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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 901-950
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Chapter 901

jackie chuckled. He felt a little speechless. It seemed that these people knew how to keep a secret.

“Enough with the talking. Kill him!”

The head honcho with the bald head waved his hand. A mass of people surged toward jackie.

“Trying to bully me with sheer numbers, eh?”

jackie narrowed his eyes. He cracked his knuckles, but he did not reveal a lick of fear. Instead, he rushed


“Striking Eagle Fist!”

One of the men used one of his skills when he came before jackie.

He launched punches after punches, the air seeming to rip apart before him. One could even hear the

clear whoosh that shot through the atmosphere.

jackie could not be bothered with his attacks. He swiped a fist at the other man, spun on his heel, and

went straight for another person.

The man who used the Striking Eagle Fist was probably as strong as an army major. He was already

considered an exceptional fighter.

Unfortunately, jackie merely saw him as a child, trying to emulate the grandmasters—and his fist

technique was really no technique at all. The man flew to the side from jackie’s blow. His arm shattered.


The man released a pained cry. His face immediately paled.

jackie struck a few more fists straight into the center of a few people’s chests. Their sternums shattered,

and they all spat mouthfuls of blood. Each of them was sent flying, and by the time they landed on the

ground, none of them were breathing. They were all dead.

At that moment, jackie seemed to have melded into the shadows under the dim lighting, slaughtering the

Americans in a spray of blood and gut-wrenching cries.

The people hiding in the house, especially Fiona, Joan, and the others, had never seen something like

this before.

Now though, as they bore witness to the scene, shock seeped into their marrows. Their breathing


In a short while, jackie killed every single one of those dozens of men at the speed of light.

“You’re so strong, jackie. Why do I feel like you’re fighting way better than you did in the morning?”

Fiona was no expert at martial arts. Whitet she still felt the rush of his speed, the confidence in every

move he made, the deadly aura he emanated.

jackie flashed an awkward smile. “Oh, Mother. Don’t you know that it’s always best to reserve some of

your strength when fighting, no matter where and when? We always need to keep a trump card for


“Oh. So that’s it!”

Fiona bobbed her head as if she understood. She scanned across all the corpses. “What do we do with

them? It’ll be difficult for us to clear this mess at night. But it’s bad luck for us if we don’t clear them. We’ll

probably be working through the night!”

jackie thought about the issue for a while. “It’ll be difficult for us to sell this villa in such a short time. It’s

not like we’ll be worse off without the money though. Okay, how about this, I’ll get Master George to send

some of his bodyguards over to get rid of the bodies. Then I’ll give the villa to them.”

Chapter 902

You’re going to give away such an expensive villa? It’s such a pity!”

Fiona’s expression darkened the moment she thought about giving away such a nice villa.

“We already have plenty of money, Mom. Now, the Taylor family would be able to do pretty well in

Swallow City or even Gin City, even if we are not one of the strongest families there. It’ll take a long time

to sell this villa. So it’s best that we just give it away. And we can also move out early!”

Selena tried to convince her, smiling.

“All right. Why did Ivan have to refuse to go to war? Why did he have to offend the Lambert family in the

first place? Ah. We’ll just chalk it up to bad luck!”

Fiona heaved a long sigh and entered her room.

jackie called Master George.

Master George had just finished his meal and was taking a walk in the garden. His heart leaped in

delight when he realized that it was jackie who called. “Anything going on, jackie?” he asked.

jackie smiled. “Master George, I don’t have many servants at my place,” he spoke into the line. “I’ve just

killed dozens of men in my garden. Can you send some people over to help clear the bodies?”

Master George was rendered speechless when he heard this. He nearly wanted to spit blood.

He knew about jackie’s strength because of the latter’s relationship with the Nine Great Gods of War.

Even a first-class aristocratic family like his could not afford to provoke him.

It was also because of jackie’s brilliance that he had hoped that his daughter, Sharon, would marry him,

even if she was relegated to the position of a second wife.

However, he never thought that jackie would have not the slightest bit of interest in his beautiful, stunning

daughter. He did not even give her a chance and she was left completely heartbroken.

Whitet now that this punk had gone and killed dozens of men, he was asking them for help to clear the

bodies? He was practically bullying them now.

Still, Master George reminded himself of how terrifying jackie could be. He could do nothing but hold his

frustration in. “No problem,” he answered, grinning. “It’s a small matter!”

“All right. My family and I will be leaving Eastfield tomorrow or the day after, and we won’t be coming

back. So we’ll give the villa to you!”

jackie’s coming reply made Master George extremely excited. The villa was worth at least thirty million

dollars, and jackie had successfully bid for it at the price of one hundred million.

“Are you serious? This–this is too…”

Master George felt as though he was dreaming. Money was practically falling onto his lap.

“Of course I’m serious. I’m a man of my word.”

jackie smiled and hung up the phone.

“Men, men!”

Winston George called out as he walked.

Soon enough, 70 to 80 bodyguards appeared before him.

Chapter 903

“You called for us, Master?”

The assistant commander of the bodyguards quickly asked Winston. It was already late at night, and

everyone was preparing to go to sleep. They could not comprehend why their master was calling for

them and was curious as to what was going on.

“There are dozens of bodies in jackie White’s garden. Go over, help clear it out and find somewhere to

burn the bodies!”

Winston said, smiling.

“No way. Master, the George family is a first-class aristocratic family too. How can we be used just like

that? And for such a degrading task too…”

The assistant commander did not know what else to say.

“What do you know? jackie and his family will be leaving Eastfield soon. I heard that they had killed some

people from Gin City in the afternoon. They probably offended some influential family, and so are forced

to leave. His villa could not have been easy to sell off, so he’s going to give it to us!

“Go on then! After you finish your work, see me for your bonus tomorrow,” Winston said, chuckling. “I’ll

give each of you 10,000 dollars!”

“You have our thanks, Master!”

The bodyguards were suddenly elated. Each of them rushed off to help jackie and the others to get rid of

the bodies.

The next day, the Taylor family sold whatever assets they could. At night, Old Man Taylor and the others

invited jackie and his family as well as Cecilia and the Gold family over for dinner.

