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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 “Are you alright?” He grabbed my hand running his thumb over my knuckles as we headed hafter dinner.

“He threatened your life. | know you're being generous,” | shrugged.

“Does not mean this is easy for you,” “No, but this was a step too p too far. | can’t let him act out towards you like that. Not as your wife,” | knew what we had done had been the right thing, still doesn’t making it an easier imposing it upon someone you love.

“To be honest | don’t care much he’d threatenedbut | know how he made you feel how can | not make him pay for that,” Graysons voice was stern and his brows knit together.

He was not one to be open with affection and terms of endearment. He would probably never k*ssopenly or even do more than hold my hand but he showed his care forin other ways.

When he remarks in pride aboutbeing a good Luna, when comments on my fighting, when he asksto lead with him. | know to someone else that might seem like nothing but knowing him as | do now | can see how to him that’s how he shows himself to me, in front of others at least.

He walkedto the house hand in hand lettinggo as | said good night to my parents.

“Good night Annette,” “Night Grayson,” | dreamt of him that night. Grayson laying in his arms protected from all the dark corners of the world. The next thing | knew he was laughing atand | reached for a hand that only pusheddown.

Grayson then tore at them and scared off anyone that looked at me. He broughttoo him and the heat | felt csearing to me. 2 | burned and | screamed. | scratched at my skin clawing to relive the flames from my b*dy. | wailed a horrible right sound that was not human or wolf in any way.

When | woke up | could still feel remnants on my skin.

“My heat.

My heat would csoon...

His knock ctentatively at my door.

“Annette?” | heard the worry in his voice.

“I'm alright Grayson it’s soon but not yet. | doubt we’ll make a month without it though,” | opened the door his tall frsomewhat slumped.

1/7 Chapter 39 “I dreamed you were being burned at the stake. Once | felt you wake up | thought | should check on you.” “I'm alright “I grabbed his arms to touch him for assurance for both of us.

Like ice and water on the hottest day he chased the last remnants of the fever dream from me.

His arms weaved aroundand over my b*dy. One hand to my n*eck to keep my head to his chest and the other wonderfully low but still so respectful.

“When the ashes cleared there was a small Gray pup,” he whispered.

“Shhh. | know | know. We will face it when the tcomes,” | rubbed my fingers over his shoulders and biceps.

The dream the night before we were bound cto me. The way he swallowedwhole and a litter sat beforein the morning.

“If we've both dreamed this maybe we should speak to the elders?” He tilted my head up to him.

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“I think that’s best.” “After today. We have to handle trade treaties and then we'll have tto discuss with them.” he decided but | knew.

“You just don’t want your mother getting over excited,” | grinned.

He rolled his eyes toin the darkness of the early morning. “You'll thanklater,” As we calmed down his eyes roamed overand he saw my white nightie, it was not the most modest thing his hands moved to touch it but pulled back to his b*dy before anything happened.

“Go back to sleep,” he rubbed my arms.

| went back to sleep unwillingly. | had a feeling that he would not sleep at all. If I'd learned anything he was going for a num | looked out of my window after a few minutes and saw his black fur streak through the trees. He must still be worried to go running with Enzo.

Eventually | went to sleep again after tossing around my bed for quite stime.

When | woke up again | felt heavy knowing my parents were leaving right away. They had a plane to catch and they couldn't stay for breakfast.

“I love you papa,” | squeezed him tightly.

“Things will all work out in the end darling.” he patted my head as he squeezedback.

“You're always so certain,” | smile into his shoulder.

“Life is never certain but there is one thing you need to understand you are stronger than anything it can throw your way,” he looked atin the eyes with asserting strength.

27 Chapter 39 He k*ssed my cheek and passed my hands to my mom.

“I do not like what happened still but I-I know that Grayson he did the best thing-poss-may-he did what he thought was best,” She shook her head as she spoke.

“Mama you and | both know that James has been uncorrected for too long now. He's the baby | know but he is going down a dangerous path.” | warned her. “You have to talk to him get him to open up and not treat him like a problem but as an adult so he can get better and control his strength and his wolf.” It was not easy for my moth It was not easy for my mother to let go of us barely an adult.

s her children to see us as adults. James was still only 16 and | was The only reason she agreed to letfind a mate was because if | went into heat inmates | could die. For that reason | think she was holding onto James like vice.

