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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 551 – 600
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Chapter 551

Selena kept staring at Xena too. She also felt that something was off about her brother’s girlfriend lately.

Her makeup and clothing have been growing more fashionable. Furthermore, she had quite a few

branded bags to her name now. They were definitely not cheap.

“Give the phone to me, Xena. These salespeople can be extremely annoying. They keep making calls

like this and it gets irritating. I’ll take the call. I’ll give them a good scolding!” Fiona said straightaway

when she noticed that Xena was stunned for quite a few seconds, not picking up the phone.

Xena was even more frightened. She flashed a bitter smile. “Nevermind, Ma. I’m too lazy to pick it up.

These people don’t have an easy time working. Sometimes they even have to work overtime till late at

night because they couldn’t finish their quota for the day.”

After Fiona heard that, she smiled as she spoke, “Never thought that you would be this empathetic,

Xena, thinking for the sake of others! Come on everyone, let’s just eat and drink. No need to pick up

such harassing calls if you don’t want to!”

“That’s right. Let me pour you a glass, Ma!” Xena heaved an internal sigh of relief. She stood up and

poured a glass of wine for Fiona.

At this moment, her phone finally stopped ringing.

jackie could not be bothered about it. He started to casually indulge himself in the feast before him.

However, the phone did not ring again for the rest of the meal.

After they finished eating, everybody went back.

jackie and Selena went back into their room and closed the door. Only then did the former said, “There’s

something off about Xena!”

Selena nodded her head. “She’s definitely up to no good. No matter what, I can’t let her marry my

brother. God knows how many times she would cheat on him otherwise.

“Mmhmm. She definitely has a man on the side. Why all the new clothes otherwise? Where did they

come from? They must be pretty expensive, and she’s changed quite a few bags!”

jackie carved a smile. “She said that she bought them all by herself. I do not believe a lick of it. Why

wasn’t she this extravagant before if she had this much money? She was not that kind of woman who

saved up money back then too! ”

“Then what do we do? My brother didn’t believe you the last time we found out that she was planning to

swindle my parent’s money with her gang. He believed her instead. I really think that he’s extremely

gullible!” Selena frowned. “It’s a wonder if he doesn’t suffer any losses being with this woman, with him

being so gullible!”

“This woman really is money-faced. I’m telling you, I’d thought about killing her when I was going after

the motor robbers. But I spared her, seeing that she’s a woman and your brother’s girlfriend, so I told her

to scram! Never thought that she would have the audacity to return to your brother’s side. However, it

seemed like she didn’t change all that much later. I thought that she would turn over a new leaf and truly

wish to be with your brother! Who knew that she didn’t change her spots at all, judging from these few


jackie clenched his fingers into fists. Iciness flashed across his eyes. “Since your brother is so gullible, I

should just kill Xena off. Just find an opportunity and be done with her! This way, your brother will have to

give up on her!”

Selena was shocked when she heard that. “No way. She’s still my brother’s girlfriend, and we’re going to

kill her because we suspect that she’s with another man? What if we’re wrong? Besides, I already told

you that this isn’t the battlefield. Stop trying to use your fists to solve every single problem!”

jackie felt embarrassed. His wife was still so kind and generous.

“Then what should we do? I’ll listen to you!” He spoke mildly, after remaining silent for a few seconds.

Chapter 552

“Mmhmm. She is the woman that my brother loves deeply, after all. He’ll be extremely upset if you kill

her. And he might do something stupid to himself!” Selena told jackie after a few moments of silence.

jackie nodded his head. “That’s right. I thought about this too. That’s why I told her to scram the last time.

Who knew that this woman would be so manipulative? She even said that I’m taking revenge on her by

slandering her because she was against me before. And she says that she’s the victim.”

“Then we have to think of a way to get evidence of Xena’s affair. It would be best if my brother catches

her in action and has his heart broken. We’ll let him decide if we should let her live after that. What do

you think?” Selena said after she thought about it.

“Okay. You’re right, dear!” jackie thought about it, then he studied his wife, who was wearing a sexy

nightgown. He could not help but flash a wicked grin. “Dear, Kylie has her own room now,” he said. “We

don’t have to worry about anything anymore, right?”

Selena’s face reddened in a flash; panic gripped her heart.

She quickly rolled her eyes at him. “Why do you keep thinking about all these things?” she said, tone

shy. “Seriously, all men are such perverts!”

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. “What do you mean all men are perverts?” he said, smiling

bitterly. “I never touched you for all these five years!”

Mischief sparked within jackie when he noticed Selena’s bashful countenance. He took two steps

forward and swept the beauty before him into a bridal carry.

Selena’s heart thudded against her chest. She was a mother, but the incident five years ago had been an

honest accident. She could barely remember what had happened that night.

Still, she was a grown woman. Of course, she wanted a man who could keep her safe and warm.

However, she was not someone who played around. That was why she had remained chaste for all

these five years, hoping that jackie would return—and hoping that he would be a good husband and


She would surrender everything to fate so long as jackie turned out to be a working member of society,

and not some scumbag picked out of the landfill. Yet she never imagined that not only would jackie be a

good father, but he was also an even better husband—and he was a war hero. She had actually fallen

deeply in love with him, just a month after he had returned. Now she really wanted to give her all to him


jackie gently put her onto the bed, as though he was handling fragile china.

Selena bit on her red-rouged lip. She glanced toward the light beside them. “Turn it off,” she said

awkwardly. “I’m so embarrassed!”

