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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

A smile smeared across her lips and she locked her phone screen to focus on the symposium.

Previously, Joseph had heard of her achievements and nicknas a prodigy, but he didn’t know how capable

she was.

Now, he finally realized how formidable of a person she was.

Diego was absent due to a severe cold and fever, so Audrey was representing him on the frontline.

Even without the documents in hand, she could speak to the big shots with ease.

While Joseph had yet to peruse the whole document, Audrey had the information etched in her head.

In addition to that, she voiced out her two cents and shared her data based on the experiments she had

conducted before they departed to Slovomia.

Professor Ilyich couldn’t help expressing his series of exclamations. He even proposed to Diego about recruiting

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her into his research team.

Needless to say, Professor Ilyich was willing to have his mentee stay in Diego's research team at the


The symposium cto an end, and Audrey was standing while clearing up her stuff at her seat.

She almost knocked the microphone over, but she managed to catch it before it fell.

Right then, she received a call from Ryan.

“Has the symposium ended?” he asked.


“Yeah.” she left the room with her arms hugging her stuff.

“I'm outside the building. Take your time,” he assured her.

The call ended. She wore her coat and slid her hands into the gloves.

Following that, she scurried her way out with a bag over her shoulder. The professors wanted to speak to her, but

she kept the conversation short and excused herself.

Toward the end of March, the hottest the Slovomia weather could get was only as high as 35°F. It was


Once Audrey left the conference room, a warmly dressed Yvonne took the bag from her. “Julian said Mr. Lambert

is here.”

“I know.”

Despite the distance, Audrey noticed Ryan standing next to Slovomia’s national flag pole.

A yellow sheen of light cast down on him as the snowflakes danced in the background.

Chapter 107

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His good looks were enough to make it a breathtaking picture to behold.

He broke into a smile as soon as he caught sight of her.

His smile was contagious, so much so that she couldn't help but raise of the corner of her lips.

She walked up to him.

“Are you done with the preparations for the company?” asked Audrey, who raised her head.

She had finally gained sweight compared to the past. Like an innocent Daisy that was blooming, she was

getting prettier by the day.

The snowflakes melted over her eyelashes and she looked adorable.

“Yup, everything is prepared.” He removed one of his gloves to dust off the snow on her head before holding her

hand. “Let’s go.”

“Where to?” she followed him down the fleet of stairs.