After they ate, Old Man Taylor directly addressed Selena. “Selena, Cecilia is now married into another

family, and Ivan is dead. I’m growing old, and I cannot oversee the Taylor family matters for very long

now. And you know that Theodore is no good at business. Our cash now is far less than what the assets

are worth. I think you’ll be able to make the right decision on what we should do with it from now!”

After he said that, he thrust a credit card toward Selena. “Each of us has about one hundren million

dollars left for us to spend when we need it. The money in this credit card belongs to the Taylor family.

I’m entrusting it to you now. It’s up to you to decide if we’re going to venture into business again, or if we

should keep a low profile and live simple lives!”

“You’re stressing me out, Grandfather!”

Selena had not been mentally prepared for this at all. After all, she had never thought about taking over

the Taylor family.

Under their current circumstances now though, it seemed that only she was capable of leading the Taylor


“What are you talking about?”

Fiona was excited when she heard Old Man Taylor deciding to entrust the Taylor family business to

Selena. She immediately rolled her eyes at her daughter. “You have the best head for business out of

anyone here. If not you, then who? Besides, your grandfather said it himself—you can use the money to

invest in businesses, or you can just keep it if you don’t want to. The Taylor family will be able to survive

for quite a few generations so long as we don’t simply spend it, right? We’re just putting you in charge of

our finances!”

Selena did not know whether to laugh or cry. She could only bob her head and accept the card. “All right.

Since Grandfather has declared his belief in me, I will seize this opportunity to make the Taylor family

great again!”

Whitet Old Man Taylor, who had always been ambitious, always finding ways to make the family

stronger, felt lukewarm toward his decision.

He gave a wan smile. “Ah, it doesn’t matter if we’re strong or not,” he said. “We’ll be fine as long as we

have enough money to spend. I just hope that we can all lead peaceful lives!”

Here, Old Man Taylor divulged his worries once more. “After all, we don’t know how strong the Lambert

family is. Even if we aren’t strong enough to face them, it won’t be easy for them to find us if we go into

hiding and keep a low profile. That won’t be a problem at all! But if the Taylor family rebuilds its business

empire and becomes famous enough, it would be pretty easy for the Lambert family to find us if they

wanted to.”

Only then did Selena understand her grandfather’s intentions. It was not that he did not want the Taylor

family to grow into a powerful conglomerate—he was afraid that the Lambert family would easily find

them if they had a strong presence.

If word got out, the Lambert family would probably send their people to destroy the Taylor family.

Chapter 904

“Grandfather is right. Life will be meaningless with that much money anyway. We’ll lead very comfortable

lives just by spending a few hundred thousand dollars per year!”

A member of the Taylor family offered a reassuring smile. “The money is enough to sustain us for a very

long time,” he said. “No need to become a powerful conglomerate. It’ll be terrible if we reveal ourselves!”

Selena considered the opinions, then she nodded her head. “Whatever comes later comes later, I

suppose. For now, we can only open small companies and do small businesses. It would be safer since

it’ll be harder to find us that way. And we’ll have a steady stream of income. We can’t just keep digging

into our savings!”

Old Man Taylor bobbed his head in satisfaction. “You’re right. It’s plausible for us to do small businesses.

It’ll be fine so long as it doesn’t grow out of control. We can do it!”

After he said that, he looked at jackie. “Right. You’re the strongest fighter we have here, jackie. And the

ten female bodyguards of yours are pretty strong too. The rest that we have aren’t that reliable. So where

should we go now? I hope you can make the decision. We’ll listen to you!”

jackie was a little moved when he heard this. If Old Man Taylor said that they were going to listen to him,

it meant that the family was entrusting all the lives of the Taylor family to him.

jackie thought about it. “Since you’ve given me the authority, Grandfather, I say that we move out

tomorrow,” he said. “We’ll drive off at night. It’ll be harder for people to track us this way. I don’t plan to

tell you where we’re heading now. My car will be leading in the front, and all of you just follow along. I’ll

tell you where we’re going after we’ve arrived at another city!”

Old Man Taylor creased his brows slightly after taking it in, then he slowly nodded his head.

At that moment, he was not questioning jackie’s decision to keep the destination a secret—and he was

also appraising the young man’s discreteness in his mind.

After all, the Gold family was here for dinner as well, and there were plenty of people around them. What

if the Lambert family tracked down their movements through these people? They would be in deep

trouble then.

He doubted that the Gold family could keep their lips completely sealed if the Lambert family came

knocking on their door. After all, they immediately revealed their relationship with the Taylor family the

other day, when the four people came to them.

It seemed that this would be the last time they were going to have a friendly meal with the Gold family—

and with Cecilia.

At this moment, jackie added, “Give the workers here some money tomorrow—the guards, the

bodyguards—and dismiss them. The female bodyguards working for me told me that they would follow,

and they’re strong enough fighters. It won’t be good if we bring too many people along. It’ll attract


jackie paused here before continuing, “Of course, if any one of the Taylor family members does not wish

to follow us, and wants to find their own place to hide and live their own lives, that’s fine by me. But you

can only take 50 million dollars tomorrow when you leave. I believe that it’ll be enough if you’re thrifty. It

all depends on you!”

At jackie’s words, Old Man Taylor scanned the faces of his family members.

When he studied them, he could not help but furrow his brows. He noticed that plenty of people were

seriously considering the proposition; it was evident that they were moved.

Old Man Taylor heaved an internal sigh. He had thought that everyone would be united enough to go


He never thought that so many people would be so fearful of dying. The chances of being tracked down

shrunk exponentially if they left alone or with their small family, settling down in a rural area. It would be

difficult to find them, and they would get 50 million dollars. They would lead comfortable lives, at least.

Obviously, they could not afford to be too showy.

Chapter 905

“Think about it tonight. If you want to leave on your own, come see me tomorrow morning. I’ll transfer the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

money to your accounts. But you won’t get 50 million dollars per person. It’s 50 million per family. For

instance, if Uncle Roger leaves, he’ll definitely bring his family along. Then you get 50 million as a


jackie said, smiling.

Everyone dissipated after they finished their meal.