“Why don’t we turn the wall lamp on then, dear? It would be a shame if I can’t see your face. You’re so

beautiful now!”

jackie turned off the ceiling lights and turned the wall lamp on, its light dimly illuminating the room.

“What do you want to see? There’s nothing to see!”

Selena’s face was so red that the blush spread to the tips of her ears. Her pulse quickened; she felt as

though her heart was about to burst out from her chest anytime soon.

“Of course, there’s something to see!” jackie chuckled and ducked down, ready to plant a kiss onto her


“Hold up!” Yet he never expected Selena to yell for him to stop at this moment, extending her hand and

clamping it over his mouth.

Chapter 553

“No way. You’re too cruel, dear, telling me to stop at this moment. Didn’t you promise me this after I’ve

fulfilled the three things I had promised myself? Besides, the thing with the rich woman was a complete

misunderstanding. We’ve proven that she’s a God of War—she’s my friend!”

jackie was speechless for a moment. How could he hold his culminating desire in before such a beautiful

woman—his wife, no less?

He never thought that Selena would give a soft smile instead, her face right below his. “Idiot. I didn’t say

that you couldn’t proceed. I just wanted to ask if you have a lot of scars on your body,” she said. “I heard

that when a military man goes shirtless, scars line their entire body—their back, their chest. And it is

shocking at first sight. It’s really not easy for you to survive after five years on the battlefield!”

jackie was taken aback. “So you won’t like me if I have a lot of scars?”

This was a serious question here.

“Of course, I’ll still like you. I go along with whomever I marry, remember? And you’re my man. How

could I not like you?”

Selena sat up. She shyly pried the buttons on jackie’s shirt open. “I just want to take a look at the scars

on your body. You must have gone through a lot on the battlefield. Whatever we suffer here is nothing

compared to what you’ve gone through.”

jackie never expected Selena to say such sweet, considerate words. His heart of iron melted

immediately; an indescribable warmth spread throughout him.

“I told myself that I had to live—for you, and for my mother!” He stroked his wife’s head, his eyes filled

with gentleness.

At last, the final button on his shirt was undone. His abdomen was packed to the teeth with pure muscle;

it lashed the eyes of anyone who saw it, and it emanated a frightening aura of violence.

Selena was slightly surprised by the sight of his muscles; anxiety tightened its grip over her heart.

However, surprise also flashed across her eyes. “No way. You don’t have a single scar on you?” After

she said that, she pushed jackie’s shirt back and got him to turn around.

“No way. There’s nothing on your back either! Are you that strong, dear? You’ve never suffered a single

injury for all the five years you were on the battlefield?”

She was extremely taken aback. She never thought that his body would be completely devoid of scars.

His skin was perfectly unmarred, and it shocked her to no end.

jackie flashed a bitter smile. It was not that he had never gotten injured, but because he was very skillful

in the medical area that his scars had gone a long time ago.

However, he raised his right arm anyway. “See? There’s a scar here!”

Indeed, there was a scar the size of a thumb on his underarm.

“Why–why does this scar look so strange?”

Selena was shocked after she saw that.

That was because she noticed that the scar on his arm actually looked like an odd-shaped puzzle—as if

it was an imprint of a fish scale that had dropped off.

“That isn’t important!” jackie chuckled and pinned Selena onto the bed. “You’ve already taken my shirt

off, dear. Should I help you with yours?”

She was extremely embarrassed. She turned her head and stared to the side. “Pervert!”

“Didn’t you make the first move?” jackie coughed for a bit, then lowered his lips to Selena’s.

Chapter 554

Selena was so anxious that she could die. Subconsciously, her heart was filled with anticipation.

“Mmph!” At last, the two’s lips collided. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around jackie’s neck.

Yet just as they were kissing each other passionately, a soft knock sounded from the door.

jackie was stunned; his expression darkened. “Seriously? Who’s knocking? It’s past ten at night already.”

Selena was also shocked. She sat upright in a flurry, readjusting her nightgown. “Go open the door and

take a look. Don’t tell me that it’s Ma? Don’t tell me that she doesn’t want us to…”

jackie was speechless for a moment. He pulled his shirt on and slowly walked over to the door to open it.

He was about to burst into anger, but he did not see anyone when he opened the door. He ducked his

head, and a pair of large, baleful eyes were staring at him in anticipation. His anger immediately


“Kylie, why aren’t you asleep?” jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. He never expected that the

culprit would be his own daughter.

She peered inward, then she spoke in a pitiful tone, “I want to sleep with Mom. Or else, I can’t fall


Selena also never thought that their daughter would be the one knocking. She was just as speechless as

jackie was. It had not been easy for them to have this moment, and it was just…

She also walked over, crouching down. “Kylie, you’re already four years old now,” she said. “You’ll be five

in a few months. You’re a big girl, right? You’ll have to learn how to sleep alone.”

Here, Selena added with a gentle expression. “Besides, your friends will laugh at you if you keep

sleeping together with adults. Understand?”

Kylie pouted, as though she were being suppressed. After she thought about it, she spoke in a miserable

tone, “Mom, just one more night please. I’ll sleep alone tomorrow, all right?”

“O–okay. You’ll sleep alone tomorrow, and I’ll go over to tell you bedtime stories. Okay?” Selena

promised as she looked at her daughter.

“Okay!” Kylie nodded her head happily. Then she looked at jackie, slightly frightened, “Dad, can I sleep

with you two?”

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He did not know whether to laugh or cry. His daughter’s countenance just straight-up melted his heart.

How could he not agree? Anyway, the fire from just now had been put out by her just like that. He did not

have any intention to pick it up again. Very soon, the three fell asleep just like that.

