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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78 Colin took two quick steps pastand then turned around, walking serams from his pocket and pointed the camera at me. “Yes, and no Lulu loka “I don’t want to smile. Don’t take pictures of me. | look undy.” on sales fl the sign Colin, abandoning his mature and steady demeanor, beclively he air.

He continuously pressed the phone’s camera button, payinG ITS INMetersed no snapping candid photos however he liked.

Imagining my unattractive appearance in the photos, | becinfuriates crearodie HET STI demanding that he delete them.

Colin, always a step or two ahead, leisurely maintained a lead that | couldn't cactuste e time, he made sure | wasn't left too far behind.

This won't do! What if my ugly photos get leaked? That would behechst Frowning, | cup with a plan.

“Ouch!” | pretended to be hurt, stopping and refusing to move forward while Teas messe Colin thought | was injured and hastily turned around to run to my side. He ws to coo inspect my injury. “Did you sprain your ankle? Why did you run so fast? WHICH sete While he wasn’t paying attention, | pushed him down and pounced to snatch his hone Colin was clever. He quickly realized he had been tricked and raised his long arm high Everlyngor the ground, | was no match for him.

Unwilling to give up. | wrestled on top of him, finally grabbing the phone. Only then deze te sprawled in Colin's arms, face to face with him, our breaths intertwining dosey Reflected in Colin's sparkling eyes was nothing but the blue sky and me.

The atmosphere suddenly becambiguous, and my face gradually flushed red fet enc and wanted to get up.

Colin gently touched the back of my head, pressingagainst his neck.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Colin took two quick steps pastand then turned around, walking backward. He pulled out a phone from his pocket and pointed the camera at me. “Yes, and no. Lulu, look at me, smile.” “I don’t want to smile. Don’t take pictures of me. | look ugly.” Colin, abandoning his mature and steady demeanor, beclively and playful, with laughter filling the air.

He continuously pressed the phone's camera button, paying no attention to whether | was ready or not, snapping candid photos however he liked.

Imagining my unattractive appearance in the photos, | becinfuriated, chasing after him and demanding that he delete them.

Colin, always a step or two ahead, leisurely maintained a lead that | couldn't catch up to. At the stime, he made sure | wasn't left too far behind.

This won't do! What if my ugly photos get leaked? That would be the end of me. They had to be deleted.

Frowning, | cup with a plan.

“Ouch!” | pretended to be hurt, stopping and refusing to move forward while tears welled up in my eyes.

Colin thought | was injured and hastily turned around to run to my side. He was about to crouch down to inspect my injury. “Did you sprain your ankle? Why did you run so fast? Which side? Letsee.” While he wasn’t paying attention, | pushed him down and pounced to snatch his phone.

Colin was clever. He quickly realized he had been tricked and raised his long arm high. Even lying on the ground, I was no match for him.

Unwilling to give up, | wrestled on top of him, finally grabbing the phone. Only then did | realize that | was sprawled in Colin’s arms, face to face with him, our breaths intertwining closely.

Reflected in Colin's sparkling eyes was nothing but the blue sky and me.

The atmosphere suddenly becambiguous, and my face gradually flushed red. | felt embarrassed and wanted to get up.

Colin gently touched the back of my head, pressingagainst his neck.

ok | heard his strong heartbeat, and the scent filling my nose was the refreshing and cooling fragrance of his pine-like essence.

For a moment, | couldn't think straight.

“Lulu, don’t be sad. You deserve someone better.” My nose felt stuffy. | thought | had armed myself from head to toe, appearing invincible as 1 fooled around carefreely every day so that no one see through my feelings.

Yet, Colin’s simple words successfully broke through my defenses.

He saw through my restraints and understood that, in my heart, there was a wound that never healed, bleeding continuously and agonizingly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Mm.” My voice trembled.

“Don't cry, Lulu. It breaks my heart.” Colin tightened his arms around Me.

His embrace was warm. | didn’t know why, but | greedily wanted to stay a bit longer in his embrace.

Perhaps it was because | had endured too much pain alone and my heart was too heavy, but | longed for someone to rely on.

But Colin was Felix’s brother. Could | rely on him? “Colin, | want to get up.” “Okay. No more messing around.”

After that, Colin helpedup, and we sat side by side the ground .He opened the photo albun album on his phone forto see.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” “Yeah. Colin, your photography skills are really good, just like your painting skills.”

He caressed my head vigorously, as if he was petting a well “behaved puppy Then just like when we were Kids he held my hand and strolled along the mountain paths.