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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60


“That's not it. After my parents married overseas, they didn’t have contact with relatives and friends. | went back

to Sheysea City to meet srelatives. They were too enthusiastic, so | couldn't come

until now.”

Joseph smiled while scratching his head. “My cousin askedto help him make a book of genes for his


“The handsguy who drove you here just now is probably not your cousin, right?” Azure's eyes lit

1. up.

“Nope. He's my cousin,” he said with a smile.

“What a pity!” She sighed. “He is handsome. But he has a girlfriend!”

“Really? He's handsome?” Daphne leaned over curiously.

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“Does he have anything to do with you? You're pregnant!” Justin rolled his eyes at her.

Hearing the word pregnant, Audrey subconsciously stroked her belly, looking pale.

“Get in the lab! Let's start work!”

Justin put on his white coat and saw her pale face, so he asked, “Are you feeling uncomfortable? You can go back

and rest. Don’t force yourself!”

Everyone knew her well. She wouldn't say anything when she was ill.

She smiled. “I'm fine. | sent Harper to school today. | was too busy preparing things last night and didn’t rest

well. I'll have a cup of coffee later.”

After spending half a day in the laboratory, she had no appetite for lunch and sat at the entrance. She had

closed her eyes and was thinking about what to do next.

Feeling someone sit down beside her, she opened her eyes.

Joseph smiled and handed her a bottle of milk. “You have been sitting here without eating. Drink


She took the milk and said, “Thank you. You can head in first. Ill be there in a moment.”

“That's fine. I'm waiting for my cousin! I left my laptop in his car. He’s bringing it to me.”

He had fair skin and curly hair, like a handsman from a comic. And he looked good when he


Soon, they heard the sound of tires screech, and a black SUV stopped at the entrance.

The passenger door opened, and black boots appeared.

Nathan got out of the car, his injured arm was hanging in front of his chest. Then, he raised the

Chapter 60

laptop. “Joseph!”

Audrey subconsciously tightened her hands. He also saw her.

She was stunned as she never knew that Joseph was his cousin.

In all her years at Franklin Residence, she had never seen Joseph.

Since Anne's death, she lost her original love for Nathan and even regretted it.

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She regretted ever falling in love with him and bringing him to Eastville.

After watching the video, she knew he did want to save Anne before the car hit her. But she still couldn't forgive



“Over here!” Joseph sat upright and waved to him as if he had no intention of getting up and going to

get it.

Nathan quickly looked away from her, walked up to Joseph as if he didn’t know her, and threw the laptop over.

“You're so lazy!”

for your f

“I worked hard to write a book of genes wife. You just needed to sendthe laptop. I'll complain to her if you


“I'm going back to the lab first.” She stood up and said, “Thank you for the milk.”

At first, she thought that after this accident, she would never meet Nathan again.

But at 7:30 pm, when she cout and was going to pick up Harper for dinner, she saw his black SUV parked

outside the laboratory building.