The next morning, Xena told Ben that she was going out shopping with a few of her friends after they

finished their breakfast. She left the house.

Ben did not think too much about it. She did not usually bring him along when she went shopping, so he

was used to it. Who knew that Xena drove to a hotel instead. She went up and entered a room.

Chapter 555

“I miss you so much, Babe!” Ivan pulled Xena in as soon as she stepped through the door; he quickly

locked it behind them.

“What are you doing? It’s so early in the morning!”

Xena pushed Ivan away. “What happened last night?” she said, expression hard. “I already rejected your

first call. It’s obvious that I wasn’t in a good place to talk to you. And yet you called me again?”

Ivan stepped forward and embraced her from behind. “I was thinking of you, and I just wanted to invite

you over for some wine. I only realized after you didn’t pick up the second call.”

Here, Ivan asked curiously, “Tell me, what was going on last night? Why couldn’t you take my call?”

“We were eating outside when you called. The entire family was there! And jackie must have a sixth

sense or something. He immediately felt that something was off just because I rejected your first call. He

asked why I rejected the call, and I told him that it was just another harassing phone call from all those

property agents. And then he wanted me to let him see the caller. I was so mad!”

Xena huffed angrily, “If I was any slower and didn’t rile myself up, and if Ben didn’t believe me, I would

have been caught!”

“F*ck. That fellow is really a tough one to crack. How’s he so sharp!” Ivan curled his fingers into a fist. He

thought about it and said, “Seems like we have to get rid of him as soon as possible!”

“Are we ready to make a move? I also think that there’s a good chance that he’ll find out about us if it

goes on like this. We should act fast. Besides, I’ve been faithfully accompanying Ben at home for the

past few days, and I’ve been playing the role of a dutiful girlfriend. Their attitudes toward me seem to

have changed too. Aside from that man suspecting me last night, of course!”

After Xena said that, she spoke to Ivan again. “Don’t forget, Ivan. I’m going to leave Ben after I’ve given

jackie the medicine, and I’ll be with you. You told me that you’ll declare that I’m your girlfriend in front of

the entire Taylor family!”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long!” Ivan laughed and roved his hands around her

waist. “Besides, I’m anticipating the miserable expression on Ben’s face when he knows that you’re my

girlfriend. He’s such a loser.”

“Really? Good. I’m still scared that you won’t want me anymore after you’re done using me!” Xena

suddenly acted coquettishly around him, then she twisted her body backward and pressed it against his.

“Oh, right. Xena, you have to tell me what they’ve been doing lately. If Sharon is visiting jackie, for

instance, or Young Master Wilson is looking for him to take revenge. Or if other Kings of War or military

bigshots are looking for him. Tell me everything, okay?”

Ivan gave Xena a vehement kiss. “Don’t worry. So long as jackie dies, not only will I announce you as my

girlfriend, but I’ll also organize a grand wedding,” he reminded her. “How about that? And I’ll take you to

the Maldives for our honeymoon!”

“Really? That sounds awesome. I love you so much, dear husband!” Xena leaped excitedly when she

heard that. She wrapped her arms around Ivan’s neck and gave him a vehement kiss.

“You’re already calling me husband? Good, good!” Ivan chuckled and carried Xena toward the bed.

Xena was a money-faced person to the core, but she had a pretty good body. However, Ivan had thought

about it long ago, that he would find himself seven or eight mistresses after he was married. The

prospect seemed doable.

A woman like Xena would be appeased so long as he gave her money. She would not care if he had

affairs later on.

Chapter 556

Xena, who had just been flung onto the bed, seemed to suddenly think of something when she heard the

word ‘honeymoon’.

“Right, hold on, Ivan,” she said abruptly. “There’s really something that I have to tell you first!”

“Yes?” Ivan was stunned. “Don’t tell me it’s something to do with jackie?”

“That’s right. He said that he would give Selena a surprise on her birthday. He even said that he’s going

to organize a birthday party that will send waves throughout the entire city!” Xena added, “It’s something

that you should know, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. It’s only a month till Selena’s birthday. I would have forgotten all about it if you hadn’t

reminded me!”

Ivan sat on the edge of the bed, frowning. “ jackie really loves boasting, doesn’t he? Send waves

throughout the entire city? Eastfield is huge and he wants to host a birthday party for Selena that will

send waves throughout the city? He must be joking. He’ll need to spend a couple of billion dollars if he

really wants to send waves throughout the city.”

“He’s definitely exaggerating!” Xena chuckled.

“Alright. See if you can find an opportunity to get jackie to take the medicine either tomorrow or the day

after, then we’ll see. Who knows, maybe Selena’s birthday will be jackie’s funeral day? I’m really looking

forward to it!”

Ivan laughed, and then he pinned Xena onto the bed, unable to hold it in any longer.

“Haven’t you felt that your girlfriend has been acting weird lately, Ben?”

Selena walked over after she noticed Ben in the garden all alone, idly playing with his phone. She spoke

after she thought for a while.

“What do you mean? Isn’t she the same as always?” Ben answered carelessly as he swiped on his


“How can you be such an idiot? You’ve been together for so long, but she’s never let you touch her

once?” Selena rolled her eyes at her brother as she asked the question.

Ben finally put his phone down. “Why are you so concerned about this anyway, Sis?” he said impatiently.

“Although Xena usually wears sexy and trendy outfits, she’s a conservative girl on the inside. Don’t just

assume that she’s an ABG because she has tattoos on her. She’s not!”

Selena was at a loss for words. “Then you’re saying that she never lets you touch her?” she pressed on

anyway. “You’ve not been together for just a year. It’s been, two, three years already.”

