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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80 She Ran Away in Embarrassment.

Her hands were as tender and delicate as spring onions, with skin as smooth and fine as lamb fat.

After he held it in his palm, it felt as if it was boneless, soft and tender.

He couldn’t help but pinch her.

Audrey, as if shocked by electricity, quickly withdrew her hand.

Her thin, crisp skin was flushed with spots of red. Fortunately, the light in the small grove was dim, so

her embarrassment and shyness on her face were not too obvious.

Sterling ran his tongue over his teeth, slightly bowing his handsome. face closer to hers, his crimson

lips curling into a somewhat mischievous smile, “Quite soft.”

Audrey’s eyelashes fluttered, she lifted her foot and kicked his long. leg. not waiting for him to say

anything else, she turned and ran.

Watching her slender figure, the smile on Sterling’s lips deepened.

After Sterling left the small grove with his hands in his pockets, Eden, Jase, and Bruno emerged from

the shadows.

“Holy crap, it’s the first time I’ve seen Sterling laugh so happily!” Jase exclaimed.

Bruno, “It’s just like spring fever.”

Eden, “Finally, there was a light in Sterling’s gloomy eyes. Sigh, he probably won’t have a cold face

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Cher She Ran Away in


Returned home.

Audrey received a call from Patrick.

Patrick only found out about Simon confessing his feelings for her at the school gate after she got


The two chatted for a while, and somehow the conversation turned to Sterling

Patrick hesitantly admitted that he had shown Sterling the video of Audrey humiliating Corbin.

Audrey vaguely understood why Sterling had voluntarily apologized to her.

After watching that video, you knew he misunderstood her, didn’t you?

Audrey glanced down at the small hand he had held, feeling a bit tingly inside.

After talking on the phone with Patrick. Audrey discovered that there was a new friend request for her

on Line.

Seeing that it was that same indefinite imprisonment again, with no notes whatsoever. Audrey’s

delicate eyebrows furrowed.

It wasn’t that prick Simon, was it?

Audrey decisively clicked on reject!

Sterling, once again rejected,

He stared at the phone screen for a while, his face so gloomy it seemed like it could drip water.

She Ran Away in Embarasam

About ten minutes had passed when he took out another phone and applied for a new Line account.

He turned on the computer and directly hacked into Audrey’s phone.

He manually added his new Line into her list of friends.

Two days before the sports meeting.

Class teacher Emily distributed the sports event schedule.

Audrey saw her name in the swimming event and slightly furrowed her brows.

Raised my hand. “Emily.”

Emily walked up to Audrey’s desk. Ever since Audrey had topped the grade in the last exam. Emily’s

attitude towards her had undergone at drastic change, and her gaze had become much warmer.

“Audrey, do you have any questions?”

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“Emily. I didn’t sign up for swimming.”

Emily frowned. “How could that be? In the application form Aaron submitted, it included your


Aaron stood up and said to Emily, “Emily, I won’t make a mistake.”

Carlie said sarcastically, “Some people wouldn’t be thinking of signing. up only to turn into deserters,

would they?”

Audrey glanced at Carlie, then at Aaron, understanding what was going on in her heart.

She could swim, but her mother’s sea diving, along with some

psychological shadows from her past life, instilled in her a certain fear of water.

Perhaps Carlie had learned about her fear of water from Kelsey and deliberately had Aaron put her

name forward?

Wanted to see her embarrass herself?

Audrey had a vague feeling that things wouldn’t be that simple, but she wouldn’t back down!

The fear of water, a weakness that always needs to be overcome, wasn’t this time just an opportunity?

Since Kelsey had made another move, she wanted to see how Kelsey had screwed up this time.

