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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 51 – 100
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Chapter 51

Selena frowned as she walked forward to question.

“Yeah, is this a major event, father? You’ve prepared so much champagne too!” Andrew also had on a

puzzled look. He truly could not understand why such a grand celebration was being held at noon!

“There is indeed something worth celebrating for. Ivan is going to sign a huge business deal and it

happens to be a huge one. Ivan mentioned that its net profit would be 300 million dollars! This amount is

close to the profits we make in a year!” The old master smiled and said bluntly.

“Yes indeed, our Ivan has finally done us proud for once. He’s been able to finalize such a major

business deal!” Theodore nodded before raising his head slightly. He seemed slightly proud.

“I’m not sure which family he made the deal with though?” Selena frowned and felt that this was quite

unexpected as this unserious man was somehow able to do something so baffling?

“With the Wilson’s. He’s already on his way to sign it. We’ve already come to an agreement through the

phone last night so I’m guessing he should be on his way back right now!” The old master looked at the


“Selena, the truth is that you’re quite remarkable back then. It’s too bad, if it wasn’t for…” A relative from

the Taylor’s shot a glance at jackie, hinting at something.

“Uncle, I know. I chose this path and won’t ever regret it!” Selena smiled, looking somewhat melancholic.

It was just at this moment that the door opened once again and Ivan appeared in front of everyone.

“Ivan’s back, everyone clap!” Theodore cheered out immediately.

In that instant, everyone began clapping and the entire room instantly became lively!

“Ivan, you’ve arrived at such an opportune moment, everyone’s gathered here just for you!”

“Yes indeed, Young Master Ivan. Hurry up and announce the fruits of your labor, even the champagne is

all ready!”

Several relatives immediately came forward to butter Ivan up.

jackie and Selena exchanged looks with each other. They could tell the purpose of the gathering today

was to witness Ivan’s amazing results and to simply show off his outstanding abilities!

Ivan had a bitter look as he spoke in a depressed tone, “The contract was a bust. Something came up

and Young Master Wilson immediately tore it apart!”


Everyone gasped when they heard that statement! They were all ready for a celebration that even a

banquet was fully prepared. However, Ivan had actually told them the entire ordeal was for nothing.

Before Ivan went out, he was extremely confident and it seemed as if he was 100% certain the deal

would follow through.

“What happened?” The old master’s expression dimmed as he slowly approached Ivan and questioned


At that moment, Ivan found himself tongue-tied. He actually had no idea how to respond. He could not

possibly expose the horrific deed he and Micheal did last night, right? If he did, it was possible that the

old master would have thought of murdering him.

“Well, this is quite difficult to say… The thing is, Micheal was in a bad mood and mentioned that his

family had some incident last night, so he would not be signing the agreement anymore. I too, had no

choice! I was also kicked out of there!” Ivan decided to scold him. “I didn’t expect Micheal to be so

dishonorable as well! How could he change his mind when it was already agreed upon!”

Chapter 52

“How can Micheal act like that? So he just changed his mind today without reason after coming into an

agreement yesterday!”

“Yes, how despicable indeed. He actually had the audacity to toy with such a major deal?”

Everyone from the Taylor family was extremely furious and started putting all the blame on Micheal.

Upon noticing that no one was pointing fingers at him, Ivan felt relieved in his heart. jackie, who was

standing on the side, frowned. He somehow felt this whole ordeal was not as simple.

It was not easy for Fiona to obtain such an opportunity, so it was only natural for her to take it. She

immediately said, “Sigh, Young Master Ivan, our family has been waiting on your good news, you know.

Here we thought you’d be able to bring in a business deal worth 300 million dollars to the Taylor family.

We didn’t expect for it to all turn into nothing!”

The moment she made that statement, Ivan’s face looked incredibly cold and bitter. He had originally

gotten Fiona and everyone here to brag about his amazing achievements, not expecting it to backfire on


However, he took a look at jackie at the side. He scoffed and said, “This is an oversight on my part

because I never expected someone of such high status like Young Master Wilson to go back on his


Ivan paused as he made that statement. He then pondered for a moment before continuing, “However,

I’m stronger than others since I believe someone still doesn’t have a job ever since his return, right!? The

truth is, it is people like these that have the hardest time finding a job!”

Cecelia immediately interjected and said, “Oh yeah, after veterans are discharged, they seem to have a

very difficult time finding jobs that are suitable for them. So, could he be working his old job and

delivering take out?”

Upon hearing that, plenty of the Taylors started laughing. In their eyes, delivering take out was viewed as

a very low and disgraceful job.

“That’s right, I know plenty of veterans that can’t get a job after being discharged and end up working as

bodyguards or security guards. Why don’t we do it this way? Come be a security guard in our company

and I’ll pay you a monthly wage of 4000 dollars!”

After Ivan gave it some thought, he started chuckling and being condescending.

“4000 a month, that’s not bad!” The moment Fiona heard that, she told jackie, “Why don’t you think about

it, jackie? You’re a big man and can’t possibly just stew at home and not do anything, right?”

“Forget about it. First of all, I am not in need of that kind of meager cash. Also, I don’t wish to be ordered

around by certain people.” However, jackie seemed to have refused the offer immediately. When he

witnessed the scene of Ivan bullying his own daughter upon his return yesterday, he would never work

for Ivan.

If it was not for Ivan being part of the Taylors, and therefore Selena’s relative, jackie would have

murdered him already.

All he wanted to do now was spend time with his wife and daughter and live a peaceful life.

“In no need of money?” Ivan laughed the moment he heard that. Even Fiona’s expression instantly

turned bitter.

“You’re not in need of money? How comical. Don’t forget our agreement, don’t blame us when you’re

unable to fork out that 30 million dollars when the time comes!”

Ivan chuckled before he started laughing at jackie. He said, “You don’t actually seem to be short on cash.

You’re in no need of meager cash, right? What you lack is 30 million dollars so I’m actually interested to

see how you’re going to make that money. If you can’t fork it out when the time comes, it’ll prove that

aside from your ability to lie, you’re nothing!”

Chapter 53

“There’s no need for you to care about my affairs. 4000 a month, that’s literally an insult to me!” jackie let

out a subtle smile. The truth was that when he was about to get discharged, it was uncertain just how

many people had secretly contacted him and offered him an astronomical amount of money. However,

he had turned them all down.