On the way back, Cecilia did not seem too happy.

“What on earth is jackie doing? He can’t even tell us where he’s going? Does he think we’re outsiders?”

Cecilia could not help but mumble. The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became. “And

Grandfather even gave the Taylor family’s money to Selena. Seriously? Doesn’t he trust us to manage

part of it?”

“You’re already married to another family. It’ll be strange if he gave it to you. Besides, you married a

young master from a second-class aristocratic family. They won’t be worried about you!”

Kelly chuckled. “Ah, they refused to tell us their destination just to ostracize us—they’re pretending that

we’re outsiders! But it’s better this way. We don’t want to associate with them any longer now that they’ve

offended a powerful family. It’ll be best if we don’t communicate with them at all!”

The next morning, the members of the Taylor family—especially the ones who were not very close to the

family—indeed brought their entire family to meet jackie and claimed their 50 million dollars before

setting off.

Although this made Old Man Taylor very disappointed inside, he was well aware that it was a wise choice

on jackie’s part.

After all, they would have a larger target on their backs if they traveled in such a big group. It would be

more difficult for the Lambert family to track them down if everyone were scattered around. This would

ensure their safety. Besides, jackie was the one who had killed those four people. The Lambert family

would probably give up finding the other members of the Taylor family if they were difficult to trace.

That was why jackie, Fiona, Selena, and their family would be the first target of elimination for the

Lambert family.

jackie and the others needed to draw attention so that the other Taylor family members would have an

easier life, and they would not be dragged into the same pit.

Essentially, it was a good thing.

In the end, there were only about 20 Taylor family members who chose to stay behind. If jackie and the

others were included, there were 30 or 40 of them.

In the afternoon, the bodyguards from the Taylor family were all dismissed. Aside from Orchid and the

others, who had insisted on following jackie and the rest, the other bodyguards and servants all left.

At night, about a dozen cars slowly drove out of Eastfield, heading for the north.

They drove the entire night, finally stopping at another city to rest. Here, jackie told Old Man Taylor,

Theodore, and everyone else that their destination was Swallow City.

Chapter 906

“Swallow City?”

Theodore was shocked when he found out about the destination. Never in his wildest dreams would he

imagine that jackie would actually decide to head straight for the north—toward the direction of Gin City.

Swallow City was practically right next to Gin City!

The Lambert family was a prominent family in Gin City. They would be serving themselves on a silver

platter if they went ahead.

“Seriously? Wouldn’t it be better if we get away as far as we can, jackie? It’s way too dangerous to go to

Swallow City.”

Fiona was shocked as well. She quickly asked him.

She did not expect jackie to flash a mirthless smile in response. “I have business to do in Swallow City.

Besides, I think that the Lambert family will start their investigation in Eastfield, assuming that they want

to track us down. And what will they do once they find out that we’ve left? They’ll definitely search for us

in neighboring areas—perhaps even in cities in the south. They would think that we would run as far as

possible from Gin City!”

Realization dawned upon Theodore. “I get it. They’ll be less vigilant if we hide under plain sight—they

won’t search those areas. It’ll be far easier for them to find us if we head south of Eastfield, right?”

“That was my train of thought. It’ll be safe for a period of time in Swallow City, at least! We’ll be fine so

long as we don’t create a ruckus and be careful! Besides, we don’t have many people with us now.

There’s a smaller chance of us being suspected.”

jackie spoke with finality in his tone.

“All right. We’ll head for Swallow City. Let’s eat and have a good rest tonight. We’ll continue our journey

in the afternoon!”

Old Man Taylor considered the idea, and he thought that jackie’s words made sense. He released an

internal sigh of relief.

“Oh, right. Our cars have number plates from Eastfield. So when we’re nearing Swallow City, we’ll burn

our cars in a secluded area. We’ll buy new cars when we’re in the city itself, and our cars will have

number plates from there. We’ll be even safer then!”

jackie went silent for a moment before speaking, “I’m not afraid of the Lambert family, but they’re

probably pretty strong. It’ll be best if we don’t provoke them unnecessarily. Besides, we have quite a

number of people here. It’ll be difficult for me to protect all of you on my own.”

At this moment, a car drove toward them and parked right before jackie and the others. Lana and Skyler

exited the vehicle.

“You–you brought Skyler too?”

Once jackie saw that Skyler was coming along, he suddenly did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“Master Lana, Sir Skyler, why are you two here?”

Theodore and the others cried out, utterly stupefied. They had not stopped for very long, but the

Goddess of War and King of War had quickly arrived. They must have been tailing behind them long


“I already told jackie that I would be tagging along for a spin. This is my holiday for me to relax. Besides,

it’ll be so boring if I were to be left alone in Eastfield!”

Lana chuckled. Then she cast a glance over her shoulder. “Oh, right. There are others who’ll be following

along too,” she said. “They told me that they want to be your bodyguards!”

“Seriously? Who?”

Theodore exclaimed in surprise. He was in awe. He would feel ten times safer if Lana and the others

were coming along.

True enough, a few other cars quickly came along and parked nearby.

“No way about it. I’m bound to follow jackie wherever he goes for my entire life, and Elaine wants to

follow too—and she’s my disciple. I don’t feel comfortable about leaving her alone, so I decided to follow.

And some of my older disciples all wanted to come along with me, so here they are!”

Skyler chuckled. “I’ll be the commander of your bodyguards from now on, and my disciples will make up

the troops. How about that? You won’t chase us away, will you?”

“Oh my. Sir Skyler, you’re not joking, are you? You’re such a respected person. How could we accept

you to be the leader of our bodyguards!”

Chapter 907

Old Master Taylor was overwhelmed with emotions. Every member of the Taylor family was afraid of

being dragged into the mud and fear of being killed. All of them left Eastfield without informing.

Instead, the elders, Skyler, and the others were the ones willing to protect and leave with them. They

were willing to go to hell with them.

