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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 32 Qian Xiaofei Who Use His Own Life to Presyllable
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"Ruoxue, what's wrong with you? | don’t want to blyou, it's useless to bring Zhou Tian here." "That's right. He can only cause more trouble." "Ruoxue, quickly think of a way. | think this woman should be rich and should not be provoked..." A few square dancing aunties persuaded Li Ruoxue. They were quite familiar with Zhang Shuyun and lived in a community, so they were also very anxious at this time.

Li Ruoxue didn't like to listen to this, but she had no choice. Her husband was so useless, and everyone in the community knew about it.

"Ruoxue, what happened?" Zhou Tian ran to Li Ruoxue and asked eagerly.

Li Ruoxue told Zhou Tian what had just happened.

It turned out that when Zhang Shuyun was dancing, she accidentally tripped over the little boy held by the noble lady and stepped on the boy's hand.

The little boy kept crying. The noblewoman cared about her son and quarreled with Zhang Shuyun.

Zhang Shuyun was no ordinary person either. The more she argued with the noblewoman, the fiercer she became. Later, the noblewoman called her husband and said that he might csoon.

There were people who knew the noblewoman and knew that her husband was someone with a strong background. He might be in big trouble in a while.

Therefore, Zhang Shuyun was also afraid. She thought of Qian Xiaofei and felt that the First Young Master Qian's family was rich and powerful. He should be able to settle this matter.

"Zhou Tian, quickly think of a solution. If that woman's husband comes later, we'll be in trouble." Li Ruoxue was worried, saying to Zhou Tian.

"Don't worry, I'll go check it out." Zhou Tian comforted Li Ruoxue and then went forward.

Zhang Shuyun couldn't help getting angry as soon as she saw Zhou Tian.

Her husband had passed away and she only had two daughters. Zhang Shuyun felt that she had no backbone when she met with big and small problems.

Unfortunately, her son-in-law was such a good-for-nothing that she couldn't count on him at all! "What are you doing here? Don't you think it's messy enough?" Zhang Shuyun scolded Zhou Tian immediately.

The onlookers all laughed. They were in the scommunity as Zhang Shuyun, so they were used to this kind of situation.

Moreover, they all knew what kind of person Zhou Tian was. They thought Zhang Shuyun was right about her training. Even if Zhou Tian comes here, he would only make trouble.

"Mom, of course | can't leave you alone if you have something wrong." Zhou Tian was in a good mood, so he said calmly at this time.

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"Who cares? He askedfor 100,000 yuan. Can you take it out?" Zhang Shuyun said indignantly.

Zhou Tian was also surprised. He looked at the lady holding the child. The woman's dress was very fashionable.

She didn't seem to be short of money. How could she be blackmailing? "Ma'am, please send the child to the hospital first. Don't worry about the medical expenses. We'll pay them." Zhou Tian said to the noblewoman politely.

The noblewoman sized up Zhou Tian and widened her eyes.

She also felt funny and thought, "Where does this bumpkin cfrom? Is he qualified to negotiate with me?" "What are you doing?" The noblewoman sneered and asked Zhou Tian.

"lI am her son-in-law." Zhou Tian pointed to Zhang Shuyun.

Zhang Shuyun glared at Zhou Tian fiercely. She felt very embarrassed. There were so many people watching, but it was too embarrassing for her to have such a poor and useless son-in-law.

If the Childe of the Qian Family stood here, he could definitely control the place. A rich woman could not be so aggressive.

The more Zhang Shuyun thought about it, the angrier she became.

"Haha, do you think you can get rid ofjust by paying a little bit of medical expenses? My son's hands have been crushed by this bitch. If you don't pay 100,000 yuan today, it won't count!" The noblewoman roared at Zhou Tian angrily.

"Who are you calling bitch?" "| curse you!" Zhang Shuyun and the noble lady started quarreling again. After the conflict escalated, the two of them pulled their hair and started fighting.

Zhou Tian was speechless and hurriedly cover to stop withLi Ruoxue.

They finally pulled them apart. Then he looked at Zhang Shuyun, whose face was scratched with nails and hair was scratched like a bird's nest.

The noblewoman's face was also disfigured, and she flew into a rage.

"Husband, chere quickly. I'm going to be beaten to death by this bitch!" The rich woman was in speaker mode, complaining tearfully to her husband, which was also a deliberate shock to Zhang Shuyun.

A man's voice cfrom the other end of the phone. "I'll be there in two minutes! Damn it, who dares to hitRen Yong's wife? Tell that bitch to wait. I'll kill her!" Zhang Shuyun was stunned.

Ren Yong was quite famous in this area. He controlled the construction materials market nearby. He was rich and powerful people and had a dark background.

The people around them were in an uproar. Those aunties in the scommunity as Zhang Shuyun were silent.

They all knew that Zhang Shuyun was going to die.