As such, it was impossible for Ivan’s offer of four thousand dollars to do his bidding to work as the

amount was merely an insult to him.

“Yes, yes, yes. You’re the boss, you’ve contributed something major for the country so they must have

offered you a huge sum of money, right? From the looks of things, we’re blind to worry about you!” Ivan

spoke in a sinister tone.

jackie ignored him and instead, shifted his focus on the champagne on the table. He then said, “Old

Master Taylor, are we not celebrating anymore? If we don’t eat now, the food’s going to get cold!”

The corner of Old Master Taylor’s mouth twitched violently as jackie did not hold any restraint as he

spoke. He was saying things that he should not just to intentionally embarrass them even though today

was planned as a celebration.

“I think you haven’t seen food this delicious in a really long time now. You should be drooling now even

looking at it, right?” Cecelia immediately rolled her eyes at jackie before coldly making that statement.

“Let’s eat since the food’s already served. Just pretend this is a normal gathering now!” Old Master

Taylor helplessly waved his hand. He then took a look at Ivan and said, “Ivan, remember that next time

before any agreements are signed, ignore all verbal agreements made. There is always a possibility that

the other party will back out of it at any time. Do you understand? Therefore, don’t speak so confidently

next time!”

Ivan’s expression turned bitter, however, he was only able to roll with the punches and smile awkwardly.

He said, “I understand, grandpa. Please, join us too!”

Finally, everyone sat down and began eating. Xena seemed to be eating cautiously. She originally

thought that since her own appearance was not bad, the Taylor family might be happier that she tagged

along. She had not expected that she would instead be looked down and unacknowledged.

“Young Master Ivan, that jackie fellow was acting quite rashly earlier. Why don’t we think of a way to

humiliate him?” While they ate, a middle-aged man from the Taylor family sat next to Ivan and spoke up.

“Really now? Do you have a plan?” After Ivan heard it, he was instantly interested.

“Young Master Ivan, don’t we have quite a few alcoholics here? Why don’t we get him drunk and he’ll

humiliate himself then, right? It would be much better if he’s picking fights irrationally while drunk!” The

man chuckled as he said that.

“Alright!” Ivan was instantly delighted. He had always gone out for drinks and his alcohol tolerance was

pretty good. Moreover, if some members of the Taylor family could listen to him and drink with jackie, it

would be a miracle for him to not become drunk under his command!

After a brief moment, that middle-aged man approached jackie and said with a smile, “You’re jackie,

right? Honestly, when you married Selena back then, I didn’t get a chance to drink with you as your elder.

So, let’s raise a toast to you being a war hero as it’s completely unrelated to whether you’re part of the

Taylor family or not!”

Since he mentioned he was an elder, jackie could not refuse him. All he could do was stand up and pour

himself a drink before saying, “You’re too kind. We’re all citizens of Daxia and it’s our duty to defend our

land! As a form of respect, I’ll drink to you first!”

The man was delighted when he noticed jackie chug the glass of alcohol down so casually. After that, he

finished his drink then said, “Oh, how I can’t see the joy of being a soldier. Your alcohol tolerance is not

bad. Come on now, let’s drink one more. This one, we’ll think of it as a blessing to you and Selena.

Naturally, I hope that you can fork out 30 million dollars on Old Master Taylor’s seventieth birthday in

order to prove that you’re worthy of our Selena!”

Chapter 54

The first toast was to respect jackie’s contribution in defending the country. The second was a blessing to

jackie and Selena. These reasons made jackie unable to refuse the drinks. Not to mention, the person

was an elderly. If jackie refused his offer, he would obviously seem unreasonable. Hence, all jackie could

do was smile and accept every toast given to him as they drank.

The only thing was, jackie had not expected that even after three consecutive toasts, the man in front of

him would not leave as another man came over with more alcohol. jackie could not help but frown as he

was starting to find the entire ordeal weird. These people usually looked down on him and now they were

all trying to drink with him? Hence, it seemed peculiar and it was obvious that they were trying to get him

drunk. However, as much as they tried to scheme against him, he never took it to heart.

The five years he spent in harrowing, war-torn conditions made his body extremely fit. Adding on to that

fact that he had a pretty peculiar encounter, it would be impossible for these people to actually get him


After that, more people continuously came by. jackie smiled at them politely, then made small talk with

them before chugging down all of the alcohol in his glass. He looked very impressive. After drinking

seven to eight glasses of red wine, Selena who was watching from the side started to panic slightly. After

jackie got seated once again, she instinctively tugged jackie’s shirt gently.

“Don’t you know how to refuse? It’s fine to drink a little less. You drank so much so fast. What will you do

if you get drunk?” Selena lowered her voice and reminded him in a soft tone.

jackie’s heart felt warm after hearing her statement. He never expected that Selena would actually care

for him so much. Besides, such a wife would be very difficult to find. In order to save his pride, she

intentionally spoke in a softer tone so no one else could hear.

“Don’t worry, my alcohol tolerance isn’t that bad. Besides, you can take a look and see that basically

everyone that came over are elders. Their excuses would make even you unable to refuse. It’s actually

quite kind of them to not string you along and ask you to drink with them!” jackie also lowered his voice

and replied in a soft tone, placing his hand over his mouth.

“This happens to be red wine. Although it tastes good, the rush later can be quite overwhelming. It’s easy

to get drunk so be careful!”

Selena also realized the excuses they had given jackie earlier were truly difficult to refuse. If he

deliberately refused any of them, those elders would say that jackie looked down on them and it would

be quite a complicated ordeal to manage after that. The only thing was, how could she not worry with the

way jackie was drinking?

Ivan had a wide smile as he walked over with a glass of alcohol in his hand at that moment.

After jackie looked at him, he frowned and said, “Young Master Ivan, you wouldn’t also want to drink with

me now, would you? I happened to be the one that broke your arm though!”

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The edge of Ivan’s mouth twitched violently when he heard that statement.

However, he controlled his emotions and said with a smile, “That was all a misunderstanding. I was

actually playing with Kylie back then. I didn’t expect you to misunderstand!”

