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Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42
You could smell the aroma from the food outside. We had been living on small portions for over the last week. The smell was
nearly intoxicating as we followed it inside. We made our way to the kitchen and poked our heads inside. Immediately everyone
stopped and bowed to us.
“Please do not stop on our account.” I told them and they got back to cooking. “We were just here to tell you how wonderful
everything was smelling and to grab a small snack.” I smiled and you could see it put them in better spirits.
I walked to the fridge and took two yogurts out alonh wigh two waters. I looked around and saw one of the cooks open a drawer
for the silverware. I walked over took two spoons and slipped out with Everest. We ate it and for me the flavors of strawberry and
banana danced on my tongue. “Mmm. So good.” | moaned out.
Everest nodded as he inhaled his.
| savored mine as he was already finished. I laughed between bites. “Did you even taste it?” I teased.
“Yup it was blueberry.” He frowned. “I think.” He looked at the writing on the yogurt cup and nodded speaking more confidently
this time, “Yep, blueberry.”
“Uh-huh. You inhaled it. Want some of mine?” I held a bite of my yogurt in front of his face. He took his mouth and covered the
end of the spoon.
When he released the spoon he nodded “Yep that’s pretty good too. Better than that stupid granola we’ve been surviving on.”
I laughed and nodded in agreement. When we finished we threw our trash away and put our spoons in the sink. We walked the
halls together searching for Camden and Jeremy. We soon found them in the library sitting at a table with a large map.
“Enjoy yalls visit?” Camden looked up at us as well as Jeremy. “We did, thank you for having your pack take good care if him.” I
told him. “So, how was he then? How was his spirit? I couldn’t imagine.” Jeremy asked.
Everest spoke this time “He was in good spirits, a little worried about if his wolf would abandon him or not. But, I told him to not
worry.” We strolled over to the table and looked at the map that was laid out.
It was a very detailed map of Sir Brennons pack. He had a lot of land to cover and we were trying to figure out the best route.
“If only we could sneak by the territory boundaries.” Jeremy said, his attention back on the map.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Everest leaned over and he smirked as he looked down at it. “I may just have a fix to that. They’re on their way to the Kingdom
as we speak.”
“Who?” Camden asked.
“Yes cousin, who do you have that could make us nearly invisible?” Jeremy c****d his head to the side as he looked between us
both. I knew he was talking about Miranda, but I also knew he wanted to keep that secret hidden.
“I just might, might have it covered. I will know more when we get to the Kingdom.” He told them both.
“You keep your secrets then. I see you there King Everest.” Jeremy laughed.
“Well, men, if we can stay undetectable I suggest that we go in here.” Camden moved and pointed to the Northern most point on
the map.
“Where is this exactly?” Jeremy asked. I stepped closer to get a better look for myself.
“This,” He paused as he pointed to an area “This is our way in. It is a river valley between two large hills or mountains. Whatever
you want to call them they’re huge. It would probably be our safest bet to entering, seeing how his town is here.” His hand moved
way across the map towards the coast and I frowned.
“That has got to be a good two day run.” Everest said. “It is about three.” Camden said. “S**t. That’s a lot of land to cover.”
Jeremy said. “Most is unuseable.” Everest said.
I studied the map closely as they talked more details about the plan. I wanted to get the best layout of the land. I felt them
watching me and I looked up. They were curious, could tell. “I am just looking at how this river wraps its way around. It ends up
dumping into the sea.” I pointed out.
“Yes it does.” Jeremy moved to looking over my shoulder. Camden looked at the opposite side as Everest sent a warning glare at
Jeremy who moved away. I rolled my eyes at them.

“What is your point?” Jeremy asked me.
“Well my point is, what if some of us split up and come in this way. Almost as if through the backside, behind them. Like your
warriors did when you rescued me?” I looked at Everest and he smiled.
“It might work. We will have to discuss it with King Brent. He could take his group of warriors that way. It is a very smart plan
Avalynn. Good thinking.” Everest smiled at me and it made me feel good inside.
“That is a great plan Avalynn. I never would of thought to use that to our advantage. They never would see it coming.” Camden
told me.
Jeremy looked at me and seemed baffled before he spoke “Avalynn, how are you so knowledgeable on war? We all three have
been there, done that. But how are you-? There was a knock on the door interrupting Jeremy. He seemed a bit annoyed and we
all laughed,
“Come on in.” Everest called out and in walked Daniel. “Good to see you Daniel. Visit with your nephew?” Camden asked him.
“I did, thank you for caring for him.” He said before switching the subject as his eyes looked over to the map, nodding in its
direction. “What are we discussing?”

“How brilliant Avalynns plan on splitting up and attacking from two different sides truly is.” Camden looked at me and back at
Jeremy “Well at least I think that’s what Jeremy was trying to say in the end.”
Jeremy frowned and rolled his eyes. “Yes it is a brilliant plan. Here let us fill you in before we get called away.”
Daniel moved closer as he looked at the map more closely. He was told the plan and how we would execute it.
“You have someone that could make us hidden?” He looked awestruck.