Naturally, Li Ruoxue had heard of Ren Yong's name. At this time, she was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Zhou Tian, don't you know Long Kun? Go and find him." Li Ruoxue reminded Zhou Tian in a low voice.

Zhou Tian nodded. He knew that when Ren Yong clater, it would be really troublesome. It would save a lot of trouble if Long Kun dealt with it.

"Hey, look! Isn't that the car of the Childe of the Qian Family?" At this moment, a middle-aged woman shouted.

The crowd looked in the direction she pointed. Sure enough, a BMW7 drove directly into the square.

Then, Qian Xiaofei limped out of the car.

Not only was the Childe of the Qian Family a little lame, but his legs were also clamped tightly.

How could he not be tight? During the day, Long Kun smashed him with an iron bar. He was seriously injured! Qian Xiaofei had just cout of the hospital. The doctor had told him during the day how much he could recover. It was hard to say. The probability of it being affected greatly.

This made the Childe of the Qian Family hate Zhou Tian, but he was more determined to get Li Ruoxue and put a cuckold on Zhou Tian to take revenge.

So when Zhang Shuyun called him, he couldn't wait to leave the hospital and drove here, hoping to perform well.

"Auntie, Ruoxue, I'm here!" Qian Xiaofei was still dressed appropriately. He squeezed out a calm smile and walked over.

Zhang Shuyun and Li Ruoxue were both surprised. Why was Qian Xiaofei crippled? "Young Master Qian, why are your legs lame? Oh, your face has also becmuch fatter..." Zhang Shuyun looked at Qian Xiaofei in surprise and froze.

Qian Xiaofei gritted his teeth gloomily. "How can | not be lame? My life is almost ruined. It's good enough that | can walk." As for his fat face, it was because he had been slapped dozens of times today, and the swelling had not subsided yet! "Auntie, what's going on?" Qian Xiaofei deliberately smiled confidently and avoided the awkward topic.

Zhang Shuyun felt that she had seen her relatives. She pointed at the noblewoman and said to Qian Xiaofei, "Xiaofei, Auntie accidentally tripped her son and stepped on his hand. She asked for 100,000 yuan from Auntie..." "Oh, you're really demanding an exorbitant price. But don't worry, Auntie, I'll settle this!" Qian Xiaofei patted his chest very proudly, looking very confident.

Zhou Tian, who was watching from the side, was amused.

It seemed that Qian Xiaofei was really putting his life on the line. He was not only staying in the hospital obediently, but also coming out for fun? Qian Xiaofei also saw Zhou Tian at this time, and he was very angry.

Zhou Tian, you're a good-for-nothing. So what if you know Long Kun? I'll get your wife sooner or later! "Great, Mr. Qian. | am relieved to have you here." Zhang Shuyun suddenly beamed with joy. She thought the First Young Master of Qian Family wasgood. How confident he was! Looking at Zhou Tian, he was sprayed with blood by the rich woman as soon as he arrived. He couldn't compare with the Childe of Qian Family at all.

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"Shuyun, you are really lucky to know the First Young Master of Qian Family," a middle-aged woman said enviously.

"What do you know? The Childe of the Qian Family comes for Ruoxue. He likes Ruoxue for a long time." Another auntie whispered.

"Yes, yes, | think the Childe of the Qian Family and Ruo Xue are a couple, much better than Zhou Tian..." Another middle-aged woman began to discuss in a low voice.

Although these people's voices were low, they still reached Zhou Tian's ears. He couldn't help frowning.

This group of snobs was really snobbish.

Qian Xiaofei also heard these comments and felt happy in his heart.

Although he was badly tortured during the day, he was in a completely good mood now.

"Hey, is 100,000 yuan too much for you? Well, I'll take your son to the hospital for an examination, and then I'll give you another 10,000 yuan as compensation." Qian Xiaofei said to the noblewoman.

"Who are you?" The rich woman restrained herself a lot. After all, Qian Xiaofei cwith a BMW, and he was dressed in luxurious clothes. He looked like a rich second generation that couldn't be trifled with.

"The son of the Qian Group, Qian Xiaofei!" Qian Xiaofei announced his nwith a proud expression on his face.

The noblewoman did not speak for a long while after hearing this.

Zhang Shuyun's heart was filled with joy when she saw the situation.

"You're a good-for-nothing. Look at him, look at you again. This is the gap!" Zhang Shuyun stared at Zhou Tian and said.

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd.

"Ah, you're really a good-for-nothing. Who do you think you're here to shame?" A middle-aged woman looked at Zhou Tian with disdain and said in a strange tone.

"That's right. When his mother-in-law encounters trouble, she has to rely on others to solve it." "If I had such a son-in-law, | would have b kicked him out. Shuyun is really good-tempered." When Li Ruoxue saw this scene, she felt really uncomfortable.

After all, he was her husband. Being laughed at like this made her face burn.

The more people around her said, the angrier Zhang Shuyun became. Seeing Zhou Tian still standing there, she was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Zhou Tian.

"Why are you still standing here? Go home!"