After he finished saying that, he added, “No matter what, Selena is still my cousin and you should call me

cousin as well. Although I feel like you’re not capable of anything, but it’s not easy to survive through the

fields of battle and return. With that, allow me to raise you a toast!”

After saying that, Ivan immediately chugged his glass dry. He then said, “ jackie, you wouldn’t deny me

that honor now, would you?”

“How kind. Young Master Ivan giving me a toast would, without a doubt, be my honor. Don’t mind if I do!”

jackie chuckled as he immediately chugged the alcohol in his glass down.

“Hah Great! Now we’re talking! I love making connections with people. What do you say we drink three


One of Ivan’s hands was still in a cast, but he still took a bottle of red wine and poured it into two of the

empty glasses.

“This isn’t such a good idea now, your injuries haven’t fully recovered yet. Young Master Ivan, it’s best for

you to not drink that much!” jackie pretended to be tipsy as he gently shook his head and advised him.

Chapter 55

Upon noticing that jackie had finally started to refuse a drink and was even shaking his head, Ivan felt

delighted in his heart. Judging from the look of things, it seemed jackie might be reaching his limit. He

immediately said, “It’s fine, it’s fine. Come on now, today is a happy day and we should all drink three


“Fine then!” jackie pretended as if he was in a tough spot but still drank all of the alcohol slowly.

At this moment, jackie had already drank more than ten glasses in a row as even the few elders and Ivan

were feeling slightly tipsy. However, they all thought that jackie should be close to getting drunk by now.

“Come on guys, we haven’t had a drink together in a very long time now, let’s all drink!” Ivan raised his

glass and spoke to everyone present.

He scoffed in his heart that under a situation where everyone was drinking, jackie would have no way to

refuse and would be forced to drink.

“Alright, let’s all drink. Let’s drink for our Taylor Group’s business to grow stronger!” Old Master Taylor

smiled as he said that.

“Cheers!” Ivan immediately chugged the alcohol down.

Not long after he was done drinking, Ivan signaled the others to take turns making jackie drink. He was

interested to see how long jackie could keep up. Unfortunately for him, although jackie was not bold

enough to refuse and seemed very close to getting drunk, he was still drinking glass after glass. On the

other hand, it was the few elders that were completely flustered from drinking. Even their speech seemed

to slur. Two of them even rushed to the washroom to puke not long after.

Ivan was completely furious as he went ahead to drink a few more glasses with jackie. However, he

ended up completely drunk while jackie was still fine.

“Goddammit, what kind of a monster is this brat to have such a high alcohol tolerance?” A completely

wasted man approached Ivan and commented with a frown.

“I told you that a veteran’s alcohol tolerance would be impressive but this, isn’t this a little too insane?

The few of us were taking turns drinking with him and are still unable to get him drunk!”

Ivan had a bitter look on his face and was completely speechless.

It was at this moment that Tanya Drake, who had just finished a meal with her best friends, walked by the

room. She heard how lively it was inside and decided to casually take a peek.

With a glance, she noticed that jackie was actually drinking with the Taylor family.

“What’s wrong? Let’s go, Tanya. You wouldn’t have actually been charmed by that handsome man inside

now, would you?” One of the young ladies teased.

“You guys go on ahead, I’m not joining you guys for the shopping trip. There’s someone I know inside

and I have something to do!” Tanya immediately said with a smile.

“Alright then, we’ll hang out some other day!” The other girls nodded and left soon after.

Tanya immediately pushed the door open and entered the room. She said, “Oh wow. I was just talking

about how lively it was inside, it turned out to be the Taylor family!”

“Who are you? We, the Taylor family, are having a meal here. What is a stranger doing here?” Ivan was

already holding onto the frustrations in his heart. In his drunken state, he yelled out immediately without

even taking a closer look.

Chapter 56

“I’m a stranger? Heh, I’ll leave then!” Tanya was stunned for a moment before chuckling out loud as she

turned around and was getting ready to leave.

Old Master Taylor could recognize who she was at a glance and immediately gasped. This happened to

be the daughter of the wealthiest man in Eastfield. Her family’s power was terrifyingly immense. It was

uncertain just how many people wished to grovel to their family. However, it seemed such opportunity

was incredibly rare.

They, as a third class aristocratic family, were even more desperate to butter up to them. The only thing

was that there was never such opportunity to do so. They did not expect Tanya to actually show up in

front of them. The only thing was that his own grandson looked like a mess to have actually said

something like that without being afraid of offending that person.

“Drake-Miss Tanya…” Old Master Taylor was quite nervous as he stuttered.

“Ivan, what on Earth are you spouting? That happens to be Miss Drake. Are you not going to hurry up

and apologize?” Even Theodore was startled as he immediately chastised Ivan.

Originally in a drunken stupor, Ivan was completely terrified when he heard that statement. Immediately,

he stood up frantically, rushed over, and extended his arm. He said, “I’m sorry, sorry. Sigh, I didn’t expect

you to be Miss Drake. This is truly a surprise. What I mean to say is, I didn’t expect a woman of such

high status like Miss Drake to show up in a place like this…”

Ivan had no idea how to apologize as he extended his arm, intending to shake the other person’s hand.

However, Miss Tanya had both hands behind her back and completely ignored Ivan. She took a glance

at Old Master Taylor and said, “Old Master Taylor, am I welcomed here?”

“Welcome, welcome. Of course you’re welcomed!” Old Master Taylor frantically said, “Waiter, add

another set of cutlery. Please sit here, Miss Drake!”

With a smile, Miss Drake said, “No need for the trouble. Just rice is fine as I’ve just finished a meal next

door earlier with my best friends. While passing through, I noticed a familiar face here and came by to

have a look!”

“Miss Drake! Unexpectedly, we meet again!” Fiona was behaving extremely rashly as she frantically

came forward while chuckling out loud. It seemed like she was buttering up to her.

Tanya status was unimaginably high and she had even handed her a name card last night. If she was

able to speak a little more with Tanya, the Taylor family would have to respect her even more. However,

she felt slightly anxious. She was afraid that Miss Drake might ignore her and if that happened, she

would just be embarrassing herself.

“Indeed, aunty. I noticed you guys here so I decided to come in and take a look!” Tanya smiled calmly as

that single statement made everyone gasp. So, was the familiar face Tanya was talking about actually

Fiona and the others? When did Fiona and her family even become the familiar faces Tanya mentioned?