“Old Master Taylor is right! Sir Skyler, your status and identity and those of your disciples are high and

honorable. Each and every one of them is nothing but powerful and strong. Two or three of them are

even comparable to the King of War. Such strong people, we’re afraid that we can’t afford to hire all of


jackie was bursting with gratitude in his heart. These people before jackie, who knew that he was now in

trouble, did not run away like the other Taylor members, instead, they were willing to follow him to hell

and protect him and his family. Only such people could be deemed as loyal and upright.

“We don’t ask for much. A couple of million a month will be enough. It’s affordable, right?”

Skyler’s face was solemn and dull at the same time. He wanted to tell them that they did not have to pay

to hire him. But if he really said so, he was afraid that Fiona, Andrew, and the others would suspect

jackie’s identity. Thus, he simply called out an amount to cover it up.

“A…a couple of million? It’s absolutely fine! This is great! Sir Skyler, thank you for serving us!”

A wide grin immediately appeared on Fiona’s face. Getting a King of War to work for the Taylors for such

a price was totally worth it!

A few vertical lines formed between jackie’s brows. He opened his mouth after much thoughts. “It’s fine.

But you and Lana are no commoners. You are not any common bodyguard or fighter, you’re an eight-star

King of War and Lana is a Goddess of War! Hence, there’s a high chance for others to recognize both of

you even if it’s in Swallow City. And everyone knows you are from Eastfield, so I’m afraid that Lana and

your presence will cause suspicion!”

“You’re right! What should we do though? Both of us will wear masks from now on!”

Skyler blurted after giving the matter some thoughts. He felt that every word that was from jackie’s mouth

was nothing but logical and reasonable.

“It’s not a bad idea, but it’s too aggravating for both of you!”

jackie frowned, though he thought this idea seemed to be a good solution for now.

“What’s so difficult about this, let’s do it!”

Lana, on the other hand, said nonchalantly, “I’ll go and pick some better-looking mask. That kind of mask

that reveals half of my pretty face. Must be stunning!”

“The pursuit of beauty is really in a girl’s nature, huh? You thought you’re participating in a beauty mask

contest? It’s only a mask!” jackie let out two awkward coughs and teased Lana.

“ jackie, what bullsh*t are you talking about? She is the Goddess of War, how can you talk in such a

disrespectful manner!”

Old Master Taylor was startled and immediately reprimanded jackie. In Old Master Taylor’s heart, he

believed that Skyler and Lana were only here because of fun. They treated this as a fun tour, and that

was why they came along. Perhaps after a while, when they are bored, they would leave.

Therefore, he did not think otherwise about Lana’s utterance about masks.

In contrast, jackie was being rude and disrespectful toward Lana.

“Old Master Taylor, don’t mind it. From now on, there is no Goddess of War but the Chief Captain of the

bodyguards in the Taylor family. Hehe! Chief captain, a little higher and more glorious than Sir Skyler!”

Lana chuckled warm-heartedly, then she continued, “From now on, we’re a family. As for, what, one or

two million a month? Just forget about it. I’m not here for a part-time job, but to have fun with you guys!”

“Nope! The pay will be food and accommodation!” jackie returned jokingly.

Chapter 908

“That’s fine by me as well! As long as there is good food and a place for me to sleep, I’ll be satisfied!”

To everyone’s surprise, Lana accepted jackie’s suggestion and smiled joyfully.

“Master Lana, you’re the least demanding Goddess of War that I’ve ever seen!”

Skyler, on the other hand, laughed out loud, looking very cheerful.

“Right, about your cars, they’re all with Eastfield’s plate numbers. So, before we arrive at Swallow City,

you guys have to sit in our cars and dispose of your cars outside the Swallow City. But, don’t you worry,

after we enter the city, I’ll buy each of you a car. You can pick whatever car you want!”

jackie gazed over Lana’s and the others’ cars, and smiled bitterly, and said, “Well. If I can get a new car,

why not?”

Skyler chortled loudly again at the side.

Soon, the group arrived at the city center of Eastfield. Skyler and Lana bought themselves masks, rested

for a while, and then finally set off.

Not to mention, the mask that Lana chose not only did not obscure her beauty but also intensified the

beauty of her alluring body. With her face half-covered by the mask, she let out a mysterious aura, luring

others to her realm of seduction unconsciously.

“Master Lana, the mask looks really good on you! You’re stunning yet mysterious! Especially your

exposed long legs, even I’m a little envious of you!”

Selena, who was sitting in the same car with Lana, gazed over at Lana’s outfit. She could not help but

compliment Lana.

Now that Lana was with them, it made Selena’s heart breathe a huge sigh of relief. With Lana around

them, even if those strong and powerful people from the Lambert family were to come to avenge, they

might not be her opponents. Furthermore, Lana coupled with jackie, Skyler, and the others would be

considered as a scary force to be reckoned with.

Before that, she felt upset about how the other members of the Taylor family left, fearing to be involved.

Now, it seemed that it was the right decision for them to leave, at least they would be safe too. Besides, it

was a good thing for Selena, jackie, and the others as well—they could travel faster and safer with fewer


Now, with the additional forces from Lana and Skyler, their overall combat power was naturally increased

to the point that they could say they would not have to be afraid anymore.

“Really? Aww!”

After hearing Selena’s compliment, Lana was flabbergasted with joy. “Actually I’m envious of you, Miss

Selena. You’re so gentle, beautiful, and with a noble temperament. These are the characteristics that I

don’t possess. They always say that I’m too boyish, too manly and domineering, and lack of gentleness.

Sigh! I’m worried that I’ll not get married!”

“How can you not get married? Don’t be a fool. You’re the Goddess of War! Besides, you’re really good-

looking and attractive. I bet a lot of men out there would be head over heels for you when they see you!”

Selena smiled and added, “But an excellent woman like you should pick your life partner carefully and

this matter cannot be rushed!”

“You’re right. Oh ya! You guys shouldn’t call me Master Lana or Goddess of War, especially when we get

to Swallow City. If you continue calling me that, won’t I wear this mask for nothing?”

Lana reminded the group after thinking about it.

“Is it okay for me to call you Lana?”

Selena asked with a frown.

“Don’t worry, it’s definitely more than okay. There’re too many people in this world with the same name.

