silence Beta Samuel and looks down at me with cyes that shouldn’t belong

to a man like him. “Take her in for more questioning. She’s clearly not Saying the truth

“Exactly why we should kill her before we regret it,” Chris budded in behind me. I froze, my heart racing


Alpha Xavier’s eyes harshly snap behind me as he glowers. “Do not interrupt me while I am speaking,”

Ripping his eyes away from Chris, he pins me down with his stare again. “Take the girl inside and have

her stay in the room beside my own. It’s empty.” His Alpha command was clear. “Alpha are you sure it’s a

good idea to allow a spy into the packhouse? And to have her in the room beside your own?” Beta

Samuel grunted, flashed his Alpha a look of surprise, and looked down at me in reluctance. By his

features and the other wolves muteness, I realized that it may be the first time their Alpha spared

someone. For now. “Are you questioning my command?” Xavier growled lowly, canines extending as

flecks of red joined the amber,

“No Alpha. We will get her inside.” Beta Samuel rushed to grab my arm and tugged me up to m y feet. I

grunt. “Come on girl,” He says, tugging me quickly to the huge packhouse. Before the door was closed

behind us, the painful scream of the rogue woman tore through me.

He didn’t spare her.


I’m roughly pushed inside the room and I span around just in time to see the door shut in my face. I

looked down at the knob when I hear the click of it locking. I needed to get out of here. All I asked for

was freedom yet I’m thrust back into the world of wolves. The same world I wanted to escape from.

Oh, Cas. You would be disappointed to know that I have stumbled into trouble. I only hope that you didn’t

get the same fate as me. I bit my nails as I backed away from the door and looked around the room. It

was a decent size and was clearly being kept clean. The bedding on the bed seems to be freshly

changed by the faint smell of fabric softener.

My eyes draw to the door on my left. It was either a closet or a bathroom. But I was mostly leaning on

bathroom. Removing my gaze, I walked towards the window.

When Beta Samuel rushed me inside with a painful grip, he tugged me upstairs and through

the halls so quickly that I only saw flashes of other wolves that looked weary of my presence.

I was not welcomed here, yet the Alpha made me walk through these walls. Perhaps as a prisoner, but

why would he allow me inside a room? Is this the way he treats his prisoners?

No. It was clearly a trick. I know his game. He’d make me relax, think he’d spare me and have m ego on

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my way, only to shatter my hope and kill me. There was no other explanation. Alpha Xavier doesn’t show


I approach the window cautiously looking behind me at the door. If there was a chance I can escape, I’d

take it. I didn’t want to die by his hands. The scream of the rogue woman still echoed through my head

and instilled fear into me.

I needed out of here before I suffer the same fate as her. My hands touched the glass as I looked down

below. I felt the air wash out of my lungs as my eyes fall on the rogue woman. Or what was left of her.

She was torn from limb to limb. Her blood now dancing with the mud and dirty puddles. I looked at Eli

picking up one of her arms and flinging it playfully at Chris who smacked it away, seeming to be

annoyed. But someone was missing, the Alpha. I shivered, dread curling my tummy with unease as I

backed away from the window. They were monsters.

Disgusting monsters.

I pressed my palm to my furiously beating heart as I realized my fate was sealed. I couldn’t jump out the

window when they were no longer in sight, it was far too high. I was no wolf, my legs would break.

I stilled. The door was being unlocked.

I span around when it’s suddenly thrust open and the powerful presence suffocates the air. My eyes fall

into those of amber and I swallowed.

Was it my turn to die?

My eyes fall to his hand, noting the crimson coating his fingers. He was truly here to murder m

One step into the room had me backing away. Not only was I cold from the rain but I was cold with fear.

“Alph-a Xavier,” I plead. Was I allowed to say his name? Was I allowed to call him Alpha?

His eyes flickered with an emotion that I couldn’t read, and the low growl at the back of his throat made

the hairs behind my neck rise.

He walks into the room fully and slams the door behind him. His amber pools scanned me from head to

toe before he grunts. “You need a shower.”