Although Tanya also knew about Old Master Taylor, she would never address him as a ‘familiar face’.

“Young Master Ivan, that apology of yours seemed a little insincere. I think you should at least drink an

entire bottle of red wine… Besides, that exclamation you made earlier sounded louder than usual!” At

this moment, jackie unexpectedly chuckled before lazily commenting on his previous statement.

The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched violently. He was already dizzy from drinking so how could he

possibly drink an entire bottle of red wine by himself? This brat was intentionally trying to stir up trouble!

“Oh yeah, your voice was actually really loud earlier that even I was startled!”

Chapter 57

What was even more unbelievable was that Miss Tanya was actually covering her tiny mouth in shock.

She then said, “If you’re able to finish this entire bottle of red wine, that would prove the sincerity of your


Old Master Taylor was also speechless for a moment. However, since Miss Tanya had spoken, if they did

not do what she asked, it would be very disrespectful to her. If she held a grudge in her heart due to this,

it would seem that their Taylor family would not even be able to dream about expanding in Eastfield ever


“What are you still dawdling there for, Ivan? Show your sincerity!” Upon noticing the bitter look on Ivan’s

face, Old Master Taylor was put in a tough spot and immediately reminded him.

“Alright, it wasn’t my intention to offend you earlier. I will chug this bottle dry as an apology!” Ivan grabbed

a bottle of red wine and immediately poured it down his throat.

When he was halfway through drinking it, he felt slightly uncomfortable. However, he had no choice but

to grit his teeth and forcefully finish the entire bottle. Hatred brewed in his heart. That cursed jackie, why

did he have to randomly seek out trouble. The main point was that Miss Tanya had actually listened to

him. Moreover, what made him even more speechless was that it was Miss Tanya who ruined his

schemes last night. If it was not for her, he would have successfully signed the agreement and returned

with pride to show off how capable he was. Unfortunately…

After he had finished drinking, Ivan could no longer keep it together as he immediately felt dizzy. He

swayed from left to right as he took a few steps forward before collapsing onto the ground and puking.

Old Master Taylor had an extremely bitter look upon witnessing this scene. He secretly scolded Ivan for

being too weak. If he had to puke, he could have waited until after Miss Tanya had left. How

embarrassing was it to act in such a way in front of others. Would there even be a chance for both

families to work together in the future? In the future, Ivan would be the lord of the household. Maintaining

his image was important.

“That’s right, what are you guys celebrating? I noticed people drinking champagne over there!” Miss

Tanya merely glanced at Ivan on the ground before questioning Old Master Taylor.

“Well, the truth is that it’s nothing major. We… We were…” Old Master Taylor frowned and was unsure

what to say.

Suddenly, he noticed jackie and decided to grit his teeth before saying, “We are here to welcome jackie

back home. Besides, he returned from the battlefield and made the country proud, right?”

“Indeed, this is something worthy of celebrating!” Tanya nodded, then immediately told jackie, “Oh right,

jackie, the Drake family happens to be looking for a bodyguard. I noticed you’ve been discharged so you

should be pretty impressive now, right? You just came back and don’t have a job now, right? I’m not sure

but would you be interested in working as a bodyguard for the Drake family?”

The instant Fiona heard her say that, she was ecstatic and said frantically, “Of course, of course he’s

interested. I heard the lowest wage for the Drake family’s bodyguards is around twenty to thirty thousand

dollars and for those who are considered skilled, their wages would go up to more than 100 thousand,


“Don’t worry, aunty. If jackie comes over, his wages will be up for him to decide. We’re just afraid that he

won’t be willing to come over!” Tanya knew jackie was an impressive man since her own father had

repeatedly told her to get closer and help him no matter what. It seemed this man’s relationship with the

God of War was an unusual one.

“Coming, coming, coming! Of course, he’d be willing to come, what is there to be unwilling of? It’s

uncertain just how many people desperately want to be a bodyguard for your family!” Fiona was

beaming. This was because if jackie was not an idiot, he would definitely not let go of such an


After she was done speaking, she pulled jackie aside and whispered, “She said it’s up to you to decide

on the wages. Don’t you dare ask for a small amount. If you’re embarrassed to ask for 100 thousand

dollars, at the very least, ask for fifty to eighty thousand!”

jackie had the cold sweats since his mother-in-law was energetic at the sheer mention of money.

jackie turned around and chuckled at Tanya before saying, “I’m completely uninterested in becoming a

bodyguard for your family. However, my wife happens to really want a job. Unless you guys can assign

her to work under the Drake family, only then will I reluctantly state my price!”

Chapter 58

“No way, is he mad? Isn’t he threatening Miss Tanya right now?”

“Yeah, if that isn’t a threat then what is? If his wife isn’t assigned a job, he won’t work as their

bodyguard? What a joke, it was as if she’s begging him to be their bodyguard!”

“Oh my god, this is too foolish. Miss Tanya was taking the fact he had contributed to the country into

account and looking out for him. Because of this, she wanted him to work as the Drake family’s

bodyguard. It’s unknown just how many people desperately want to work under that position and yet, he

has the audacity to spout such nonsense!”

“The main point is that Miss Tanya even offered for him to name his own price. This alone shows just

how much respect he’s being given!”

All the Taylor family relatives gasped after hearing what jackie said and silently began discussing among


“Good lord, what if he offended Miss Tanya and the Drake family? If that happens, would they pin the

blame on our Taylor family as well since he is the Taylor family’s son-in-law!”

No one knew who said that.

Old Master Taylor was also startled after hearing that statement. It was a fair point though. If jackie

offended the Drake family, his death would have very little impact on them as the Taylor family had never

taken him seriously.

However, this brat happened to be Selena’s husband. From the perspective of others, he happened to

be their son-in-law. If Miss Tanya were to put blame on the Taylor family due to troubles this brat had

caused, that would be disastrous.

He frantically came forward and smiled toward Tanya as he said, “Miss Tanya, this brat happened to

have a little too much to drink and was spouting nonsense. Please don’t take it to heart. Thank you for

your kind gesture, Miss Tanya. The thing is, this brat might’ve only been an underling while he was in the

army. He isn’t used to formalities, so it seems like it would be very difficult for him to adapt to being a

bodyguard for the Drake family.”

