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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 16
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Georgia will be Back Particles of dust danced against the rays of light that filtered in through my open wi

ndow. I opened my eyes slowly, still feeling disoriented. What happened to me last night? Yes… I took th

e pills, then Ethan came, and then… We had sex. My

first time. Memories started to flow back to me. It was like a dream beyond my wildest imagination. It was

like watching a movie through a blurry

window, except for the extreme pain and pleasure that was so vivid that I knew it

wasn‘t a dream. The sunshine was too bright. I lifted my hand to cover my eyes when I realized every inc

h of my whole body ached. There were some light bruises over my skin, and they reminded me that I wa

s no longer a virgin.

“gera virgin He claimed me… I covered my face with my hands. Tears streamed down my face, yet I was

n‘t sure why I was crying. Maybe for the loss of my virginity, maybe for the pain all over my body, or mayb

e… I was ashamed of the pleasure he brought me. His touch… his lips on my skin… perhaps, even if jus

t a very slight bit, he also enjoyed it? Then I shook my

head ‘no.’ I was just his breeder, and to him, this was only a task. What I saw and felt last night was unde

r the influence of the

drug. How could that emotionless Alpha feel anything different about me? ‘Rosalie, you have a job here,

and that‘s it!‘ I told myself. I wrapped my arms around my chest and tried to sort out my thoughts. I had f

ulfilled a small part of our deal, and now I was left to wait to see what happened. Was I pregnant? My fin

gers danced across my stomach, and then a smile crossed my face. I hoped that I was. Before I had

been scared to go through with all of this, but now… I

wanted it. I wanted to carry his child. Curling up within

the blankets, a knock on the door made me groan inwardly. I wasn‘t sure I was ready to see anyone yet.

“Rosalie?” Vicky‘s voice filtered through the air, and as soon as my eyes locked with hers, I couldn‘t hold

back the smile. She rushed towards my bedside, and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in close.

“It‘s okay. Let it out.” Her calming voice made me feel more relaxed, and eventually the tears dried out. “I

did it.” I whispered softly,

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looking up at her. “I know you did, and I‘m proud of you. It‘s one step closer to completing your task.” My

task! I knew she was trying to be comforting, and didn‘t mean it in a wrong way. But still, hearing that taki

ng my virginity was a task hurt.

Georgia will be Back I was supposed to give that to my mate. My true, goddess–

given mate! Instead, I gave that part of myself to Alpha Ethan as part of a deal. “It‘s ok, you

can cry. No need to hold it back.” She stroked my back. I shook my head and wiped my tears away. “I

didn‘t know why I‘m crying. Silly me.” What was I supposed to say? That I wasn‘t crying because he took

my virginity, but because, in the end, I enjoyed it – I wanted it – I still did?

“Rosalie, it really is

ok. You don‘t need to put on a tough face…” I had to be honest. “I‘m ok, really. It wasn‘t as scary as I tho

ught it was going to be. Alpha Ethan… he … he treated me well last night…” My

voice was so low at the end that I wasn‘t sure whether she heard what I said. Oh goddess, my face start

ed burning again. “That‘s good to hear, I guess.” She sat with a puzzled and shocked look on her face, w

hich confused me. “Is something wrong?” I asked, worried that I had offended her. “No, no, no,” she laug

hed with a smile. “He is like a brother to me… So it‘s just weird to hear about him having sex.”

“Psht!” I couldn‘t stop the light laughter that slipped past my lips.

Vicky‘s face brightened seeing me cheer up. “How about we go do something nice today?” She stood to

her feet. “We could go to the music room? Or maybe we could watch a movie…”

“Can‘t we just go to the

village as we always do?” Seeing the people I had befriended would help to take my mind off things. Gla

ncing at Vicky, I saw that she seemed hesitant.


“What‘s wrong? Can I not go?”

Vicky sighed for a moment before shaking her head. “I‘m sorry, Rosalie. Ethan wants you to stay here so

he knows where you are at all times.”

