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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 6788
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Xenovs nodded hurriedly in response. Before he could speak, the formation suddenly froze.

James activated the Chaos Yin-Yang Eyes and searched his Soul Energy Ball, instantly obtaining all the information.

He reached out his hand and sucked the Soul Energy Ball into his hand. Then, he crushed it into pieces. Xenova screamed and fell suddenly into the blazing ten-color flames.

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Sylvia's eyes widened in horror after witnessing the brutal scene. Even Lesia had a surprised look on her face. "Why did you kill him?" As James slowly lifted his hand, he let the crushed Soul Energy Ball scatter bit by bit.

"He is no longer useful, so there was no need to keep him around." Taken aback, Lesia approached him and said, "But he was at the Yitro Daeclon Rank.

Hemera and Fennec could've consumed him..." Before she could finish speaking, terrifying red lights shot out from James' eyes and instantly grabbed the Soul Energy Balls in Hemera and Fennec's hands.

"Master." Fennec was about to protest, but Hemera instantly covered his mouth. Hemera whispered, "Shut up. Master must have his reasons." After James searched the Soul Energy Balls, he crushed them without exception.

Hemera and Fennec were like kids who had their lollipops taken from them. Disappointed, their heads hung low. After scattering the remains of the crushed Soul Energy Balls, James said, "Not everything is worth keeping. They seem to be at the Yitro Daeclon Rank but are actually only at the peak of the Xurxo Daeclon Rank. They've hit their limits and can no longer grow." He looked at the downcast Hemera and Fennec, explaining, "If you consumed these kinds of Soul Energy Balls, you might be able to enter the Daeclon Rank. However, you'll be confined permanently to the Xurxo Daeclon Rank." Upon hearing James's insights, Hemera and Fennec quickly lifted their heads in shock.

The Xurxo Daeclon Rank was beyond their reach for now. Still, they had aspirations that stretched far beyond just reaching this level—they dreamed of someday achieving the Yitro, Soma, Historial Daeclon Rank, and even the Daeclon Mahayana.

Though James was harsh, his actions were ultimately meant for their own good. James said firmly, "If you want to grow stronger, you must do it step by step. Instead of consuming external energies, improving through your own effort is important.

Then, he called upon the Wisdom Tower and the Perceiver Tower. Then, he said, "The powers of the ten holy temples are gathered inside these two towers. You two have been withfor a very long time. It's tI award you two.

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"Go on. As for what opportunities or heights you reach, it will depend on your determination and will." Hemera and Fennec's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Just as Fennec was about to leap forward, Hemera grabbed him.

"But Master, you're about to ascend to the Thirty-Third Heaven and fight Yehria. If we enter the towers now, you'll lose to helpers. We're supposed to face whatever comes together." Realizing Hemera's intention, Fennec quickly agreed, "Let us fight, Master! We'll enter the towers after the battle." Lesia laughed and teased, "Such loyal kids. Unfortunately, you two are still too weak and won't be of much help. It'll be better to enter the towers and reach the Daeclon Rank soon. By doing so, Master's formation can unleash its full potential." James smiled at them and urged, "Get going." Hemera and Fennec exchanged a glance, then clenched their teeth. The next second, they transformed into light beams, each entering a tower.

After James stored the towers away, Lesia put her hands behind her back and asked, "How cI couldn't see they were at the Xurxo Daeclon Rank's peak and not the Yitro Daeclon Rank?" James pointed at the bodies within the formation and explained, "Their powers were not from within their souls, but bodies. Go check for yourself if you don't believe me."