They never expected jackie’s statement to make Miss Tanya very excited as she wanted nothing more

than to please jackie immediately as it also meant buttering up to Lana, one of the Gods of War.

Her initial statement was meant to test jackie. She assumed that jackie would not agree to it but had not

expected that he would actually give her such an opportunity.

“What nonsense are you talking about, jackie? Miss Tanya has offered you such a great job so you

should behave and do it well. Don’t bring Miss Tanya trouble!” Even Selena was startled as she

immediately said that after snapping out of her shock.

“No way, I’ll only agree to it if you want to work there. If you don’t, I won’t work as well. The truth is that

I’m not even willing to work anyway!” jackie immediately said that with a cold expression.

Everyone felt like passing out. This guy was clearly stupid. His current state would require him to

desperately get a job to support the family’s expenses. Did he not know that his family was extremely

poor? How could he still act so arrogantly at this moment?

“Sure! Absolutely!” Miss Tanya kept her excitement hidden as she walked forward and told Selena, “Miss

Selena, I remembered that you’re quite talented in management. Let’s put it this way, we have a huge

project that will launch soon so you can come over and be our project manager, what say you? The

wages will be fifty-no, one million per month, how about that? There’ll be a year-end bonus too!”

“A million!” Fiona and Andrew looked at each other and gasped. Even if she was project manager, it was

already pretty impressive to make more than ten thousand dollars a month. They did not expect Miss

Tanya would make such a high offer.

“Sis, are you not gonna hurry and thank Miss Tanya? Where else would you find such an amazing job?”

Ben was afraid she would go back on her word and immediately reminded her.

“Yeah, dear daughter, hurry up and agree now. Do you understand?”

Chapter 59

Fiona was extremely ecstatic since such a high wage was something she completely had never

expected. Would that mean, after a few months, they would be able to afford a mansion?

“This… Isn’t this a little too high?” Selena was also quite emotional as she was stunned for a moment.

Back then, after she was exiled from the Taylor family, she ran into continuous stumbles as she had a

very difficult time finding a job. Even when she wanted to look for an agent to search for jobs, not a

single person dared to take her in. Now, however, Miss Tanya actually tossed her a lifeline. The main

point was, would Ivan even dare to stir up trouble with the Drake family after Miss Tanya immediately

offered her a job? It was obvious that would be very unlikely to happen.

jackie frowned as he secretly muttered in his heart that the Drake family was actually quite talented in

snooping. Since they were most likely trying to butter up to him because they offered Selena such a

good job. Although jackie disliked money, as long as his wife was happy and at peace, he would be very


“Honey, it all depends if you’re willing or not. If you’re not then just refuse it. Besides, we’re not in need of

money!” jackie shrugged his shoulders then casually mentioned that.

It was true that he was in no need of money. Since it would only take a single word from him and the

entire Eastfield would be his. The only thing was, he currently had no intention of flaunting his status.

The entire Taylor family had nearly passed out. In no need of money? Selena was actually picking up

trash to sell back then and he actually could say that they were in no need of money.

“Good lord, such heavy words you have! You’ve merely contributed to a minor cause anyway so your

prize money is only slightly more than a million dollars, right? With so little money and you dare say

you’re in no need of money? If you want a better home in the capital, you might not even be able to

afford a three-bedroom, one living room home!” Cecelia could no longer watch his pretentiousness as

she directly insulted him.

“Yeah, that daughter of his, she was already able to be enrolled in a kindergarten last year but she hasn’t

been able to even till now and it’s all because of them not having money. That happens to be the little

hard-earned money he made by risking his life for five years. If he could boast that much, it seems he’s

never seen enough money yet since a million dollars were enough to satisfy him already!” Another

member of the Taylor family could not hold back from mocking him.

“I’m willing, why wouldn’t I be? I’ve long been yearning for a job now. The thing is, the wage is a little too

high and I’m a little worried that I’m unable to meet the work standards and disappoint you!” Selena’s

heart was slightly emotional and was a little anxious as well as she frantically said that.

“Miss Selena, don’t you worry. I have faith in your abilities. We’ve done our research about you, the two

years you were in the Taylor family and when you were the general manager, the results of the company

were quite impressive! However, after another person was appointed in these five years, it seems to be

going downhill slightly!”

Tanya smiled and bluntly said, “Or else, I wouldn’t have so casually offered my price, right?” It seemed as

if jackie was suspicious of something as Tanya intentionally explained.

After hearing that statement, Andrew who was standing by the side had a bitter expression. Was this not

blatantly telling him that his son was not as capable as Selena? This felt like a tight slap across his face!

Chapter 60

“Thank you Miss Tanya for your praises. This toast is my respect to you!” Selena was slightly anxious in

her heart. A monthly wage of a million dollars, such a job would be extremely hard to find. It seemed not

even the monthly wage of a general manager would come close to that.

“You’re too kind! To a happy collaboration then!” Tanya did not act pridefully as she walked over and

poured herself some red wine then gently bumped her wine glass with Selena’s before drinking.

“ jackie, now that your wife had agreed to come work with us, you can’t go back on your words now,

name your price?” Tanya was beaming as she was praying in her heart if her father knew she had hired

jackie as their bodyguard, it would be uncertain just how happy he would be.

Everyone’s faces were sweating. Since not only was Miss Tanya not infuriated after hearing jackie’s

outrageous statement, she seemed very keen on having jackie be a part of their Drake family and

making him a bodyguard.

jackie let out a bitter laugh and said, “Well, I have no choice now and it seems, I have to agree to it then!”

As he was saying that, jackie paused then said, “But, I have a condition. Regarding the wages, I can be

paid a little less, besides, I don’t lack money. However, as for the hours, I require my freedom. That

meant I’ll only come to work when I have the time to and if something is up, I have to head out and

attend to it, right!”

Tanya’s expression seemed peculiar. How was this working, was this not called living like a master?

“What on Earth are you thinking, jackie? You are there to be a bodyguard, you’re working for people so

you should abide by their terms. How could you leave whenever you feel like it?” Fiona was extremely

furious. This bastard had finally found an excellent job and he was being very unreasonable now.

