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My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 Bash The Bad Woman

The two little boys recalled Wendy‘s appearance from head to toe and compared her with their own

mommy. They finally felt that there was no way the woman could ever compare to Mommy.

‘Daddy actually abandoned Mommy for that woman. He must be blind!‘

Pulling away from his thoughts, Lucian suddenly remembered the conversation between the women in

the restaurant just now. He leaned over to Rosalie and asked, “Mommy, what did you mean when you

said that lady was playing tricks? What happened? Did she bully you?”

Rosalie did not want to involve her boys and denied it flatly. “Oh, it‘s nothing. Just some work matters

which have been resolved.”

As soon as Rosalie finished speaking, Lucian‘s determined voice rang out.

“It‘s definitely something!” Lucian‘s small face was tense as he frowned with an expression mature

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beyond his years. “What‘s the matter? Mommy, tell us quick!”

Nox followed suit with the interrogation. “Mommy, I thought you promised us? The three of us can‘t have

secrets from each other. Plus, you‘re not supposed to lie to children!”

Rosalie frowned helplessly. She almost forgot that these two little boys of her own were different from

other children. Their IQs were ridiculously high. Under the interrogation of the two little boys, Rosalie

gave in and told the story of Wendy‘s efforts with Coast City‘s medicinal material supplier to boycott her

research institute.

The story of how that woman bullied Mommy made the two little boys clench their fists angrily. “That

woman is so bad!” Rosalie quickly said, “It‘s alright now. You two don‘t mess around.” The two little guys

nodded obediently, but deep down, they were still very angry. Back at home, while Rosalie went to take a

bath, the twins sneaked into the study. Lucian whispered in his brother‘s ear secretly. Nox‘s eyes lit up.

He turned on the computer, and his nimble little fingers danced furiously across the keyboard. After a

while, he infiltrated Fuller Industries‘ system.

When Rosalie came out of the bath, the twins had gotten into the bed obediently. They innocently looked

at her with bright eyes and asked her to tell them a bedtime story.

Early the next morning, Wendy was rudely awakened by her phone ringing. Her face was completely

annoyed. Last night, she was brimming with anger after learning about Byron‘s meeting with Rosalie,

and it had kept her awake all night. Now, she was woken up way too

early this morning. The rage in her heart remained. “What‘s the matter?” Wendy‘s impatience was

evident when she answered the phone. On the other side, Carl sounded desperate. “President Fuller,

you need to see this. There‘s a big problem with the company’s system!”

The phone call snapped Wendy into action mode. She hastily cleaned up and hurried to the

Chapter 68 Bash The Bad Woman


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When Wendy arrived at the company, almost the entire company‘s system was paralyzed. A group of

staff stood by with puzzled expressions. The employees of the technical department were working on

repairs and urgently salvaging the damage. Nobody knows where the virus came from. No matter their

method, there is no way to rectify the damage.

When Wendy Fuller appeared, the staff next to her lowered their heads in unison, as if they were

covering up something. The staff of the technical department had a grim look on their faces.

“What‘s the matter? Why do you take so long to solve the issue? What is the point of having you

incompetent fools here?” Wendy Fuller strode to the computer. Her face turned blue when saw the

picture on the screen. On the computer screen, there were two cartoon stick figures fighting. To be

precise, one of them was bashing the other. The first stick figure being attacked had Wendy Fuller‘s

name written on the face with the words “Bad Woman” written on the front of the clothes. Next to the

second stick figure who beat the first stick figure is a speech bubble with the words “Bash The Bad

Woman!” Obviously, she was targeted by the person behind this virus attack!