Lana is just a popular common name. Besides, most of the people know that Lana the Goddess of War

is in Eastfield, who knows that she’ll come to Swallow City?” Lana smiled gently in return.

“That makes sense!”

Selena bobbed her head in agreement.

Another day had passed. On a fine morning, the caravan finally arrived at a valley not far outside the

Swallow City.

“Push the cars to the open space over here and burn them!”

Chapter 909

Although these cars were branded and exorbitantly expensive, but now there was no other way, jackie

could only give the order, helplessly.

The group immediately pushed the cars to the open space and burned them. Then only did they head

toward the Swallow City on foot.

They could already see the incomparably tall and magnificent city walls of the Swallow City from afar.

The city was surrounded by an archaic yet ancient atmosphere and a layer of faint mist. This city looked

mysteriously ethereal.

Although the Swallow City was a lot smaller than the Gin City, it was at least two or three times larger

than Eastfield.

“The Swallow City. It’s an ancient city, isn’t it? There are many high authoritative powerhouses in it. And

the main thing is this city is a wonderful place for people, families, or houses to improve and expand their


Staring attentively at the city before him, Skyler could not help but to express with a sigh.

“Yes, this is indeed a wonderful place!”

Lana, too, sighed with emotion.

jackie looked at the group, then finally said, “We’ve now arrived at the Swallow City. Let’s hurry up and

buy a villa to live in as soon as possible. It’s fortunate that it’s morning now, we’ve time to purchase a

villa. As for cars, we’ll wait till tomorrow morning!”

Old Master Taylor nodded in accordance. “I’m afraid that the villa here will be very costly. For the time

being, we don’t need to recruit any bodyguards, but I think we have to hire some helpers to help clean up

the house. So, we’ll have to prepare a few more suites for them.”

“Hmmm. Alright, let’s do this. We’ll purchase twenty units of terrace house and these should be enough.

We don’t have to buy a single huge villa. Perhaps, we can opt for terrace houses or townhouses. Also,

when we buy more units, we’ll let the developer enclose them with walls. This should not be a big


jackie uttered his thoughts to the group.

At this time, Lana’s phone rang.

After she took a look at the number, she sauntered to the side and picked up the call. “Hey Bro, what’s

the situation?”

“Bad. It’s, it’s a trap…”

Fernando’s weak and feeble voice came out from the phone and followed by a light thud. The phone call

ended after the thud sound.

Lana’s finger pounded the last-call button on her phone to call back, but only then did she found out that

the number was no longer available.

Her face turned blank and gloomy in the next second. She immediately approached jackie and pull him

to the side, then reported, “Master, it’s not good. Brother Fernando seems to be in trouble!”

“Has something happened? What’s the situation?”

When jackie heard of the news, he frowned and wondered if he had heard it wrongly. Fernando was one

of the disciples whom he considered strong and powerful. His combat prowess could be placed at the

top of the list, how could something bad happen to such a strong person?

“I’m not too sure myself. He called just now and his breath is very feeble. He only told me that it was a

trap and then the call disconnected. I tried to call back but I could not get through!”

Lana’s forehead ceased together. She was anxious beyond measure.

“Dragon scale, it’s a trap?”

jackie’s brows snapped together, and his face was full of worries. “Even if it’s a trap, Fernando is not that

weak that he can’t defeat the other party, right?”

“Sigh! I don’t know, Master. Will Brother Fernando be alright?”

The more Lana thought about it, the faster her heart pounded. Fernando’s fighting power was a few

levels better than her; he was the eldest disciple among them. What kind of fighter did he meet this time?

“We can’t do much now. We’re here and worries will only drag us down. Let’s enter the city first, then

we’ll slowly investigate the matter. Since it’s a trap, I believe Fernando will not die, because the other

party is actually targeting me!”

jackie jeered coldly, and then continued, “The other party was trying to set traps and catch me. I bet they

know who’s the owner of the dragon scale!”

Chapter 910

“No way, you mean the other party knows who this dragon scale belongs to?”

After hearing this, Lana took a deep cold breath. She was taken aback.

“I’m just guessing. Since Fernando said it was a trap, I believe the other party will only incarcerate him

and not kill him. This act will lure us out. Hence, I guess the other party must know more about the

dragon scale!”

The whole situation was giving jackie a headache. There were not many people, perhaps less than a

dozen people, who knew about the dragon scale. Furthermore, Fernando’s words did not reveal much

information. Hence, jackie could only suggest settling in first.

Soon enough, jackie brought everyone into the city.

They first looked for a hotel to stay in. Then jackie and Selena went ahead to look for a villa.

They soon found themselves in the lobby of a sales department. A young saleswoman noticed them and

quirked her lips into a small smile, walking toward them.

“Good morning, sir and madam. Are you here to look for a villa? Or do you want to look at bungalows?

We have both here!”

The young saleswoman flashed a brilliant smile—one that could dazzle the sun.


jackie gave a wan smile and replied.

“All right, sir. Please follow me! We’ve already renovated all the villas here, so you can move straight in.

That’s why the price will be a little higher…”

The saleswoman introduced as she brought jackie and Selena toward the sandbox.

Not too far away, another two saleswomen began chatting quietly to themselves.

“That new girl really doesn’t have a good eye. Those two are wearing pretty nice clothes, but didn’t she

see them getting off from a cab?”

One of the women gave a frosty smile as she spoke.

“Right? She was right at the door. No way she didn’t see it. Someone who needs to call for a cab

definitely has no money to buy a villa. It’s obvious that they’re just here to browse around!”

The other woman added in a low, conspiratorial tone, “We don’t sell many houses here because of the

price. Although the villas here are just townhouses, they’re super expensive because they’re in the

middle of the city. One would cost at least 120 million dollars. No way someone like that can afford to buy

the villas here.”

jackie and Selena so happened to walk past them. They spoke softly, but they heard their voices—and

they clearly heard each and every word.

The two exchanged a glance. They could not be bothered with the two women. After they walked over

and scanned the sandbox and listened to the saleswoman’s explanations, jackie spoke up, “How much is

one unit? There should be a discount if we pay in full, right?”