Moreover, he even mentioned that he could be paid a little less. He was completely lacking integrity now.

However, since this trash was unworthy of being her son-in-law and since she was able to exile him from

the Taylor family on the old master’s seventieth birthday. So, what was there to worry about anyway.

“Son, this is such a good opportunity so you should work well now. Do you understand?” Joan too came

forward to advise him.

“Sure. However, if any major incidents require your help, you’ll have to arrive immediately whenever

you’re called. Can you do that?” They never expected Miss Tanya had actually agreed to him once more.

Theodore and the others were completely baffled. Has Miss Tanya gone mad? How could she actually

agree to such terms? Was their Drake family in such desperate need of bodyguards?

“Now, you can talk about the amount you desire for your wages, right? You mentioned earlier, you want

to be paid a little less, so don’t go asking for too much now!” Miss Tanya was chuckling. She looked

extremely adorable.

“Yeah, alright then, just twenty million dollars! Twenty million dollars per month! Any amount lesser than

that, you can forget about it!” jackie was silent for a moment then raised two fingers.

“Are you insane, jackie? Is Miss Tanya joking with you now?” A relative of the Taylor family immediately

scolded him. This guy was blatantly throwing a fit. How can a bodyguard ask for twenty million a month,

not to mention, come to work whenever he was free? Was he not afraid of offending Miss Tanya? What if

she grew furious then?

“This amount is a little outrageous now. Even if you can name your price, you shouldn’t name it as such,

right?” A bodyguard behind Miss Tanya could no longer bear to watch. In normal circumstances, they

would never intervene but this guy bluntly requested twenty million dollars. Then what would they,

bodyguards with only a monthly wage of a hundred to two hundred thousand dollars be considered as?

Chapter 61

Although the three other bodyguards did not speak a word, their expressions dimmed. Was this not an

insult to them?

“What on Earth are you talking about?” Selena was also extremely startled by it. Miss Tanya was being

very nice but time and time again jackie was blatantly testing her limits.

A monthly wage of twenty million dollars on top of leaving the Drake family whenever he wanted? How

would that be possible? If the Drake family master had learned about it, he would immediately be driven

insane by jackie’s madness.

“ jackie, are you mad from all that thinking about money? Didn’t you want a much lesser wage? So it

seems, your much lesser wage is twenty million dollars per month! This is the first time I have ever seen

a bodyguard’s wage this high!” Cecelia was saying that with a sinister tone.

This time, was this guy not intentionally offending Miss Tanya now? It would be absurd for Miss Tanya to

not be furious this time. It was obvious now that Miss Tanya’s bodyguards were all furious. It seemed this

time, the guy would have no choice but to escape.

Miss Tanya on the other hand was frowning on the side as in her heart she felt quite surprised. If this guy

was a veteran King of War or an officer, it would be very reasonable to ask for such a price. However,

was he really that impressive? Besides, there were also clear distinctions to powerful people on the


“Pardon, Miss Tanya, this jackie fellow had too much to drink earlier, he might possibly be drunk now!”

Old Master Taylor was also startled by jackie. He was afraid of jackie indirectly bringing trouble to their

Taylor family. So, he explained, “I hope Miss Tanya won’t blame him. Also, although he might be married

to Selena, he’s not close to us.”

“Yes, yes, yes! He’s only a son-in-law, an outsider!” The other members of the Taylor family also

frantically explained. It would mean a world of trouble to them if Miss Tanya decided to pin the blame on


“This price I am offering is actually quite low already. Usually, when people approached me, I would

name my price in the billions. I’ve lowered my price from the billions to millions so you should be happy,

Miss Tanya!” jackie actually once again boldly made such a statement.

Once again, the Taylor family were all speechless. He even mentioned he had lowered the price to

twenty million dollars. Could there possibly even be someone who would offer twenty billion dollars and

be successful in hiring him? Unless he was the God of War but obviously he certainly was not!

“Alright then, you and Miss Selena can come over to work tomorrow morning!” Miss Tanya had only

hesitated for a moment before immediately agreeing to it. She felt that based on jackie’s tone, he did not

sound like he was lying. Even if he was slightly boasting, he would without a doubt still be a very

powerful man.

Besides, her own father had witnessed him being in the same private jet with the God of War, Lana when

they returned.

“Deal!” jackie calmly smiled and nodded.

“We didn’t mishear it right, Miss Tanya? He didn’t mention twenty thousand, it was twenty million though!”

A bodyguard initially was waiting for Miss Tanya’s orders to immediately beat jackie to a pulp but he

never expected Miss Tanya to actually agree to it.

“Miss Tanya, it’s twenty million though. Not even the commander or the assistant commander would be

paid this much now, right?” Another bodyguard immediately protested. He was wondering if he was


“Now, there is one with this high of a price!” jackie chuckled calmly and said that with a carefree attitude.

Chapter 62

That single statement jackie made, almost caused a few bodyguards to pass out. This guy was too

unreasonable. Was this not blatantly insulting them?

“Don’t worry. I’m not a fool and I have faith in his abilities! If he can survive on the battlefield for five

years, he will without a doubt have his uses!” Miss Tanya was clear in her heart and she could not

possibly tell them it was all to butter up to the God of War, hence his high price offer. Hence, she forced

an explanation.

“Yes, yes, yes! Miss Tanya, your judgment is impeccable!” Fiona was incredibly ecstatic in her heart. If

jackie’s monthly wage was twenty million dollars, does that mean he would make two hundred and forty

million a year? If that was the case and if jackie worked for a lifetime then, well, anyone would be excited

with just that thought.

“Miss Tanya, don’t you worry, I’m sure my brother-in-law won’t disappoint you!” Ben was so excited, he

did not know what to say as he immediately spoke out.

“Brother-in-law?” jackie turned his head to look at him as he thought this change in attitude was too

drastic now. Before they came, he wanted to beat him up, how come now he would call him his brother-


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Ben nervously laughed and said, “You’re my sister’s husband so, if you’re not my brother-in-law then who

could you be?”

“Yeah, of course, you’re his brother-in-law now!” Fiona delightfully said, “My dear son-in-law, I have faith

in your abilities and you will work well in the Drake family and forge a career for yourself!”

jackie’s eyes narrowed as that son-in-law remark came too suddenly.

