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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

In Jaxon’s room, Rowena’s body was becoming paler and paler, Jason was increasingly disturbed.

Whereas in another part of the world, Rowena had woken up in a strange environment. There was a

woman beside her, who looked exactly like her, except that the woman had white har.

“Who are you?” Rowena asked curiously. The woman smiled and held her hand before responding.

“I’m Row.”

Rowena’s brows raised. Row was her wolf so how could she be like this. “You are human? She


“In your unconscious state, I am, Row explained whiles maintaining her smile. Rowena looked around

and everywhere was white as if it had snowed. Even the bench they sat on was covered in snow but

the temperature was normal.

“Where are we?” She frowned slightly and asked.

“You raked your life to save the Alpha. You should have just told Charles to leave,” Row pointed out,

not giving priority to Rowena’s question, Rowena sighed in acknowledgement.

any way

“I know, I just did not want him to feel like his presence mattered to us in any

Row stared at her with a sad smile plastered on her face before she said, “You are lucky cur mate took

us to his room. The closeness strengthened their band but as Rowena looked around, confusion

clouced her mind.

“This place does not look like a bedroom”

“I don’t mean here. I mean where you were before appearing here, in a dream world.” Raw explained.

‘So, it’s a dream. No wonder Row is in human form As soon as the realization hit hame, Rowena’s eyes

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opened to meet two pairs of dark eyes. Strange sparks sizzled through her body from his hand which

was wrapped around hers. It felt warm and strangely right. His chiseled jaws were so attractive that she

was sure her cheeks were pink

“You got me worried. How are you feeling?” Jaxon asked when Rowena’s gaze hored into his, Rew

was jumping from excitement at feeling the closeness with Jax when Rowena pulled her hand away

before responding.

“I’m fine and I have to go.”

Both Jax and Row were upset but the humans had suppressed them from expressing themselves.

Jaxon was dismayed by her request. This was the second thing on his mind today and she did not

even want to give him attention. The thought of it got him disturbed thought we could talk.”

Rowena bit her lips so hard, it turned from pink to red. She wanted to escape before Jaxon could

pronounce the rejection words. Now that his father was okay, there was nothing to stop him. “I just want

to see mum,” she said and stood up. Jaxon stond up as well and asked,

“So can we talk tomorrow?”

“What about?” Rawena asked without maintaining eye contact. Jaxon grabbed her hand and wrapped

his around it, warmth spreading through his body to hers, it felt so good,

“Us, Rowena, us.”

She quickly withdrew her hand and responded, “I will think about it but please I have to go now,” she

said and run out of the room, panting in front of the door. Jaxon stood in a stupor, his mind trying to

analyze everything that transpired right now.

But in the living room, Charles saw Rowena descending the stairs in a haste. He wanted to talk to her

but knew how awkward it would be with his father and Gracie there. As such, he stood up and went

out. At least she was fine and that was all that mattered at the moment.

“Row, you are fine, Gracie stood up and hugged her. Rowena hugged her back before respording.

“Yes, Gracie, let’s go and see mum.

Alpha Clinton frowned imperceptibly. He was waiting to give Rowena a proper welcome and was not

pleased with this arrangement. “Rowena, let’s eat together. It’s been long since I last saw you and after

saving my life, you want to leave just like that?” He asked with a sad expression, that made Rowena

feel vile.

She could not understand the warmth emitting from the old Alpha towards her. “Alpha, please let’s

make it tomorrow. I…I have to see my mother,” she stammered as she grabbed hold of Gracie, afraid

that Jaxon might come down any time soon but the old Alpha was disappointed that she was not

accompanied by Jaxon and felt that she must have left the room when Jaxon was in the washroom or


“I also suggested that you all move in here. It’s quite lonely,” he revealed Rowena was at the

crossroads but it made it easier for her to decide upon recalling Clara. She would frequent the pack

house because of Charles and Rowena was not comfortable around the bitch.


you, Alpha but I don’t want to. I have lived in the omegas community for long and I’m used to things

around there. It’s more comfortable for someone like me.”

Alpha Clinton was slightly remorse, doubting if doing the right thing was indeed the right thing. Would it

have been better if he had let Rowena live in the packhouse earlier? He could not dwell on it since all

that was in the past and now the present was supposed to be the main focus.

“it would not be hard to get used to things around here as well,” he suggested but Rowena was still

uncomfortable with the arrangement.

“I know but I will be going back in a few days,” she revealed, regretting it per the shocked expression

on the old Alpha’s now handsome face. Now that he was better, he looked like he was eight years ago

if not better.

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Chapter 24

“Going back? You can’t,” he refused vehemently but Rowena had already made up her mind.

“I’m sorry Alpha but I have to.”

He wanted to tell her that if she leaves, he would die but it would only be worse if he voiced it. “Okay,”

he nodded his head with a sad countenance which made Rowena guilty. By the time Jaxon stepped out

of his room, Rowena and Gracle had already left.

“Where is she?” Jason asked as if he was just awoken from a slumber. The old Alpha stared at him in


“I’m surprised you did not come out with her.”

“I did not want to scare her, Jason revealed, afraid that if he pulled too hard, she might run away and

that would be disastrous,

The old Alpha sighed in deep thought before saying, “Jaxon, you have to make her stay. Give her a

reason to. Do whatever you must but she cannot leave this pack again.”

Jaxon smiled for the fact that they had the same mind concerning Rowena and voiced out, “That is all I

have been trying to do but you sound as if there is more to it” He looked at his father calmly, waiting for

the right answer. He could feel it in his bones that his father was hiding something. The old Alpha, did

not deny it, saying

“There is. But I can only say it if she accepts you. If not, then I would have to die with the secret.

Jaxon’s brows knitted as he responded, “Now you are being scary but the journey her house is far and

I can’t let her walk all the way. W

We shall have this discussion again, Jaxon said seriously. His father nodded his head in agreement

Stepping out of the pack house, Jaxon sat in his car and drove towards the direction of the omega’s

community. A few minutes later, he was met by an unusual crowd and heard loud female voices. Anger

swelled inside his heart when he saw Clara and her friends gathered around Rowena and Gracie. From

the sound of his car, they were about to an when he roared with his Alpha tone after swiftly pressing

the button to wind down the glass of his car door.

“If you run, you shall be banished”