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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art (WN)

Chapter 4767: Divine White Tortoise Shell
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The fragments of the cursed weapon were incredibly sharp, so these hundreds of experts had relied on either their weapons or divine abilities to knock them aside.

Of the hundreds of thousands of experts that had charged over, only these few hundred survived. They were the real experts.

They had been hidden in the crowd, lying in wait. If the right opportunity came, they would make their move. But sadly, Long Chen didn’t give them that chance. Like a wild gale, Long Chen charged toward them with Evilmoon in hand.

“Not bad. This makes it interesting. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have the face to take the reward after killing you.” A white-robed man laughed without the slightest fear, flying toward Long Chen as well.

The others also charged toward him. The next moment, all kinds of strange weapons shot toward Long Chen.

No one knew if it was on purpose, but their attacks were clearly slightly delayed. The white-robed man was going to clash with Long Chen first.

The white-robed man was barehanded at first, but once he got close to Long Chen, a strange object appeared in his hand. It was actually a white tortoise shell.

The next moment, Blood Qi exploded out of this tortoise shell, and its suffocating pressure struck everyone.

“The Divine White Tortoise Shell!” Countless startled cries rang out.

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The Divine White Tortoise was an immemorial spirit beast. While its shell had a terrifying defensive power, that was not its main appeal. Even more terrifying than that was its ability to store energy.

It could absorb energy, and as long as it was nourished with enough energy, it would constantly grow stronger. This was a divine weapon that could constantly grow, something rarely seen among divine weapons.

As countless ancient runes on the shell blazed, a violent Sage King aura erupted.

“The shell has Sage King power stored in it! And not from just one person!”

There was no lack of knowledgeable and experienced people among the crowd. Through those ancient runes, they were able to tell that this tortoise shell had the power of Sage Kings in it.

“It’s just a tortoise shell. Is this the basis of your arrogance?” Long Chen sneered. Astral light then appeared on Evilmoon, and Long Chen swung it down.

“Fool, just die!” The white-robed man sneered back at him, smashing the tortoise shell at Evilmoon.

Strangely, the explosion that people anticipated never occurred. There was just a light sound and then nothing, not even shockwaves. Hence, everyone was baffled.

“Hahaha, fool, this Divine White Tortoise Shell has been blessed by eight Sage Kings! In front of the power of eight Sage Kings, you are nothing more than an—”

He wasn’t even done talking when a strange sound rang out of his shell. Cracks suddenly spread throughout it.

“What?!” The white-robed man cried out in terror, filled with disbelief.


As the tortoise shell exploded, Evilmoon slashed down, twinkling with starlight.

Evilmoon simply cut that person in half from head to toe. Even as he died, his expression was one of disbelief. He was unable to believe that his unrivaled tortoise shell had been smashed apart.

Just then, hundreds of divine rays descended upon Long Chen, but Evilmoon sliced through the air with a swift motion, causing space to warp under Long Chen’s power. The incoming attacks were drawn into this collapsing space, akin to refracted beams of light scattering in different directions, all missing their mark.

“Spatial laws?! Impossible! Only Sage Kings can control this kind of power!”

The experts outside were all completely stunned to see this scene. Spatial energy was a fundamental concept understood by most cultivators, essential knowledge that every practitioner had to grasp.

After all, only by understanding it could they understand higher level magical arts. Yet, beyond spatial energy lay an even higher realm: spatial laws. These were the ironclad rules governing the world, accessible only to the most supreme experts. It was rumored that only Sage Kings possessed the qualifications to delve into the realm of laws.

However, even among Sage Kings, only a select few were capable of comprehending spatial laws. The vast majority struggled to wield such profound energies, as it represented an exceedingly deep and complex realm of understanding.

Long Chen had used his saber to collapse the void, forming a spatial force field that drew in and deflected their attacks. That looked just like the legendary spatial law realm.

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In truth, they were all wrong. Long Chen had used astral energy to form a shield. Originally, he thought that it would simply block their attacks, but instead, it sent them bouncing away.

For a moment, Long Chen was also baffled, but he quickly smiled mockingly. “So they’re nothing more than fools being used by others.”

The reason all their attacks were reflected showed two things. Firstly, Long Chen’s astral energy received a certain support in this place, as there was definitely a change from when he used it in the Darklight Heaven. Secondly, this showed that these people were not as strong as Long Chen had expected. Other than that Celestial expert at the start, the rest were all trash.

When Long Chen looked over at the Celestial race, he found that the dark-faced guy and the ones with him had vanished without a trace.

Long Chen immediately grasped the truth: the people attacking him were mere fools sent to their deaths by the Celestial race. In fact, the Celestial race wasn’t hoping for them to kill him at all; rather, they were hoping to use the fact that Long Chen had slaughtered them to make him the public enemy in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven.

It was quite a sinister scheme with essentially no solution. After a moment of shock, those experts were already charging toward him again.

They didn’t understand how serious this matter was, and they basically overestimated themselves, thinking that hunting Long Chen was risk-free—if they succeeded, they would profit, but if they failed, they would simply pat their butts and leave. For that theoretical reward, they were testing the boundaries of death.

After realizing this, Long Chen rested Evilmoon on his shoulder, and just like that, he walked toward those fools.

Seeing Long Chen do this, Guo Ran and the others were startled but quickly got it. This was a signal from Long Chen, and it meant that they could freely kill the experts here. There was no need for any troublesome strategy.

Normally, against this many experts, Long Chen would pick out the strongest ones for himself. Guo Ran would then come up with a strategy based on the information that Long Chen revealed. Although Guo Ran slacked off in terms of cultivation, as the general of the Dragonblood Legion, he had immense talent in leading the Dragonblood warriors and was always able to come up with the optimal plan in a short time.

Guo Ran immediately waved his hand, and the Dragonblood warriors surged forward like the tide.

“You fools, you can only pay the bill yourself.”

Long Chen eyed the endless crowd of enemies roaring crazily; his eyes seemed to be looking forward to the challenges awaiting him in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven. A cold contempt crept over his face.