“Ah! Why don’t you two look at our showcase unit? I’ll take you there. It won’t take much time…”

The saleswoman was a little surprised. She suspected if she heard wrongly.

Honestly, she had seen the couple getting off a cab from the entrance.

She did not expect them to have the money to buy a house.

However, she recalled what her manager had told her in the beginning—to not give up on any customer

that walked through the door. She was new and she did not have a stellar performance to boast off. She

used this opportunity to practice her negotiation skills, to familiarize herself with talking to customers, and

introducing the houses to them. Basically, she took this as a chance to improve herself.

That was why she kept a smile on her face the whole time, carefully explaining every detail to the couple.

Whitet they had never asked many questions, and they did not talk much. They seemed very impassive.

They did not pose many questions. From that, she surmised that they did not have much interest in the

property, and they would never even think of buying it after hearing the price. Still, they were probably

too ashamed to walk away immediately.

She did not expect the man to ask straight away if there were discounts if he paid in full.

Even some customers who were interested in buying would negotiate with them a few more times and

mull over the decision for a few days. After all, a single unit was worth millions. A big celebrity would also

have to consider this for half a day if they wanted to purchase a unit.

Chapter 911

However, the couple in front of her did not even bother to look at the showcase unit. They just took a

glance at the sandbox and inquired about the price.

“No need. We’re in a hurry to move in!”

jackie flashed a wan smile and responded emotionlessly.

“Well. If you were to pay in full, surely there would be a discount for you. The company is now promoting

cashback for these units. So, it’ll be 110 million dollars per unit!”

The young and pretty salesgirl hung a smile on her face, but muttered inside her heart, ‘Don’t tell me

they’re really planning to buy a villa!’

It was precisely because of the price of these villas; they could hardly sell even one unit per month.

However, if they were to successfully sell one unit, the commission for that month would be a lot.

“110 million per unit? So if I buy twenty units, it’ll be 2.1 billion, right?”

After calculating in his brain, jackie replied in a carefree tone.

“Twen—twenty units?”

The pretty salesgirl released a deep breath of surprise, doubting her own ears—whether did she heard

wrongly. It was not twenty dollars or 200 dollars but freaking 2.1 billion. Could it be that this couple came

from a rich family?

“Yes. This side, the side near the gate, I want twenty units. But, I have a small favor to ask!”

After pondering about it, jackie pointed at the sandbox and uttered.

“What is it?”

The salesgirl gulped loudly, thinking that could it be that this man before her was setting a trap? Was he

trying to do something bad to her? After all, she had been hearing that some thugs and b*stards always

liked to tease salesgirls like them.

These thoughts made her heart pound harder than ever; she could not help but worry for herself. She

was afraid that jackie was one of those b*stards.

But the worries soon subsided when she saw a woman stood next to jackie—Selena. She felt that she

was overly worried.

No words could describe Selena’s attractiveness and beauty. Such a woman was hundred times better

looking than her; how could jackie possess dirty thoughts when he had such a beautiful wife in his life?

Besides, if jackie really wanted to do something bad to her, he would not be doing it in front of his wife,


“Can the developer enclose these twenty units with walls? Separating our villas from others. This should

not be a problem, right?”

jackie gave a light smile and then only slowly uttered his request.

“This, this can be done! It’s only a small matter. I’ll talk to our manager right now, and you can look at the

map here, pick the unit you want, and circle it with this pen!”

The young salesgirl took out a pen, a leaflet of the villas as well as the layout map. She handed these

over to jackie as she spoke. She requested jackie to circle the unit they wanted.

“No freaking way? Twenty units? Did I hear it right?”

The other two salesgirls—who were talking about jackie a moment ago—passed by the three and

overheard the conversation. Their jaws dropped to the ground and their eyes were widened as large as

saucers. They doubted their ears.

20 units of villas? The commission of these 20 units, for them, would be…

“Sir, no problem, absolutely no problem. Have you circled up?”

The manager of the store and the young salesgirl appeared before jackie again. The manager asked

cautiously, with excitement, delight, and joy plastered all over their faces.

After all, if these 20 units were sold off, the manager could receive a lot of bonuses, though it would not

be as much as what the young salesgirl would receive.

“Yup. It’s done. Just these 20 units. Let’s sign the contract!”

jackie spilled nonchalantly as he handed the pen and leaflet to the other party.

Chapter 912 “Sign…Sign the contract?”

The manager was taken aback. Never in his life had he seen such a quick purchase.

“Stop gibbering! I don’t have much time. I still need to buy some house supplies later and I’ll have to

move in this afternoon. Do you want to sell or not?”

jackie, on the other hand, did not entertain the manager further but shot him a deadly glare. jackie was


The manager was dumbfounded once again. “Of course, Sir! Just that I’ve never seen such a generous

person like you!”

The manager returned with a smile on his face, meanwhile, the salesgirl was getting the contract over for

the transaction.

A small smile appeared on jackie’s face as he said to the manager, “By the way, all these sales must be

credited to this young salesgirl. This is because she is the one who served us well. Don’t you dare to

steal her credit!”

The young salesgirl was touched when she heard jackie’s words that she almost cried. This couple was

so kind-hearted that they thought of the low position employees.

“Don’t worry, this will not happen, because manager’s bonuses depend on the total sales of every month.

Even if I wanted to take credit for today’s sales, it would be useless and meaningless!”

The manager chuckled and responded.

Soon, jackie completed all the formalities. He then stood up, ready to go over to swipe his credit card for


However, to everyone’s surprise, Selena pulled his sleeve and whispered, “Swipe my card. These

houses are bought for the Taylor family, so naturally, it should be paid with the Taylor family’s money!”

“Alright, Dear, since you said so, I won’t compete with you this time. Anyway, whatever is mine is yours

and yours is mine!”

jackie shrugged his shoulder as he spoke. A gentle smile plastered on his face.

The two saleswomen who have been watching the scene at the side were completely speechless. It was

a 2.1 billion bill, and this couple was actually competing to pay the bill. It seemed like this couple was not

short of money, perhaps buying another 20 units would not be a problem.

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After the money was paid and the formalities were completed, the manager asked all the employees to

line up in two rows, saluted jackie and Selena, and saw them off the store.

