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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16

Rosie stands at the bedroom door with her hands placed against her waist, she is very upset with her

friend for the decision she had taken. This was a lifetime opportunity that she just let slip away.

Arianna was sitting on the bed with her head bowed; she did not want to look Rosie in the eye because

she knew that her best friend was mad at her. Nevertheless, she had no regrets whatsoever for what

she had done; she believed she had made the right decision.

Yes, the money would have changed her life, but she believed that by accepting that money, she would

have sold what was left of her self-respect and dignity. She would be no different from the other women

that Oliver had spoken of.

After a few minutes of silence, Rosie finally spoke. She was so upset that she had no idea which words

to use. What her best friend had done was still unbelievable to her.

“Arianna, what have you done?” she asked in a whisper. Aria was silent, she didn’t know of any words

to give as a reply.

“Why would you do such a thing Aria? What were you thinking back there? Do you realize that you just

rejected the huge sum of fifty thousand dollars? Do you know what that money could do for you Aria?”

she queried.

“I am sorry sis, I felt like that was the right thing to do. I don’t need his money to survive, I have been

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doing fine without him and I would come out of this without his help.”

“Really Aria? Then why did you take on this case in the first place, if you don’t need his money to

survive, then why did you go through the trouble of starting a case against him, you have missed a few

days at work which you would be fined for, and what of the lawyer? How would you get the money to

pay him?” Rosie asked, with an angry face.

“Rosie, do not worry about the lawyer, Mr. Damon said I can pay him whenever I have the money. As

for why I started this case, it was only to prove to that arrogant CEO that I am not the type of girl he

thinks I am, I wanted to make him understand that I am not a liar and I am not after his money either.”

Rosie sighed and bumped her palm on her face, “I just can’t understand you Aria, honestly, I am

disappointed in you, and I am really upset. Did you think of the future? When the baby is born? Things

would be really difficult, this was your opportunity to get something from Oliver but you have messed it

up, you have let him go scot free, not even the law can help you now.”

“That’s not true, if I wanted I could still get into his life, it’s confirmed that the baby in my womb is his so

he has a responsibility towards me, but I am not interested. I can’t be with a man who treats women the

way he does, he has a really sick mentality and I can’t want anything to do with such a person.”

“Arianna, let’s hope you are not making a big mistake, because I warned you.” Rosie concluded and

stormed out of the bedroom.

Aria sighed and lay flat on the bed. She knew that her friend would come around soon; she cannot stay

upset with her for long.

* * * * *

Oliver left his office and went back to his mansion. He was very disturbed after what had transpired in

his office, he had never felt so bad with himself. He was feeling guilty and no matter how hard he tried

to get rid of the feeling, it would not go away.

The moment his driver parked in the garage, he did not care to wait for the door to be opened by his

servants; he opened it himself and walked into the house.

Zach, his butler greeted him but he was not in the mood to respond, he ignored the middle aged man

and walked into his bedroom. Everything was still a mystery to him, two hours ago; he could swear that

he was not the father of the child.

He was very certain that he had not ejaculated in her, so how could this happen? If it were some other

doctor that carried out the tests and delivered the test results, then he would have doubted the

originality of the reports. But this was Josh, he was not only one of the best doctors that the city had,

but he was also Oliver`s very good friend and family doctor.

He believed that Josh knew what those reports meant for him, so the last thing he expected the doctor

to do was make mistakes or deliver a false report. Now that it was confirmed that he was the father of

Aria`s unborn child, he felt guilty for the way he had treated the poor girl, he had really insulted her so

much that he was ashamed of himself.

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Yes, he was arrogant but not disrespectful; his mother had instilled good values in him before she

passed away. Unlike his father who didn’t care about the feelings of others, his mother had always

cautioned him to be respectful to people, no matter their status, now he felt he had disrespected his

mother’s memories with the way he treated Arianna.

Oliver sat on his king-size bed and lay flat with his back. The whole issue had given him a headache;

he closed his eyes and exhaled. Few seconds later, he saw the image of his late mother appear in his

mind and he shot his eyes open, breathing heavily like he had just woken up from a horrible nightmare.

This always happened whenever he did something terrible; the picture of his late mother would always

haunt him until he right his wrongs.

“Damn it!” He cursed silently and stood up from the bed.

He walked to one end of the wall where his mother’s portrait was hung and brought it down. He wiped

the dust off it and kissed the picture.

“Please forgive me mom,” he muttered.

He knew he would not be at peace until he did what was necessary. The fact that Arianna rejected the

money haunted him the more, if she had accepted it, then he wouldn’t have felt this guilty.

He knew exactly what he had to do, he had to find her and apologize to her, or else he would never

know peace. Nemesis would not let him go that easily, unless she forgave him.