Ben shrugged his shoulders. “So what? She told me that she’ll only give herself to me on the wedding

night. It’s so hard to find women like this nowadays. Right?”

After he said that, he stared at her sister. “Sis, I think you have a serious bias against her!” he said.

Selena was seriously speechless now. Her brother had been completely cuckolded. Never mind that he

did not know about his girlfriend’s affair—he even defended her reputation.

Ben picked his phone up and started a new round of the game he was playing. Selena snatched it from


“What are you doing, Sis?” Ben was a little angry. He had just started getting into the game but Selena

snatched his phone away just like that. He probably would have whacked her if she weren’t his older


“Don’t keep playing. Your brain will be even emptier than it already is if you continue like this.”

Selena glared at her loser of a brother. “I really wanted to tell you this earlier, that Xena had some sort of

relationship with a rich guy from that motor robbers’ gang,” she said. “I’ve seen them hugging once. But I

heard that the entire gang has been wiped out now.”

Chapter 557

“No way!” Ben frowned and shook his head. “You must be joking, Sis. She’s not that kind of person.

She’s probably just playing around even if she hugged someone. That isn’t hugging. That’s just messing


Selena almost wanted to faint from frustration. “Do you really think I’m that stupid, Ben? That I can’t tell

the difference between a hug and just plain fooling around?”

“What proof do you have? Why don’t you show me pictures?”

She never thought that Ben would be even angrier instead. “Don’t speak about Xena like that if you don’t

have any proof. Do you think that I don’t know her after being with her for so long? Do you know her

better than I do? You’re just like jackie. You don’t like her, so you’re trying to find ways to harm her.

Besides, you said it yourself—the motor robbers are dead. I don’t care about her past.”

Selena clenched her teeth in rage. “You’ve disappointed me, Ben. You’re so dense!”

“What do you mean I’m dense? Aren’t you spewing nonsense, since you have no proof?”

Ben furiously thrust his hand forward. “Give my phone back. I still want to play. I can’t abandon my


Selena was so angry that she picked a rock up from the ground, dropped the phone, and smashed the

rock straight onto its screen.

“You–you broke my phone. It’s an Apple…”

Ben was extremely angry. He stepped forward and fisted Selena’s collar. With his other hand, he formed

a fist, ready to punch her.

“Hit me. Hit me if you have the guts.”

Selena’s eyes reddened. She glared at her brother. She did not want him to be fooled by Xena any


“If you dare hit your sister, Ben, I’ll make you regret that decision for the rest of your life!”

jackie spoke coldly as he observed from a distance. He took deliberate steps toward them. “You’re a

man, but you still don’t know the numerous times you’ve been cuckolded already. And now your sister is

trying to help you, but you want to hit her?”

Ben only released his sister when he heard all this. Then he shot a vicious glare at jackie. “Do you have

any evidence then, jackie? I won’t forgive you if you speak any nonsense!”

“You want proof? Fine. I’ll find proof. I’m telling you now, that I’ll make sure you see the proof for yourself

one day!” jackie chuckled as he spoke.

“Alright then. I’ll give you one month. Within one month, before my sister’s birthday, get me the proof.

And if you don’t, what will happen?”

Ben glared at jackie and gritted his teeth as he spoke. His eyes were red at the corners.

“Of course! You can do whatever you like to me if I can’t get the evidence. And I’ll give you 50 million


jackie also had a serious expression. “But if I manage to get the evidence and catch her with another

man, will you let me do whatever I like with her? Including killing her?”

“Fine by me!” Ben took a deep inhale of breath. “I’ll kill her myself if you can prove that she’s cuckolded

me!” he said. “No need for you to do it!”

“All right. I’ll truly acknowledge you as a man then!” jackie nodded his head. He needed to hear that from


Chapter 558

“Think about it seriously, Ben. Has she been acting weird lately? She didn’t even dare to pick up that call

from last night. Do you think it’s a harassing phone call from a property agency? I think there’s something

suspicious going on!

“Secondly, she’s been buying quite a few branded bags lately. They must be worth at least ten thousand

each, and her clothes are pretty expensive too—and she’s bought quite a few of them. She didn’t do this


Selena took a step forward. “You really want to get married to her, and you’re serious about it,” she told

Ben earnestly. “But remember how she mumbled and twisted her words last night when you said you

wanted to get married sooner? She didn’t seem the least bit happy to me. I suspect that she has another

man outside.”

“I don’t care. I need proof. You two will just be slandering her without it!” Ben was extremely angry. He

picked his phone up. “I just bought this phone. It was worth a few thousand dollars!”

“Here’s seven or eight thousand. Go ahead and buy a new phone. But don’t breathe a word about how

we suspect her, alright? And you have to cooperate with us when we tell you too! That’s how we’re going

to get the evidence!” jackie took out a wad of cash from his wallet and thrust it toward Ben after he

thought about it.

“Don’t worry. I believe that you’ll never find proof!” Ben flashed a frosty smile and walked off after taking

the money.

“Jeez. Seems like your brother really is head over heels for that woman!” jackie released a sigh, feeling

helpless. He really did not expect that Ben would almost punch Selena for Xena’s sake when the former

was his own sister.

“I’ve always felt that nothing good could come out of her, but I never had the guts to say it out loud. I kept

hinting it toward my brother, but unfortunately, he never took it seriously.” Selena also sighed. “I really

hope that we can find out the man that Xena is seeing this time. My brother will have his heart

completely broken then. He’s pretty good-looking, and it won’t be hard for him to find a nice girl,

considering how our family is now!”

