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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271 Keep In Mind

Just then, Zachary received an intriguing message on his phone. Has Nancy, who was once

imprisoned, been released from jail? That’s interesting. It’s quite a coincidence that they released her

from prison at this particular time. just a month before the engagement. Are we getting started so


“Dr. Xenos, a woman named Daisy wishes to see you.”

Zachary’s medical assistant approached. Zachary put away his phone and asked, “Where is she now?”

“I have invited her to your office.”

“All right.” Zachary proceeded to give some instructions to his assistant.

As Zachary walked into the office, he saw a figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window that

bore a striking resemblance to someone he knew. The woman, dressed in a light-colored long dress

with flaxen hair, had her arms crossed over her chest. Hearing the footsteps behind her, Daisy turned

around. “Long time no see, Dr. Xenos!” Her greeting was filled with emotion.

Zachary waved his hand, signaling his assistant to step away for a moment.

The assistant left, closing the office door behind him..

“Ms. Hackett! It’s been three years, and you seem to have recovered well. What brings you here this

time?” Zachary asked.

Daisy, stepping forward in her stiletto strap sandals, confronted him. “Why didn’t you tell me? You knew

the woman whose face I got from the plastic surgery! Do you have any idea how many people are

criticizing me now that I’m back in the country?”

With a light and carefree smile, Zachary looked even more charming. The allure of his face seemed as

if he was teasing someone. He then placed the medical report he was holding on the office desk. “Star

Plastic Surgery has always adhered to the principle of putting customers first. The grinding board you

chose was your own selection, and I naturally respected your choice. Now you’re blaming me for it.

How does that make any sense?”

Daisy became even angrier at the mention of this. “Yes, that’s right! But I thought it was a photo

synthesized by AI. If you had told me then that she was someone you knew, I would never have

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modeled it after her. Isn’t this your company’s responsibility?”

Zachary was somewhat nonchalant. He reversed their roles with a single move, pulling her toward him,

relentlessly closing in.

Daisy was flustered, watching him warily as she backed away. “W-What are you trying to do?” She

found herself backed against a table, with nowhere else to retreat. When she tried to leave, Zachary

blocked her escape by placing his hands on the edge of the table. His long, deep-set, peach-blossom

eyes shimmered with ripples of emotion as if they were trying to draw her into their depths. “I must say

there’s a unique charm about you, Ms. Hackett. Apart from your face, you also have a great figure. As

long as one is beautiful enough, why should they care about others’ opinions, don’t you think? Besides,

the desire for beauty is human nature. Why would your suitors care about your past? The taste of being

the center of attention must be quite delightful, don’t you think?”

Daisy had spent many years abroad, attracting countless admirers, most of whom were drawn to her

for her beauty.

However, those foreign men were always fickle, never satisfied with just one.


She only spoke once about the pain of a past relationship, and after that, she never spoke of it again.

During her time in the country, Daisy had made acquaintances with quite a few wealthy individuals, all

of whom hailed from prestigious families. However, their gazes toward her were extremely aggressive,

revealing their hidden, unsavory intentions. It was clear as day. Moreover, the wealthy ones were either

ugly or potbellied. Some even proposed to keep her as their sugar baby.

Daisy naturally avoided such people at all costs.

A man like Zachary, who was naturally devilishly handsome, could effortlessly make countless women

willingly surrender themselves with just a casual beckon of his finger.

Even she sometimes couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter around him.

Looking at him, Daisy was reminded of the time she had mustered the courage to step into the plastic

surgery clinic. The man who had taken her breath away at first sight was unlike anyone she had ever



Back then, she was incredibly unattractive, filled with self-loathing, and too afraid to even look in the

mirror. Every man she encountered would cast a glance of disgust and disdain her way.

Yet, he didn’t. Instead, as he was on the operating table, he whispered in her ear, “Don’t be nervous.

From now on, you will surely be the center of attention. This is the surprise I’m giving you. You won’t be


In the three months of recovery that followed, he indeed did not disappoint her.

However, it was his single sentence that she remembered for three years.

Daisy awkwardly averted her gaze.

“What are you hiding from?” The voice was beguiling.

Daisy’s chin was lifted by the man, a faint blush spreading across her face. The moment she felt the

soft touch on her lips, Daisy’s eyes widened in surprise.

Before she could react, the man skillfully pried open her lips, invading her like a conqueror seizing a


Stirred by a physical desire, Daisy felt an impulse to just go with the flow, and she responded to the



Seeing her not resist, he deepened the kiss even more. He would never reject a woman who came to

him on her own accord.

Suddenly, that hand lifted the hem of the skirt, covering the woman’s sensual, peach-like buttocks with

the palm. It felt soft and tender.

Daisy was somewhat out of breath, and the two of them took a break from cach other for a while

Zachary asked, “Would you like to go to the bed?”

Daisy was shy, and her blush hadn’t faded yet She nodded slightly

In the next moment, Daisy felt a sudden lightness in her body. Zachary had swept her up in lus arms.

carrying her into the secluded rest area of the office



The woman was thrown onto the bed with force, her body sinking in before bouncing back up. Before

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she could react, the man flipped her over, pulling off the last piece of thin underwear she had on.

It seemed as if she sensed something, her hand tightly clutching the bedsheet. As a woman who hadn’t

been intimate for a long time, she suddenly felt a wave of painful tearing in her lower body.

After that, the intensity kept escalating, and waves of pleasure swiftly swept over, giving a sensation

akin to floating on clouds. The whole person seemed adrift. The next second, it felt as if plunged into


She wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Just as she began to feel uncomfortable, the person on

top of her abruptly stopped moving. “Could you please move a bit? I’m feeling really uncomfortable.”

Confronted with the woman beneath him who was actively seeking pleasure, Zachary glanced towards

the person who had appeared and then left at the door, and immediately lost interest.

Zachary was still dressed neatly. He stood up, got out of bed, and walked out.

Cynthia had been waiting outside for him for a while. When Zachary emerged, he had a post-coital

cigarette in his mouth. “What a surprise. I didn’t expect you to come looking for me at the hospital. Did

you miss me?” He casually sat on the sofa with his leg propped up.

Cynthia thought about his usual gentlemanly demeanor, but behind the scenes, he was nothing more

than a well-dressed scoundrel. She couldn’t help but feel a wave of nausea rising in her chest.

The woman inside had already dressed and came out, hastily saying, “I’m heading back first.”

Zachary waved at Daisy. “Babe, take care on the road.”

Daisy, too embarrassed to respond, grabbed her bag and ran off.

Cynthia then got straight to the point and said, “Dad is sick. I’ve brought him to the hospital. Please

take good care of him. This afternoon, I’m flying abroad with Stefan for treatment. I might not be back

for a few years. You’re not getting any younger. Try not to let Dad worry too much. Once Dad is

discharged from the hospital, no one can stop you from doing what you want.”

Cynthia glanced at the old Patek Philippe on her wrist. The strap looked somewhat worn out, yet after

all these years, she still hadn’t replaced it. “Remember what I’ve told you. Stefan is still downstairs, and

I’m in a rush. That’s all I want to say. If you don’t understand anything, ask the housekeepers at home.”

Just as Cynthia was about to leave, her wrist was suddenly seized by a strong force. With a tug, she

lost her balance and fell to the ground.