“Anna,” my mother frowned. “I just worry for him but you might be, maybe his there and apart frommay help,” she huffed. “When did you get so smart,” she giggled with a little sniffle.

“I love you mama,” | tucked my head into her.

“Oh I love you so so much,” she heldlike it was the last time.

“Remind him every day if he hurts you I'll kill him. Theo hugged me. “Anything you wantto say to lamie?” He whispered in my ear.

“You know | can’t,” | whispered back. The punishment for his threat was clear and if | broke that the lesson would be lost.

“I always knew you'd be a dependable leader,” he complimented| knew in order to ease my spirits.

“You have to calleveryday still and | want to know everything that he does. | want to know how you're feeling and how you're doing as Luna. The second you need any advice and the second you needto kick ass I will.” Cea stolefrom Theo and squeezed my arms.

“I will call you everyday don’t worry letknow you get hsafe,” | smiled give her a hug goodbye.

“Anna, | know things are a little tense here. You tellif you need anything. If you needto cand help at point | will,” Charlie patted my shoulder.

“So stoic as always,” | rolled my eyes. “I love you Charlie,” “Seriously whenever you needto visit,” he shrugged.

“Okay,” | laughed at him and his odd ways.

“You know | should cwhen James comes,” he pressed.

“Charlie?” “You know to check in on you. To make sure James is okay,” he coughed.

3/7 Chapter 39 “You can cvisit but when you do you're gonna have to tellthe real reason why,” | crossed my arms.

“You don’t need to know everything.” Charlie glared at me..

“I do when people want to conto my lands,” | raised a brow.

He huffed and gaveanother quick hug. “So stubborn,” They loaded into the car and | waved them off. | didn’t cry this time. | knew I'd see them again, | knew that Grayson and | were just on the spage.

It's easier to say goodbye to the past when the future is clearer. | knew that we may still face hardships but now | wasn't alone.

*#+'m sorry | missed them leaving ” *I'm alright besides | don’t think my mother is ready to be polite to you yet *#+|t's tfor the meeting “” “On my way To say | was nervous as my first meeting as Luna, and in front of our allies was a bold face lie. | had dressed in the armor of a modern day luna. | had my hair up in a braided bun and my dress was a traditional cotton style dress.

Not only were we going to discuss trade, we were also going to discuss the help of tracking the mystery wolf. In return they’ll definitely want something. Wolves don’t give anything away for free, we're proud we expect rewards and we don’t take no for an answer. This means negotiations are always tense.

“Luna Annette, my my you putto shame,” Luna Lilliana smirked atwith a wink as | entered the meeting room..

It was a wood walled room with a large rustic oak table with leather chairs, a bar, no windows, and it was sound proof. Wolves also like to have their privacy.

“Lilli pour our host a mimosa,” Her husband Alpha Steven called from his seat. “Marriage becomes you Luna,” he nodded to me.

The insinuation made a flood of red rush to my cheeks.

“Steven leave this poor girl alone” Lilliana scolded her mate. “You know she’s barely been allowed to think of the notion until a couple months ago,” It’s true wolves see intimacy as a very sacred moment, as children we're taught about it and about its importance to only enjoy yourself with your mate in the nof the goddess. Spacks are straying from this but not mine and | highly doubt Grayson was even able to say the word S*x aloud to me.

out of our “Oh | know she’s perfect for him but Grayson hit’swhen | tease him so I'm going to see what | can get ou new friend,” He chuckled a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“You'll die if you embarrass my wife like that,” A dark shadow cfrom behind Steven, Grayson seemed to appear 4/7 from tum an | only berry noticed the secur docr in the right wall Seven paled in the instant Grayson spoile, his wife letting out a musical giggle with a dainty hand raised to her chest. “Oh my goddess than was per “Geanson let's not sat off this meeting with threats,” | went over and grabbed him away from his target.

He wilingy was pulled away by my gentle tug and we sat down at the head of the table.

