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Revenge After Death

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20 Michael frowned as though regretting what he’d said. He was most likely worried that he'd brought trouble on Yasmin.

“I'm sorry, those are private matters, and I'd prefer not to talk about that.” Zion didn’t press on as another officer approached to whisper in his ear that Michael's lawyer had arrived. Zion had no choice but to allow Michael to leave for the tbeing.

Michael stood up and straightened his clothes. He seemed to never be flustered, as though nothing ever alarmed him.

When he reached the door, Michael suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Zion. “I've said this before. If you want to solve the case of the serial killer, focus on anything but Stephanie.

“She’s smart. Smarter than you think. This is just a ploy of hers to getto marry her. But she has no idea that she’s misleading you from getting to the bottom of things.” Zion kept silent.

“She's stubborn. I'll give her a good talking to once we find her. But if you're misled, Officer Landon, then that’s on you. There's no one else to blfor that, am | right?” Michael asked meaningfully.

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Zion tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, still not saying a word. | had no idea what was going on in his mind.

But at that point, | clearly heard the threat in Michael's words. He was actually threatening a police officer.

| knew he hadn't said that forbut for Yasmin. He was worried that she might be implicated because of this, B for the next person to be interrogated was none other than Yasmin.

| sat on an empty chair and watched as she walked in. That was a perk of being dead. | could see just how heartless and evil the people aroundwere.

“Ms. Yasmin Bailey, | heard from Mr. Ford that you've got sdisputes with Stephanie. Please talk toabout them in detail.” Zion wasn’t a fool. He knew how to trick Yasmin into telling him what he needed to know.

“Stephie...” Yasmin's eyes reddened. “She was a good girl, just a little wilful, that’s all. I'm sorry that she’s caused you all such trouble. She’s Michael's sister, which makes her my sister too.

“It’s our fault for not guiding her properly. When we find her, we'll discipline her well.” Yasmin sure had excellent acting skills. | almost thought that | was watching a movie for a second. How did she manage to lie without so much as batting an eyelid? Chapter 20 20 “Stephanie likes Michael. You must be aware that they aren't siblings related by blood?” Zion could see that Yasmin was trying to change the topic, so he prompted her back on track.

“It's true that they aren't related by blood, and | knew from the start that Stephie had feelings for Michael.

Because on the day Michael introducedto her, she warnedthat she was Michael's fiancée and that | should stay away from hin “She even threatened me. She said if | continued hanging around Michael, she'd get people to teacha lesson.” Yasmin lowered her head, her eyes very red by now.

But soon, she broke out in a smile. “She’s just childish like that. She doesn’t mean what she says. She’s not a bad person, really.” | clenched my fists tight as hatred and fury rose within me. | nearly lost control of my emotions. When had | ever threatened her? In fact, she was the one who gotkilled! “Liar! You liar!” | rushed over and tightened my hands around Yasmin’s throat, trying so badly to end her. But it was all to no avail.

“About two or three months back, | can’t recall the exact date when Michael broughthome. | had a disagreement with Stephie, which led to her pushingdown a flight of stairs. | ended up in the ICU and almost didn’t make it.” Yasmin sighed as if she felt bad about the incident.

Zion's brows knitted together. “Stephanie tried to harm you. Why didn’t you file a police report?” “She’s Michael's sister! She was just being wilful and meant no harm, so | thought | should give her at chance. If | filed a report against her, she'd be sentenced.

“She's still so young. | really couldn’t bring inyself to ruin her life, so | gave her a chance.” Yasmin made herself sound like a saint.

| lost it at that point. | yelled, I cried, | struggled, | tried with all my might to hit her, but nothing worked.

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She was a liar! Nothing but a liar! Zion seemed lost in thought, but | had no idea what he was thinking. Fear started taking a grip on me. | was afraid that even Zion might be fooled by Yasmin.

From what I could remember, Michael changed after he knew Yasmin. He started taking her side and trusting only her. Even all my friends turned their backs onand becher friends after knowing her.

She seemed to have a spell that could somehow make the people around her like and trust her, whereas | ended up becoming the one they hated and insulted.

“Don’t trust her. Please, I'm begging you, don’t believe what she says. She’s the one who ledto my death.

Please,” | cried as | begged Zion and the other police officers not to believe Yasmin’s lies.

Chapter 20 3/3 But no one took heed of me.

“Where were you, on the nights of the 13th, 14th, and 15th, Ms. Bailey?” | couldn't read Zion's expression.

“Michael thought that Stephie owedas much, so he made her go and lure the murderer on behalf of me. But we were only there for two days, on the 13th and 14th. I'm not quite sure about the 15th,” Yasmin answered.

“Alright. Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Bailey. Phil, will you please escort Ms. Bailey out?” When Zion stood up once more, his attitude toward Yasmin was much better than before.

That was when | knew. He trusted her. They all did.