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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 Remington said he was gonna give Lizetta a ride, and though she was kinda annoyed inside, she couldn't really argue with him.

“Let go, | gotta go find Yolanda first.” If he insisted on playing chauffeur, let him. He was the one throwing a bash to pave the way for Evelina, and then bailing midway — if anyone was gonna be left holding the bag, it was Evelina, not her.

Seeing her nod, Remington finally let go of her waist.

“Meetin the parking lot.” The guy said his piece and then took off. He left his phone in the private room; gotta go back for it.

Heading up the stairs, he cacross two girls walking towards him, glued to a phone screen.

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“This race car driver is just too hot, right? Is that his girlfriend? Hugging in public like that, they must be an item. They're such a visual feast, even more shippable than celebs!” “Totally, he’s my new idol, the first guy to burst into F1! So freaking cool, it's just that racing isn't big here; otherwise with those looks and his record-breaking feats, he'd be a national heartthrob for sure!” They walked past Remington, who glanced at the phone screen, spotting Lucian hugging sshort-haired chick, looked like it was at the racing club, and Lucian was wearing the soutfit as last night when he dropped Lizetta home.

In a flash, Remington's eyes were filled with a frosty chill. No wonder that woman was acting so off last night.

His ferocious look was so intense it startled the girls, who turned to look back, but onl caught a glimpse of his tall, retreating figure. Even his profile and poise were top—notch, leaving them both blushing.

In the parking lot.

Yolanda, arm in arm with Lizetta, couldn't help but ask her, “Do you think Evelina’s baby might not really be Remington's?” Yolanda had got eyes like an affair detector, she noticed right away that Lizetta’s lips looked a bit swollen when she cback.

Pressed by her, Lizetta had no choice but to give her a brief rundown of what just went down.

Lizetta shrugged, “Remington says it's not his, but he seems to care a lot.” 1/3 She was getting annoyed, she didn’t want to dig into it anymore. Whether it was his or she was over it the marriage was gonna end anyway.

Yolanda gripped Lizetta’s hand, if he says it's not his, maybe it really is. Hand he been stalling the divorce? if the kid was really his, you'd think he'd benching to get the divorce over with. Liz, maybe you should watch him a bit longer? Lizetta looked at her, discombobulated, Yolanda used to be all for her getting a divorce “What's up with you?” “Well, I just, ah, being a single mom is tough, and Eveline is just vile. if her kid 19th Remington's, maybe Badass Remington isn’t beyond saving. You pulling out now wouldn't that just hand Evelina a win on a silver plate? Yolanda’s words left Lizetta silent she touched her lower bely. Yean what if the baby grew up and found out she had a chance to give them a complete family and didn't take it? Would her kid blher? Just then, driver Christ hurried over, Mrs. Dashiell the boss can’t make it back right now he sentto drive you and Yolanda Christ went to open the car door, but Yolanda was grinding her team cake back what I just said.” She shouldn't have said anything nice about that jerk Of course Remington couldnt leave he couldn't bear to part with Evelina Lizetta gave a faint smile, took Yolanda by the arm, and told Christ. “No need, we've already called a cab.” “Yeah, who cares about riding in Badass Remington's luxury car? Probably still reeks of svixen in there!” Yolanda said loudly, dragging Lizetta away.

Christ looked anxious and hurried after them, “Mrs. Dashiell, you've got it wrong.Evelina didn't ride with the boss coming here, they met at the entrance. There's no smell in the car! The boss toldto drive you.” Christ couldn't catch up; Lizetta and Yolanda were already in the cab.

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Lizetta told Christ through the car window, “I'm the one who doesn’t want to ride in his car he won't give you trouble for it. Go back.”

Christ still followed a few steps, reminding her, “Mrs. Dashiell the boss said he has to change the dressing on his arm wound today; remember to cback tonight.” Now that she'd got less on her plate, Lizetta had got sfree time. She visited Thaddeus at the hospital, chatted with him for a while, and massaged his legs.

As she was about to leave, Jolin showed up. She'd got a new perry makeup done,wearing a thin cashmese cardigan over a black dress, toting an Hermes bag — one would

Chapter 107 think she was swealthy lady.

She grabbed Lizetta’s hand, but couldn't keep up the pretense for long, “Liz, I'm a bit strapped for cash lately; got any money to spare? Givesome. Been stressed with your brother's condition, wanna go abroad with my friends to unwind.” Lizetta pulled her hand away, “I'm broke.”