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Seduced by My Childhood Sweetheart’s Brother

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14 My diaries contained everything from rusty poems about him to future plans for our kids. They held my entire youth within them.

There was a soft chuckle from behind me, and | jumped in surprise. | turned around and saw Felix leaning against the doorfrwhile looking atteasingly.

| quickly closed the hefty diaries and locked them in my drawer. Then, | smiled at him politely and said,” Felix, hello.” “Oh? Sleeping Beauty is finally awake, | see,” he said with a chuckle, entering my room and sitting on my desk.

He then reached up to peton the head.

I'd been giving him the cold shoulder for the longest time. | couldn't get used to his sudden proximity now, so | ducked and avoided his hand.

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“Yeah.” Back in the past, my heart used to thump hard against my ribcage every the cclose to me. But now, | only wanted to run away.

“How did you do in your exams, Luna?” His eyes were glistening as he looked atin anticipation. | didn’t understand why he seemed so excited.

“I cover quite a few times, but you were always fast asleep. You're really quite the sleeper, by the way.” “I guess so.” | answered, lowering my head so | didn’t have to look at him. | then fidgeted with one of my trinkets on my desk, trying to distance myself from him even more.

Actually, | did pretty well in my SATS. However, since there was now a wall between us, | couldn't find it in myself to share the good news with him. If possible, | didn’t even want to make eye contact with him.

| was worried | couldn’t stop myself from falling for him again.

| was even more afraid of losing myself completely to him, only for him to tellin the end that it was all a joke.

Whenever | saw him, | had to keep reminding myself that he was nothing but an older brother to me, and | was his younger sister. | shouldn't even think about crossing the line, ever.

“Luna, tellthe truth. Are you still mad at me?” Perhaps he finally realized that | was still treating him coldly. His voice was low when he askedthat question.

| raised my head and looked at him in confusion.

He just stared back atfor a while and chuckled helplessly. He reached out to peton the head again, but | neatly avoided him this time.

His hand hung awkwardly in the air for a few seconds before he finally let it down slowly.

“Luna, let's apply to the scollege together. That way, we'll still be able to go to college and walk htogether. And I'll continue being your guardian angel. | won't let anyone pick on you.” I simply smiled at him and replied, “I haven't thought about it yet.

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In the end, he never got any information fromabout the colleges | was applying to. Without my final answer, he somewhat looked dejected as he left.

| never told him that someone had pulledaside and specifically toldthey hoped | wouldn't apply to the scollege as he did.

| was a stubborn person, | wouldn't simply do something just because someone toldto do it. It was up towhether or not | wanted to listen to them. Also, whatever decision | made would never have anything to do with what they said.

| was my own person, and | made my own decisions. And now, | was living only for myself and my parents, nobody else.

During dinner, Felix cover once more. He brought two huge bowls of ravioli to Mom and said, “Aunt Harper, here are sspinach and cream cheese ravioli for you. They're freshly made, too! My mother said that these were Luna’s favorite. They taste the best when still hot.” But I'd already downed more than half a plate of spaghetti and meatballs by the the arrived with th the ravioli. There wasn’t much space in my stomach for more food. Still, | stuffed a ravioli into my mouth, with him watchingclosely. Then, | set down my utensils.

After Felix left, my mother brought up the topic of college applications again. She toldthat it was probably better forto apply to the scollege that Felix was going to.

After all, we'd grown up together and knew a lot about each other's habits. Secondly, he was a male, sO he would be able to protectand keepsafe. Otherwise, my parents would always worry about my safety.

+15 BONUS | didn’t give her a definite answer. I'd already made up my mind about what | was going to do anyway.