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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 810
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Chapter 810 Baseless Accusations

After hearing the news, all the other countries were eager to see what would happen between Filren

and Diatoran.

They had been worried that Filren might back down at the last minute.

Moreover, Diatoran’s recent actions had left most people confused. That being said, with how strong

Diatoran was, no one dared to do anything recklessly. Thus, Filren’s declaration of war gave the other

countries the chance to see what Diatoran was capable of.

If Diatoran was weak without Caspian to oversee its army, the other countries would definitely team up

with Filren as well.

They wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to get a piece of Diatoran’s vast territory!

All at once, numerous countries began to silently dispatch troops to the borders of Diatoran. They were

prepared to strike at any time.

At the same time, Dax’s deputy general led a group of soldiers into the army inspectors‘ quarters. The

army inspectors were killed before they could even ask what was going on.

Jerry had secretly commanded these people to assassinate Dax once the battle started.

That way, Diatoran would be forced to withdraw their forces.

However, the Four Champions had received a call from Balthazar, informing them of this secret.

The Four Champions would have still been unaware of the situation if Balthazar hadn’t been rescued.

None of them expected Jerry to be this brazen.

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Half an hour later, Balthazar, who was now with Joseph, started an international livestream as well.

Balthazar looked healthy and energetic as he stood there with Joseph and Lyndon. “I’m sure you’ve all

heard about Filren declaring war against us. In the past, the Filrenians had already lost to us

Dlatoranians. It was a lapse of judgment on our part for not destroying Filren back then.

“We didn’t expect Filren to be foolish enough to challenge us now!” Balthazar declared.


“The nation of Diatoran has been around for several millennia now, and we have never invaded another

country. However, that doesn’t mean we will allow anyone to push us around. We give as good as we


“Since Filren has declared war against us, we will accept the gauntlet. This time, we’ll make sure Filren

has no chance of ever fighting back!”

Balthazar’s voice boomed authoritatively as he spoke to the camera.

Lately, a lot of rumors regarding Balthazar had spread. Some said his continued absence signified that

something unfortunate had happened to him.

Such rumors left the Diatoranians feeling apprehensive. Now that they were seeing him well and alive,

they no longer felt the need to worry.

Balthazar was just as mighty and imposing as ever!

“I will be heading to the border to supervise the battle myself! I shall witness the way our soldiers

pummel the Filrenians to the ground!” Balthazar declared spiritedly.

Joseph hadn’t seen that coming. He wanted to talk Balthazar out of it, but since it was a livestream, it

wasn’t the right time for him to say anything.

Once the livestream ended, Joseph muttered, “Your Majesty, were you just trying to scare the enemy

by saying that you’d be at the border to supervise the battle as well?”

“What do you mean? I’m a man of my word. The citizens of Diatoran have all seen the livestream.

They’ll be disappointed if I don’t join the army at the front lines,” Balthazar firmly replied.

“You’ve only just recovered, Your Majesty. It’s best if you get more rest first,” Joseph advised.

“What’s the meaning of that, Joseph? Do you think I’ll be a burden for you Champions if I supervise the

battle at the border?” Balthazar questioned sternly. Alarmed, Joseph hastily explained, “I would never,

Your Majesty! I’m just worried about your health.”

“That’s enough. You can’t talk me out of it. You four need to prove yourselves. You can’t always rely on


Byron was incensed after watching Balthazar’s speech.

“Damn it! That old bugger hasn’t made any public appearance for so long now,

so why did he suddenly show up now?” Byron snapped in fury. He felt as if Balthazar had been toying

with him.

Jason didn’t think it was his place to say anything, but he became even more certain that Diatoran was

up to something.

The Filrenians were doomed if Caspian was reinstated as the Diatoranian God of War.

However, Jason dared not tell Byron what he truly thought.

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Inside a conference room at the King’s residence, Zane was seated at the head of the table with a grim

expression. Several guards stood behind him.

Before him were piles of documents and over a dozen important figures who were all silent.

These people formed the core of Diatoran’s power.

As the Chief Inspector, Zane’s task was to place the Andrews family’s allies into all the important

positions in the country to slowly take over all of Diatoran.

This time, he had his eyes on the person in charge of Diatoran’s public media network.

“My, my. You seem to have a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Suarez. In just a few years of being the

head of the public media network, you’ve accrued a net worth of tens of millions!

“You even bought a luxury car worth several millions!” Zane uttered icily as he picked up a pile of

forged documents.

“I’m being set up, Mr. Andrews! All of my earnings came through legal channels. I dabble in some

investment funds, so I’ve been receiving the dividends from them,” Titus Suarez explained tearfully.

“You’re not going to admit to taking bribes, of course! You’re hereby removed from your position while

we run a thorough investigation. From now on, Declan Andrews is the next head of Diatoran’s public

media network!” Zane solemnly declared.

Ordinarily speaking, the ‘candidate for this position would need to go through. several rounds of

screenings and Interviews. But Zane simply appointed whoever he wanted.

The other officials and important figures in the room knew something fishy was happening, but none of

them dared to protest.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!