“Mmhmm. We have to weed him out. That woman is really a b*tch. She’s so daring and venomous! And

she’s cunning. Your parents are practically eating out of her hand.” jackie nodded his head and checked

the time. “Let’s go, dear. It’s getting late. We have to go to work!”

“Okay!” Selena nodded her head. The two quickly got into the car and drove to work.

At that moment, Young Master Wilson was at the Wilson family’s residence. There was an IV drip beside

him that was pumping fluids into him. The more he thought about it, the more tortured he felt. He had

finally woken up. However, he had to take a lot of antibiotics. Yet his face was still as swollen as a pig’s.

It seemed that he would remain this way for a while.

Master Wilson was so furious that he clenched his fists, watching his son’s face streaked with tears. “My

son has never suffered like this before. jackie really has got some guts. Did he really think that I won’t

dare to retaliate just because he’s good friends with a God of War? I’ll definitely hire a hitman to

assassinate him in the future.”

The caretaker beside him nodded his head as well. “You’re right, sir. It’s more reliable to hire an

assassin. They can be trusted to keep their mouths shut. The God of War won’t be able to find anything

even if they try to investigate jackie’s death. Besides, I hear that he’s only a head commander. We don’t

know if he’s lying, but he can’t even show his token, so we can’t believe him. A God of War might not

even conduct an investigation for someone the likes of him!”

David bobbed his head. “The Goddess of War doesn’t owe him anything anymore, after all, she’s paid

her debt. But we should hire an assassin just to be safe!”

“Then when is a good time to hire one?” The caretaker asked.

“We’ll wait. We’ll see after a few days. Let’s just wait for my son to get better first.”

David looked at his son and walked over to the bedside, pulling a chair and sitting down. He took his

son’s hand. “Don’t worry, my son. You won’t have suffered all those slaps for nothing. I’ll make sure that

b*stard pays with his life.”

“Dad…” Michael cried again.

Chapter 559

At that moment, jackie had already arrived at the Drake family’s residence. Never in his wildest dreams

would he imagine that he would see Sharon as soon as he walked into the living room, sitting together

with Tanya and Yvonne. His head began to split at the sight of the young woman.

“Why are you here?” jackie felt helpless when he saw her.

“Why can’t I be here? I’m here to see Miss Tanya. The three of us are good friends now.”

Sharon chuckled. “We’ve been waiting for you for a long time now. The three of us are just about to go

shopping. Let’s go. We won’t need a lot of bodyguards if we bring you along. We only need you!”

Miss Tanya spoke after she thought about it, “I think we should bring a few along anyway, though we

don’t have to bring that many. After all, jackie alone might not be able to carry all our bags if the three of

us are going to buy things.”

“Don’t tell me that you’re scared of tiring him out, Tanya. So that’s why you want to get a few more

bodyguards to come along?”

She never thought that Sharon would chuckle as she joked, “He’s my man. Don’t you dare fight over him

with me. If you do, I’ll still be the second wife, and you the third. You’ll have to get in line!”

After she said that, her eyes snapped toward Yvonne to the side. “If you’re thinking of fighting over him

as well, Yvonne, you’ll have to be number four!”

“Who’s fighting over what with you? Don’t spew such nonsense!” Tanya’s face reddened.

“That’s right. Don’t speak nonsense. I’ll never like a pervert like him!” A light blush also stained Yvonne’s

face. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry. I won’t like either one of you!” jackie interjected in a serious tone, “Let’s go since all of you

want to go shopping!”

“You…” The three beauties were extremely angry. They were coveted beauties by plenty of men. Who

knew that this bodyguard would actually disregard them so easily? It was so frustrating.

“Let’s go now!” Tanya did not know why she was unhappy. She did not know if it was because she was

held in such low esteem, or because jackie stamped out all of their hopes.

The four quickly left and called for a few bodyguards along the way. They all went shopping together.

After shopping for a while, a group of people quickly arrived at the plaza.

No one expected a middle-aged man to walk over deliberately, a mildly murderous intent sparking in his

eyes. He went straight to jackie.

jackie immediately stopped and looked at the other man.

The man also quickly stopped. “Listen here, punk, do you dare to go to an abandoned construction site

at Horizon Street tomorrow?” he told jackie. “I’ll be waiting for you there!”

“Why should I go?” jackie knew from a glance that this was no ordinary man before him. However, he

had never seen this person before.

“Because I’m going to kill you. Be there by nine in the morning tomorrow. Don’t blame me for doing

anything to your family if you don’t get there!”

The man chuckled. He wheeled around and was about to leave. “I believe that you’ll go,” he said.

“Otherwise, I can’t guarantee the safety of your wife, your parents-in-law, your mother, and your


Chapter 560

“Who’s that? He seems really strong from the looks of him. He’s really got a powerful aura!” Yvonne

could not help but say as she watched the man walk away.

This was the feeling the man gave her, and it was very obvious.

“Who cares? He’s basically challenging me, so he’s a true man, no matter what. Since he bothered to

say all that, I’ve no choice but to go tomorrow!” jackie gave a wan smile. “I believe that I’ll find out why he

wants to kill me if I go tomorrow!”

“You seem really calm about this. Aren’t you afraid that he’s super strong?” Tanya was a little worried.

She added after she thought about it, “Why don’t I get Harvey and Kyle to go along with you, and they’ll

bring a few men as well. It’ll be safer that way.”

She never thought that jackie would still wear his nonchalant, careless expression. “Anyway, your

bodyguards won’t be much use there if I can’t take him on. They’ll just be there as fodder!”

