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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 “It’s getting late. You should go back and get some rest.” Trevor responded to Crystal’s apology with a

stoic face.

He did not mention whether or not he forgave her.

C Therefore, Crystal could only grit her teeth in secret as she turned around and got out of the car.

After Emma left the Bateson Group, she took a cab to Susanna’s residence.

Adam had remained at her house when she left and she did not know whether he had left yet.

Susanna opened the door with a facial mask on her face.

She even went so far as to open a bottle of red wine in anticipation of Emma’s arrival.

Emma took a shower at Susanna’s place and changed into the clean clothes that Susanna preparedfor


After that, she sat on the carpet and sipped on the red wine as she recounted everything that

happenedto her tonight to Susanna, Susanna ripped off the facial mask from her face and clapped her

hands cheerfully after listening to the story.

“Damn! That was awesome! Take that, Crystal, you scheming b*tch!” She had seen too many incidents

where Emma had been bullied andharassed by Crystal in secret.

Hence, she couldn’t help feeling refreshed after listening to how Emma put Crystal in her place.

Emma took a sip of the wine and nodded.

It’s really refreshing indeed.” She had been absolutely hysterical when she found out about the

ambiguous relationship between Trevor and Crystal back then,so she could imagine just how hysterical

Crystal was today.

Not to mention, Crystal’s sneering and taunting at the lime had left her incredibly desperate


She could also imagine just how desperate and heartbroken Crystal felt today.

Susanna excitedly suggested something else.

“Why don’t you take advantage of this drama to intentionally get closer to Trevor You can make Crystal

crazywith rage.

That’s not all; once Trevor has become completely enamored with you, then you can kick him away

coldly and get revenge on him for not cherishing you in the past.” Emma was silent for a moment.

Then, she swirled the wine glass in her hand and murmured, “Why? They didn’t do anythingtruly

wicked to me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Trevor just never loved me.

Besides, it’s not as if he never told me that he didn’t love me.

It’s my own fault for being so obsessed with him for so many years.

I was too naïve and foolish.

I actually believed that sincerity begets sincerity.” Emma’s statement made Susanna’s eyes reddened

with tears.

She knew about all the distress and heartache that Emma endured in that relationship.

Thus, she leaned over and reached out to hug Emma lovingly.

On the contrary, Emma didn’t seem particularly sad.

She calmly clinked her glass with Susanna and continued, “That’s why, the interaction between us

ended when we divorced.

No matter how stupid or naive I was, it’s all in the past now.”

After saying that, she threw her head back and downed the wine in her glass inone go.

There was a time when Emma simply couldn’t wrap her head around this knowledge and resented

Trevor all the time.

Looking back on everything now, she realized that he was not wrong since there was nothing wrong

about not loving somebody.

The two of them continued drinking for a while until Susanna suddenly broke the silence with a


“Speaking of which, why on carth did Trevor suddenly call you over to discuss the script?”

Emma shook her head.

“Who knows?”

Susanna snorted.

“It can’t have been because he saw that news about Adam, right? Maybe he was worried that you

might develop some sort of relationship with Adam after spending thenight together, so he created an

excuse to get you out of that situation.” !!! Emma massaged her forehead and said, “That’s impossible.”

A moment later, she added, “Why would he be worried about me spending the night together with

Adam? He probably wishes for me to marry somebody else right now so that he won’t need to worry

about me pestering him again.

Calling me over to discuss the scrip was probably some sort of method to torture me on purpose.

He seems to hate me and wants me to suffer.” In the end, she finally came up with this conclusion

afterseriously analyzing Trevor’s thoughts.

He treated her so badly in the past that she firmly believed that he despised herto the core.

Even though they were no longer married, he still hated her.

That was why he came up with this method to torture her.

Susanna was worried for Emma.

“If that’s the case, how would you fare in the future? The drama has only just started.”

Likewise, Emma was emotionally drained.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted this drama in the first place.

I should never have had any interaction with him.” Wesley’s phone call came at this time as he wanted

toquestion her about the outcome of her discussion with Trevor She truthfully replied, “President

Zurich, due to certain reasons, I couldn’t reach an agreement with Mr.

Bateson today.” He asked in concern, “What happened?” She couldn’t tell him that Trevor had reached

out to hand her some tissues to wipe awaythe spilled coffee, but they were seen by Crystal, who

proceeded to kick up a fuss at the sight.

The truth was that this situation had placed her in a very awkward position.

It made her seem like the mistress who was shamelessly destroying the relationship between Trevor


Therefore, she considered her words carefully before she explained.

“It’s nothing.

I just feel that…

based on my past with Mr.

Bateson, I believe that I should never have accepted to work on this script.

If you have a suitable candidate, I can hand over the rough outline of the script that has been produced

so far.”

Wesley understood Emma’s meaninginstantly.

“Are you saying that you wish to quit?” “I guess,” she admitted.

She only felt mentally and emotionally drained at first, but it all became too much for her when the word

‘mistress’ popped into her head.

That was why she thought of quitting.

In any case, the news that Trevor was about to marry Crystal was known all over the city, which made it

inappropriate for his ex-wise to continue interactingwith him.

“I understand.” After a brief silence, Wesley finally answered Emma and ended the call.

When Trevor received Wesley’s phone call he was at Zachary’s bar.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He came here directly after sending Crystal home.

After all the events that happened tonight, he had not eaten dinner.

Hence, Zachary instructed somebody to prepare dinner for him.

Zachary also instructed for alcohol to be brought to their exclusive private room.

It was just that this alcohol was for himself since he did not allow Trevor to drink.

Trevor angrily watched as Zachary placed the alcohol aside.

After all, the reason why he came to Zachary’s bar was to drink.

Zachary humorously explained, “Following Emma’s return, I abruptly recalled that you shouldn’t be

drinking with that stomach of yours after seeing her again.”

Theyall knew about Trevor’s stomach issues.

It was just that he seldom drank during the three years that he was married to Emma,so his stomach

issues rarely flared up again.

That was why they had all forgotten about his stomach issues.

Zachary apologized sincerely, “I’m sorry for dragging you out to drink so much over the past year.”

Trevor was already annoyed in the first place.

Combined with the fact that Zachary suddenly mentioned Emma and even brought up the fact that she

had taken care of him in every possible way, Trevor’s moodimmediately worsened.

He instinctively felt that Emma had been hurt badly by the commotion that transpired tonight.

He immediately answered the phone when Wesley’s phone call came in.

As a result, he heard Wesley’s unkind tone coming through the phone.


Bateson, although I don’t know what happened between you and Emma tonight, I’m afraid our

cooperation can no longer proceed.”

Trevor scowled.

“What do you mean?” Wesley said, “If this cooperation is to continue, either Emma will quit or you will

assign somebody else to be in charge of this project.” It was obvious that Trevor was being treated with


Thus, he was furious.

“She wants to quit?!”

Wesley answered honestly.


Trevor lost control for a moment.

Raising his hand, he threw his phone across the room.

F*ck! What a terrible temper! Quitting just because things aren’t going her way.