“Cough! Cough! Mom, didn’t you mention that if I didn’t cough up that ten million to you, you won’t

acknowledge my status?” jackie let out two dry coughs then intentionally said that.

Fiona’s face immediately blushed as she frantically said, “Sigh, your monthly wage is already twenty

million, it’s impossible you can’t give me that ten million now, right?”

“Miss Tanya, are you serious?” Even Old Master Taylor was startled and was wondering if this was a

hallucination. Although jackie had spent five years on the battlefield, it was uncertain how he survived. A

monthly wage of twenty million was too terrifying let alone, it was only for a bodyguard.

“I, Tanya Drake will never go back on my word! You guys can cease your worries for that!” Miss Tanya

spoke confidently.

“Well, shouldn’t you ask your father, Miss Tanya?” jackie asked.

“Nope, just come to work tomorrow! I’ll take my leave first and I won’t disturb you guys from drinking

now!” Tanya waved her hand and left soon after along with her lackeys.

After Tanya had left for quite some time, everyone here seemingly was still caught in their dreamy daze.

“ jackie, tomorrow, you and Selena have to head to work earlier. Don’t be late now, do you understand?”

Fiona reminded them while chuckling.

“Mom, am I dreaming? I’m only a project manager and my monthly wage is a million on top of year-end


“He is a bodyguard and his monthly wage is twenty million while he can leave whenever he wants to and

he doesn’t have to abide by the working hours?”

Chapter 63

Selena truly did not know how to react as she was unsure exactly what was going on.

“Yeah, it’s real. Miss Tanya actually said it herself earlier!” Fiona felt quite surreal toward such

overwhelming emotion of surprise.

“What right does he have to get such a high wage?” Cecelia had a bitter look on her face. However, after

a much deeper thought, she suddenly thought about something and started laughing. She said, “I know

now. jackie, Miss Tanya must be taking you for a fool and was joking with you!”

“Impossible. Miss Tanya said it earlier that they can come to work tomorrow so how could that be a

joke?” Fiona immediately argued.

“Just think about it, those other bodyguards they have, even if they are commanders, they won’t be paid

that much so, what right does he have to get such a high pay? Besides, Selena is working as a manager

and her monthly wage of million dollars could somewhat make sense. jackie on the other hand, he’s

merely just a bodyguard, so how can that twenty million monthly wage even be logical?”

Cecelia bluntly said, “That was because jackie was intentionally toying with Miss Tanya and she

happened to pretend to agree just to toy back with him. If you don’t believe me, when jackie arrives at

the Drake family home, perhaps he wouldn’t even be able to enter its main gate!”

“Yeah, I also think it’s impossible!” Another woman from the Taylor family nodded and said, “After Cecelia

broke it down like that, I feel like that is a huge possibility that she was merely toying with him because

he toyed with her first!”

jackie could not be bothered by them as he merely calmly said, “I’m afraid, she isn’t bold enough to toy

with me!”

Selena on the other hand was frowning on the side. She could not understand just how exactly did jackie

get such a high salary. Were they not usually recruiting a whole bunch of veterans like him? There were

plenty of people who would be quite satisfied upon getting a good security guard or bodyguard job.

jackie’s job on the other end though…

“Daddy, how much is twenty million a month? Is that a lot?” At this moment, Kylie who had been playing

by the side during dinner ran over. She grabbed onto jackie’s pants with her slender little hands as she

raised her head to look up at him.

Upon staring at that little child’s adorable expression, jackie’s heart melted. He thought that the pain and

suffering he endured for the last five years was worth it at this moment. He defended a country for five

years and now, all he wanted was to peacefully keep her wife and daughter safe!

“Not that much, but it’s enough to enroll Kylie into the best kindergarten and buy all kinds of toys for

Kylie!” After he carried Kylie up, he could not help himself but give Kylie’s cheeks a kiss. That felt

extremely warm.

“Really? So I’ll have plenty of toys soon!” After Kylie heard that, her pair of beautiful eyes were

glimmering with excitement.

Selena, who was watching this scene from the side, lamented. Was the five years of suffering finally

over? Was their family finally able to amount to something good? This would not be a dream, right!

Old Master Taylor was frowning instead as he got lost in deep contemplation. Was Miss Tanya joking,

since it happened to be twenty million a month for that jackie fellow. Was that guy truly worth that much?

Not to mention, would the master of the Drake family even agree to it? Besides, as wealthy as the Drake

family was, they would not waste money to such an extent!

After some thought, he looked at Ivan who had been helped and appeared collapsed on the table. He

was starting to suspect if he made a mistake for having Selena’s family exiled from the Taylor family.

“Come on now, let us all continue drinking. Let’s all have one regardless if jackie’s job was real or not but

I believe Selena’s job is real. It’s a good thing for Selena being able to enter the Drake family and work

for them!” Old Master Taylor poured half a glass of red wine for himself, raised it and smiled at Selena

before saying, “Selena, next time you will be the project manager and if there’s any good projects out

there that require a collaboration, remember to look out for our Taylor family!”

“What are you talking about, Grandpa? I am still a member of the Taylor family and I bleed the same

blood as the Taylor family. So if there are any good projects that can be collaborated, naturally, I will think

about our Taylor family!” Selena let out an awkward laugh as she did not blame the old master. Since,

the old master used to spoil her a lot back then. Unfortunately, she was too rebellious five years ago and

disappointed the old master.

Chapter 64 ”Right, no matter what, Selena’s strengths are acknowledged by the Drake family. Besides,

Miss Tanya had mentioned it earlier, Selena would be handling a huge project but it’s unsure what

project that would be. If she could look out for our Taylor family, that’ll be excellent!” Andrew spoke while

chuckling since this was such a huge opportunity!

The Taylor family had always wanted to build connections with the Drake family but they never got the

chance to. Now however, they actually had someone that could directly be involved with the Drake

family’s business by being a project manager, this was literally an extremely amazing opportunity for their

Taylor family!