“We might.” I said to him. “When we get to the Kingdom we will have more information for everyone.”
“That is interesting. If it works out in our favor it would for sure give us an upperhand.” Daniel spoke to all of us.
“It really would.” Jeremy agreed and the the rest of us nodded.
Another knock sounded on the door. “Come in” Camden called out and a tall woman entered and bowed her head “I am here to
let you all know that dinner is ready. Your tables have been set with everything you shall require.” She curtsied and left the room
We left the room and made our way down to the dining hall. It was a large room that was lined with tables. Everyone stood and
bowed their heads to us as we all walked through the room. We made it to our seat and sat down. All different kinds of food was
on our massive plate. Steak, chicken, shrimp, twice baked potatoes, fried zucchini, steamed broccoli, green beans, corn on the
cob, and an oven roasted onion. We began eating and it was absolutely delicious. I ate almost all of it, I didn’t really realize how
hungry I really was. Everests portions were larger and he finished his and ate the rest of mine when I offered it to him. We sat
and talked and enjoyed our night even with the threat of danger lurking close.
After dinner we walked around the room to speak to different warriors. They asked us different questions and we answered them
accordingly. My few members of security was following us the entire time and they continued to look around for any signs of
imminent danger.
Once the evening was over we made our way back up to our room. When we walked in 1 immediately made my way to the
bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind me. I turned on the shower to the hottest setting I could stand. Got in and just stood
under the water.
The warm water felt wonderful as it washed away dirt and grime. Soon Everest joined me in the shower and assisted in washing
and getting me clean. I returned the same help
and assisted him in helping him wash his back.
I took my time washing him and ran the soapy loofah along his strong shoulders. I rinsed it with the warm water and watched as
his muscles flexed as he moved. I placed a soft kiss along his spine and he turned to face me.
He put his hands on either side of my cheeks, cupping my face. I smiled up to him as he
let his thumb move along my bottom lip slowly. I pressed my lips together and against his thumb and he smiled down to me.

He moved his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head against his chest as water still flowed along our
bodies. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, relaxing into his arms. We stood like this, holding onto one another until the
water began to run cold. Although there was nothing s****l to come of it, the moment felt very intimate to me.
We turned the water off and dried off. I kept the towel around my body as I walked into our bedroom. I found some moisturizing
lotion and rubbed it along my arms and legs, dropping the towel to the floor and crawled into the large bed.
Everest crawled into bed with me and pulled me to him. I laid my head on his chest as I listened to the sound of his heart
beating. I closed my eyes and soon was drifting off to a comfortable deep sleep.
We slept until well after the sun rose and scooted out of the bed. We got dressed and made our way down for breakfast and
coffee. We sat at a table and ate eggs, sausage, hashbrows, and biscuits. I sipped my coffee, enjoying the silence this morning
We would go later this afternoon to help Trevor out of the hospital. We would put him in an SUV with my two security guards who
were left and take them to the capital. They would have about a six hour head start if they left at one. Which should put us both
there around the same time tomorrow, us beating them by an hour or so.
– Jeremy sat down with a plate mounded over with food and started eating. I continued to sip my coffee as he stuffed food in his
mouth. Everest got up and disposed of our plates. I felt eyes on me so I looked across the table. Jeremy was looking at me and
had a weird smile on his face.
“What is it?” | questioned him.

“It is just, well, I have never seen him this happy before. He seems different. A good different. He used to never smile, always
had a very serious way about him. So you are truly are his fated mate? Not a chosen mate?” He took a very large bite of the
sausage biscuit he made.
I smiled and took another sip of my coffee “We are fated mates. He found me, saved me, and helped me become who I am. I
had a rough teenage life. I was severely bullied by
the man who killed his father.” I watched as his eye brows raised.
“What do you mean you were bullied the man who killed his father?” He sat his biscuit down and Camden now joined us.
“Everest said he would be a moment, some warriors have trapped him in conversation.” He let us know.
“Thank you.” I looked back at Jeremy “Yes. The man who killed Everests father was the future Alpha of the pack I was from. My
first fated mate. He rejected me because I didn’t have a wolf and he thought I was a human. He told me horrible things, told me I
would be better off dead on my eighteenth birthday. Luckily enough for me, Everest was there when I was about to end it all.
Charlotte, my Lycan who I didn’t know was a Lycan, appeared and I ran away from him after he kissed me. I thought he was a

