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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 The Crescent mountain pack had been attacked in the middle of the night. The enemy had used a fire to attack, three injured, four dead..

“I want medical relief sent, | want builders sent to help secure their defenses, and | want Aarron over there now,” Grayson spouted the orders.

| turned to look at Elizabeth when Aarron was told to help them but if she was scared for her husband she didn’t show a, fz “They have one man in need of critical care,” Matt interjected.

“Have him helicoptered here,” Grayson dismissed everyone.

We had one moment of bliss and now the world was up in flames.

“They're expectingto send men but that’s not possible right now. Richard knows that he won't expect any men beyond what I'm sending,” he cup to me.

“Tell him to send his elders elsewhere, maybe even the children. They know who's the smallest pack among us and who has the least defenses,” | brought up to him.

“Where would they go?” “My family?” | suggested.

“They are not to know of this Annette this is not their fight and | can defend our people,” “We need a safe place for our people to go if it gets any worse. Alpha Richard has lost four men we need to give sanctuary,” | shot back.

“I do not want to burden or worry your parents,” he shook his head.

“This is what families do Grayson, besides it’s tthey know,” | grabbed his hand.

“They will not let you stay here and this is where | can keep you safe. You're families lands are far away but they are open to enemies along the cliff face,” “You know I'm not leaving you at a tlike this if my family wantsto return they'll have to find a way to cope just like we have. But we need more allies,” “Alright,” he relented.

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He would do anything to keep his people and allies safe including swallowing his pride.

“I am of course willing to give sanctuary to anyone who needs it. But if you keep the safety of my daughter secret fromagain I'll kill you myself,” My father looked at us sternly over the video call.

1/5 Chapter 53 “I'll send Charlie and James up there mw. | want people there helping and your brothers will keep you as safe ass Grayson.” my father continued..

“No it’s too dangerous | do not want theme” “They're my children and two strong alpin wamions the more alpha blood you have the less of a chance they stand it's not up for discussion.” “I have to agree Annette we have the one thing they cannot acquire,” Grayson sided with my father. “Besides James was due soon anyways, Mom will not allow this,” | told my father hoping the tent of a fight with my mother would deter him from sending my brothers here..

“She will want family beside you, Grayson is your husband hut we are your blood and she will listen to me.” Not once in my life had | heard my father so cold.. He was always a family man. A man devoted to his wife and children, this threat tohas showna side of my dindi mem thought existed.

“Grayson | know it just took a good amount of your strength it: fer help. Thank you for keeping her safe,” How my father said something so nice with such edge scared me.

“Thank you Alpha Jonathan. | want you to know I'd die before | la single scratch hurt Annette,” Grayson promised.

The respect the two men shared warmed my heart.

“Good or else I'd do worse to you,” my father threatened him.

“The boys will leave tonight. I love you darling,” my father finished speaking tallone.

We ended the call and | slumped in my chair defeated that my brothers were dhunger thecuse of me.

“Do not feel guilty they're strong men they'll survive,” Grayson touched my cheek..

“I can’t not worry over them now. Just more lives we have to watch over,” | felt my throat death as my eyes watered, Charlie would love that much | knew, but James. He was too unpredictable to be put into lie the bud any chance at a fight he’d take it and that’s exactly what our enemy wanted. | could not live with him u thuill.

“They have a duty to protect you Netta I'm not going to lie having someone with the dietitions protect vou malus feber, he heldto his chest.

ofertion us the utmost concern to him and having to more alpita blondind weiben, with the ssomething he'd want Te’'ll need to prepare for them in the house,” | sighed pulling away from him.

Not only that but we should send meals to our allies, give them comfort during this time. Then test no mule Chapter 53 preserves food and packs in case of escape for the elders and children of our pack.

| called a lot of the mothers, wives, and young women and we set to work on cooking for the people who fought for us.

“This is a kind gesture Luna,” Elizabeth smiled at me.

“This war was incited because of Graysons defense of our pack. | think it only right we care for those who defended these lands because of our enemy,” | noted.

A lot of women smiled and nodded at me. The look of pride in their eyes scared me. | was their leader the one they looked to for hope.

And all | wanted to do was hide. My brothers were now in the firing line because of me, hiding and waiting it out seemed like the only way no one | cared about got hurt.

Wolves didn’t do that though, we fought, we stood our ground, we protected what we loved. So no matter what someone of my family would have chere to help us.

“Your brothers are coming then?” Charlotte asked me.

“Yes Charlie the eldest and James the youngest. My father wants to make sure he knows I'm safe,” “Alpha wouldn't let anything happen to you,” Elizabeth bristled stopping her chopping of sonions.

“As a parent it’s hard for him not to worry despite his respect for Grayson,” | smiled at her to calm her insulted manner.

All Elizabeth did was purse her I*ps in response, Before | could continue my work my phone rang | knew who it was before | even looked.

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“Mama...” | didn’t say much more because | knew she was going to rant. | excused myself and went to my room “Do not even start Annette | want you to chome. This is the only way you'll be fully protected, | don’t want you brothers there there is no way I'm letting you stay there. You're father has this completely backwards!” She rushed her words in a flurry of fear.

| held my breath for a couple second seeing if she was done.

“I cannot run that is not how a Luna behaves you taughtthat,” | did my best to reason with her.

“No, no for all we know they don’t know what pack you hail from so no. | want you to chwhere you'll be safe.” *You have visited mom the puck symbol was on banners at our binding | have no doubt they've been watching ur deserve ch“How could he have let this happen. What kind of alpha is unaware of this kind of threat to his pack. What kind of mute leaves his wife to go hunt a bear this is not what | wanted for you no. This is not what you'll be safer, happier, and we can turn this around,” 3/5 Chapter 53 “Mama that isn’t what | want. | don’t want to leave him. He was aware of the threat and he’s sent wolves after these people; they're a shadowy enemy. Cowards,” | almost growled.

“I do not trust him. He will fail you and then you will get hurt,” she started choking up.

“But | trust him he is not just spotential mate any more mama, he’s my soulmate, my husband..m-my lover,” She wouldn't try and takefrom him if she knew we had crossed the boundary of intimacy.

Her silence rang through louder than any of her raging.

“Mama?” “Are you pregnant?” “No, I'm not but it’s, it won't be long.” | covered my eyes waiting for another wave of maternal anxiety.

“Then I'm coming too,” “No!” 1 whined. Having my brothers here during my heat would be mortifying enough.

“But-" “Mom! I'm a grown women, a Luna! | cannot have you here during my heat. | will die from shame,” | begged her to stay home.

“You needthere to help you through this,” She insisted.

“No, at least, just wait until we're sure I'm with child, after my heat,” | told her.

“So you've had the dreams then,” “How did you know? Did you have them?,” | was shocked. “You never toldabout them,” “I only had the dreams once, when | got pregnant with you. | knew | was going to get pregnant with a baby girl,” She sounded far off in her mind. “I was running through the forest, your father was running with me, and then when the moon cout we went swimming and when we cout of the water a small tiny pup followed us, a little girl...

You,” “That was the only tyou dreamt of pups?” “I'd had feelings but no dreams,” “I'm scared to bring a baby into all this,” “Nothing will happen to your baby it'll have you,” 4/5 Chapter 53 Chapter Comments ruby! freaking goosebumps Beth Michalak having two more alpha VIEW ALL 12 COMMENTS > 41