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Revenge After Death

Chapter 344
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When Steven and I arrived at the forensic lab, Eason was sitting on the couch in the lounge. He had a grave expression on his face.

Eason wasn't the only one there. There were several people wearing white lab coats around him with solemn expressions on their faces as well. They appeared to be researchers.

"Take a look for yourself," Eason said, placing the text report on the table.

Steven picked it up and glanced at the report. He did not seem very surprised.

I looked at Steven for a moment, then reached out to grab the report from him to take a look at it myself. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand a thing.

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Seeing that I looked clueless, Eason rubbed his forehead and started to explain, "This is a huge problem. It appears that Stephanie had genetically modified the fetus in her womb during its embryonic stage. Then, the embryo was implanted into the host for gestation after that." The other researchers looked equally somber.

Eason continued, "Furthermore, Stephanie herself had undergone the most advanced genediting possible.

"She should have been born with great intelligence, a superior physique, and great strength that made her stronger than any other human being. This means that she was essentially made to become... a superhuman." This was a terrifying discovery. This meant that humans have somehow created a deity amongst men that was somehow also human.

"Genediting?" I asked, looking at the researchers in astonishment. "Is this technology widespread?" "It's strictly prohibited, actually." Eason frowned and continued, "You probably don't understand what genediting will do to our society. Once it..." Eason trailed off and didn't continue. He knew that even if he did, I wouldn't be able to understand him. Steven remained silent. He said nothing.

"Is it possible that swealthy people have already started doing this? It sounds harmless enough to me. It's just so that they can make their children more outstanding, right?" I asked tentatively. Eason replied, "Research on genediting is strictly prohibited. Experimenting it on humans is forbidden because there are too many uncontrollable factors to account for.

"For instance, if we cut off a segment of your genetic chain to make you naturally immune to a certain disease, it is highly likely that this splice will open up another door to another disease. The consequences of human genediting are too uncontrollable and unpredictable." The rich weren't fools, after all. They wouldn't dare to attempt such under-researched experiments on themselves lightly.

As such, in order to make sure the experiment would be successful, countless test subjects would need to be sacrificed until the best results were obtained. SEARCH The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Once genediting was legalized, human society would be in total chaos. The wealthy would ensure their children were outstanding in all aspects from birth, while the poor got oppressed their entire lives. I stared at the genetic test results and remained silent for a long while.

"So you're saying that Stephanie wasn't the product of her parent's love, but an experimental subject?" "That's highly likely," one of the researchers said with a nod.

Eason looked at Steven and said, "You know why I called you here, don't you? News of this cannot be leaked, or it will cause mass panic. We need to investigate this further. I suspect Stephanie might not be an isolated case." Stephanie's parents had logs that resembled experimental data, after all. As such, Eason suspected that Stephanie was actually an experimental subject.

"And her death was most likely planned ahead by the ones behind this scheme. They wanted to destroy any living evidence of the experiment." Moreover, it was very likely that the ones behind it considered Stephanie a failed experimental subject. As such, they decided to abandon her by killing her.

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"If their intention was to destroy the evidence, the person who killed me- I mean Stephanies wouldn't have a reason to trap her body in a glass display case, right? Her body should have been obliterated," I argued.

I continued in a whisper, "Placing her body in a glass display case seems more intentional. Perhaps it's so that she could be shown to the public. Maybe the person behind her death wanted to display her as a commodity and wanted to expose the conspiracy behind her existence to the public." Maybe the murderer was against genediting.

Furthermore, it was clear that the murderer was privy to a lot of secret information about the genediting experiments.

"The most terrifying part of all of this hasn't even been presented yet," Eason said, then took out another genetic testing report.

"This is the report done on the fetus in Stephanie's womb. It was shaped abnormally, had congenita malformation N malformations, severe genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities..." To put that in plain terms, the fetus was essentially a real-life monstrosity.

It was a malformed child that could not have been born.

"But why?" I asked in shock. I covered my mouth with a hand and trembled all over.