Rouge. I was left confused and conflicted and worried because of everything that happened.”
I noticed that they both had stopped eating and was watching me closely. Sol continued “To my surprise he was the Lycan Prince
and claimed me in front of everyone. Helped me through my first shift. He saved me again when I was kidnapped by the Royal
Rouge who was working with my ex mate and now here I am.” I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at them.
“So wait. Your first mate was the Alpha of the largest Wolf Pack in our territory? He rejected you and then by the the grace of our
Moon Goddess you were mated to King Everest? But also he wanted some type of revenge and hooked up with the Royal
Rouge and now here we are eating breakfast with one another? Remarkable.” Jeremy said and took a bite out of his food.
“That is rather interesting how that fates align.” Camden smiled. Everest rejoined us as he sat next to me. “What are yall talking
about?” He asked. “Us.” I said. “Us?” He sounded confused.
“Yeah, on how you two met. It is pretty interesting.” Jeremy said. “You are both very lucky and fortunate to have found one
“Thank you. I feel lucky.” Everest said and that brought a big smile to my face. “Atleast you aren’t grumpy and overbearing
anymore.” Jeremy teased him. “Sol have been told.” Everest laughed. .Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

We sat with them for a while and chatted about different things until it was time to go bust Trevor out. Daniel joined us as we
walked over to the hospital. When we walked into the foyer, Trevor was already being pushed out of the elevator in a wheelchair.
He didn’t look too happy about it but he smiled when he saw all three of us waiting for him.
“I told them I could walk.” He shrugged off a laugh.
“Of course, but it is hospital policy to push you to your ride.” Daniel responded with a grin.
“We can take it from here, thank you for bringing him down.” Everest told the nurse.
She bowed and took her leave and I looked back at him. His arm was neatly bandaged and in a sling type device. “So I have
already made contact with the physical therapist in the Kingdom and she will be waiting for you to arrive. She and her assistant
will also assist you in setting up your room how you like it to better help you. She will show you easier ways to do things and be
there for about two hours.” I smiled.
“Really? Thank you. Where will my brother be?” He frowned
“They can visit you whenever you would like. But we gave you a large room with your own bathroom. They are staying with your
aunt and cousins.” Daniel told him.
“Ohh. So I have my own space?” He looked at us all. “You do, with a fully stocked fridge filled with water, Gatorade, snacks, and
if you want
anything else just ask and we will take care of it for you.” Everest told him.
Trevor seemed genuinely excited but suddenly a cloud of darkness hit him as a memory made its way to the surface. “My
parents, they’re gone. I watched as that man killed them.”
I kneeled down to him and put my hand on his good shoulder. “Trevor? Look at me for a moment.” I waited until his sad eyes
looked at me “I am going to promise you something. Okay?”
He nodded his head and I took a deep breath, finding the right words to show how serious I truly was. “I promise that he will pay.
His days are numbered, it is just a matter of time. For everything he has done to me, to you, your family, your pack, and to
everyone else he has harmed. Just know that he will regret every single decision he has ever made. He will

not get away, he will be brought to justice. I promise you that if it comes down to it my lycan Charlotte and myself will take care of
him. Do you hear me?”
He slowly nodded his head and mumbled “I hope he has a painful death.”
“I will rip him from limb to limb. I will cause him as much suffering as he has put you through.” Everest chimed in and Trevor
looked up at him.
“Good he deserves it.”
We all stayed quiet for a moment as we waited for the SUV and the rest of my security detail to arrive. When they walked in
Trevor instantly perked up.
“Trevor these two wonderful lycan ladies are part of my security team. This is Emma and Jane. They will be traveling with you
back to the Kingdom. Jane, Emma this is the famous Trevor you have heard so much about.” I introduced them and Trevor stuck
out his good hand to greet them and they all shook hands.
We helped load Trevor and what little things he had inside the SUV and shut the door. The window rolled down as Everest and
myself walked over to it. “We will see you tomorrow afternoon okay?”
“Okay. You guys be safe and be careful.” He told us.
“We will. You too.” We stepped away and let Daniel say his goodbyes. They ended with a massive hug and a clap on the back
through the window. It was interesting to see that Daniel didn’t open the door to make it easier on himself. It looked rather
We all stood there and watched as the SUV pulled away and I felt happy.
I decided to link Amber “Hey. Trevor just left and is on his way there. We will be leaving in the next few hours. How are things
“They’re fine. Everests mother has been handling Sarah and that dreadful treasonous council member. She showed me the letter
she wrote to her father but she was unsure if she
should send it out. It was begging him to stop, she didn’t want any of this and didn’t want Dexter.”
“Wow. Well I would just wait to send it. Just don’t tell her. Has she been causing any other issues?”

“Nope. She has been doing everything she is supposed to be doing.”
“Great to hear. Just hold onto the letter please.” “Will do. You guys be safe. See you soon.”
The link ended as we walked to our room to pack and relax. I wanted a nap as I laid across the bed on my stomach. Everest laid
next to me and began rubbing my back. I smiled into the pillow and soon I drifted into a light sleep.