“Damn, rich people really do have deep pockets, huh?”

The manager of the sales department looked at the back of jackie and Selena with an envious look.

The manager then wheeled around and faced the young salesgirl. “Carol, let me say this to you, you’re

now officially a permanent staff member. Also, I’ll call the general manager and inform him about today’s

incident and advise him to promote you to the supervisor position. It just so happens that we lack a


“Ah! I…thank you so much! Thank you so much, Sir!”

Carol was overly shocked that her tongue was tied. In the beginning, she did not think that jackie and

Selena could afford a villa, let alone 20. However, with a humble mindset of taking it as a business

practice, she went forward and served them well.

Little did she expect that the two of them changed her fate in just half an hour. The commissions of these

20 villas were enough for her to buy two houses and may even allow her to save a lot of money. This

was basically a miracle—to become wealthy in just half an hour.

Moreover, the salary and year-end bonus for the supervisor position was outstanding.

“No way, Sir, she has only been here less than a month, how can she be a supervisor?”

The two saleswomen could not hold back any longer, approached the two and questioned the manager

in an exasperated tone.

The young salesgirl had already taken so much commission today, which they were envious and jealous

of, and now the manager had actually wanted to make her a supervisor? They could not approve this


After all, the two saleswomen were promising candidates for the supervisor position. They were not only

veteran staff but also very discerning and often observed how customers entered their shop—whether in

sports cars or sedans—and estimated roughly which unit to sell to them. They knew how to choose


However, they did not expect that today they missed out on jackie and Selena—the ultimate filthy rich


Chapter 913 “She’s been here less than a month, so what’s wrong with that? Her sales and performance

today is something you can’t achieve. You two were with her just now at the entrance, why didn’t the two

of you bother serving the two customers and make such a sale?”

The manager retorted. He could not be bothered by their resentment instead, he left to report to the

general manager about today’s incident.

The two saleswomen exchanged glances. Right now, they could not feel anything at all other than


Meanwhile, at this time in Gin City, the head of the Lambert family, as well as a Patronum and the elders,

were gathered together.

“We couldn’t get hold of Lucas. I’m afraid that something bad has happened. We’ve been trying to

contact him for these past few days. And it’s not just him, we couldn’t keep in touch with the other three

too. The head of Freeman has been coming over to ask us the whereabouts of his daughter—Snow

Freeman. Snow went with Lucas and it’s Lambert’s responsibility to keep her safe!”

The head of the Lambert family frowned. His features were terribly unsightly.

The loss of three Lamberts had already broken the members’ hearts. Moreover, Lucas Lambert was the

son of the second master of the Lambert family. They could not get hold of him for the past several days,

it was highly likely that they were dead.

The death of Snow Freeman had worsened the situation. Snow was the fiancée of Lucas and the two

initially decided to get married soon. However, nobody had expected that bad things would happen to

them at this time…

“They went to Eastfield. Looks like sending our men to investigate the matter is the only way.”

An old man finally spoke with a bitter smile on his face.

“Eastfield is just a small city. What kind of person can actually kill the four of them?”

Another person responded to the old man’s suggestion instantly.

The head of Lambert family pondered and then said, “In Eastfield, only some eight-star or nine-star, and

God of War is capable of killing them. They went to Eastfield to kill Ivan Taylor because they didn’t expect

that Ivan was still alive. But, this time they…”

“The grand wedding that the Taylor family held previously, I heard that the son-in-law is the Gods of

War’s exclusive doctor. That’s why all Nine Great Gods of War attended his wedding.”

The grand elder of the Lambert family paused for a moment to ponder over some matter, and then said,

“So, I guess Lana Zechs, the Goddess of War in Eastfield had killed them!”

“Damn. How could this Lana Zechs offend the Lambert family just because of some guy named jackie.

Doesn’t she know that there’s a more powerful existence backing us?”

The second grand elder barked. His resentment grew within him like a tumor.

The third grand elder had not spoken anything, but his face was the most unsightly among others.

He was no other than Lucas Lambert’s father. The thought of his son dead had caused agonizing

wrenching pain in his heart.

“This afternoon I’ll go to meet with the Freeman family, ask them to bring a few good fighters, and go with

us to Eastfield. Maybe the head himself will be going because of his daughter’s death!”

The third grand elder—Tao Lambert—balled his fist firmly as he uttered.

“Alright. If we successfully identify the killer, you guys must avenge the four of them!”

The head of Lambert family bobbed his head to give permission. He then added, “Tao, when do you plan

to leave?”

“I’ll go to the Freeman family’s residence in a moment and plan with them. We’ll leave early tomorrow


Tao was gloomy all the while. After finishing his sentence, he took his leave.

The head of the Lambert family could not help but to only breathe out a deep sigh.

Chapter 914 jackie and the others went out to buy daily supplies before shopping for a new car. They

then started moving happily.

At the same time, in one of the villas located in the villa neighborhood, a beautiful superstar could not

help it but to complain to another beauty. “This is so weird. I saw the developer ordering for a wall to be

built on my way back. When I went over to enquire about the situation they told me that somebody had

bought 20 villas in one go and asked them to build a wall to surround the area!”

“20 villas?!” The beauty on the other side inhaled deeply. “This person must be rich and powerful to be

able to afford so many villas. Well, there are so many rich people here in the Swallow city that this is

considered as normal!”

The other beautiful lady pursed her lips and started complaining, “It’s quite normal but you weren’t there

to see it yourself. After this person puts up the wall, the afforested area that we can carry out activities in

will be reduced. I bought this property because I really liked the green areas. Now that this person has

built a wall around the 20 villas, our homes will be right next to the wall.”

Blake Knight could only smile bitterly. “Well, what can we do? People like us can only accept our fate.

Somebody who can buy so many villas in one go is not someone we, as celebrities, can offend!”

Tianna Scott also said, “Yes, we seem well-regarded as celebrities as many people chase after us for our

signatures wherever we go. However, we really can’t afford to offend people who are really rich and


“Don’t even think about offending them, it’s nice enough if we can sing and earn money in peace!” Blake

once again smiled helplessly.

