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Supreme God Emperor-Novel2

Chapter Vol 4 3551: Fish eye mixed beads
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"If you think so, you are very wrong!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "With me, the possibility of death is very high."

Mo Ziyan smiled slightly: "It's okay, I believe in my choice, and I am not greedy. This time I can get the resources to reach the realm of the realm master, so I will find a place to nest, wait for the end of the experience, and return to the Mo family. Break through the first rank of the world master and become a serene worship of the Mo family."

Mu Yun didn't say more.

At this moment, the two of them looked forward.

Xu Jian and Ran Yanchen fought against the brothers Li Jianzong and Li Fengshen, the most popular.

The Tianjiao of the four world gods at the pinnacle level was fighting at this moment, and both sides of the street were already beaten to pieces.

It's just strange that dozens of people are fighting on this street without leaving.

The scene seemed to be a bit congested.

"Isn't it weird?"


Mu Yun nodded and said: "These four guys, there is no need to fight so hard. I'm afraid it's because of something encountered..."



Almost at the same time, Mu Yun and Mo Ziyan spoke.

The two watched carefully.

On both sides of the street, shops were destroyed, but one store seemed to be intact at the moment.

On the shop, three big characters are shining.

"Che Yi Ge!"

Mu Yun looked at the three characters and blurted out.

"you know?"

"Let's go and see, how?" Mu Yun didn't answer, but said directly.

"how to get to?"

Seeing that Mu Yun didn't answer, Mo Ziyan didn't ask too much, who didn't have any secrets yet.

"The two of us, pretending to be disciples of Jinglei Zong and Guiyuan Zong, fight, get close to them... take the opportunity to enter..."

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Hearing Mu Yun's words, Mo Ziyan was taken aback.

So witty!

But... don't let it go!

Discovered by this group of guys, it is estimated that they will stop first and kill both of them.

"Going for wealth and insurance, do it!"

At this moment, Mo Ziyan spouted a mouthful of blood and wiped it on his face.


"Pretend!" Mo Ziyan said helplessly: "Although the two sides are fighting fiercely, if someone probes for a little bit, we will be found out. Anyway, we will be disguised."

Hearing this, Mu Yun nodded, took a piece of black cloth, and put it on his cheek, covering half of his face, which looked a little unique.

"Why vomit blood? It's not your own blood?" Mu Yun muttered: "Slightly cover your cheeks, it's fine..."


At this moment, the two brothers Li Jianzong and Li Fengshen cooperated to fight against Xu Jian and Ran Yanchen, without losing the wind.


A roar sounded.

Suddenly a figure fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

And another figure broke out at this moment.

It was Muyun and Mo Ziyan.

The two lurked to the edge, suddenly broke out, mixed between the crowd, and walked away, gradually approaching the car and the pavilion.

In the end, the two came to Cheyige.

The Cheyi Pavilion, the gate of which is three meters wide and made of bronze, is open at this moment.

At a glance, the front hall of the car is shining, but it is not real.

At this moment, Mu Yun and Mo Ziyan looked at each other.

Mo Ziyan smashed out a punch, Mu Yun took advantage of the situation and retreated into the Cheyi Pavilion.

Entering the pavilion, Mu Yun instantly turned around and looked at the layout of the room.

The quaint living room only has a central location, a picture scroll, a picture of the landscape, the trees on the mountain, lush and lush, moving with the wind, the water is also drifting with the current at this moment.

This scene made Mu Yun stunned for a while.

"I will kill you!"

With a roar, Mo Ziyan also rushed into the first pavilion of the car at this moment.

Looking at the landscape painting, Mo Ziyan was also taken aback.

"Space in the painting!"

Mo Ziyan opened the mouth and said: "Hey, this has to be at the level of a realm master, right?

"Space in the painting?"

"Yeah!" Mo Ziyan said again: "The stronger you are, the more you pay attention to your own privacy."

"Some strong people will create the treasure of space, converge constantly with the spiritual power of heaven and earth, fill the space, and place their own treasures in the space."

Mo Ziyan smiled and said, "Go, go in and take a look!"


Mu Yun is not talking nonsense.

The two quickly entered the space in the painting, a ray of light circulated, and under the rotation of the sky, the figures of Mu Yun and Mo Ziyan appeared among the mountains and forests.

"Hey, this space is stable, not a million years old, it can't be condensed like this."

Mo Ziyan exclaimed.

"Stop sighing here, hurry up and find the baby."

Mu Yun said again: "When we were discovered, the two of us were dead."

Mo Ziyan also nodded.

And at this moment, on the street.

Li Jianzong snorted: "Someone has entered!"

"Is it yours?" Xu Jian said in a raging manner at this moment.

Li Jianzong shouted: "Your people may have also gone in."

"The space in the painting is its own space, which can only be achieved at the level of the master. Generally, this kind of solidified space has such a strong stability. It is less to say that it has been accumulated over a million years. Can you be sure that your people will get the treasure and won't run away?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Jian and Ran Yanchen both raised their brows.

Maybe their people can't run, but it's hard to say if something is ignorant.

In case it is a sixth-rank realm pill, a sixth-rank realm device, a sixth-rank realm tactic, etc...

"In that case, just go and see!"

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Xu Jian snorted: "Li Jianzong, you and I can't beat the other. It's meaningless to fight. Let's enter together, find what we find, what we get, and we look at our own strength."

"If you want to grab it, then grab it by strength!"

Hearing this, Li Jianzong sneered and said, "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

At this moment, both of them stopped.


Li Jianzong and Xu Jian gathered the disciples around them one after another.

"Huh? No!"

At this moment, Li Jianzong frowned suddenly.

"I have 21 people in my party this time."

"How many are you?"

Xu Jian frowned upon hearing this question, "Twenty-three!"


A total of forty-four people!

Until now, some people were injured, but no one died.

But now, there are forty-four people in the field.

Who are the two who went in?

Xu Jian and Li Jianzong both had cold faces.


With a curse, Li Jianzong rushed directly into the Cheyi Pavilion.historical

Xu Jian also understood it immediately, and rushed into it in an instant.

Now, if you don't understand, you are a fool!

Someone... took the opportunity to get in and entered the landscape painting in the Cheyi Pavilion.

Which bastard, so bold!

At this moment, the four led the others and waited, rushing in...

Between the landscape paintings, Mu Yun and Mo Ziyan were about to fly into the air, and the two hurriedly stopped.

"Damn, discovered it so soon?" Mo Ziyan cursed in a low voice.

At this moment, Mu Yun also condensed his breath, looking up at the sky.

Those figures filed in at this moment, and the four headed were Xu Jian, Ran Yanchen, Li Jianzong, and Li Fengshen.

Mo Ziyan couldn't help but said bitterly: "Just now, but now, are these people mentally ill?"