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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 It was time to go home. Hank told the other applicants to return the next day. After that, he

packed his things and said, “Thea, why don’t we go back to my place? There’s nobody at home. I can

explain everything in great detail.” “Huh?” Thea was stunned. “Your place?” Seeing Thea’s shocked

expression, Hank amended his statement quickly. “My place is nearer, so it’s more convenient. If you’re

uncomfortable with that, we can go to my office instead.”

Hank was the human resources manager at Ella Corporation. As he was in charge of recruiting, he had

his own office. There was a couch in his office, which would work just as well as a bed. He had thought

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it through. He would get Thea into bed by hook or by crook. After all, the media labeled her the most

beautiful woman in Cansington. He got excited just thinking about her hot body and her pretty face.

Thea breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that they would be going to his office. Quickly, she said,

“Thank you, sir.” “Don’t mention it. Just call me Hank.” He grabbed Thea’s hand. Thea avoided him.

Generously, Hank said, “My apologies. I thought of you as my little sister. With so many people out

there, I just wanted to make sure that you’d be safe.” Thea touched her hair, smiling.

“Don’t worry about it.” Hank showed her out. “Let’s go.” Thea exited first. When she did not see James,

she was confused, giving him a call. He did not pick up She frowned and muttered, “Where did he go?”

“Thea, let’s go.” “Okay.” James had left. Thea did not give it much thought. Maybe he got tired of

waiting and left early. She sent Jamnes a voice message instead. “Jamie, I’ll be at Ella Corporation to

talk about an interview. You can go home first.” Once she sent the message, she glanced at Hank. He

was staring at her greedily. She frowned as she took in his expression. Hank tried to cover it up,

smiling, “Sorry, Thea. You’re just so beautiful that I can’t help but envision you in different outfits. I

wonder what you’d look best in.” He was thinking about outfits, fantasizing about what kind of lingerie

Thea would look most sexy in Hank’s words piqued Thea’s interest. It seemed like Hank was someone

who appreciated the beauty in things and was well-versed in fashion design. “No worries. It looks like

you’re familiar with all things fashion. I might have to learn a thing or two from you.” Hank felt like he

was walking on air. He was just a guy in human resources. How would he know anything about fashion

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design? However, he said proudly, “I know all there is to fashion design.

Let’s go to my office where we can share our ideas. This way, please. I’ll drive us there. As a manager

at Ella, I don’t earn much. Only about fifty thousand dollars. The year-end bonus is higher, so I could

still afford a luxury car.” He intended to flaunt his wealth. Thea smiled. “That’s so impressive! You’ve

achieved so much at such a young age. You have got to teach me your ways.” “Haha, we’ll talk about it

later.” Hank laughed. Thea went with Hank to Ella Corporation. As James was waiting for Thea outside,

he felt a wave of murderous intent, noticing a familiar person in the crowd. Quickly, he put his phone on

silent mode, following the person. The person left the job fair, heading toward a mall just behind. He

followed the person into an underground parking lot via the mall’s back entrance. It was a woman he

was following.