“Busness for bitha Zander asked around “Business” Season nodded the trade routes and the protection of the trade didn’t pay tows on them.

sens liked to rob swolf cargo now and then mens sew this as unfair.

The Consent Moon pack agreed to ghe more metal in return for our finest fabrics. The River Phase pack agreed to give more for to the hazing Pride back for more hunder and pine nuts, and we all agreed that we would each send a na to track this trespasser Twat do you wet for this Stanen? Caryson leaned back assessing his friend. | had a feeling Xander was never one to without more than what Fota blood Sover eyed me.

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bts The biccup soudig sent that leftwas clearly audible. Grayson stood up ready to launch himself and Steven Steven erupted into laughter. “I need hunters can’t take it down you and your muscles can,” Steven made a movement of mimicking muscles with his arms.

Qu to hunt a particularly ferocious bear that’s been giving us trouble, our “Somen make another pre like that and | won't blGrayson for asking for penance, enough jokes,” Xander warned.

joke “Why don’t you showwhere you found the wolf Annette so | can get its scent,” Lilliana walked away.

Her husband seemed to be a clown of a man but to insinuate a thing in front of his wife clearly rubbed her the wrong way, fullara had an air of anger and electric annoyance around her as we walked.

“You're husband doesn’t think much before he speaks does he?” | broached the subject.

She scoffed. “He doesn’t think much at all the smartest things he’s done is marryand stay friends with Grayson,” he growled. “Gray is one of the only people my mate is actually afraid of,” “Surely he’s afraid of more than that,” | reasoned.

“Believewhen | say that having a cautious mate isn’t a curse Annette,” She drew her I*ps into a thin line.

“Well at least you and | can get along, as stupid as our mates can act,” | pushed the topic aside.

She gavea dazzling smile. “You are very right,” She looped her arm through mine.

5/7 Chapter 39 We walked slowly to the spot where | had found the intruder wolf.

“Grayson was older thanbut he’s younger than Steve, still he was more mature than anyone. He always took his role so seriously because he becAlpha so young. Amaria took over most of the duties but at 10 having a whole community look to you is enough to break someone,” Lilliana sighed tellingmore about my husband than anyone had.

*#*Remindto never leave you two alone again.

“As if this makesdislike you, you know | told her not to.

*#*Oh I'm not mad at you” | smiled to myself at Grayson’s anger to his old friend. Lili didn’t seem to be afraid of upsetting him and she was willing to giveinsight. | do admit | felt | should learn this from him but she was adamant she shared it with me.

“He is more closed up than you know the better you two will be,” she waved a hand at my protests. “Tell him to stay out of your head,” “When he was younger he was always smiling but never, never around his dad. He had to be perfect and always fell short and then Deacon left and it all cdown on Gray-" “I really do have to stop you now, Grayson will tellthis | know, when he’s ready,” | insisted. “Besides this is where | found the wolf.

Fine, fine,” She put up her hands in defeat she knelt down and sniffed slowly to the forrest floor.

“Gasoline...just like you said...hmm this wolf isn’t from the north he carried a different soil with him. His trees are different. He's from the south for sure,” She squinted dusting off her hands and standing.

“The other thing is how strong it still is. He wants us to find him....I think we should make this a stealth mission instead. Travel at night, as few warriors as possible, outskirts only,” She toldher jaw setting.

**Does she look worried? ** *| won't say no.

*#*Cback to the main grounds. ** “Tto head back,” | nodded to her and to my surprise she agreed instantly.

“Grayson | asshe’s not wrong,” She kept her eyes on the spot she caught the scent.

When we got back to the lands Grayson was waiting. “I want either Elizabeth or Matt to stay with you whenever you need to go for a run with Seraphine,” He toldbut in a suggestive tone his hands rubbing my arms.

“We're mated,” | reminded him, still | was at risk if somehow this other wolf overpowered me. “But | agree,” “Thank you,” He gavea smile, almost a full one. One of these days | will see him smile fully, tourble or not I'm sure of it.

6/7 Chapter 39 Chapter Comments Asre Jackson when will the next update c Sarah Holtmeyer Beautiful quote to live by! VIEW ALL COMMENTS 68