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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85
Aria woke up in the morning and yawned. She looked to the left side of the bed and saw her daughter sleeping peacefully, she
couldn’t help but smile. Well she always smiled whenever she woke up to see that Angel first.
Rosie was sleeping on the right end while Aria slept in the middle. Well that position was assigned to Lena but she decided she
wanted to sleep on the left end, Aria feared she might roll off the bed but she was not able to convince her to sleep in the middle.
Once Lena has made up her mind, there is usually no going back on it.
Aria got down slowly from the bed and walked to the glass window, their hotel rooms were at the end block so they could see
outside from it. She looked down from the window and couldn’t help but chuckle to herself at the scene. They were on the
twentieth floor, that was so high into the sky and she had not been in such a tall building.
The view from there was magnificent. She could see the other parts of the city in its morning beauty, and the people down
already moving about with high spirit, a feeling of excitement swirled through her body. She had a good feeling about this place,
there was a special sensation that it brought along with the air.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the moment she let it out, there was a knock on the door. she turned around
immediately and hurried to it, she could not explain why she was so excited but she certainly was.
She got to the door and opened it quickly but then her heart flipped and her smile faded. It was Oliver standing outside, he was
already dressed up and she couldn’t understand why he did that so early.
Her mind started racing as a scene crossed her mind. She remembered the day that she had woken up in a hotel and she was
alone, just the scent of this man trailed in that hotel room; that was eight years ago, the night that Princess Lena was created.
Why was she suddenly remembering it now? Maybe it was because the two of them were present in a hotel now and her mind
was just alerting her of a similar past.
“Um... hi,” Oliver muttered when he finally found his voice. Aria didn’t say a word, she just nodded slowly like a lizard.
“I just wanted to let you guys know that the guide will be here in a few minutes, you should get ready before he arrives,” Oliver
informed them.
“alright,” she muttered softly, without moving from her former position.

Oliver looked in through the open side and saw the other two sleeping; well his attention was mainly on Lena, he had to make
sure she was alright. After that, he turned around and left. His room was two doors away.
When Oliver was gone, Aria closed the door and went in to inform the others. Lena was already awake so it was not a problem
getting her to stand up but it took Aria a while to make her best friend stand. Rosie was still feeling very sleepy and she cursed
the guide for coming so early, it was still cold for the love of Christ.
* * * * * * * * * * *
They all got ready and the guide came to take them to a new apartment. Oliver checked them all out of the hotel and they left..

The apartment they were taken to was a standard one with about five bedrooms and two big sitting rooms. It had two kitchens as
well and was spacious. Oliver had bought the whole building for their stay there; it was a Sunday so they decided to stay at
home for that day.
* * * * * * * * * *
They were all seated in the well furnished sitting room, listening to what their guide had to say.
“Alright everyone, we know that we will be going to a lot of places from tomorrow being a Monday so I thought I should educate
you on the dos and don’ts of Hawaii and also tell you about the interesting places that you could choose to go.” Damon said.
They all paid attention to hear what he was about to say but Lena was the most attentive of them all. She was very excited with
this vacation but she did not let the real reason why they were here slip past her mind, she needed a situation and circumstances
that she could use to help her parents get back together.
“Now here is the first thing you should know... Don’t touch the Turtles in Hawaii,” he instructed.
“Huh?” they all muttered simultaneously and stared at each other.
“Yeah, you might want to get a list or record of this. The Honu, which are the green sea turtles, are protected and you shouldn’t
bother them. Hawaii is also home to four other types of turtles, Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, and Olive ridley.
This should go without saying but just leave the turtles alone. Keep a distance and remember that this is their home and you are
a guest. The next thing you shouldn’t do is touch the Dolphins and Monk Seals.
Swimming with Dolphins in the wild is a fantastic experience, but keep your distance from Dolphins, Hawaiian monk seals, and
all other sea creatures.
Thirdly, you should never touch the coral here in Hawaii, don’t step on it and just be careful around it. Touching or stepping on
the Coral could cause irreparable damage to the coral, it can also cut you.

Speaking of Coral, make sure to use a sunscreen that is hundred percent reef-friendly. Also, don’t call everyone Hawaiian here
in Hawaii. Being Hawaiian isn’t like being Californian or a New Yorker, generally, those that live here are referred to as locals.”
He instructed.
Oliver was already getting bored with these dos and don’ts but since every other person seemed very interested in it, he decided
to let Damon continue. It is not like they had any other place to go today.
“Now listen up people, do not underestimate the power of the sun in Hawaii, Hawaii is close to the equator and the sun is
intense. Don’t forget that you are on island time in Hawaii, things tend to move a bit slower in Hawaii and that’s okay. I mean you
are on vacation right?” he smiled.
“Cool, more time is just what we need,” Lena muttered to herself in a whisper.
“Don’t dismiss warning signs here in Hawaii, if there are a lot of warning signs on a beach, you can always try another beach.
The same goes for a hike; if a trail is closed, there is probably a reason for that. Don’t risk your life for an instagram photo.

Now the final Don’t is... Don’t forget that Hawaii is the fiftieth state. There are two parts to this one. First, Hawaii is a part of the
United States, so don’t be weird and act like it’s a third-world country. Everyone speaks English and it’s overall a safe place to
visit. Secondly, the history of Hawaii becoming part of the U.S. is very complicated, and some locals aren’t happy about it, so try
to be conscientious of that.” He advised.
“Okay, that is enough Don’ts; can we go over to the dos?” Oliver queried impatiently.
“Sure, I will tell you the exciting stuff that you can do while you are here,” he replied with a smile.
“Now, you can visit Pearl Harbor. It is one of Oahu’s most popular tourist destinations; you don’t want to miss it. Secondly, you
can take a surf lesson at Waikiki Beach,” the guide instructed and Oliver smiled. Well he had a history with surfing during his
teenage days.
“You can also take a submarine tour with Atlantis Submarine Adventure, you can visit Lolani Palace. You can shop at the Royal
Hawaiian center; attend a Luau at the Polynesian cultural center. The Polynesian cultural center is also a great place to learn
about the history of Hawaii and more. You can also check out the swap meet at the Aloha Stadium. You can visit the Dole
plantation or check out the Bishop Museum.
You can skydive with Pacific skydiving. If you are in need of a restaurant, you can dine at the original Roy’s in Hawaii Kai. There
are so many amazing Oahu restaurants and I can do more research if you want.
You can also check out the Kilauea lighthouse or take a helicopter tour with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, you can try standup
paddleboard or rent a bike and ride down the Kapa’s Bike path, you can visit the garden of the gods or check out sweetheart
Rock. So you see... there are so many things that you can do here in Hawaii.” The man concluded with a smile.
“Wow... that is a whole lot that I doubt I can actually keep it all in mind,” Rosie said in excitement.
“This is why I had him on the recorder the whole time. This is going to be the best vacation ever!!” Princess Lena exclaimed.