Indeed, he was probably considered the strongest person within Daxia’s troops. If he could not take the

man on, then Harvey and the others might as well be serving their heads on a platter if they went.

When she heard this, Tanya only just recalled the unforgettable scene she had witnessed that night—

when jackie had obliterated the three hundred men from the Eagle Clan all alone. It was useless to send

Harvey and the others along if even that monstrous strength was not enough to defeat that man.

“Just be careful, all right? I’m scared you can’t beat him. If you can’t, just run away. It’s better than dying!”

Sharon was worried as well.

“Run away?”

jackie was stunned. “You’re thinking too much about it,” he said, a cold smile on his lips. “Let’s go in and

shop. I’ll be sure to completely destroy him if he has a death wish!”

“You’re really confident, aren’t you?” Yvonne flashed a bitter smile.

“You’d be confident too, if you had the strength!” jackie took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag

out of it. He went into the mall with the beauties around him.

“I have no intention of stepping in, Boss, but I do want to spectate. Can I? He’s definitely no match for

you, with you being so strong. I want to see your true strength!” Harvey chuckled as he spoke, trailing

after jackie.

“What do you want to spectate for? Just do your own work properly.” jackie spoke as he gave a rueful


The man named Zain went back to the guest house again after he declared the challenge to jackie.

“I’ve challenged him. I’ll be waiting for him at the abandoned construction site at Horizon Street at nine o’

clock tomorrow!” He spoke lazily as he plopped onto the bed, a light smile curling his lips.

Quil’s expression morphed into surprise when he heard that. “Huh? You–you’re challenging him earlier

than planned? Idiot! What if he doesn’t come? After all, anyone would be afraid of dying. What will you

do if he doesn’t come?”

Chapter 561

“Doesn’t come?” Zain sneered frostily. “He will definitely come. I told him that if he doesn’t, he has to bid

his dear wife and daughter, Adieu. But, I said this just to frighten him. I’m a peculiar person; jackie is the

one I want to kill, I don’t even care to harm his family. I will kill him to avenge my master!”

“You, you’re so stupid! Your words will scare him away and he might take his family and flee! They’ll

leave this f*cking city without us knowing! And it’ll fiendishly toilsome for you to dig him out!”

Quil felt a flash of irritation that he aggressively paced back and forth. “Didn’t I tell you before, to find an

opportunity to slit his throat? You are a marshal for god sake! If you assassinate him, he will be dead

already, and wouldn’t this be the best scenario? If you could just kill him without him knowing it, that

would be great!”

Zain, out of everyone’s expectation, flashed a disdained smile, and jeered, “Young Master Xenos, that is

your suggestion and I’m not obliged to take it, right? I’m a marshal, if I want a head commander’s life, do

I have to do it in secret? This is not what a gentleman is supposed to do! Any fight between men should

be done upright and reputable! I prefer it this way.”

“I…” Quil was at loss for words and his face darkened. “But you shouldn’t let him know one day before

the fight! Don’t you think you’re giving him a chance to flee the city?”

“don’t you worry about that. I can sense that jackie is not that kind of person. He should be quite strong

and powerful. That’s why when I challenged him to a fight, he didn’t show any hint of fear or nervousness

at all!”

Zain chuckled and continued, “Besides, he loves his family dearly, so naturally he doesn’t want his family

to live a hide-and-seek life and constantly in fear, right? Moreover, don’t ever look down on a marshal’s

capability. Even if jackie takes his family and flees, they have nowhere to hide. And is it really good for

them to live a fearful life forever?”

Zain paused for a moment, then only spilled his words confidently, “Therefore, I believe, he will come to

the battle tomorrow!”

Quin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart upon hearing Zain’s assertive statements. “Alright then, if this is

what you said. I hope he attends the challenge tomorrow, otherwise, you have to chase after him around

the world and dig him out no matter what!”

Quil soon left the scene. After a moment of pondering, he sent several bodyguards to stand guard near

jackie’s villa, fearing that jackie would bring his family and flee the city. As long as jackie’s family did not

leave the city, he believed that jackie would definitely not escape too!

Early the next morning, Selena left to work in a car.

After her car left the villa, an Audi sneaked up, tailing her.

Xena and Fiona, on the other hand, happily prepared themselves and went shopping right after Selena

left for work.

However, they did not expect that they would be surrounded by Quil’s bodyguards when they stepped

out from the main gate of the villa.

“What are you doing?” Xena was so frightened when she noticed the evil grins and devilish smirks on

these bodyguards’ faces.

“Hey, what are you trying to do? Don’t you dare touch us! Let me tell you, my son-in-law is very strong

and powerful! And, he—he is a friend of the Goddess of War! Those kings of war and some military

bigshots are his buddies too!”

Fiona was even more frightened that she hid behind Xena in fear.

Xena was afraid as well, she then moved and hid behind Fiona,

“What do we want? Well. Our young master is interested in this woman. So we just want to invite her to

have fun together!”

One of the bodyguards lampooned coldly.

The heavy boulder inside Fiona’s heart was immediately lifted when she heard the target was Xena

instead of her. However, Xena was her future daughter-in-law after all. She paused for some thoughts

and then opened her mouth, “Gentlemen, let her go, could you? She is plain-looking and has no

outstanding personalities as well! Don’t your young master like pretty women? I’ll pay you money, ten

thousand, and you take this money and find some other women for your young master, how about that?

Ten thousand can find him several women!”

