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Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

I woke up with a heavy feeling, today was going to be rough. I had so much I needed to do, to

accomplish and a jam packed schedule. I started the coffee that was in our room while Everest still

slept. I walked into the bathroom showered, done my make up, and my hair.

I was sitting at my vanity thinking of what we could possibly do. Do we fight an unknown sizable army

of Lycans, Wolves, and whatever else he has picked up along the way? Go into this blind? I really do

not think that is the best option we have.

I sighed as I burnt my finger on my curling iron and looked at the burn.

‘I need more coffee’ I said to myself as I stood and walked out in my robe and saw Everest busy on his

phone. He glanced up at me and smiled. I returned the smile to him as I poured and fixed my coffee.

“Good morning.” The hint of sleep still lingering in his raspy deep voice.

“Good morning.” I sipped my coffee and walked over to him, sitting down. “So I don’t think we should

go directly to war unknowingly or unaware of what he has. I do think, however, we should go and

evacuate the wolf and Lycan packs and send them here to stay with the many hotels we have. We can

give the hotels a generous donation for helping accommodate the needs of their territory. While we s

out and see what Dexters numbers truly are.”

He looked at me as he pondered the idea. “We will need to discuss this with our council leaders. It is a

very good idea.” He stated.

“I will bring it up to them. I think, well believe, that this is honestly our best option to preventing

casualties from Dexter’s wrath. We can have everyone train together, in obvious shifts until we are

ready to go.” I stood and walked to the closet to change.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“To finish getting ready, well dressed I suppose. For the ceremony.” I smiled and closed the door. I got

ready and walked out of the room. Everest was already dressed and we walked down together.

The ceremony was quick and initiated me into the Royal family. It wasn’t the crowning ceremony but it

was without the crown. We would save that for when everyone could be present. I felt an instant

connection when invited into the Royal Link. It was like a bright connecting wire literally tied me to my


“Feel any different?” Amber asked.

“I do in a not so big way just small. Like more connected to our people. It’s weird explaining something

that you can’t really see to describe. It’s just a feeling.” I smiled “But I feel better knowing that I can

communicate with our people now and not just one sided.” | smiled.

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I truly was happy as we walked behind Jameson and Everest discussing my idea. I overheard Jameson

call the plan brilliant and it made me feel good inside.

“Well I want you there at the council meeting to help persuade them if they need it. Then you are in

charge of gathering a scouting team to send out under your command. Take Ted if you need to, he may

not admit it, but he is fantastic with details and spotting things others may have missed.”

“Of course, Everest, anything we can do to help you guys out.” Jameson responded. “Thank you, we

really do appreciate it.” I told him.

“Can’t you over throw the council though Everest?” Amber asked him and he nodded.

“I can but it’s frowned upon and creates friction where we don’t need it. Especially now that Dexter has

made a quick recovery and is back on the move. They really would disagree with us leaving the

kingdom and want to close off all gates and be hermits.” He paused and let out an aggravated sigh, “I

am obviously not going to do that. My father, Goddess rest his soul, in his later years would send out

his team of men. They would scout and bring back whatever he requested. I am more of boots on the

ground kind of leader. I want to be right in the thick of it with my men.”

“Of course you do babe. That is how our people learn to trust and look up to you. You’re a great King to

our people.” I told Everest.

“Absolutely. One million percent. I agree.” Jameson stated.

We gathered the papers of information that we organized and went to the council meeting. Everest and

Jameson argued back and forth with the members of the council. Everest was right about one thing,

they wanted to sit back and see what he was doing. I got annoyed at their unwillingness to help our

people who needed protection.

I listened to both sides and decided to start looking deeper into their minds.

I went from member to member until I stumbled upon something that seemed interesting. Well,

dangerous really and I glared at him. I felt the link open between Amber and myself

“You okay?” She asked me. “The man in navy, who is he?”I asked her.

“That is Mr. Wilde. He’s from one of the oldest families in our territory. Very rich and extremely powerful

because of his position in the council. He is one that is super trusted throughout the castle. Why do you

ask?” I saw her glance over at me, curious as to why! singled him out of everyone.

“He helped let the person from Dexter’s men to come in to help Ryder escape. He also was supposed

to help Sarah as well, bit failed? The more I pry the more blurry it seems to be. But he did supply the

guns and the silver bullets to Ryder and the person who helped him escape.” I told her honestly.

