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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chatper 791
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Chapter 791 Caspian's Plot Jerry thought that Jethro was of Tittle use to him now. If not for Jethro's skill in spells, Jerry would've gotten rid of him right away.

Now that Darren had gone into seclusion to focus on mastering the Black Moon Technique, the only person Jerry could rely on was Jett.

For the sake of ensuring Jett's loyalty, Jerry received Jett in person as a show of regard.

Meanwhile, for someone in disguise, it was always wise to avoid talking.

After assuming Lucas' appearance, Caspian boarded the plane and immediately pretended to fall asleep.

I When Kelvin came to talk to Jett, Avon also took great care not to let the cat out of the bag. —— If it were in the past, Jett's seeming indifference toward Kelvin would've pissed him off. However, since Jett and his people had caught Sherry, Kelvin didn't dwell on the matter.

The plane landed at Dhord City Airport, where a fleet of luxury cars awaited.

With an amiable expression, Kelvin ushered Jett to one of the cars and rode with him.

Avon had felt somewhat at ease when Caspian was with him, but now that he was alone, he was beginning to panic a little.

"Iassume it wasn't easy for you to

| capture Caspian's mother. It must've been a bloody battle, right?" Kelvin remarked. ed He wasn't doubting Jett, however. He simply wanted to find out what happened.

In Kelvin's eyes, Caspian was akin to a god. Who would've thought that Caspian would lose to Jett? With a stern expression, Avon glanced at the other guards in the car and kept quiet.

Kelvin got the hint.

He instructed, "Leave us. I want to talk to Mr. Dunn in private." Kelvin got into the driver's seat and drove the car himself.

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"Caspian wasn't around when we

td do arrived at Riverside Villa, Mr. Kelvin, His mother, Sherry, was alone in the house, so that's how we managed to snatch her so easily," Avon explained.

Kelvin had a look of realization. Jett and his men hadn't confronted Caspian head-on, after all.

"Why would Caspian make such a careless mistake at a time like this? I can't believe it," Kelvin said in confusion.

"I'm not sure either, but I heard that Sherry and Willow, her daughter-in- law, don't get along. I also caught wind of something major. Ever since Caspian was removed from his position, he has been gathering people to help him get back in power," Avon informed.

Kelvin felt a heaviness in his heart.

EEEERS UES ER NT Aepeee PiN.Y en SW *15 BONUS | "Have you received some kind of intel, Mr. Dunn?" Kelvin asked tensely.

"Iinterrogated Sherry to find out more about what Caspian has been up to, and I'also found a USB drive in Caspian's bedroom," Avon said before handing a USB drive to Kelvin.

"What does this USB contain, Mr.

Dunn?" Kelvin asked.

"There's a recording in there which seems to indicate that Caspian has managed to bribe someone in the King's residence. I believe he's targeting His Majesty!" Kelvin slammed on the brakes.

"What? Are you sure?" Kelvin exclaimed in alarm.

How could the Andrews family deal with Caspian if he rose back to power

wy CV SViwe once more? "That's right. Caspian has started y preparing for his return!" Avon declared with a nod.

"Could it be that Caspian has found out His Majesty is under a spell?" Kelvin speculated in concern.

"I'don't think so, but Caspian doesn't seem inclined to let His Majesty live. If His Majesty dies, Caspian will have the perfect excuse to get involved. When the time comes, we'll all be at a disadvantage." Even if Avon hadn't said that, Kelvin could sense how serious things were.

"What do you think we should do, Mr.

Dunn?" Kelvin asked.

"I'm just an ordinary man," Avon said

Seanad while shaking his head. "When it comes to strategic thinking, I can't compare to Mr. Andrews. However, [ based on the recording, it does seem like they've made a move against His Majesty. It's just uncertain what they've done." "I'll call Dad right away and tell him he needs to arrange a medical check for His Majesty!" Kelvin said as he grabbed his phone to make the call.

"I'm afraid that won't work. How big of a fool would Caspian have to be to use a method that could be detected by an ordinary doctor? All of us from Life Force are masters at life force manipulation.

"We can use life force to check on His Majesty's condition," Avon said matter-of-factly.

At last, Avon voiced what he was truly after. Everything he said earlier was merely to set up for this. ee "Yes. Please, Mr. Dunn. This is a matter of great urgency. I need to inform my dad at once!" Kelvin exclaimed in agitation.

Zane and a bunch of subordinates were lined up outside the King's residence.

Jerry couldn't wait to get his hands on Sherry, but he decided he would only head out once Jett arrived. After all, he was the King's trusted advisor now. He needed to act in a way that befitted his powerful position.

When Kelvin and the procession of cars arrived, everyone greeted them with

huge smiles. As the crowd surged around Jett, he felt as if he were a celebrity. a "You've done well, Mr. Dunn!" Zane said with a smile. This was in stark contrast to the way everyone had treated Jett during the previous banquet.

Noticing that, Caspian swiftly pretended to step on a guard from Skyarch Palace by accident.

He wanted to create a scuffle to divert everyone's attention from Avon, minimizing the risk of Avon getting exposed.

"Hey, punk! What's the meaning of this? Not only did you step on my foot, but you even insulted me!" Caspian growled as he grabbed the guard by the collar.

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The guard was stupefied. He was a | member of Raging Blade, and thanks to recent events, he had grown | accustomed to lording over others.

Raging Blade was the most powerful group within Skyarch Palace, so they showed no respect for the other groups.

Therefore, the guard never thought someone would start a fight with him.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want just because you guys completed a mission?" the guard snapped as he shoved Caspian.

The sudden outburst drew everyone's attention.

After seeing what Caspian did, everyone understood what was

happening and joined in to divert attention from Avon as well.

Laina, who had disguised herself as Warren, swiftly kicked a guard.

In an instant, there was an uproar as both parties engaged in a physical fight.

Macy felt helpless. She wanted to join in on the fight too, but she was disguised as Sherry. She couldn't act rashly.

Meanwhile, Jerry had just emerged from the King's residence. He had a lot of questions to ask Jett, but he was greeted by a fight among the subordinates instead.

"Go and find out what's going on," Jerry instructed Kelvin.

Kelvin hurried over to find out what


"What's all this? Why are you guys fighting among yourselves?" Kelvin questioned sternly.

In reality, he had a fairly good idea of what was going on. The people from Raging Blade and Life Force had never gotten along.

Now that Life Force had an achievement under their belt, they would no longer allow others to humiliate them the way they used to.

""He started it! He stepped on me, but he twisted things around and blamed it on me instead!" the guard who was fighting with Caspian cried out exasperatedly.