“By the way, Blake, didn’t a director ask you to join his movie? How is it? Did you think about

transitioning?” Tianna thought about it and asked curiously.

After all, many singers dreamt of transitioning into movie stars. It would benefit their careers in the future

if the movie they filmed got famous. This was a good opportunity to grow their income.

Different to Tianna’s imagination, Blake started complaining, “Don’t even mention that bastard. He’s a

dirty old man. He asked me out for a meal the other day with the excuse that he wanted to discuss some

details about the character. Turns out, it was just the two of us and that guy started touching me right

after I began eating. I was so angry that I turned around and left!”

“Sigh, nine out of ten directors nowadays are womanizers and it’s really difficult for us to meet one who’s

not. I think it’s best if we continue singing and produce records. At least, this industry is much cleaner!”

Tianna sighed and spoke with a hint of helplessness.

The developers acted really swiftly. The next day when jackie and his family woke up, the walls were

already done.

“I’ve already asked Skyler and his disciples to help get news about the Dragon scale. Let’s hope that we

can get some clues soon!” Lana walked over to jackie and said to him.

“Alright!” jackie nodded and walked over to Selena.

”Selena, let’s go take a stroll so that we can familiarize ourselves with the environment. After all, the

Taylor family will be staying here for a long period of time!” jackie smiled and said to Selena.

Selena nodded. “Sure, I was about to go out and take a look. I want to look around this area and see if

there are anywhere suitable for us to start some businesses so that we don’t waste time.”

jackie, Selena, and Lana soon walked out.

They had no idea that when they started their stroll, they would see two beautiful women coming out

from the side door and it looked like they were going shopping.

At this moment, two cars halted in front of them and several men came down. They restrained the girls

and were about to stuff them into the car.

“Help!” Tianna was extremely frightened and immediately started yelling loudly while struggling.

However, her struggles did not work as there were three to four men restraining her.

Chapter 915 Beside Tianna’s, Blake was also struggling to break free from these people.

The both of them were leaving the house to go shopping. They had sunglasses on and did not have any

bodyguards with them. Who knew that they would meet with such an awful incident as soon they

stepped out of the house.

“How dare these people kidnap commoners under broad daylight?” Lana could not help and started

scolding. She stepped forward and kicked a small pebble she saw by the road. The pebble flew forward

and hit one of the men’s thigh.

“Ah!” The man was in so much pain that he almost knelt on the ground.

“Who did that? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” The man was extremely angry. He turned his head

around and his eyes lit up when he saw Lana running toward him angrily. “Oh my, it’s a sexy and pretty


“Are you suicidal? Bring this one with us, maybe our director will like her too!” Another man said with a

smile on his face.

“That’s right! She has such a nice body. Haha, she might just get famous if she stars in a movie!” Several

men from that group of people temporarily let go while the others continued to hold on to Blake and


“I was wondering why their voices sounded so familiar, it’s them!” jackie glanced at the duo. He

recognized them although they had on sunglasses.

Lana defeated those people with just a few moves. They fell to the ground and started moaning in pain.

“What sort of director is this? Is he suicidal? How dare he kidnap somebody under broad daylight!” Lana

scolded those people. They used all their might to climb up before leaving in their car.

“It’s you!” Blake and Tianna covered their mouths in surprise when they saw jackie amongst the people

walking over to them.

“Oh my, you guys came over to Swallow City?” Tianna was in disbelief. She looked at jackie from head to

toes. “Thank you so much! We would have been done for if it weren’t for you! Normally we won’t meet

with incidents like this. Who knew that we would be so unlucky just as we were about to leave the


“Cough, cough… It’s us… We’ve moved here to start a new life here!” jackie was embarrassed and

immediately reminded them. “Oh yes, please don’t tell others that we are from Eastfield. The wedding

happened some time ago and not many people remember me and Selena!”

“Don’t worry, we won’t say anything!” Blake smiled as she spoke. How could they go around spreading

news about jackie when he had saved both of them? They did not even know how to repay his kindness.

Apart from that, there must be a hidden reason for them to be here as jackie purposely mentioned this to


“The car seems to have come from that direction as if they knew that you guys were leaving the house!”

jackie thought about it and looked at both ladies.

Soon, he stepped forward and stretched one of his hands out toward Blake’s chest.

Chapter 916 The startled Blake’s face turned crimson red when she saw jackie reaching out his hand

toward her chest.

How bold of him—she was a famous superstar!

Had she not known jackie was a decent man and Selena was not with them at that moment, Blake might

have thought that jackie was a pervert that tried to take advantage of her.

Blake’s heart raced, out of control.

Still, she did not step back with the belief that jackie was not trying to take advantage of her.

Selena frowned, curious as to what jackie would do.

jackie merely smiled as he freed a button on Blake.

“Ah!” yelped Blake, blush searing her face as she crossed her arms at her chest. Her collar was exposed

after jackie unfastened one button.

“A tapping and locator device.” jackie smiled coldly and, with just a small force, crushed the button

between his fingers. Everyone saw a small chip hidden among the broken button’s remnants.

“How’s that possible? It’s so small and…” Blake took a sharp intake of breath, shuddering at the thought.

jackie chuckled. “I think they took the opportunity to do something because they knew you’re leaving the

house without bodyguards with you, all with this small device,” remarked jackie.

“Where did you buy these clothes, Blake? How can it…” Tianna was equally frightened. None of them

would have known Blake had a spying device on her if jackie had not come to them.

Blake’s face darkened. “That damned director gifted it to me yesterday, some time ago. It looked pretty,

so I’ve been wearing it these few days!” Blake grew angrier the more she thought about it and scoffed,

“It’s best if we go back and change, and I’m throwing this away. It seems best to not take any clothes

people give me!”

She turned to look at jackie, her gaze kinder as she smiled. “Thank you very much for today, jackie. I

hope to treat you to dinner whenever we have the time. I want to thank all of you!”

“That’s mighty generous of you. This is my name card, call me if that bastard director still comes causing

trouble. Since we’re neighbors now, I’ll get to swiftly come to your aid.” jackie smiled and passed his

namecard to them.