Amber gasped out loud and all eyes went to her. “Spider.” She stomped her foot and raked her shoe

iacross the carpet. “Dead now. Just scared me. No worries.” She laughed it off and the guys went back

to talking.

“Smooth, really smooth.” I laughed between our link.

“Sorry! You just took me by surprise. That wasn’t something I would of expected from him. He was

super trusted with Everests father, friends even. Solam surprised you uncovered that.” She was angry

with him, I could feel it through our link.

“Think they will leave for a moment if I ask the coucil members to leave?” I asked her.

“They may ask you why but you don’t have to tell them the reason. Or you can come up with a fake one

on the spot.” She told me.

I stood and walked to the center of the room and smiled at them all. I spoke very softly to them,

“Excuse me gentlemen, would you mind leaving us for just a little moment. I have received an

important private message from my brother and need to share the information. It is very important and

brings news of a friend.” They nodded and left the room. I waited until the door closed and looked at

Amber then the guys.

I decided to use my linking and linked them all three of them into the conversation

“Okay.” 1 started and they both looked confused. “Eves droppers.” /explained quickly before they

opened their mouths to actually speak out where others could hear.

“Ohh.” They both said in unison.

“So Amber already knows this and this is the reason she gasped. The man who was the most pushy

against what you were saying, Mr. Wilde / think is his name? He is guilty of letting in one of Dexter’s

men as a guard, he is the one who presented the gun with silver bullets to Dexters man and to Ryder.”

– I watched their faces change into a pure rage. Hair began to sprout on their arms shifting to fur as

they were both beginning to shift.

“Go get them!” Everest roared as he was in mid shift.

I nodded my head and walled outside. The men nodded and followed me back inside. I shut the door

immediately and they stopped. They looked at me in fear because Everest was stalking toward them.

“Only one of you should be afraid right now. One of you have committed a treasonous crime and have

become a traitor. You all know that means death.” My eyes narrowed on the man who was guilty.

He looked absolutely terrified and was shaking where he stood, He went to start shifting but Everest

clutched him by the throat, cutting off most of his air supply.

“Why!?” He growled. “Why would you help the man who killed my father, your friend!”

The older man gasped for air and clawed at Everests hands, trying his best to free him.

Everest slammed him on the ground and Jameson quickly picked him up, and detained his hands.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jameson faced the older man to Everest.

“Sarah.” Was all he said. “Sarah?” Everest was just as confused as everyone else.

“Yes, she is family. A cousin, maybe third. Her father told me to set them free. But only Ryder was able

to get free, they left her behind when the guards were able to gain access in. Ted made sure of that.

They left her behind.” He closed his eyes and it made sense why Sarah was hesitant on telling us

anything at all.

I watched as Everest realized the entire thing. The council members were angry with him, I was angry

with him, everyone in the room was just angry.

“I will not fight you. I will take my punishment. I understand what that might be and if it’s death, let it be

quick.” He said in the most calm voice there was.

“Guards! In here!” Everest voice boomed through the room, echoing off the walls. The sound caused

myself and Amber to flinch at the loudness of his voice. The men came rushing in quickly as I am sure

they heard what was going on previously.

“Take Mr. Wilde into custody, search him for any weapons, and then bring him to the prison cells below.

Please use caution, this one likes to carry silver.” He words were laced with poison that shot out like


The guards searched him and took him away. The other three council members looked amongst

themselves almost as if in a silent conversation. One stepped up and looked between the four of us

before he cleared his throat to speak.

“You want to go out there and now we see why. You don’t know who to trust in this trying time. The only

ones you can trust are within your private circle. You have our approval to whatever means necessary.

Whatever it takes to get our fellow people out safe and out of harms way, we will ensure happens.

Even if it means taking them into the human territory until we are ready, we will pay the human hotels

every single day until this is over. Our people is our responsibility. Do what you must, but please be

careful. This Dexter is wild and obviously very dangerous.”

Everest walked over to the three of them and shook their hands, thanking them each. I knew it was

time to get ready. Ready to leave and onto a new mission and a new purpose. It was going to be a long

next few days as we rush to evacuate packs but it has to be done. This is something that we can not


We would need to go with an army of warriors at our sides, just in case we ran into Dexter along the

way. A small part of me hoped that we would. That small part also wanted to destroy the bastard and

rip him to pieces.

We couldn’t risk going alone and getting caught behind enemy lines. This mission was going to be very

risky and dangerous. I couldn’t be more excited as my Lycan craved revenge and stirred inside.