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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Following the sound, | slowed my steps and stealthily moved closer.

| felt relieved that | had opted to wear these shoes today. Otherwise, had they noticed me, | might have risked losing a tooth or two.

To the right of the rose-covered wall was a sunken flower corridor extending about ten yards in depth. It led to an unused small room at the end, rumored to serve as a storage space for the agricultural economics department.

At the far end of the corridor, | noticed two individuals hidden from view, locked in a tight and passionate embrace.

The man’s hands wandered while the woman tugged at the hem of his shirt. The atmosphere was intensely heated to the point of warming the cool autumn night air.

The lights at the research institute were still on, providing dim illumination. As | finally laid eyes on the person, | was so shocked that | felt a chill down my spine, and | had to stifle a scream.

It was actually Lilac! a passionate She was in a passionate embrace with a male classmate wearing a white shirt, engaged in kiss. The intensity of their kiss left no room for doubt-it was evident that they were about to becmore intimate.

| covered my mouth tightly, afraid that | might accidentally make a sound and disturb them.

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The consequences of such an encounter were unimaginable.

| was too shocked, and | ran away with all my might.

As | sprinted into the entrance of the research institute, | couldn't help but wonder about Lilac’s relationship with that person and when they had gotten together.

If they had recently met, it highlighted Lilac’s open-minded nature as she was accepting of anyone.

It explained why she could effortlessly win over Felix and make him fall deeply in love with her.

However, listening to their whispered conversations and natural movements while embracing each other, it was clear their reunion was passionate and intense. It was as if they had known each other for a long time.

If that was the case, Lilac’s presence at Lincoln University for the exchange program might have a deeper secret.

Did Felix know about this? My heart felt heavy.

| couldn’t help but reminisce about all the times Felix had pampered and indulged Lilac, as well as the moments when he had putin embarrassing and risky situations because of her.

| recalled the heated arguments he had with Uncle Austin and Aunt Melinda, all for the sake of being with her.

He had even vowed never to marry anyone else but her.

What if Felix, who treasured Lilac like a jewel had witnessed this scene? He would be devastated.

Such betrayal of sincere love would drive anyone mad.

Humans were never satisfied, and Lilac exhibited a profound sense of greed. Despite having a devoted boyfriend like Felix, she still betrayed him.

Understanding the human heart can indeed be a complicated endeavor.

“Why are you sneaking around?” Colin’s voice suddenly cfrom behind me. It startledso much that | instinctively jumped forward and covered his mouth, gently pushing him back into the building.

Colin didn’t know what was happening and obediently allowedto push him back while using one hand to supportto preventfrom falling.

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His eyes darted around, observing the scene inquisitively.

It wasn’t until we entered the stuthat I let go of my hand.

However, | was taken aback when | realized that Colin was blushing. There was a faint flicker of flames in his deep, dark eyes.

It was only then that | realized how suggestive our actions had been just moments ago.

The studio was quite spacious, and I stood there like a fool by the door, my right hand clenched tightly. The warmth that belonged to Colin lingered in the palm of my hand.

Fortunately, Eden returned from the bathroom, savingfrom my embarrassment.

| forced myself to forget everything that had just happened and carefully placed my artwork on the table.

| explained my design concept for the painting and the best possible effectss I wanted achieve. Colin listened attentively, his eyes sparkling like stars with a calm depth to them.