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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 32
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Waking the next morning, I found that Ethan

had not returned to the room the entire night. Of course not. He was getting engaged to Madalynn, so wh

at was the point of being with me any more? The idea turned my stomach.

I didn‘t think it was possible to get

sick as much as I was, but then again, the stress of everything was weighing down

on me, and I didn‘t have any choice but to accept it. Dragging myself from the bed,

I made my way to the sink to brush my teeth. Vicky had told me while getting ready yesterday that she w

anted to try breakfast down in the garden area this morning. I was not in the mood for

eating, even though it sounded lovely, but I‘d always love to see Vicky

“Rosalie,” Ethan‘s voice called from the bedroom. I managed to put on the

white, summery dress with yellow flowers on it before he entered. When his eyes met mine he seemed t

o almost sigh.

“Yes— Alpha?” I stuttered. Given what the

King had offered the previous night, I wasn‘t sure how he would treat me now. “I thought…” He stopped,

shaking his head, and gently pinched his brow before giving me a look–

over. “Never mind. I am heading back down soon– did you want me to escort you?” He acted like

nothing had happened. So did I. “Yes, please. I was going to meet Vicky for breakfast in the garden

room.” Ethan quirked his brow before smiling and nodding his head. “Are you sure you want to be down t

here? There were a few people there already. You can stay up here, and then you don‘t have to socialize

with them.” His sudden mood change made me feel as if he was seeing me

in a different light, and not the way he

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ad before. The small conversation meant more to me than he realized. “I would really like to–

if that‘s okay with you?” I replied softly. At the quiet sound of my voice, he nodded his head and smiled. “

Very well.” As quickly as the warmth had

come, it was replaced by coldness again. I wasn‘t sure why he was so temperamental around me, but I h

oped he would decide

what mood he would stick with so that I didn‘t have to be on my toes. A little while later, I found out

the reason why Ethan had said I didn‘t have to go– and to be honest a part of me wished that I had

not. The room was full of people, mainly women, who were gossiping and moving about in their small gro


looking for something to entertain themselves with. “Rosalie!” a giddy voice exclaimed, and I watched as

Vicky came walking over quickly with an excited expression on her face. “I would have come to get you

had I

known you still wanted to come after last night.” “I know. I wasn‘t going to, but I decided to take advantag

e of the chance to see something other than those four walls. Plus, I didn‘t feel quite right this morning…

a bit hungry, I guess. Probably because I didn‘t eat much last night.”

“Well, come

on, then. Let‘s get you something to eat,” Vicky replied, smiling as she looped her arm through mine and

led me over to a table. There I saw

Georgia, Ethan‘s sister, sitting and drinking coffee. Realizing Vicky had been eating

with her, I lamented even more why I even came down. “I‘m sorry… I didn‘t mean to intrude on your brea

kfast.” “Oh, don‘t be silly!” Vicky exclaimed, calling a waiter over and showing me into my seat. Georgia l

ooked up from her coffee and smiled. “She‘s right. I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I

apologize. I thought you were some woman looking to steal my brother‘s money and take

your place as his Luna for power.” “Oh–” I stuttered, shocked at her honesty. “No, I would never–”

Georgia laughed, and Vicky smiled at my response.

“Calm down. Vicky explained the situation to me. There‘s no need to worry. I am

sorry to hear some of what you‘ve been going through.” Georgia‘s response was not what I had expected

. Yes, I had been through a lot, but I didn‘t realize that anyone would actually care about that. “It‘s fine,” I

said. “I‘m used to it.” “Yes, but that‘s just it. You shouldn‘t have to be used to it.” Her words were kind, an

d I could see in her eyes that she was sincere. “Don’t worry, though. You have another person in your

corner now, and my brother knows better than to upset me.“. Vicky choked

on her water and began laughing, which caused Georgia to smirk. I was at a loss

for words over what was going on. I could see that there was a connection between the two women that f

ar surpassed the one I had with Vicky, and I loved how they seemed to have a

bond. More than anything, I wished I had a bond like that with someone. “Georgia is a bit of a rebel, Ros

alie. Careful– she will have you doing things you never have before.” Georgia swatted at Vicky,

and both women began to laugh again. “Don‘t listen to her or Talon.

I am not that bad, I just don‘t take my brother‘s shit.” A smirk

spread across her face as she sipped her coffee once more. The morning fell into step with us having ple

asant conversations and carrying on,

and eventually, I heard the voice of one person I was hoping I could have gone an entire day without hea

ring. Madalynn‘s voice was like nails on a chalkboard, and the woman was way more trouble than she

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was worth. “Can you believe it, I‘m going to be marrying the king‘s cousin!” Cousin?

I looked at Vicky, confused. Her eyes drifted

to where Madalynn was sitting a few tables away. *Don‘t listen to her, Rosalie,” Vicky whispered before G

Vicky had said about her. Sighing, Vicky shook her head. “This isn‘t the place for this, Georgia.” “Tell me.”

Chapter 32: Breakfast with Friends “Last night at dinner, the king demanded Ethan get married,” Vicky

finally said in a hushed whisper, “in order to strengthen the alliance with Alpha Romero.” Georgia looked a

no way he would agree to that. He hates the idea of mates and marriage.” Hearing

Georgia clarify what I had already partially known and suspected broke a small part of me inside. The

nausea that I had felt this morning quickly came back, and the need to lay down became all that more rea

do what he

must for the pack, Georgia. Regardless of what he wants to do. He wasn‘t given much choice. You can‘t g

“Even if it‘s bullshit, Vicky? Come on, now. I know you can‘t stand her, either. Are you telling me that you w

louder started to draw the attention of a few people nearby, and as I looked around,

I saw Madalynn staring straight at me. “Vicky, could you tell me where the bathroom is? I am really not fee

expression turned from irritated at Georgia to concerned for me. “Oh, no– do I need to take you to

Estrella?” “No, no. I‘ll be fine. Just a lot of excitement, is all,” I reassured her. “I‘ll show you.” Vicky made h

point it out, and I’ll be right back.” As much as I liked Vicky, I needed a moment to myself. A moment to ge

shouldn‘t be allowing you to go alone.” I chuckled before looking at Georgia. “Tell her

to stop worrying so much.” Vicky gasped as I

walked away, and I heard Georgia laughing. It was refreshing

to hang out with people who didn‘t look at you and see your social

standing, but just treated you like another person. I hadn‘t ever had that, at least not since I was a young g