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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chatper 450
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Chapter 450 Meeting

A quiet night.

Audrey lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Hannah worried about Audrey and lay in the sbed with her.

Looking at her tossing and turning, | felt extremely heartbroken.

“Audra, it's good to have hope, so don’t worry too much. Tomorrow morning, wait for Dustin to cback and quietly go with him

to see for yourself!”

Audrey knew that Hannah worried about her. Sometimes, when holding onto too much hope, only to be met with disappointment,

a person’s emotions would beceven more downcast and heavy.

Audrey nodded and said, “Okay, | won't think about it anymore. Let's go to sleep. You have a baby in your belly, so you shouldn't

stay up late!”

Audrey turned off the lights and both of them lay on their pillows, chatting about other topics for a while.

Somehow, Audrey brought up Shawn in their conversation and thought about Hannah, who had been turning off her phone since

she arrived in Saycaster. She asked softly, “Aren’t you afraid that Mr. Goodwin will be worried and angry for not being able to find


“I was still angry, and suddenly | got pregnant, which madehave to stop working for a year. | felt like tearing his heart out!”

What frustrated Hannah the most was that, even though they both have

Chapter 450 Meeting

children now, he still hasn't taken her to meet his family.

Covert marriage is covert marriage, but he had met her parents while she knew nothing about his side of the family.

“Don’t mention him, just mentioning him tonight will keepawake.” The most satisfying thing for Hannah this year was seeing

Camille fall from grace.

Half a year ago, a marketing account exposed that she was flirting with a rising star in the crew, and the rising star’s fans

completely exposed her.

What? She experienced campus violence from her classmates when she was in junior high school? What? She was taken

advantage of by a well-known director? What? She has even donated explosively?

Each one was enough to make her fall into the abyss.

Her fans initially stood up against the attacks from her haters, but as twent on, more and more bystanders joined in criticizing

Camille. Then, sof Camille's biggest fans turned against her, causing her to lose over ten endorsements overnight.

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The breach of contract compensation was enough to make her drink a pot of tea. Later, the brokerage company saw that she

had no more. value to exploit and terminated the contract with her.

As far as Hannah knew, Camille had not had any acting opportunities for nearly half a year.

Camille thought she had established herself in the entertainment industry, with countless friends in the circle. However, during

her lowest point, not a single friend from the industry stood up to speak for her.

Given her proud and arrogant nature, it is easy to imagine how much

she was affected!

Thinking about Camille’s ups and downs, Hannah felt that it was also good not to be too successful. At least now she is

pregnant, and there. won't be too many career distractions and sacrifices!

The next day.

Audrey woke up early and, afraid of waking Hannah, she got out of bed quietly.

Giselle had already been making breakfast in the kitchen, while Dustin was exercising in the yard.

Seeing Audrey, Giselle exclaimed, “Audrey, you're up so early?”

Audrey smiled and nodded, walked into the kitchen, and saw Giselle boiling porridge. She asked softly, “Are you making

breakfast for that gentleman?”

“Yes, my brother cback last night and said that Mr. X had drunk too much and was feeling a bit unwell, so he askedto

cook sporridge.”

Audrey's heart skipped a beat upon hearing the words.

My stomach wasn’t feeling well, and this time, it clashed with Sterling again.

No matter what, she had to take a look at the past today!

“By the way, Audrey, what do you and Hannah want to eat in the moming? I'll make it for you later.”

“I'll go to the town to buy sbreakfast later, you don’t have to work


Chapter 450 Meeting

s0 hard.”

Giselle thought Audrey wanted to have slocal specialty breakfast in the small town, without asking further, she smiled and

said, “Later, my brother will deliver breakfast to the gentleman. You can take a ride with him to the town.”

Audrey said, “Okay.”

After Giselle packed breakfast, Audrey sat in Dustin's car and went to the town.

Dustin didn’t know Audrey’s purpose. After dropping Audrey off in the town, he drove away.

Audrey quickly hailed a taxi and had the driver follow Dustin’s car.

Since last night when Audrey saw the silhouette on Giselle’s canvas, her heart has been restless.

My mind was spinning with countless thoughts.

If Sterling was indeed alive, why didn’t he return to Seffolk? Why didn’t he contact her?

Did that explosion make him lose his memory?

Or perhaps, everything was just her imagination. The man Giselle had a crush on was never him!

Audrey’s mind was in turmoil, feeling restless, anxious, and eagerly anticipating — a mix of emotions, surging and swirling.

Dustin's car drove out of the town and went forward for about seven to eight minutes, arriving at a hillside with sycamore trees on

both sides.

An ancient European-style villa was hidden among the lush trees.


Chapter 450 Meeting

Dustin parked the car in front of the yard, he rang the doorbell, and soon someone cto open the door for him. He walked in

carrying a


Audrey got out of the taxi, and Dustin went in too quickly. She didn’t see who opened the door for him.

Audrey let the taxi go down the mountain first, and she stood in an inconspicuous place, staring intently at the entrance of the


The feeling of waiting was filled with extranxiety and uneasiness.

Anticipating and fearing, complex emotions intertwine.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the villa gate was opened.

Dustin and two black-clad bodyguards walked out.

Dustin got into a luxurious business car and took on the role of a driver.

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In a short while, a tall and straight figure appeared in Audrey's sight.

The man was wearing a long black coat, made of exquisite fabric and tailored to perfection. It accentuated his slender figure,

while at meticulously ironed black dress shirt enveloped his long, lean legs. He exuded a mature and dignified aura, with a touch

of icy coldness that kept people at a distance.

Audrey’s gaze slowly shifted from the man’s body to his face.

The heart that jumped to the throat, in the instant of seeing his appearance clearly, fell heavily back.

The man had an ordinary and unremarkable face, not ugly but also not handsome.

Chapter 450 Meeting

The difference between Sterling and the handsappearance of a meticulously crafted artisan was significant.

Audrey hung her hands by her side, tightly clenched into fists.

A feeling of endless disappointment and heaviness surged in my heart.

Did you make another mistake again?

But that person, apart from their ordinary appearance, had a demeanor and height that resembled Sterling's!

After the man cout of the villa, he quickly got into the business


The business car slowly drove out of the yard.

Audrey did not catch up, but the business car did not drive far and stopped again.

A strong and muscular bodyguard got off the car and walked towards Audrey with sharp eyes, asking. “Who is hiding behind the


Audrey saw the bodyguard reaching for the weapon hanging from his waist, took a deep breath, and walked out.

The bodyguard saw a beautiful and innocent girl, furrowed his brow, and was about to ask who she was when Dustin hurriedly

got off the


“Ms. Watson, what are you doing here?” Dustin exchanged a few words with the bodyguard, who realized that Ms. Watson was

someone Dustin knew. Without asking too much, the bodyguard returned to the car.

Audrey looked at Dustin with clear eyes and took out a bunch of keys from her bag. “You dropped this, | cto bring it to you.”

Dustin tapped his head and said, “Thank you, but it's a bit far to go down the mountain from here. Wait a moment, I'll go ask the

gentleman if he can give you a ride.”