“No, no, no. Selena, you can immediately look out for the Taylor family the moment you start, it would be

bad if the Drake family knew about it. Besides, you’d just come over so you’ll have to prove your worth

when you start working and gain the Drake family’s trust then build upon that relationship. Wait till there’s

an opportunity to look out for our Taylor family in future. You have to think of a way to have them notice

and value your strengths. Only then, when you look out for our Taylor family, they will have nothing to

say!” After Old Master Taylor carefully pondered about it, he advised her.

The business for the Taylor family within these two years have gone downhill and it was getting worse by

the year. This made Old Master Taylor frantic.

jackie who was listening at the side had no idea how to react. It was obvious that the Taylor family had

no idea that the main purpose for Miss Taylor was only to get him to work for them. Would they be unable

to hire a capable manager with the wealth they had?

After Miss Tanya left, she swiftly drove back to the Drake family home.

When those bodyguards returned to the Drake family home, they were all obviously incredibly furious.

Since they understood Miss Tanya’s temperament and were very honorable. If she had made a promise

to anyone, she would honor her promise. Even if Master Drake objected to it after the fact, it would be

futile. Miss Tanya was that stubborn. If she had decided on something, it would be very difficult to change

her mind.

“Father, let me tell you a good news!” Tanya entered the mansion’s lobby while placing both arms behind

her back as she gleefully said that.

“Seeing just how happy you are, what good news could this be?” James asked with a smile.

“ jackie White, I got him in. He’s willing to be our family’s bodyguard!” After Miss Tanya was done

speaking, she looked at Timothy who was sipping tea on the side then continued with a smug attitude,

“What do you think, brother? Isn’t what I, your sister did extremely earth shattering?”

The moment James heard that statement, he was shocked as he said, “No way, right? You actually got

him in? If he actually returned with the God of War, had a good relationship with her then he should at

least be King of War. Even by a little difference, he should at least be a marshal though. A man like this,

is willing to be your bodyguard?”

With that being said, Timothy was stunned before saying, “I’ve heard that a returning marshal would

have a billion whereas ten billion for those who are more impressive as their prize money. The King of

War however would at the very least get a few hundred billion dollars. There were plenty of people who

wanted to employ their powers but those people would not so easily agree to the employment!”

Tanya frowned when she heard that as she said, “Really? I didn’t expect you to know even that detail,

Brother. However, Grandfather had mentioned that the jackie fellow wouldn’t be that simple, so I got

lucky today and I ran into his entire family. Hence, I got him in.”

“He’d agree to a monthly wage of a few hundred thousand dollars as a bodyguard? Tanya, have you

made a mistake and found the wrong person? Are you sure that person is jackie White? The jackie

White that father was talking about?” Timothy was seemingly unconvinced. Since, the Drake family

bodyguards would have a monthly wage of those numbers. Anyone that was slightly more impressive

would only make more than a hundred thousand dollars.

“What do you mean a few hundred thousand dollars? He mentioned, he’d do it for at least twenty million

dollars. Anything lower than that, he wouldn’t agree to it. Moreover, that was all because his wife wanted

a job, so I promised to employ his wife as our project manager. It was only then was he willing to work for

us! The main point is, this guy is a little too unreasonable. He mentioned something about not having

fixed working hours and he’d be able to leave work whenever he pleases!”

Chapter 65 Tanya said after cracking a bitter smile.

“What? You agreed to such terms? Not only was the wages high, he wouldn’t even listen to us? In

addition to that, he can leave whenever he wants to? How is that okay?” Timothy was so shocked, his

eyeballs were seemingly about to fall onto the ground as he immediately placed his tea cup down then

told James, “Father, this guy is too unreasonable now. Who on earth does he think he is? If he’s the King

of War or God of War, that would be acceptable or else, what right does he have to request for such a


“No matter who he is, if he doesn’t make such a request, it would be extremely abnormal and it’ll only

prove that he had no actual strengths!” James on the other hand was laughing while nodding his head.

He said, “If he’s truly capable, he wouldn’t even bat an eye on the twenty million dollars. He merely

agreed because he had nothing to do and wanted to keep his wife company or perhaps, he was just

killing time. Besides, if he doesn’t look for a job, he would be looked down by the Taylor family!”

“Father, what you’re saying is that he’s worth this money?” Timothy was frowning as he seemed slightly


“Not only was he worthy, I believe he’s more than worthy! Not to mention, without taking his powers into

account, it’s worth it because of his unique relationship with the God of War!” James chuckled then said,

“That’s right, when he arrives, you two have to treat him well. If he wishes to leave work, let him leave.

Treat him the same as the guardians in our family even if by name, he’s a bodyguard!”

“No way right, father? The few guardians in our family are all extremely powerful! This…” Timothy was

sweating on his face as he was skeptical of his father. He had seen through jackie’s information and he

felt that this man was not that special.

Perhaps it was due to the God of War noticing jackie who was coincidentally also heading back to

Eastfield and shared the same ride back. If that was the case, they would have lost majorly. However on

a much deeper thought, he thought about how important his family business was and that twenty million

dollars was a mere meager sum so he could forget about it just in case that guy could truly surprise


At this moment, jackie and the others were done with their meals and were ready to head back together.

After the rest of the Taylor family had left as they exited the hotel, Fiona said after pondering for a

moment, “That’s right Selena, you’re about to go to work tomorrow, should we buy a car? I still have eight

hundred thousand with me. After much thoughts, I realized we could not embarrass our Taylor family’s

name, right? Besides, your monthly wages are that high so you can return the money to me after you get

paid next time!”

“Ma, I want to buy a car as well!” Ben immediately said that excitedly the moment he heard that.

“Why’d you need a car for? You’re doing nothing all day and you’re not going to work anyway. I won’t buy

you a car! After your sister has made some money, have her buy you one. Is that okay?” Fiona said as

she smiled.

“Ma, jackie is going to work tomorrow as well, can we also buy him one?” After Selena pondered about it,

she said that.

“Him?” Fiona took a look at jackie. She said after she pondered for a moment, “Who knows if Miss Tanya

was joking or not. Even I’m skeptical about making twenty million a month. Besides, it’s for transport and

it’ll cost about tens of thousands of dollars. Forget it then, but I can buy him an electric scooter. Just ride

it for now. Since if it’s real, after he gets paid he can buy himself a luxury car, right?”

“Then, I won’t be buying a car as well. Just buy an electric scooter then he can take me to work on that!”

Selena looked at ja