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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 SEBASTIAN'S POV | made it a point to construct Diamond Resort on the coastline of Oceanic City in the area that was considered to be the most aesthetically pleasing.

The hotel had sole access to the most pristine beach in the neighborhood.

Even the most affordable option for a single night's stay would set you back a staggering two hundred and fifty dollars.

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The following month's first day would mark the beginning of the hotel's public operations. A week ago... in order to promote the event, | distributed dozens of invitations to various people. Naturally, each and every one of these invitations was handed out to the wealthy and well-known residents scattered all over the city. Even though I invited sof my friends who live in New York, only a few of them were able to make it.

When | and the rest of my group arrived at the resort, the influential people | mentioned earlier were already beginning to make their way there for a vacation.

1300 Mon, 9 Jet 12 67 YI Wise 12 der %] On the ten-meter-long table, there were a variety of delectable dishes, Including seafood consisting of lobsters, shrimps, crabs, clams, and many other types of shellfish. In addition, grilled steaks and other dishes cto 28 Mind. Countless glasses of red wine were splattered on the table with a price of one thousand five hundred dollars.

At this time... men and women were seen chatting and laughing together while sitting side by side. To put it mildly, the scene was absolutely gorgeous and lively. This business that my cousin Jake and | started has already begun to show signs of success, and | couldn’t be happier about it.

| was observing the other people in the room enjoying themselves, but for sreason, my thoughts kept going back to Celine. My gut instincts told that she’s not Jake's girlfriend... But what if she is? As the memory of what had happened earlier in the car cflooding bot to me, let out a heavy sigh. Because of the plane ride, Celine wasn’t feeling very well, so Jake kept checking in on her throughout the entire journey. It not sure why, but at that very moment... | felt something like a pit in my Chapter 32 Dinner stomach.

3/6 When Celine threw up on Brylee’s dress, | am positive that | saw a particularly repulsive expression appear on Brylee’s face, one that | had never seen before. Her expression made her appear... displeasing, not only in her appearance but also in the manner in which she carried herself.

Suddenly, | found myself in a state of bewilderment. Is it true that Brylee was as kind and gentle, a person as everyone said she was, and that she was even kind to her twin sister? When Brylee laughed at the other women’s teasing while she was sitting so close beside me, it distractedfrom the thoughts that | was trying to think.

| turned my attention to Jake, and he was looking at the wristwatch on his left wrist and was about to get up when Brylee intervened and stopped him.

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“Jake... where are you planning on going?” As he looked at my fiancée, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants. “Letjust run over and see how Celine is doing...” Chapter 32 Dinner “Oh, don't bother about her...” Brylee smiled and gesticulated with her hand.

“She must be taking a rest right now. Don’t worry... we're going to see her after a while and I'm sure that she will definitely be up by then...” However, as soon as she finished speaking, everyone was stunned as their gazes darted on the person who was walking towards our table, and they began to murmur and whisper to each other to express their surprise. “Is that, Brylee...?” “No... it's her twin sister. You know, the one all over the internet.” “Yes, she’s the wild and bad sister...” “Yeah... the sister who was almost disowned by her father...” 4/6 | was speechless for a few seconds as | watched Celine make her way towards our table and smile at everyone. She was wearing an off-shoulder yellow dress... her black hair was left cascading down on both sides of her face... her skin as fair as cream.

All of the people's voices stopped as they turned their attention from Celine to Brylee and then back to Celine again as she made her way over to us slowly and methodicoty The appearance of the twin was identical, but once you looked closely, you could tell the difference between them.

A provocative and alluring strapless white dress was what Brylee had on.

However, | am puzzled as to why | was experiencing such an odd sensation as | looked at her sister. Despite the fact that her dress was quite plain and not nearly as stunning as Brylee’s, my eyes were tellingthat she’s definitely the most beautiful girl here tonight. | noticed that Brylee’s face darkened and turned serious as she stared at her sister, but then she quickly put on a phony smile. What exactly is going on with her? “Celine, chere...” Jake approached her as she was walking through the lobby of the banquet hall and escorted her to our table, where he pulled out a seat for her.

“I'm sorry, I'm late...” | heard her sweet angelic voice again, and | immediately cleared my throat and shifted in my seat in response to what Celine had said litte The people at the table resumed their murmuring and whispering after they had been silent for a brief moment, and | noticed that they all had a frowning expression on their faces. Her arrival didn’t elicit any favourable response.

She didn’t say anything else, but just smiled, and sat down in the chair that Jake had pulled out for her.

When she looked up at Brylee, she smiled at her before shifting her gaze to 1. me. To my dismay, her smile gradually faded as she turned her attention back to Jake, who was currently pouring red wine into her glass.