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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 43
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Chapter Forty Three Amber's POV.

| had just returned hfrom my dinner meeting with Colonel Miller, my mind still buzzing with the possibilities our newfound alliance held when | overheard a voice in the hallway.

It was a woman's voice, demanding to meet the wife Richard had married. Confusion swirled in me. Who could this woman be, and why was she making such demands? For a moment, | contemplated whether | should interrupt their conversation or simply sneak back out and enter through the kitchen entrance. But then it hit| had every right to walk into my own home.

Despite the circumstances of our marriage, | was legally known as Richard Romero’s wife, and | had the authority to be here, not whoever that was.

| took a deep breath, steeling my resolve, before confidently walking into the room. As soon as my eyes landed on the woman in question, | couldn’t help but pause momentarily.

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| hadn't expected her to be so beautiful and tall.

Anger simmered inat the sight of her, frustrated that Richard had brought someone like her into our hjust three days after our wedding. He had boasted about his self-control, claiming | had nothing to worry about regarding his personal life since he knew how to keep it together so well. Apparently, his words meant nothing.

With a slight sigh, | straightened my shoulders and walked toward both Richard and the woman, curious to understand what was happening here by this tof the night.

| cleared my throat, my voice laced with a hint of authority as | addressed the woman directly. “And why do w want to see me?” | asked. “Apologies if | caught you by surprise, but | couldn't help but overhear your demand to meet me.” Both Richard and the woman seemed taken aback by my sudden appearance, but | made a point of appearing unaffected by their surprise.

Before Richard could utter a single word, the woman spoke up, introducing herself as Angela. She JOCKSW Play G 14:26 Fri, 1 Mar er Chapter Forty Thre Up to 50% off suddenly started to claim to be an important close friend of Richard's, and | almost rolled my eyes at how repetitive she was being.

| shook my head in disbelief, my frustration mounting as Angela continued to try and defend her presence in our home. “I never asked you to describe the nature of your friendship with my husband, Angela dear,” | replied curtly.

Angela seemed taken aback by my response, shock etched across her face. But | couldn’t find it in me.

to care about her astonishment.

Turning to Richard, | directed my attention to him, searching for any shred of explanation. “Is there any reason for Angela to be here at our hwhen it's almost 9 pm?” | asked.

Richard hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between Angela and me. Finally, he sighed. “No, there isn’t,” he admitted, the weight of guilt tainting his words. “Angela, it’s tfor you to leave.” | mustered a fake smile, my patience wearing thin. | turned my attention back to Angela, responding to her with forced politeness. “Well, you heard him. It seems like it’s tfor you to go.” | stated firmly.

Angela scoffed at my words, her disbelief evident as she referred toas a rude bitch. | held my ground, refusing to let her get under my skin.

Richard immediately stepped in, warning Angela to watch her mouth and urging her to leave before he had her escorted out. | observed the exchange, a mix of weariness and frustration washing over me. | had hoped for a peaceful night. But it seemed that was too much to ask for.

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Rolling my eyes tiredly, | couldn't help but respond to Angela’s accusation of rudeness. “Who is being rude here?” | asked pointedly. “A wife sending out an intruder who has no business being here or an intruder who refuses to leave when they should?” Angela opened her mouth, seemingly prepared to speak again, but | had run out of patience. Without uttering a single word, | raised my hand gesturing emphatically for Angela to get lost.

My gesture spoke volumes, conveying the message that she had overstayed her welcand it was ti for her to leave.

Angela’s face contorted with fury, her anger evident. But, begrudgingly, she turned on her heel and Play G A Chapter Forty Three walked away, throwing an obvious glare in Richard's direction before disappearing.

Up to 50% off | couldn’t help but notice Richard's lack of reaction, the indifference on his face as he watched Angela's departure.

As soon as Angela disappeared, my patience wore thin and my frustration boiled over. | turned to fate Richard, my eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and anger.

A displeased glare etched across my features as | questioned him. “How could you have allowed a woman into our hjust three days after our wedding?” | demanded. “Our wedding is still a hot topic. Richard. The paparazzi are still lurking around, and people are watching our every move. Do you have any idea what would have happened if this fell into their hands?” Richard sighed heavily, a heaviness settling on his shoulders as he recognized the gravity of his mistake. “Amber. I'm sorry,” he apologized, his voice tinged with remorse. “But it’s not what you think. Angela is nobody important, and | can assure you of that.” 1 scoffed at his feeble attempt to downplay the situation. Tossing my head defiantly. | retorted, “If she’s not important, then why didn’t you speak to her outside the house? Why did you let her into our space? Defensively, Richard shot back, “Amber, I'm being serious. Angela really isn’t important. Just don’t get the wrong idea.” My eyes narrowed as | stared him down “You know what, | don’t care who is important to you,” | responded. “As long as they know their place and stay out of this house. I'll be fine.

Before | could walk away. Richard stopped me. “Hold on, Amber. Aren't we going to talk about your meeting with the Colonel?” | stared at him, annoyance etched across my face. Without uttering a single word, | turned on my heel and made my way to my room, leaving Richard standing there to ponder the consequences of his actions.

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