My smile froze for a

second. Vicky quickly explained, “He doesn‘t mean anything bad by it. It‘s out of concern for your safety

…” “It‘s okay,” I tried to make my expression agreeable. “I understand.” “It doesn‘t mean we can‘t find oth

er things to do,” she said hopefully, and I knew she was just

trying to cheer me up. It wasn’t her fault, and part of me was even a little happy. Ethan wanted me close.

He wanted to protect me. Even though I knew very well that he did it to protect his

unborn child, I was still felt a bit of joy at him acting like he cared about me –

even just a little. “It‘s okay, Vicky. I‘m actually really tired,” I replied softly, forcing a small smile. “I think I s

hould just stay in bed.” “Are you sure?” she asked, as if checking to

make sure I was okay. I nodded. “Yes, I‘m sure. I just need some rest, and then food

later, and I‘ll be okay.” I was still worn out and very sore from last night. She nodded her

head, seemingly happy with my answer, then turned towards the door. “I‘ll have something brought up sh

ortly. You get some rest, Rosalie.”


Georgia will be Back And with the last of her words, she disappeared from sight, and I was left to curl up i

n the blankets that still smelled of Ethan, relishing in the night I had spent with him. ***Talon‘s POV

“It‘s done,” I said plainly to Estrella, who was working on paperwork in her office.

She looked up at me for a moment with a confused glance, and then recognition set in.

“Oh, you mean he slept with Rosalie.” Her reply was soft, and concern laced her eyes. “Yes, so we need

to set an appointment in a week to make sure that she

is carrying.” Estrella chuckled, shaking her head, and smiled. “It doesn‘t work like that.” “What do you me

an?” I didn‘t understand what she was talking about. It shouldn‘t take that

long for her to come back pregnant. “Beta Talon, just because they slept together last night doesn‘t mean

we will know next week that she is

pregnant. I will mark down to test her in a month, and at that point we can see if

she is. However, there may be a chance she isn‘t.” Estrella‘s words had

me concerned. “She has to be pregnant. This is what Ethan wants.” Estrella, however, set her pen

down and sighed before leaning back in her chair.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There was a lot about this woman that made me consider my sanity. I had known Estrella since we

were kids, and she didn‘t take shit from anyone but Ethan.

“Talon,” She began, and I knew we were talking more

on a friendly level now than professionally, “Them sleeping together one night doesn‘t mean she is pregna

to have to deal with that, unfortunately. There is nothing I can do about it.” Shit! If she didn‘t turn out to be

Estrella and I were going to

tell Ethan. I wasn‘t going to be doing that alone. “Very well. Set the appointment, and we will check within

Estrella nodded her head at me with a smile before writing something

down on a piece of paper and holding it out me. “This is the date she needs to be brought to me.” She did

for me to respond again before she went back to her paperwork.

She was busy, with new tasks set about for Ethan. The warriors all were going through training and testing

make sure they were in tip–top shape.

Ethan was hounding everyone. Not just me.

The Alpha King, Ethan‘s cousin, was dealing with a lot at the capital. He had people that would be coming

He was cutting it short, if you asked me, but what did I know –

I was just the Beta. Making my way from the hospital, I was curious to know how Rosalie was doing. I wa

that the idea of another man coming to check on her after an event like that wouldn‘t be proper. I wasn‘t o

through the kitchen, her voice became louder, and when I turned the Georgia will be Back corner, I saw th

be caught up in conversation and heading towards the village. It was refreshing to see from where I was s

that Rosalie looked well. The last thing I wanted was for Rosalie to slip back

further into her trauma all the progress that had been made over the past few weeks to disappear “Beta…

voice said behind

me. I turned I saw the face of Rex, Ethan‘s Gamma, staring at me. “Yes, Rex?” He was such a formal man

you that word has come that Georgia is headed back from overseas. She‘ll be arriving next month

after a stay in the capital.” Confusion laced me. Why wasn‘t this being told to Ethan? Georgia was Ethan’s

and asked for me inform you,” Rex replied; his younger sister and Georgia were the same age, and had b

her away?” he said with a shrug. “Thanks. I will let the Alpha know.” Rex disappeared with a nod, and a si

to let him know that his rebellious sister is coming home.