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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128 Lucian was feeling like he was about to lose his marbles chatting away. Any more of this yammering and he was worried he'd kick the bucket right there.

Shifting gears, he said, “He's been having a rough couple of days. | made sure he got sdecent grub, though he’s about half dead from all the fuss. Let's just drop it, okay? Litchi didn’t want you in the loop, so Remi, play dumb.” He didn’t get to finish his sentence. Remington was already on his way out, leaving behind a frosty one-liner, “Keep your nose out of my marriage!” The next day.

When Cedric swung by bright and early to pick up Remington, he was surprised to find Remington hadn't cdown from upstairs yet.

Edith said, “Mr. Dashiell had breakfast and then went back up. You might as well wait for him there, Cedric.” Cedric felt it a bit weird. Workaholic Mr. Dashiell seemed off his gtoday. It got even weirder when Cedric realized Remington wasn't holed up in his study but was still in the dressing room picking out a tie.

Oblivious to his own strangeness, Mr. Dashiell even turned around with two ties in hand and asked, “Which one’s better?” Cedric’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He couldn't spot a difference between the two ties — both had blue subtle patterns.

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On closer inspection, was the left one with slightly larger checks? “The left one?” Cedric hurriedly suggested, catching Remington's impatient gaze.

Two minutes later, Remington tied on the right one and walked past Cedric without a word.

On the way to the company, however, Cedric could tell the boss was in a different mood. It wasn't until after an early morning meeting and hearing Remington's instructions that Cedric got where this mood was coming from.

“Go wait for Mrs. Dashiell at the café downstairs. If she’s realized her mistake, bring her up.” So Mrs. Dashiell was buttering up the boss, huh? Cedric couldn't help but chuckle, “Should | clear up your schedule for lunch, maybe book a restaurant?” Remington's eyes were intently glued to the data charts on his computer, “Just do what you need to to.” Cedric stifled a laugh. No wonder the boss was fussing over a tie — he had a date with the missus planned.

Cedric headed down to the café and there was Lizetta already waiting. But she wasn't alone; there was a middle-aged man with glasses sitting by her side.

Cedric couldn't quite figure out what was going on as he approached.

“Mrs. Dashiell, who is this? Lizetta glanced over Cedric's shoulder, not seeing Remington, her expression hardly changing as she pointed to the man next to her and started introducing him to Cedric.

Cedric’s smile slowly stiffened. Ten minutes later, he was back in the boss office.

As he walked in, Remington's eyes were still on his computer, he just asked, “Has she admitted her mistake?” He only heard one person's footsteps but figured Lizetta was lagging behind. He was peeved enough to Chapter 128 leave her by the roadside last night; the woman ought to be doing sserious soul-searching

She'd been acting up lately, and even had the nerve to block him. Last night, she silently added him back and asked meet up, which meant she probably knew where she messed up As for why she didn’t cstraight up, probably too sheepish.

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“Mrs. Dashiell, she...

Cedric hemmed and hawed, and finally, Remingtor’s attention shifted from his computer, he looked up.

His gaze landed on something in Cedric’s hand, “What's that you're holding?”

Cedric, nerves of steel, clenched his teeth and laid the document in front of Remington, blurting out quickly, “Boss, this is a new divorce settlement prepared by the Mrs Dashiell. She says she agrees to the divorce terms you proposed before.

She even brought a lawyer. Asked to bring up the revised settlement for your signature and then to take it back down.” With just a few words, Cedric was sweating bullets.

The boss thought Mrs. Dashiell was coming to grovel. Turned out she'd even got the divorce lawyer all lined up- Cedric felt secondhand embarrassment for his boss.