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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 479
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Colin had sent many messages to comfort me. He knew that I had been pampered since childhood and grew up without experiencing any hardships, so I would be scared when facing such things for the first time.

In his messages, he remindedthat everything had to be done according to Queenie's wishes and that I should not act recklessly. Queenie would also regret it if it was a case of irreversible consequences.

I was chatting with him while keeping an eye on Queenie. With his guidance and encouragement, I finally felt calmer.

At 2:00 am, it was my turn to sleep. Colin was also getting tired, so I asked him to rest too.

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The night was terribly quiet, surrounded by darkness. It mademiss Colin all the more. I missed his embrace, the refreshing scent on him, and his loving gaze when he looked at me.

In my heart, Colin's position was far more than just a boyfriend. Many times, he was like a father, a brother, a friend, and a husband to me. With profound love, he embodied all the roles a man could take in his life. He held up the sky for me.

Lying on the narrow bed in the ward, I had a splitting headache and couldn't sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes, the scene of Queenie lying in a pool of blood would appear. It was tearingapart and making it hard forto breathe.

Hence, I resented Flynn even more.

I couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of their past relationship. Back then, they had a really good relationship. Both of them were determined to be with each other. They were the envy of the entire school, and everyone admired them as the perfect couple.

After five years, the once-perfect couple broke up. The love that once made others jealous ended tragically.

If such a deep love couldn't last, could we really still believe in love? In a daze, I thought of Colin again. He should be asleep by now. Where was he sleeping? Was he lying on a narrow bed like me? At a quarter past four, the sky began to brighten. I started to feel sleepy at around 5:00 am. But just as I fell asleep, I was awakened by footsteps in the corridor outside.

Sitting up, I found that Queenie had already woken up. She was still lying on the bed, but she was staring blankly out the window. Her hands were placed on her stomach as if she was touching her baby.

I felt heartbroken seeing this and couldn't bear to look at her. Andrew pretended not to see anything as well and gently persuaded her to drink swater to moisten her chapped lips.

When the doctor cover for his rounds, he said that Queenie's bleeding had stopped. The next step was to go hand recuperate. The hospital was not quiet enough for a good rest. She could be discharged after finishing the drip in the morning.

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While washing up, I saw my terribly haggard face in the mirror. Dark circles had formed under my eyes, my skin had becdull, and I had a distressed look. Just one night was enough to change someone.

Colin called at this time, and he was startled by my appearance. He m Hem not to repeatedly toldnot to worry too much and said that he had booked a flight back yesterday. I felt somewhat relieved at his words. It was great that he could finally cback today. I would have someone to discuss things with and rely on.

It was almost 11:00 am after Queenie finished her drip. Aunt Laura, the lady Andrew brought yesterday had m brought over snutritious dishes E she cooked herself. She said that those were excellent for postpartum nourishment and that Queenie should eat more. She was extremely depressed and had no appetite. Despite our efforts to persuade and feed her, she only had a small bowl of oatmeal.

After eating, Andrew went out to do something. Queenie just lay in bed quietly like a lifeless doll. She seemed so fragile like she would break at a touch.

I sat beside her and observed her carefully. Her fair skin was almost translucent. Sweat Sweat bad formed on her forehead, and she had sunken cheeks. The once plump young woman had becas skinny as a skeleton because of one person. Her dull eyes toldthat she had lost the will to live.