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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138 Grayson POV: they had warnedwhat it would be like to see her so open, angry vulnerable. | wasn’t prepared. | have never once seen my wife like that. her eyes could kill as her claws were embedded in solid rock.

‘She’ll be a force to be reckoned with,” her father had explained the day before.

“It’s gradual slowly building up over twhen she was young but now it’s like opening the floodgates. She'll probably be overwhelmed by the strength and be unstoppable,” | hadn't believed him then, she was always in control, always temperate. What harm could my sweet little wife do? Nothing too horrible to the people she loved, never once did this cross my mind.

She had always had power within her, always caged up this beast. How has she done it so easily? When | kept her at bay, how did she not tearto pieces? She had all this might in her yet was one of the softest people | knew.

My brother's friends on the battlefield with his enormous bloodlust, fell into place. She tthis beast so easily. Never angry. Never a danger to those around her. No wonder her family had such power, if they let their emotions control them. The world would burn.

The way she stared at me. | wasn’t her husband. | was a pound of flesh. Her brothers and parents grabbed onto her. She looked at them like flies, swatting them away with ease.

She tore into James's arm and launched him at her other brothers, toppling them over. She marched out of the pool, eyes like daggers, breath hot with rage.

Her mother in desperation wrapped her arms around her daughter. Annette rankled her claws down her mother’s arms and slammed her head back knocking them together.

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Before | could stop him, Enzo took the reins. He took two large steps standing directly in her path. Black eyes met gold and Seraphine surrendered.

1/3 Chapter 1138 My wife's legs buckled and she crumpled into my amus tumingbak. James was kannukatiaut her mother being seen to her by her father as he often braties grillitthe sore spots where James had been thrown on top of them.

“It’s all right, she’s back, that’s all that matters” | hear adluse shiken by what I had just realized. “you didn’t mean to. They knew what they signed up for, | reminded her, even though | knew it was no use. My wife's guilt wouillet her up for the rest off the day.

However, the rest of the day was not ours. Il ecuiill feel them jjumping and prancing aroundlim 1. us. We'd had our reumom. itwas tfor theirs.

| helped her up to her feet and we wailled towards our home, but we didn’t even enter instead her eyes flashed gold again and asmiklit up her face.

She took off running, during him to chuse hun. Hirotakttherains again and shiftat..

He chased after his mute,, his hunt singing with every step and thrust forward. They danced around the forest.

Seraphine buited him and duulled outt off his way at the lust second. Taliing off agaimim another direction.

They hunted andlate and supit site-by-steffort the windle day eventually, we shultheinsiin and made our way home.

| can hear your IIbolted overratthen, antiur smirk dawning onliner lips. It beckonedaluser, there stire was my mate, thutt endless jinyttoliner. init playfulness site always kept in her back pukeet.

Ipialed her up and she wrapped her legs aroundas | took her upstairs. My mutterinadi Christiam for antientimur cortwo amiliit seemed right to make use of that time.

By the the was returned trous, she was asleep wrapped up in muriling butasinet.list him in the bassatt nur huisite and went over to her kissing her hackhameslingum new them.

2214 Chapter 138 My wife's legs buckled and she crumpled into my arms turning back. James was knocked out her mother being seen to her by her father as her other brothers grabbed the sore spots where James had been thrown on top of them.

“It’s all right, she’s back, that’s all that matters,” | held her close shaken by what | had just realized. “you didn’t mean to. They knew what they signed up for,” | reminded her, even though | knew it was no use. My wife’s guilt would eat her up for the rest of the day.

However, the rest of the day was not ours. | could feel them jumping and prancing around in 1. us. We'd had our reunion. it was tfor theirs.

| helped her up to her feet and we walked towards our home, but we didn’t even enter instead her eyes flashed gold again and a smirk lit up her face.

She took off running, daring him to chase her. Enzo took the rains again and | shifted.

He chased after his mate, his heart singing with every step and thrust forward. They danced around the forest.

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Seraphine baited him and ducked out of his way at the last second. Taking off again in another direction.

They hunted and ate and slept side-by-side for the whole day eventually, we shed their skin and made our way home.

% | can hear you | looked over at her, another smirk dawning on her lips. It beckonedcloser, there she was my mate, that endless joy to her. That playfulness she always kept in her back pocket.

| picked her up and she wrapped her legs aroundas | took her upstairs. My mother had Christian for another hour or two and it seemed right to make use of that time.

By the the was returned to us, she was asleep wrapped up in nothing but a sheet. | set him in the bassat our bedside and went over to her kissing her back before sidling up next to her.

2/3 Chapter 138 Christian would face this schallenge now. | only had one generation of alpha blood inbut Annette had six making our son the seventh. He was even more powerful than she was.

Was it worth the cost? The strength embedded in them seemed to split their mind in two, one side was sane, loving, tender. The other was tortured, manic, and violent.

| ran a finger down her bare back thinking of what she must have felt like as a teenager and how scared she must have been. According to her parents, Annette had little to no issue controlling her alpha blood.

| knew my wife. She had kept to herself so as not to burden them or worse she had always struggled with it and never let on.

We weren't nearly done having children how would they deal with this how hard would it be for them? Would we covet the purity of alpha blood if it one day made a monster? If we had a daughter what would becof her children would they be mad? Perhaps it’s tto end this tradition.

| gave one last kiss to her on her shoulder before | turned over and closed my eyes trying to push out the image of her contorted face and the eyes of a stranger that had looked at me.