Chapter 562

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yes, she is right! Gentlemen, please let me go. I’m not attractive at all and superordinary! I will give you

another ten thousand dollars. Use her ten thousand dollars to find some good-looking women for your

young master, and use mine to buy yourselves some good wine, is that good enough?”

Standing in front of these strong and robust men, Xena was of course, afraid. She immediately took out

her purse, ready to pay them the ten thousand dollars.

“Money? We didn’t come for money today!” Another bodyguard chimed in, with a cunning smirk on his

face. “Take both of them away!”

“Wow, brother, hold up.”

The first bodyguard stopped his way immediately. “You two, take out all the cash you have on you!”

“Brother Octo, this is… You dare to oppose the young master’s order?”

The other bodyguard exchanged glances with the bodyguard who was called Brother Octo. His face


Nevertheless, Brother Octo shut his ears at his words, stretched out his hand, and said to Fiona and

Xena, “Hurry up! So f*cking slow!”

The two woman’s spirits were immediately lightened and hastily took out all the cash they had on them

and then handed it to Brother Octo.

“Wow! Not bad. There are around seventy to eighty thousand dollars. You two carry a lot of cash on you,

don’t you?”

When the cash was in his hands, he let out a burst of ungodly laughter.

“Then—then, can we leave now? Thank you, Brother Octo! Thank you for letting us go!”

Fiona flashed them a warm yet nervous smile and grabbed Xena’s hand, preparing to leave the scene.

“Wait a minute!”

Brother Octo breathed out a cold and disdain laughter. He stopped them from taking another step to

leave. “Well, I never said I would let you go. You were so nice and generous to give me money, why

should I reject your kindness, right?”

“You’re right, Brother Octo. We’re taking them away anyway. And since they are rich and offered us the

money, why shouldn’t we take it?”

The realization only hit the other bodyguard’s face after hearing Brother Octo’s words. He admired

Brother Octo more right now, how could he be so smart and bright?

“You—you guys, shameless b*stard! How could you go back on your words!”

Xena was burning with anger. She gave them money but yet they did not intend to let them go!

“Going back on my words? What is there to go back when I never promised you anything?”

The man chuckled and scanned through their body again. “Well, I almost missed out on this little thing.

The jade bracelet on your wrist, the gold necklace around your neck, oh, and that watch too! Don’t you

think they’re lovely? Take them off now!”

“You—You, dream on! Let me warn you, you’d better let us go, otherwise, when my son-in-law comes,

you won’t be leaving here in one piece. You’ll be crippled! He is very strong and powerful! You’re as good

as dead when he arrives!”

Fiona was so terrified that she stumbled a few steps backward.

Those pieces of jewelry and accessories on her were not only a few, every piece of them would cost

somebody an arm and a leg. They were a lot more valuable than cash.

“You’re funny, aren’t you? Don’t worry. Your dear son-in-law is dead meat now that he offended our

young master!”

Brother Octo let out another chuckle and then he continued, “Hurry up and take them off! If I don’t see

them on the floor in the next minute, I can’t promise what will happen to your pretty faces. Bruises and

cuts seem like excellent accessories to put on your faces, right?”

Chapter 563 “Yeah! Take them off quickly! Otherwise, I will cut your faces!” Another bodyguard flashed

out a dagger and sneered.

“We-we’ll take them off. Can you please let us go?”

Fiona’s legs were weakened when she saw the bodyguard took out a dagger. Although she was

reluctant and unwilling to give them her inexpensive jewels, her life was way more important than these

earthly materials. Besides, she considered herself lucky as the other party did not force her to go to a

bank and withdraw all her money.

“Do you think it’s possible? Use your brain! Our young master’s order can’t be defied. He told us clearly

that not only do we need to take this woman away, but also your daughter, Selena Taylor. Some of our

men are tailing her right now and she will be taken away before arriving at the office.”

Brother Octo chortled, “Our young master has his eyes fixated on these two pretty ladies. He is very fond

of their alluring body and stunning face. He ordered us to take them to him and have fun with him!”

“Ma, this is all because of jackie! That b*stard has surely offended some young master again! We’re

done for!”

Xena was seething and her body trembled with anger. She was in this situation all because of that

b*stard— jackie White!

“They must be Young Master Clark’s men. Why must jackie offend all these young masters? I’ve been

telling him to stay low and not to cause us any trouble! Look at his deed right now! We’re so done!”

Fiona handed the jewels to the other party, reluctantly. However, her eyes suddenly lit up as though she

had thought of some good ideas. She proposed, “Dear Brother Octo, your Young Master has only given

an order to take my daughter and Xena jackieson away, right? He didn’t mention me, right? Look, I’m

innocent, I did nothing wrong! I’ve given you all I have, so many jewels and so much money, can’t you let

me go?”

“Do you mean we’ll take this woman away and let you go?”

Brother Octo did not see that coming. He was dumbstruck for a second before asking the question.

“Yes! I’m so old. There’s no need for you to take me away too, right?”

Fiona showed a pitiful face.

“Ma, how—how could you leave me?”

Xena was tongue-tied. Was Fiona not being too much for leaving her alone in such a dangerous


“Xena, they came for you! I’m innocent and have nothing to do with it! Even if they take me with you, I

have nothing to offer them; I have no value, right?” Fiona immediately countered.

She cast Xena a few intentional blinks when the other party was not paying attention.

Xena was not an idiot. She was able to catch Fiona’s intention quickly—if they let go of Fiona, she would

have the chance to go to jackie and ask for help. Otherwise, if they were all taken away, there was no

way for jackie to find out about their situation. By the time jackie knew it, it might be too late.

“Fine. You’d better let my mother go. She is not young anymore and her heart couldn’t stand any more

scares! You guys might have frightened her to death before arriving at your young master’s place, do you

want that?”

Xena gave some thoughts to the situation before saying that to those men.

One of the bodyguards was hesitant; he pulled Brother Octo aside and whispered to him, “Brother Octo,

what now? Should we let that woman go? After all, the young master has only ordered us to bring

Selena and Xena back to his place. These two chicks are truly some fine gems. Our young master has

good taste, doesn’t he?

Nonetheless, Brother Octo shook his head. “No, jackie will go to the battle and he will die, undoubtedly.

By that time, our young master would have been done playing with Selena and Xena. And do you think

he will leave them alive and let them go to the Goddess of War? He will kill them to shut their mouth!

Otherwise, they will seek help from the Goddess of War and take revenge, by then we’re doomed!”

He paused for a moment, turned his head toward Fiona, and continued, “So, jackie’s mother-in-law must

be taken away too! As long as our young master is no fool, he will not let this old hag live as well. It

would be real trouble for him if he let her live. A dead man will never spill any secrets, right? She has bad

luck, to be walking together with Xena, not our fault.”

The bodyguard nodded to agree after listening to Brother Octo’s analysis. “Brother Octo, you’re such a

thoughtful man! Take them away!”

The two walked back to the crowd after finishing their discussion.

Brother Octo waved his arm and commanded, “Take the both of them away! Fiona, blame it on yourself.

Nobody asked you to walk with Xena!”

Chapter 564 “Don’t, please don’t, Brother Octo! I’m not in my 20s or 30s anymore and my heart is frail

too! What if you frightened me to death?”

Fiona’s features crumpled at his words, and then she was so scared that she plopped onto the ground

and started to throw tantrums.

“It doesn’t matter anyway! Do you think you still have a chance to survive after you’re taken away?”

One of the bodyguards approached Fiona and directly picked her up from the ground.

The faint smell of perfume on Fiona’s body entered his nose. He became excited and his face full of

enjoyment, “Hmmm. This old woman maintained her body well! She’s still in good shape! Most

importantly, this chubby body type is exactly my cup of tea!”

“Lori, are you fond of the old aunty type?”

A young-looking bodyguard laughed aloud, battering with another mid-aged bodyguard as they pulled

Xena into the car.

“Young men like you don’t understand this! A woman like her is more mature, and has more experience,


The bodyguard who had a peculiar taste in women was indeed quite old. He looked like he was in his

40s. He laughed and spoke, “A mature woman is definitely not our young master’s type. And later when

the young master is having fun with these two young ladies, wouldn’t you be excited and drool over them

as well?”

After he ended his words, he slapped Fiona’s body hard and commented with a perverted smirk on his

face, “When the fun time comes, I will taste this mature woman. It’s better than just standing aside and

looking at the young master having fun!”

“You b*stard! You jerk! My son-in-law knows the God of War! If you do this to me, you are planning your

own funeral!”

Fiona yelled and screamed, trying to fight her way out from their holds.

However, she was merely a woman—she could not fight against the powerful strengths of those

bodyguards with bulky builts. She was not able to free herself with her feeble arms. The bodyguards

picked her up and strode to another car, where Xena was not in.

“You should be grateful and feel fortunate that I have an eye on you! This way, you could still enjoy

yourself before you die!”

The mid-aged bodyguard laughed sinisterly, and the hideous scar on his face made him appear even

more devilish. “Don’t you worry? The God of War will definitely not know regarding today’s matter, and

your dear son-in-law will die in front of you soon, too!”

“Im—impossible! He is so powerful! Who are you guys?”

Fiona was so afraid right now, and she was forcefully stuffed into the car with a bodyguard sitting on

each side—she was sitting in the middle. There was no way for her to escape.

“He is powerful? Huff! Don’t be preoccupied with this. The person who wants his life is naturally even

more powerful!”

The mid-aged man with a hideous scar on his face sneered mockingly after listening to Fiona’s claim.

His eyes then moved toward Fiona’s fair and plump thighs, he could not help but swallow hard at what

he saw. “Tsk tsk! Rich women like you are truly amazing. Your body is well maintained and looked about

the same as those women in their 30s!”

“Please don’t do this, Mister. I’m very old and there are many wrinkles on my skin. I’m already in my 40s!

Could you please let me go? Please, I beg you! I’ve given you all my money. Please let us go!” Fiona

kept pleading in fear, her voice trembled uncontrollably.

The most terrifying thing was that the other party’s tone sounded like they will kill her to shut her mouth!

The more Fiona dug into this, the more she believed that they were definitely afraid of the God of War.

So naturally, they wanted to kill them to silence them. Otherwise, they would be digging the grave for

themselves when Fiona or Xena went to the God of War.

“I don’t think you’re that old. Perhaps a few years older than me and I like it this way!”

The man laughed loudly, “Just accept your fate and don’t think about running away. Don’t make any

noise neither, otherwise, I will tear your clothes now and let everyone see!”

Chapter 565 Fiona’s face blanched and unsightly upon hearing the mid-aged man’s words. She shut her

mouth tight and never spilled a word anymore.

In the other car, Xena was frowning at the situation. At this moment, she was nothing but calm.

After all, she was guarded by two big men on each side—she was sitting in the middle, and she knew

that there was no way for her to escape and to fight back.

She was now using every single brain cells of hers to think about what she should do in order to keep

herself out of danger.

She pondered for a minute and then finally opened her mouth, “Brother Octo, who’s your young master?

The b*stard jackie offended so many people and I seriously have no idea wh